Charity Rising (Charity Series Book 2)

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Charity Rising (Charity Series Book 2) Page 12

by Kinney, DeAnna

  “Thanks.” I smiled, hugging him again.

  Chapter Twenty

  As the pack gathered around us, Irena burst onto the scene, making her way through the others, and froze when she reached us. She looked at Levi and then at Eli. With open arms, she ran to Eli and threw her arms around him.

  “Oh, Eli, it is you! I didn’t believe it when I heard, but it’s true!”

  How did she identify him so quickly? I wish I could do that.

  “I’m so sorry we had to send you away!” she cried. “It was the only way to keep you both alive. Please forgive us. I’ve missed you every day since then. Oh, Eli, please forgive me!” She threw her arms around his neck again. After only a short minute, his resolve broke and he pulled her up into his tight embrace and held her there. Levi glanced at me and strong emotion was in his eyes. I smiled reassuringly.

  After their embrace was broken, Levi approached Eli, stopping just inches from him. He looked at him for a short moment—then punched him in the nose. Eli went to the ground. “That’s for touching my wife.” Levi took hold of his shirt and pulled him to his feet. He smiled but then punched him again. “And that’s for starting that fight and almost getting me suspended.” He grabbed Eli again but this time pulled him into a brotherly embrace, of which Eli eagerly returned. Everyone began laughing and clapping. It was then that I realized I’d been holding my breath.

  So it was settled. Eli was officially one of us. And I, for one, was glad for it. At least this way he couldn’t cause any more trouble. And he had saved my life, after all, or at least saved me from weeks of recovery.

  What I didn’t expect was what came next.

  Levi approached Raven, standing just inches from his face.

  “Levi, no!” I called, “he saved my life, even killing vampires! You know what that means for him! He can never return to his kind! And most likely they will kill him if they find him!”

  Levi peered over at me and nodded. He did something then that floored me. He extended his hand and offered Raven a place in the pack.

  I know—that’s what I thought!

  Raven looked over at me and then, with a smile, accepted his hand.

  After we returned to the Drake House, Levi held a meeting, allowing me to attend.

  Eli proceeded in telling us all about Wesley’s underhanded plans to dethrone Levi.

  “Wesley explained your heart connection,” Eli began, “and said the easiest way to get rid of Levi was to get rid of Charity. Wesley set up the whole trip to Virginia. He got a pack member, who worked with Frank, to offer free use of his cabin in the Virginia Mountains. Wesley sent me ahead of him to Virginia to find four werewolves who didn’t belong to a pack, and offer them money to meet with him. We ambushed them, wrapped them in chains, and injected them with small doses of silver nitrate. Wesley said small doses would temporarily drive them to be wild and confused, but wouldn’t kill them. We then released them and directed them to the cabin where Charity was staying. I understood he just wanted to scare her. I had no idea they would try to kill her, not with Levi’s scent on her.”

  Eli confessed he had reservations after meeting me at the Prom but didn’t listen to his instincts.

  “Prom?” Levi asked, shooting me a stern look of warning.

  Uh oh. “I’ll explain later,” I mouthed, smiling nervously.

  Eli continued by saying he didn’t see me as one to take abuse from Levi and started to have his suspicions. He was relieved that I hadn’t died in the attack and that me and my mother were fine. He decided then to do some investigating of his own without further assistance from Wesley. Wesley was angry, but what was he gonna do? He admitted that in impersonating Levi he was able to discover that not only did I love him, but he seemed to love me too, which meant he’d been lied to. Once he knew for sure, he decided to come clean with me, and the clearing was as good a place as any.

  After he finished spilling his guts, he asked for everyone’s forgiveness. They eagerly accepted.

  But I also had something I needed to say. “Now, every one of you, except for Joseph, owes me an apology. I was not unfaithful to Levi and I never will be.” I crossed my arms over my chest. “I’ll start accepting those now.”

