Supers_Ex Gods_A Sexy Romp

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Supers_Ex Gods_A Sexy Romp Page 1

by Jamie Hawke

  Supers: Ex Gods

  Jamie Hawke


  Diane Newton

  Tracey Byrnes

  SUPERS: EX GODS (this book) is a work of fiction.

  All of the characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this novel are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Sometimes both.

  Complete Book is Copyright (c) 2018 by Jamie Hawke (of Double Down Press).

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Jamie Hawke.



  A Spicy Sneak Peek

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Author Ramblings

  Read Next

  Supers: Ex Heroes - SAMPLE


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  WARNING: This book contains gratuitous violence and sex, harems, and crazy amounts of superpowered fun. If you enjoy all that, read on! Otherwise… run like crazy.

  If you’d like to keep updated on new stories, freebies, and recommendations of other stories I admire, come check out my FaceBook page at:

  Thank you for reading!

  All the best,

  Jamie Hawke

  Book Blurb:

  Superpowers. Super harem. Super awesome.

  Who in their right mind tells both his lawyer and the judge presiding over his murder trial, “Fuck you!” while still in the courtroom? No one, right? Yeah, you’d be wrong about that. I did.

  You’d say the same thing if you were just found guilty of a murder you didn’t commit, though. Call me crazy for going off like that in court, but trust me, you don’t know crazy until you see what happened next.

  I never believed in superheroes. I certainly didn’t believe that I’d become one, or that strategically forming a harem of hot chicas and getting down with them to form my superpowers would be the key to my survival.

  Did I say my survival? I meant the universe’s. No, really...that’s exactly what happened when I was taken to a galaxy of supers, thrown into a prison ship full of villains, and told it was up to me to stop them all.

  Read on, friend, because it gets a whole hell of a lot crazier from here.

  A Spicy Sneak Peek

  Payday,” Threed said as she licked her lips, face inches from my crotch. Her mismatched eyes, one blue and one red, stared up at me as she unzipped my pants. Her other hand was already caressing my cock through my pants, so that when she pulled down my pants and boxer-briefs, it reported for duty, ready to go.

  “Threed,” she was named because of the way her eyes resembled those old school 3D glasses with the red and blue. So Threed, like Three-D, only pronounced like peed.

  At first, I had found those eyes shockingly out of place. But now, staring up at me with her mismatched pupils and a hint of a smile, one hand gripping the base of my cock while she traced her lips with its tip, they only struck me as sexy as hell.

  “Want more?” she said, and then she blinked, creating a copy of herself at my side—her superpower, and the real reason she was called Threed. She was able to imagine something and make a replica of it, though she could only really make three of something at any given time. It was her limit, because anything more than that and she couldn’t focus enough to make them do anything, even continue to exist.

  3D printing had been a thing for centuries now, but this was taking it to a whole new level.

  Her replica immediately joined in, Threed moving out of the way but bringing my cock with her. When she engulfed it, I thought I was in heaven. Then her replica’s tongue met my balls. My stomach muscles clenched, a tingling worked its way up from my shins to my groin, and I had to bite my lip to keep from yelping in ecstasy.

  “Oh, the big D can’t handle it?” Threed said teasingly, though it sounded muffled as she hadn’t taken my cock out of her mouth. Before I could answer, she started stroking it while moving her head up and down, the replica giggling and flicking her tongue across my balls.

  “Shit, shit, I can’t,” I admitted. Maybe one day, but for now I pulled back, sighed, and grabbed Threed by the ass before hefting her up and onto the counter of our little room in the spaceship.

  The walls were thick enough, and we were mid-flight, so I doubted whether the other girls would hear. Not that they cared—hell, half of them were probably listening in, touching themselves and thinking about getting their turn.

  I needed to rest but couldn’t think about that at the moment. Right then, I needed to bring it like it had never been broughten. So I squeezed her ass while she took my cock and guided it into her wet pussy.

  It was tight, warm…home. Where I belonged. I slid in while moving my lips to hers, pressing firmly and tasting her tongue, then moved my mouth to her neck while my hand that wasn’t on her ass found her breasts, and then we were moving, faster, faster… Another set of hands found my back, moving down to my ass and I jumped, startled, as a finger attempted to work its way down there.

  “No, no,” I said, also not ready for that. Someday, maybe? If I was drunk? A glance back showed me that Replica was pouting.

  “You want me to get rid of her?” Threed asked. “Or can I…?”

  I rolled my eyes, uncomfortable with what I knew she wanted to do, but I said, “Fine.”

  She grinned, blinked again as she wrapped her legs around me and pulled my hips toward her to get the rhythm started again.

