Charity Rising (Charity Series Book 2)

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Charity Rising (Charity Series Book 2) Page 22

by Kinney, DeAnna

  Hector and Levi both gazed at me in amazement, their mouths gaping open.

  “Don’t look at me, the babies made me do it. How’s Raven?”

  “He’ll be fine. He’s with Doc now.”

  Levi turned to Ashley. “Are you all right?”

  She nodded, but looked around for Josh.

  “I’m sorry, Ash, but he’s not here. Wesley would know something’s up if my beta wasn’t there, so I made him go to the clearing with Eli. He was really worried, but I assured him we’d find you.”

  She smiled. “I understand. You did the right thing, but now let’s get there and save your brother.”

  Levi tucked me under his arm as we walked with speed out the door, all of us in total rescue mode.

  “So,” Hector said in disbelief as we exited, “You really took down that big guy?”

  “You know, Chewbacca, you could learn some respect from Raven.”

  “Yes, my queen.”

  “Okay—never mind. That just sounds down-right creepy coming from you.”

  “Yes, my queen.”

  “Stop it!”

  “As you wish, my queen.”

  “Stop it!”

  He laughed.

  “Levi, make him listen to me,” I whined.

  Chapter Thirty-Nine

  Arriving in the clearing, I observed my pack gathered on the Westside with Wesley’s pack on the other. Everyone looked on in excitement as the two werewolves fought with magnificent strength and speed.

  Eli was holding his own surprisingly well—that is until Levi called out to Wesley, revealing the deception.

  Wesley was so angry, noting me tucked safely under Levi’s arm, that he hit Eli hard, claws extended, sending Eli straight to the ground.

  Levi ripped off his shirt and shifted as he flew into the center of the clearing, all of his built up fury visible on his hairy, snarling face. He struck Wesley with all his strength, slashing at him over and over again. Wesley struggled to keep his footing. Levi continued to pound him, and blood spurted as he struck him in the face, stomach, and chest. Wesley kicked him, sending him flying into the air, but Levi hit the ground in a roll, jumping to his feet so fast I barely saw it and was on him at once, pounding him again. One, two, three punches to the chest; Wesley finally went down—and went down hard. And just when I started to feel like Wesley had had enough, apparently so did Levi. He stopped, glaring down at Wesley slumped on the ground, bloody and broken, and all of his anger dissipated. I could see the exact moment it left him.

  He looked around at the east pack as they all stared back at him, and then he turned to cross the field. Wesley blurred in speed as he sprang up and jumped him, slashing him in the back. Levi went down. Wesley continued to pound him repeatedly in the back and head.

  I stifled my scream as I watched in horror. Ashley came and took my hand. Hector also stood close by. I could feel his presence. I glanced over to see Irena, her hands clasped over her mouth in anguish.

  Wesley was relentless. He turned Levi over, climbed on top of him, and began beating him in the face, hitting him, one, two, three times.

  “Levi!” I screamed. I started to go after him until Hector intercepted me. Eli was also there, holding me, his bloody face already beginning to heal.

  “It’s okay, Mrs. Charity.”

  “No it’s not, Hector! He’s hurt!”

  “No,” he whispered in my ear, “he’s forfeiting.”

  I glared up at him in confusion. “What?”

  “He’s letting Wesley win.”

  Tears filled my eyes at his words. Levi was enduring a beating so that his rival alpha could regain his honor, giving his old friend one last gift, and assuring my safety. Something struck me then—how could I even think my boys would harm each other when their father’s blood ran through their veins? Peace flooded my heart and overflowed.

  Levi tried to stand but Wesley struck his side sending him to the ground once again. Wesley stood over him, pounding his closed claws into his chest and face over and over.

  I had all I could take. “Wesley! Please show mercy! Please!” I yelled out in pain.

  He stopped and peered across the field. His icy gaze met mine.

  I grabbed my stomach and dropped to my knees—my eyes pleading as the tears fell.

  Something happened then that I thought I’d never live to see—compassion filled his eyes. He glanced down at Levi, bloody and beaten, and then took a step back—and another and another. He glanced at me again before stumbling back to his pack. It would take him some time to recover from the injuries sustained from Levi’s fury as well.