  Levi laughed but was the first to kneel at my feet and beg my forgiveness. One by one the others followed. I knew, in a small way, they were mocking me, but to tell you the truth, I liked it anyway. What do I have to do to get respect around here anyway? I keep saving their canine butts, after all.

  “So, Levi,” I asked, looking also to Raven, “do you think we will see Griffin again, or has he given up?”

  “Well,” Levi said, “he will be hard-pressed to recruit others to his cause once news of today’s defeat reaches their ears.”

  “This is true.” Raven said, “I think it is safe to say that this battle is over. At least for now. It could take years for them to regain their strength in numbers. But Griffin is not one to give up easily. I daresay you will most likely see him again someday.”

  This gave me a lot to think about. Although I was thrilled that the uprising was squashed, I hated the idea that it wasn’t over. We would have to always be watchful, and that alone was a bad feeling.

  Two of our pack members had died in the clearing during the fight. I didn’t know them that well, and they were older members, but they were loved. Levi declared a period of mourning that would last for five days. But first a celebration would take place.

  That night we had a bonfire, first burning our dead, followed by a ceremony performed by our Pastor Frazier. Then the celebration began. Eleven vampires had been destroyed and our pack was saved. To me it seemed a little inappropriate to celebrate when some were mourning the loss of loved ones, but Levi said that’s the way they’ve always done it, and they gave their lives for the safety of the pack. He said it’s what they would want us to do. So that’s what we did.

  I couldn’t help but feel bad for Raven. He stood alone watching the fire blaze. My heart went out to him.

  Levi watched with mixed emotions as I made my way over to stand by Raven. “I’m sorry for your loss. I know it must be hard for you.”

  “It is not so bad. It will be interesting living with a pack of werewolves.” He turned and smiled at me. It was the first time I’d ever seen a real smile from him, and I liked it. “It is very gracious of Levi to offer me refuge. That must have been hard for him after all I have done to the two of you. It would be an insult to deny his invitation, besides I will probably be killed if I do not.”

  “Well, again I’m sorry, but thank you for saving my life. It means a lot to me.”

  “It was my pleasure, my queen.”

  I laughed—then curtsied.

  That night, after all the dust had settled, Levi and I were finally back in our bedroom, lying in each other’s arms.

  “Charity, do you still love me?”

  I sat up and peered at him incredulously. “Did that big, ugly vampire knock something loose in that gorgeous head of yours? Of course I still love you.”

  “I mean, me and only me?”

  I got his meaning instantly. “Levi—you are like the moon and the sun to me—without you my life is total darkness.”

  His expression turned amused.

  “Okay, I know that sounds silly and cliché, but it doesn’t make it less true. The only thing I can compare my love for you to is, on some small scale, the way God loves us. You’re a part of me—I’m a part of you, and I love you unconditionally, except when you’re acting all stupid. You are the most glorious man—ever! There is no other like you—well maybe one.”

  He grimaced.

  “Okay stop! Eli might look like you, and even sort of smell like you, but he’s lacking your kindness—your gentleness—your amazing charm and charisma. Eli’s more rough and edgy. He hasn’t been raised in a tight-knit family like you—one who looks after your back and meets all your needs. And he will never have the experience and knowledge you have to lead this pack. You’re t
he only one right for us. You are the only one I want and will ever want. You and only you—forever. Tu sei l'unico. It means—”

  “Yes, I know. It means ‘you’re the only one for me’. Charity, have you been learning Italian?”

  “Not really. I found a book in the library. I was trying to find out what Barney was yelling at me but stopped when I read those words and memorized them. I never got any further, but I’ll discover what he said soon enough.”

  He smiled his gentle smile. “I don’t deserve you,” he said, tracing the back of his hand down my cheek and then tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

  “Tell me something I don’t know.”

  He laughed. “Okay. Right now—in this very moment—I feel totally complete.”

  I snuggled against him and smiled. It made perfect sense to me.

  Part Two

  Charity’s Rising

  Chapter Twenty-One

  At school the next morning I was drooling as I watched Levi strut like a runway model across the parking lot toward me. I never get tired of watching it—ever. My blood pressure was rising in an alarming rate.