  “This is weird,” I heard myself say, but it wasn’t me—it was my replica, standing behind me with her replica, his cock (well, my cock) fully erect and more impressive than I’d ever realized when glancing down at myself.

  “Did you…?” I asked, losing focus.

  “Dear, honey, sugar,” she stared at me, frustrated. “I can only make exact copies. You really are that big.”

  I glanced back, smiled, and said, “Damn.”

  “Stop looking at my cock, er, me,” my replica said, and then we both laughed, and I turned back to focus on Threed. A second later, moans and yelps of satisfaction sounded from the other two, so I knew they were going at it. Threed was watching over my shoulder as I pushed up into her, our two bodies becoming one.

  As tingles spread through my body, sweat formed on my chest as I lost any thoughts of what was going on around me. I didn’t give a shit if watching a mirror of us turned her on.

  Hell, it would probably turn me on too, if I could focus on anything at the moment aside from the amazing feeling of her tight pussy. My mind only had two thoughts running through it—damn this felt good was the first. The second was the realization that this was only the beginning.

  I was in for the weirdest, most amazing sex I’d ever had.


  Payday, bitches.

  It was time to collect the last of my stipend deposits from serving in the Elite Space Marines. Those of us who went special forces—Marine Fo
rce Recon, in my case—were rewarded with a spot in one of the few middle-class cities remaining on Earth. That was me, too poor for the Paradise Planets, but not desperate enough to volunteer for the Planet Kill system.

  This money was destined for great things. For starters, a shot of caffeine to put in my final hours preparing for the last stage of my tests with the Interstellar Bureau of Investigation, or IBI. That would be followed by a nice meal with me and my brother. My treat, as a way of saying sorry for being gone all those years.

  I figured studying at home while getting a chance to check in with my brother and see our foster parents made a lot of sense, but it was going to be a surprise. The idea of walking up to my brother’s door and astonishing him like that made me all giddy as I approached the bank. It was even enough to ignore the lines of beggars to my left and the flying pods overhead, several of them occupied by security forces ready to shoot down those beggars if they tried anything.

  “Thanks,” the tall woman said as I held the bank door open for her, then another, “Thanks,” followed, and I noticed the ten-year-old girl following her. Much like her mother, the girl exuded relative wealth (nobody was really wealthy if they lived on Earth). She had cute little pigtails, but her face was buried in a holographic screen that projected from the device on the back of her hand.

  Holo tablets were only found around places like this bank—even with someone like me around, the beggars would still see that, and likely snatch it in an instant, making me wonder what her mom was doing letting her show it off like that. Sexy mom, but not so smart.

  Hey, I noticed these things. It was all part of the plan. We all have plans, right? Well, mine was to get into the IBI, ratchet up the numbers in my bank account, and then find a wife. If I was really lucky, I’d have a little girl like this one—or a boy, I wasn’t picky. Having survived the Marines, I felt I had another shot at this thing called life, and I wasn’t going to waste it by not having a family.

  That is, if the gods had that in store for me, of course.

  A glance back from the woman and she frowned, watching the way I was eyeing her, and suddenly my goodwill from holding the door for her was gone. Damn. I waited for a couple to enter, then followed after them so that I wouldn’t be in line right behind the other woman.

  Waiting in line at these things was usually a chance for me to run back over the questions and answers I’d been studying for my IBI tests, and I’d been about to do that when the bank door slammed open with a crash.

  “Everyone shut the fuck up!” a man shouted, blaster pistol held high. He was at the entrance, strolling into the bank with purpose, eyes moving across the crowd and quickly analyzing me, then two other guys who looked to be in good shape. Either he was about to flirt, or was scanning the room for possible threats to whatever plan he had in mind. My guess was the latter.

  He went for the largest of us first, aiming his blaster, not even bothering with the tellers or going for the vault. The victim’s eyes went wide, a trickle of piss running down his leg. He was probably just a regular guy, going about his day trying to survive in this messed up world. He didn’t deserve this and apparently had no idea how to deal with it. I’ll say it now, and I’ll say it again—no amount of watching people kill each other or fight on that Planet Kill program will ever prepare you for the moment when a gun is pointed at your face.

  I, however, was special forces, or had been. Force Recon, always ready to lay my life down for my brothers in arms, for my country. Why should this time, here in a bank with all of these civilians and children around, be any different?

  So I charged, slamming into the guy and knocking the pistol from his hand. It was only then that I saw someone I recognized, the man who had just run in from outside—my brother, Chad.

  The recognition had distracted me just long enough for the criminal to recover. I thought he’d go for the gun, but instead, his eyes went all weird, at first silver and then black, or half silver and half black, it was all so confusing. Smoke rose from his fingers, and I was sure either he was high or I was, and that something very bad was about to happen.