  I ran out into that clearing and dropped to my knees beside my husband, who was now in his human form, and took his bloody face in my hands, wiping his face with the sleeve of my shirt. He seemed to be unconscious. I looked over at Wesley who was just shifting back into his human form. He glanced back at me—the compassion was still there. Suddenly—to my surprise—he smiled at me……and before I realized what I was doing, I smiled back. Had he known Levi was forfeiting all along? Did it really matter?

  I peered down at Levi who was now smiling up at me. I slapped his chest. “You scared me to death!”

  “Oww!” he laughed. “I’m sorry, kitten, but once my anger was spent I knew what I had to do.”

  “What made you decide to forfeit?”

  “It was something Mr. Bones said before I left to come find you. He said ‘Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification’. I knew then what I’d needed to do, only I wasn’t sure, with all the anger I had built up for him, if I’d be able to do it.”

  “But you did.”

  He smiled softly, reaching to stroke my face. “Yes, I did. And now you’re safe.”

  “Sei il mio eroe,” I whispered.

  “I don’t know that one.”

  “It means ‘you are my hero’.”

  “Thanks babe. Still haven’t discovered what Barney said?”

  “No, dang it! I keep finding things I want to say to you. I love you so much, you know. Forget Micah, you’re the best alpha this pack will ever know.”

  “Baby, you say the sweetest things.”

  “Not always, but I think today you deserve them, even if you did take away my beloved car; which reminds me, I’m sorry I got mad at you about that. You were right. I shouldn’t have been speeding. I deserve to pay the consequences, even if it means losing my car.”

  He studied me for a few seconds. “And how’d that taste coming outta your mouth?”

  I laughed. “Like a rock……..covered in peanut butter. I guess this wife business is harder than I expected. I hope you’re not too disappointed.”

  He reached up and lovingly stroked my cheek, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. “I could never be disappointed in you. You are everything to me.” I was, at once, lost in the intensity of his gaze. It seemed as if a swirl of yellow was forming in his eyes, but before I could comment, a commotion drew our gaze back to the forest just about the time Grandmammy plowed onto the scene carrying a .38 Special and waving it around like a mad woman. “Where is he?! I’ll put a bullet in his butt if he hurts my Leroy! He’ll not mess with us again!”

  Levi’s elite were on her at once, disarming her as Hector stepped up and escorted her off the field and out of sight, but not before she gave him a good tongue-lashing.

  I glanced back down at Levi. He was amused—we all were. You can say what you want about Grandmammy, but she was definitely the seasoning to our stew.

  “Do you think you can stand?”

  “Um, yeah, I think so.”

  “Guys, come help please!”

  Instantly they were there, helping their alpha to his feet and the look in their eyes was nothing but pure awe.

  Everyone moved aside as he limped through the crowd, me tucked under his left arm, Eli on his right, with Josh and the rest of the elite picking up the rear.

  Wesley came to this clearing seeking to gain
respect, but it was Levi who earned it. Yes, Wesley had regained his honor, something every alpha strives to have—but it was Levi, the knight, who walked off the battlefield with not only his honor in tact, but a legacy to his name. Levi Thomas Drake, greatest alpha in the history of the Drake pack, and my husband, was now a legend in his own right.

  Chapter Forty

  The next morning Levi received a notice from Wesley declaring that the rivalry between the two packs was now officially dissolved, and that if a time ever came when they were needed—they would gladly answer the call.

  “Hmm, will you look at this?!” Levi said in amazement as he handed me the message.

  “Levi! Is this what I think it is?”

  “Yes, but that’s not the amazing part.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a note, unfolded it, and handed it to me. “This note was stuck in our door this morning. It’s from Mr. Bones. I recognize the handwriting.

  I looked down and read:

  When a man’s ways are pleasing to the Lord, he makes even his enemies live at peace with him.

