Losing It: A Collection of VCards

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Losing It: A Collection of VCards Page 12

by Nikki Jefford

  Adrian’s lip curled back. “You mean Raj?”

  Gray huffed. “I got over Raj months ago.”

  “And the Spaniard?” Adrian’s jaw clenched. Gray’s friend Hannah had claimed Gray’s heart was recently broken by a local.

  “Was just a distraction.”

  Adrian eye’s dropped to Gray’s lips as she answered. “And me?” he asked.

  “You’re a diamond in the rough,” Gray said, eyes sparkling as she stared into his. “I didn’t realize it at first.” She chewed on her lower lip briefly. “Actually I didn’t realize it until a couple hours ago, but then it hit me. I owe my existence to you.”

  Adrian snorted. “What I did to you was a mistake.”

  Gray frowned. “You think I’m a mistake?”

  “Never,” Adrian said. Glamour or not, he wouldn’t allow anyone to consider the duplicate Gray a mistake.

  Maybe this really was Gray. Maybe she was on the rebound. What better way to get back at Raj for choosing her duplicate over her? Or maybe this was payback for what Adrian had done to her on stage.

  A larger group approached and split apart, surrounding them like the current of a river rushing past two impassable rocks. Unlike the earlier group, Gray took notice of this one and stepped closer to Adrian to make room for them to pass. Her body pressed against his.

  Before the group had cleared, Adrian’s lips were on Gray’s. They stood making out on the street for several minutes before Adrian broke away. He took her firmly by the hand. This time she didn’t resist.

  Adrian set a brisk pace toward the apartment he’d borrowed—unbeknownst to the out-of-town residents. It was conveniently located near Barcelona’s popular outdoor market on the Ramblas.

  As they moved away from the hustle and bustle of the clubs, the streets quieted. Small side streets bisected the city in all directions creating a labyrinth throughout.

  The warmth of Gray’s hand was not enough. Adrian wanted all of her, and he didn’t want to wait a second longer. At the next street corner, he yanked Gray around the bend and pushed her into the dark alcove along a stone wall.

  Gray’s gasp was quickly drowned by Adrian’s rough kisses. He held her by the nape of her neck. His free hand slid down her back and kept sliding until he reached the hem of her sundress. The flimsy material bunched inside his fist. He ratcheted the dress up to her hips, exposing white cotton panties.

  Gray grabbed Adrian by both wrists.

  “Wait,” she said.

  Here’s where the witch came clean. Adrian smirked. “If you’re worried about an audience, I’ll put up a cloaking spell.”

  Gray pushed him away. “Not here. Not in an alley. And what about protection?”

  Adrian looked her up and down. “You’re not on anything?”

  Gray wrinkled her nose. “Why would I be? I’m not, you know,” she said, pulling an arm free to circle it in the air, “active.”

  “What about the Spaniard?”

  Gray’s lower lip puffed out. “No, thank goodness. At least my first time won’t be with a cheater.”

  “What makes you think I’m the faithful type?” Adrian asked, raising both eyebrows.

  The real Graylee Perez never had a kind thought or word to say about him. He better get the imposter on her back, spread eagle soon before she ruined the illusion with her compliments.

  “I trust you,” Gray said.

  “You? Trust me?” Adrian sneered.

  “You’ve proven your loyalty to me again and again,” Gray said somberly. “And all I’ve given you in return is grief. That changes now.”

  “Why now?” Adrian asked, leaning in, wishing it were true.

  Gray shook her head. “Moment of clarity.” She gave a slight shrug. “I don’t know how to explain it. I only know what I feel.”

  Adrian considered her a moment before saying, “Very well. You might not be on a protection spell, but I am.”

  Gray folded her arms over her chest. “How many times have you used this spell?”

  Adrian snorted. Why not just come out and ask how many women he’d slept with. “Jealous?” he asked, sarcasm lacing each syllable.

  Gray returned Adrian’s smirk with a cheeky smile of her own. “At least you know what you’re doing.”

  Her saucy confidence was one of the many characteristics that had attracted Adrian to her.

  Gray stepped away from the wall. “Very well, Adrian, let’s go to your place.”

  Adrian tapped his fingers on his thigh, suddenly suspicious in a whole new way. What if this really was Gray trying to trick him into inviting her home? It wouldn’t be the first time she’d double-crossed him. The prank at Nolan’s had taken a devious turn when Gray placed a confusion spell on him and drawn blood from his arm in an attempt to take away his powers.

  Adrian straightened to his full height, glowering at Gray. “You better not try anything funny, Gray.”

  She smiled sweetly. “I told you, I’ve had a change of heart. I’ll prove it to you.”

  “How?” Adrian challenged.

  Her lashes dropped demurely. “How do you think?”

  Damn, she was sexy and sweet all rolled into one. Adrian’s groin tightened. Whether or not she really was Gray, whatever her motives, it was worth the risk. Adrian grasped her by the hand and led her home. No more detours.