  I started to throw my arms around his neck when he put both arms out to stop me. “Wait! It’s me, Eli.”

  Okay, now I feel sick. I straightened, smoothing my clothing. “Eli, what are you doing here? Where’s Levi?”

  “He asked me to impersonate him one last time. He and his elite are meeting with Wesley and his guys today.”

  “He’s what?!”

  “It’s okay, Charity. They’re meeting in a public place so no one will be tempted to shift and fight. Levi said they needed to settle this rivalry once and for all.”

  “Why didn’t he tell me this?”

  “Because he didn’t want you to miss your exams, for one, and because he knew you’d try to find him. He needs to do this and know you’re safe. That’s where I come in.” He smiled. It was unnerving how much he looked like Levi, the same dimples and everything, creepy.

  “Well, at least he trusts you now. That’s something, right?”

  “Yeah, well, he threatened me with pain of death if I so much as breathed on you, so I guess he trusts me as much as I could’ve expected.”

  We started toward the building. “I hope you’re smart. You’re gonna have to take some exams for him.”

  He shrugged. “I can hold my own.”

  “By the way, you don’t happen to speak Italian, do you?”

  “Um, no. Why?”

  “Never mind.”

  At lunch I tried to call Levi on his cell, but only got his voicemail. I was beginning to worry. I know—so uncharacteristic of me, right?

  “He’ll be fine,” Eli encouraged.

  “I know,” I lied.

  “Charity, I would like to apologize for how I behaved when we first met. I shouldn’t have treated you that way. I was angry with Levi for what I thought was his bad behavior. And I guess somehow I thought I was getting back at him. I know it was wrong. I hope you can forgive me.”

  “Of course I forgive you. You’re family now. I understand why you did it. By the way, are your adopted parents coming to join the pack now?”

  “Yes. They have a lot of things to work out first. You’ll get to meet my little sister. You remind me a lot of her.”

  “Oh, you have a little sister? I thought your parents couldn’t have children.”

  “They thought so too, but a year after they adopted me they had her. She’s very beautiful and smart. I think she’ll fit in nicely here, although she’s having a hard time leaving her friends and her school. My parents agreed to let her finish out this year, but next year she’ll be attending this school.”

  “Well, I’ll do my best to help her fit in. She’s family now too.”

  “Thanks, Charity.” His smile was sincere.

  “That’s what friends are for, Eli. So, what are you gonna do about school?”

  “I’ll be heading back to finish out my year too. I’ll be coming back for the weekends until graduation. This pack is slightly addictive. I’ll find it hard to leave I’m sure.”

  A few minutes later, Ashley slipped into her seat next to me. “Hey!”

  “Hey yourself.”

  “So, Eli,” she whispered, “How do you like our school?”

  “Hey! You knew it was him?”

  “Of course. Josh told me last night. Didn’t Levi tell you?” She looked at my face and grimaced. “I guess not.”

  Delaney plopped down in her seat. “What’s up?”

  “Oh man!” Eli said, eyeing Delaney.

  I kicked him in the leg.


  “So, Delaney, where’s Toby?” I asked. “He says you guys are going out now. Is that true?”

  “Yeah, I guess we’re going out some. I never really knew how sweet he was. Thanks for making me go to the Prom with him, Charity.”

  Every one of them eyed me with curiosity.

  “What? Don’t look at me like that. I knew she’d have fun, and each one of you had better keep your mouth shut about it. If Toby finds out, I’m coming for each of you one at a time. Got it?”

  Eli began nuzzling up to my ear, no doubt trying to take advantage of the position he had me in. I kicked him again.

  “Geez,” he whispered, “now I’m beginning to believe it’s my brother who’s being abused.”

  “Maybe, but if you touch me again, he’ll be abusing you.”

  I couldn’t wait for school to end so I could find out how Levi’s meeting with Wesley went.