  His eyes moved from me to the girl nearby, the one with the pigtails. An image flashed before my eyes of me and a girl like this playing catch, or me teaching her how to swim, and then this son of a bitch strolling in with his fucked-up eyes and trying to hurt her.

  She may not have been my daughter, but there was no way I was letting the bastard touch her.

  My rage boiled up and came out in a war cry this time. My legs carried me forward, my fist pulled back and ready, even as bursts like solar flares started to shoot from his hands. Nothing in me yelled retreat. There wasn’t an ounce of hesitation, only the overwhelming desire to make this guy suffer for thinking he could hurt anyone, ever.

  And then I realized I was a goner. Dead meat. No matter how fast my punch flew, this guy had fucking fire shooting out of his hands. As much as that didn’t make sense, it was there for me to see. My damn reality.

  Fuck it. I didn’t care, because I’d do my best.

  I let loose, and in the moment of panic and dread, processed a portal opening up beside me, a woman standing there, and the criminal turning in surprise. In such moments, you rarely stop to notice a woman, but she was a sight, the sort of image that imprints itself on your mind instantly. Her metallic armor clung to her perfect body in a very revealing and complimenting way. One hand rested on a sword at her side, her eyes—the entirety of which were sky blue, stared at me like she’d found a lost pet, and her hair waved behind her as if she were in the middle of a storm. And that hair! A light purple, bordering on silver.

  It was almost enough to make me forget what was happening, but the flames were still coming my way, their heat touching my skin. The fire washed over me, not affecting me other than that I could feel a dull pain, and I was back in the moment, attacking this asshole who’d tried to hurt the girl. My fist landed as he was distracted, and I knocked him onto his ass. Where my fist had connected with his chest, there was a burning circle. The woman in the portal looked at me, then to the man on the ground.

  “Oh, shit,” she said, eyes going wide. She grabbed him first, then turned to me, snatched me up by the collar of my shirt, and pulled us both through the portal with her. As we went, the man exploded, or seemed to, but then was right there, going through the portal with us.

  “My brother—” I started, turning back to look for him, but all I saw was his stunned expression fading as the world disappeared around me.

  Instead of the bank, now tall walls of metal rose up around me. They glowed as if from a warm sunset, but from the inside. As I watched, black lines like thick veins ran down the walls, expanding, fighting off the light. All around were tall statues that glimmered like diamonds, but they too were being covered in darkness, like a shroud slowly drifting down.

  Then a woman dressed in a black skinsuit appeared in the center of the room, at a spot that I saw was now surrounded by nine other men and women. Only, the woman in black turned to me and I saw she wasn’t a woman at all—instead of a face, a golden faceplate stared back at me with a glowing skull within. Her outfit wasn’t simply a skinsuit, either, but had spikes coming out of the forearms in a way that trailed back up along her arm, and made me never want to mess with her.

  The sight of her caused me to stumble back, pulling me free from the other woman’s grip, so that I fell on my ass. My mind processed cold, but was too focused on being afraid of that woman to have any other thoughts.

  “It’s done,” the woman in black said, and knelt. One of the men lifted his hands and energy flew from the woman, flooding the others nearby, and then they were pulled back into their statues, vanishing with a burst of white and blue light that pushed back the darkness.

  Finally, the woman in black collapsed, only there wasn’t anything left of her—just a black outfit, crumpled on the floor, and the glass that had held the skull. As it smashed on the ground, shattering across the floor in sparkling shard
s of light, it became clear the skull was gone too.

  “Who the fuck is that?” a man shouted, stepping over from behind. He came from the direction of a strange looking craft—a spaceship, no doubt, but it had the look of a missile with turrets and razor-like wings.

  He approached us, having only just then noticed we were there. His glare focused on the criminal on the ground, not giving me a second glance. The criminal was still alive, apparently, and the fiery circle I’d left on his chest was smoldering. Nothing deadly.

  “Eclypse,” the woman who’d taken me said. “Apparently, Ranger’s already sending his supers to Earth. He’s made it through.”

  The man shook his head, gestured to the glowing statues, and said, “Our sacrifice will hold him off. We’ll find our heroes to reinstate the Elders, you…”

  “I have to do this,” she said, eyeing me as if I was a great burden.

  “Navani,” he said, reaching for her.

  She stepped back, pulled me up, and said, “If we want to ever truly defeat the supervillains, Andrew here is our only hope.”

  My mind swirled, confused by everything that had just come out of her mouth combined with the strange sight I’d just seen. Supervillains? Men and women vanishing, and where the hell was I? What had happened to my brother?


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