  Once they reached the apartment, Adrian steered Gray down the hall, only stopping to push her against the wall and kiss her before maneuvering her toward the bedroom. At the end of the hall, he stopped in front of the doorframe.

  “Last chance to leave.”

  Gray stepped around him and walked inside the bedroom. She turned to face him, eyebrows lifting in determination and shoulders back.

  Adrian followed her in watchfully, not letting his guard down for a second.

  “You don’t have to chase me anymore,” Gray said. “I’m yours and you’re mine.” She lifted a hand, flattening her palm as though slapping the air. The door slammed shut behind him.

  As you wish, little witch. Let the games begin.

  Adrian snapped his fingers, causing flames to jump from a candelabra on top of the dresser.

  Gray backed up, eyes glimmering in the candlelight.

  Adrian slunk toward her. He need only snap his fingers to remove her clothes, but he wanted something more hands on.

  Standing within an inch of Gray, he reached for the hemline of her sundress and lifted it over her head. Easy. Quick. Like pulling cloth off a table. Eyes on Gray, Adrian tossed the dress aside. Her arms flew to her chest even though she had on underclothes. White cotton bra to match her white panties. Gray hugged herself. Her face turned scarlet. Was she blushing?

  “Go easy,” Gray said. “This is my first time.”

  Adrian snorted. This witch was too much. “The hell it is,” he said.

  Gray’s eyes flashed. “It doesn’t matter what Charlene did in this body. It wasn’t me.”

  The witch even knew about Gray’s twin sister. Someone had gone to a lot of work to play the part of Graylee Perez.

  Well, hell. If he couldn’t have the real her at least he could have the Graylee Perez fantasy experience.

  Taking Gray’s dress off had been fun. Adrian didn’t bother with his own clothes. He lifted his fingers and snapped them off in a flash. This wasn’t the first time he’d stood naked in front of her. He’d snapped his clothes off and gotten into bed with Gray’s old nemesis, Nolan, as part of a revenge prank they’d cooked up back in Washington state. Gray had quickly looked away. This time she stared directly at his erection… and kept ogling it as though she’d never seen one before.

  If Gray stared any longer, Adrian might defy nature and grow an extra inch.

  “You want it, don’t you?” he asked, his voice turning husky.

  Gray lifted her head and looked him in the eye. “I want you.”

  Adrian prowled toward her. Their eyes locked. As he approached, Gray stepped back. Adrian’s arm shot o
ut and grabbed her around the waist. He pulled her into him and pressed against her. Beside his ear, Gray sucked in a breath.

  Adrian’s arms snaked around her back and unfastened her bra. He leaned back only to pull it from her arms and take in the curve of her breasts and glorious nipples. Adrian relished the press of them on his chest as he invaded her space. Gray’s body quaked in his arms.

  The witch could only hold on to the glamour for so long. It was a difficult spell that required full concentration. How would she hold up when he entered her? When he brought her to orgasm?

  Time to find out.

  Adrian lowered Gray to the bed. Once her feet left the ground, he slipped off her panties, balled them up and tossed them across the room. Gray grasped the bedspread and attempted to cover herself. Adrian pulled it off and straddled her on top of the bed before she could try to cover that exquisite body again.

  He nudged her legs apart. They were smooth, toned, and tan from the Spanish sun. Adrian lowered his body toward hers. He kept expecting an attack—for her to suddenly fly at him or whisper a spell. Only heavy breathing broke through her lips.

  Unable to wait any longer, he entered her in one thrust.

  Gray gasped. Her hips arched. She threw her head back into the covers.

  Adrian buried himself inside her.

  Gray grabbed hold of his shoulders, eyes ablaze.

  How poetic would it be if this really was Gray? Mrs. Perez had ordered Adrian to stay away from her family. How would the woman react if she knew that at this second he was buried deep inside her daughter while Gray’s hands explored his body?

  Soft fingers trailed down Adrian’s spine. He shivered and thrust faster to cover the sudden tremor through his body. Part of him wanted to weep with happiness. He shoved that emotion aside.

  Adrian rolled onto his back, lifting Gray as he did without breaking contact. Now she was on top, breasts fully exposed and hair tumbling down her shoulders.

  She flushed scarlet.

  “Ride me,” Adrian said.

  Gray chewed on her lower lip uncertainly. Her shyness gave him nearly as much pleasure as her earlier whimpers of pleasure.

  When she made no movement, Adrian gripped her by the hips and rocked her body over his.

  Gray sucked in a breath. Her eyes fluttered and almost closed.

  “Like this,” Adrian said, grinding into her.

  Gray rocked gently against him. A guttural moan tore through Adrian’s lips. It wasn’t a deep or frenzied motion, but seeing that body, that face move on top of him while he penetrated her could have made him come on the spot if he didn’t grit his teeth and hold on.