  To celebrate, that evening we had a party, and since dancing seemed to be their favorite past time, it made perfect sense to make it a disco party. The pack spent the entire day preparing for it. The meeting room was reconstructed to look like a nightclub out of the seventies, including the disco ball. The D.J. was instructed to play only disco music, and it was requested that everyone was to dress the part.

  Ashley and I went shopping. I found a pair of maternity, bellbottom jeans. I had a pair of platform heels in my closet at home, but I had trouble finding the top. We went into at least five stores before I spotted the one that was perfect for me; a vintage Star Wars t-shirt from the 70’s. It fit snugly across my new petruding belly, but I liked it. In fact, I liked it so much that I bought Levi one to match, in his size of course.

  Ashley went all out, buying a red, afro wig and a multicolored dress that made me want to puke. Her white platform boots finished her off with a bang.

  When we arrived back, I convinced Ashley to help me research Italian on the Internet. She happily agreed.

  “Okay,” she began, “You won’t believe this but Carolo in Italian means cabbage.”

  “What? That can’t be right. Look again.”

  She did. “No, it really does. Maybe cabbage is an insult in Italian. Sounds weird, but it wouldn’t be the first time I thought that of a foreign language.”

  “That stinking man was cussing me using the word ‘cabbage’. You’re right that’s totally weird. No wonder Levi laughed.”

  A few hours later, I went to the kitchen to check on how the food was coming for the party, and instantly noticed that Barney seemed extra agitated.

  “Barney, is everything all right?”

  “No!” he barked in exasperation. “That crazy, old woman was in here again trying to tell me how to cook meat a balls! Meat a balls!”

  “Calm down. I’ll talk to her again. I’m sure she means well.”

  “Yes, like you!”

  I got angry. “Oh yeah! Well—cabbage to you too, buddy!”

  “Mamma Mia!” I heard him exclaim as I stormed out in a huff and went looking for Grandmammy, to congratulate her.

  The party was spectacular, and everyone seemed to be present, even some I didn’t know yet. Some of the outfits were outrageous, others were hilarious, but Ashley looked remarkably sexy, go figure. I, on the other hand, felt like a fat, cow ready to be milked, and I sulked.

  “Charity, honey, what’s wrong?” Levi asked. “This is supposed to be a party.”

  “I feel ugly. Everyone looks cute but me.”

  He chuckled. “You could never be ugly. You’re the most beautiful, angelic creature here, or anywhere for that matter. And that lovely bump you’re carrying just adds to your exquisiteness.” He pulled me into his arms and kissed me passionately.

  Instantly I felt the way he was describing. “Oh, pooh bear, I love it when you talk sweetness to me.”

  He grimaced. “You know I tolerate a lot of name calling coming from you because I know it amuses you, but that’s one name I can’t tolerate.”

  “Fine—Snoopy it is.”

  He rolled his eyes in mock agitation.

  When he took my hand and led me out onto the dance floor, I didn’t let my pregnancy bump get in the way of my disco jive. Levi showed me up with his sexy moves, but together we were unbeatable—that or everyone was just scared to compete. Lucky for them.

  Once Levi was exhausted, we left the dance floor and took a seat. Ashley and Josh joined us, bringing us drinks with them.

  “Hey, who’s that?” I asked, noting Eli ushering three people to Irena and Joseph. They embraced as if they knew each other.

  “Oh, that must be Eli’s family. Let’s go meet them,” Levi said, grabbing my hand.

  “Levi and Charity, there you are,” Eli said with excitement. “Mom, Dad, this is Levi and Charity, the alpha male and female I’ve been telling you about.” There was great pride in his voice, and I know Levi recognized it as well. “Levi, Charity, this is my father, Steven, my mother, Helen, and this is my sister, Rose.”

  I almost swallowed my tonsils as I peered into the lovely face of Rose. She was the spitting image of Raven’s Rose Monroe. But Eli’s last name was Jameson. The wheels in my brain were turning fast.

  “Charity, are you all right?”

  Oops, I hadn’t realized I was staring.

  “Um—yes. I’m great. It’s very nice to finally meet all of you. Eli has told us so much about you and has been highly anticipating your arrival. ”

  “Yes,” Levi said, looking at me in confusion. “It’s nice to have you here at last. Would you care to take a tour of the facility? A lot has changed since you were here last. And I’ll be glad to show you to your living quarters, so you can settle in.”