  When the torture was finally over, Eli drove us, in Levi’s car, to the Drake House. Levi was waiting for us there.

  “Charity,” he said pulling me in his arms and kissing me breathless. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about my meeting with Wesley. Surely you understand why. You would’ve found out where we were meeting and followed us. I couldn’t take that chance.”

  “It scares me how much you know me.” I sighed. “Yeah, I understand. I guess it’s a pain being married to me, huh?”

  He laughed. “Sometimes.”

  “So, how’d it go?”

  “Not so well. I had to fight hard not to rip his head off. He’s still sore about losing you. I couldn’t get anywhere with him. We finally just had to leave. Nothing got solved. I’ll try again another time.”

  I laughed.


  “You’re such a great guy. Most alphas would’ve just killed him already.”

  “But that would mean I’d have to take his pack. And to tell you the truth, I don’t want them. I have enough to handle with just mine—and you.”

  I glanced up to find him smiling down at me, his eyes dancing in amusement, and grimaced. “I’m sorry I’m such a pain. I’ll try to be better.”

  He gently touched my cheek. “Don’t be ridiculous. I love you just the way you are. Don’t change anything.”

  “Fine. Won’t find me arguing with that.”

  “So, Eli, how’d you do in my place?”

  Eli’s expression lit up. “Oh man, it’s awesome being you. Although, you might have a little trouble explaining why you flirted with a few girls. Sorry ‘bout that—oh—and that Spanish test you took today—failed it—miserably.”

  “Great. Thanks.” He rolled his eyes.

  “Hey, it ain’t my fault. I’ve never taken Spanish a day in my life.”

  “Anything else?”

  He smirked, flashing his dimples. “Charity let me hold her hand.”

  Levi turned to scold me.

  I backed up in mock fear, and then darted down the hall. Levi was on my heels. He scooped me up in his arms and carried me to our room where he plopped me on the bed and fell down on top of me. “I’ll teach you to hold another man’s hand.” His lips crushed mine in a heated frenzy of passion.

  I managed to pull back. “Oh yeah, and I’ll teach you to send your brother to school to baby sit me.” I pulled him closer, if that were possible, and kissed him harder. In the next sec
onds we were fulfilling our threats. Poor me.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Graduation! Did I ever think it would finally get here? Well, it did. I’d thought of little else in the days leading up to it. Because graduation meant my life with Levi could really begin.

  I passed all of my exams. As a matter of fact, all of us did, although Levi had to persuade his Spanish teacher to allow him to retake his test. Eli was right; he failed it miserably. Levi made up some lame story about an emergency at home that had him distracted and unable to concentrate, which was sort of true. Fortunately, the teacher believed him, and he made a ninety-eight on his makeup test.

  I was in my room, stepping into a beautiful, black, one-shoulder mini dress when Mom called up to me. “Are you ready? We don’t want to be late!”

  “Yes! I’ll be right down!” I jerked the hot rollers out, ran my fingers through my hair, and squeezed off a few spritz of hairspray. Finishing, I put on my lip balm, and headed downstairs, with my hideous, dark green cap and gown dangling over my arm.

  “Oh, Annabelle, you look amazing! Just wait until Levi sees you. He’ll be breathless.”

  “Thanks, Mom.” I was glad it was just she and I for a little while longer. She’d been spending a lot of time with Doc. And although I liked him very much, I had to be honest, I was feeling slightly jealous. But the good thing was, when I moved out, she’d have someone to fill her time. I cringed at the thought of her being lonely.

  When we pulled into the parking lot of the school, I spotted Levi leaning against his shiny, blue Mustang immediately. He was also wearing black; a black dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up and black slacks. The saliva flooded my mouth instantly. I decided to wait until later to put on my gown. The truth is I wanted to see his reaction to the dress. When Ashley and I went shopping we wanted our dresses to make a statement. Her dress said “cute and innocent”, while mine said “Levi Lava Hottie might be my man, but I’m still hotter than him”. Well not really, but you can’t blame me for trying.


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