  “Yes, that’d be lovely,” Steven Jameson said with a smile.

  Levi looked at me then.

  “Oh, you go on ahead. I’d like to talk to Rose,” I said.

  He smiled. “Of course, kitten.” He kissed my forehead and escorted the Jameson’s out of the room.

  “So, Rose, are you happy to finally be here?” I asked.

  She shrugged. “I guess. I’m a little nervous about changing schools, especially in the middle of the semester, but this place seems pretty cool. I hear these werewolves are big gamers, and Eli says you have a game room.”

  “Yeah, and we also have a massive library. Eli told me you love to read.”

  She smiled a lovely smile, and in that moment I had no doubt that this girl was somehow related to Raven’s Rose. “Um, Rose, may I ask you a question?”


  I could feel her warming up to me, and it pleased me. “Are you named after any of your relatives, by chance?”

  “Um, yes. As a matter of fact, I was named after my great-great grandmother Rose. Why do you asked?”

  My heart pounded in excitement at the possibilities of this new revelation.

  “It’s just that you remind me of someone I’ve seen in a picture. But I could be wrong. Was she a werewolf?”

  “Um, no, but she married one. His name was Carter Jameson.”

  So Raven couldn’t marry her because he became a vampire, but she ended up marrying a werewolf, how ironic. My smile must’ve been scary big, but I couldn’t seem to tame it. “I’d like to introduce you to someone if that’s all right?”

  “Sure, I guess.”

  “Good. Come with me.” I took her hand and led her across the room. When we approached Raven, his back to us, I hesitated. Once he saw her he’d never feel the same way about me. For a brief second I was sad, but then I shook it off and proceeded. “Um, Rose, wait here for just a minute, okay?”

  She nodded.

  I went and stood in front of Raven, his lovely face was already healed from the beating he sustained trying to protect me. “Raven.”

  “Oh, hello, my queen. You know, my only grievance against
this soiree is there seems to be no popcorn here. Oh, you are looking lovely tonight. Like the shirt.”

  “Thanks. I’ll take care of the popcorn later. Right now I’ve got someone I want you to meet.”

  He started to turn until I grabbed his arm, freezing him in place.

  “But before I introduce you, I want to say something. I want to thank you for trying to protect me. I’m very sorry you got hurt in the process, and I want you to know that it meant a lot to me that you put yourself in that position—and—as a friend—I love you.” I stood on my tiptoes and hugged him.

  His surprise was evident, but then he put his arms around me and squeezed.

  “Okay,” I said, pulling out of his newly tight grasp. “Raven,” I reached over and grabbed Rose’s hand and pulled her to my side. “This is Rose Jameson, Eli’s little sister. She’s the descendent of the same Rose you used to know.”

  Raven’s eyes grew wide in astonishment. He just stared at her for a long minute. I could see the renewed hope in his dark eyes; a priceless moment so precious I felt like crying.

  “Rose, this is Raven Vanderburg.”

  “You knew my great-great grandmother Rose?” she asked him. “But how is that possible?”

  Raven just stared without speaking.

  “Well, Raven is a vampire,” I answered for him. “He’s a good friend of ours. As a matter of fact, he’s part of this pack. His living quarters are across the facility. He knew Rose before he was turned. Actually, they were engaged to be married, but I’ll let him tell you all about that.” I took her hand and joined it with his. They both looked down at their joined hands in unison, but neither withdrew them.

  I smiled happily and applied fresh lip balm as I made my way back to my seat.

  “Josh and I saw the whole thing,” Ashley commented as I took my seat. “Are you gonna tell us what that was all about?”

  “Eli’s little sister is a descendent of Rose Monroe.”

  “Raven’s Rose Monroe?”

  “The very one—looks just like her. I got to watch as his broken dreams finally came true.”

  “Yeah, now all he has to do is get her to fall in love with him.”

  “Like that’s gonna be hard. Just look at them. They’ll be married within the year.”


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