  Gray smiled suddenly. Apparently encouraged by his reaction, she rocked harder.

  Adrian breathed in puffs of air. Much as he enjoyed having her ride him, if he didn’t stop her soon he was going to come. This wasn’t some flash in the pan quickie. The witch had pushed her way into his life and he wasn’t letting her leave his bed anytime soon. He wanted her in every way possible. Most of all, he wanted her soul, but it was the one thing he couldn’t have.

  Adrian lifted Gray. As he slid out, Gray uttered a cry of protest.

  “What are you…”

  Before she could get in another word, Adrian flipped her onto her stomach. She pushed herself up, which is exactly the way Adrian wanted her. On all fours.

  Gray crawled forward. Adrian positioned himself behind her. He paused for only a second before reaching between her legs. Adrian spread her open with one hand and guided himself inside with the other. This time he entered slowly, deliberately, sliding in inch by inch.

  Gray’s moan ripped through the room.

  The corners of Adrian’s mouth twitched. He pulled out and shoved himself back in. Grabbing her by the hips, he rocked forward with his hips and torso.

  Gray panted.

  Good, she was right where he wanted her. On the edge. It wouldn’t take many more thrusts to push her over.

  Adrian’s pulse quickened.

  Gray’s gasps and cries turned into one continuous moan.

  “Oh god,” she cried. “Oh god!”

  If she moaned any louder, he might explode before her.

  Not a chance. Not until her body buckled and she screamed in ecstasy.

  Adrian pulled Gray’s hips against him. She tightened around his cock. The big O was imminent. As nice as her ass was positioned in front of him, it was a shame to miss her expression when Gray’s final scream erupted through the room.

  This was better. This way he wouldn’t have to see her face when it changed. No witch could hold this kind of spell during orgasm. And there’s no way this was Gray. No way that Adrian had gotten the one thing he wanted most in this godforsaken world.

  Immediately following Gray’s ear splintering cry, her body went limp. The color of her hair didn’t change. Still sun-kissed blonde.

  Adrian resisted the urge to gather it inside his fist and pull back as he sought his own release.

  Her hips sagged as though she had no energy left to hold up her own weight. Adrian lifted them up. Just a few more seconds. She was really tight now that she’d reached climax.

  With three more thrusts, Adrian bellowed and collapsed over her. They fell to the bed.

  Adrian fought back the urge to kiss the witch’s shoulder. He pulled out. She shuddered briefly.

  “Wow,” she whispered. “That was just… wow.”

  Adrian smiled. “It was good?”

  “Like magic.” She snuggled into the pillow then went still.

  Adrian watched her carefully. Several seconds later he heard soft, rhythmic breathing.

  Was she asleep?

  “Hey,” he said, nudging her shoulder gently. “You awake?”

  No answer.

  Very well. Get some rest, little witch. The night wasn’t over yet.

  Adrian wouldn’t get any sleep that night. He couldn’t possibly. His heart beat erratically. This was the moment when he should be satiated. He should lay on his back, head resting on his arms, and bask in his triumph.

  Instead, he sidled up beside Gray and wrapped her in his arms. Gray snuggled against him in her sleep, sighing dreamily before resuming steady breaths.

  Tremors ran from Adrian’s fingertips to his toes. He shivered. It didn’t matter how secure she felt in his arms or how much he wanted her to stay—to be Gray. If it really was Gray, she could disappear in an instant. He’d taught her how to do that and she’d used it against him the first chance she got.

  No witch in her right mind would ever love him.

  But that didn’t stop Adrian from wishing—his heart yearning for the impossible.


  Love Spell is an extended scene from Enchantment (Spellbound #3) by Nikki Jefford. Dive into a world of urban fantasy, adventure, and romance with book one, Entangled, free in ebook at all major online book retailers.

  About the Author

  Nikki Jefford is a third generation Alaskan, living in the Pacific Northwest. Books, travel, TV series, hiking, writing and motorcycle riding are her favorite escapes. She enjoys meeting people from all walks of life, from around the globe, and believes that the planet and all its inhabitants should be treated kindly.

  If you would like to receive an email alert when Nikki’s next book is released, sign up here. Your email address will never be shared and you can unsubscribe at any time.

  Nikki’s the author of:

  The Spellbound Trilogy

  Entangled (Spellbound #1)

  Duplicity (Spellbound #2)

  Enchantment (Spellbound #3)

  Holiday Magic (A Spellbound Christmas Story)

  Aurora Sky: Vampire Hunter

  Aurora Sky: Vampire Hunter (Aurora Sky: Vampire Hunter, Vol. 1)

  Northern Bites (Aurora Sky: Vampire Hunter, Vol. 2)

  Stakeout (Aurora Sky: Vampire Hunter, Vol. 2.5)

  Evil Red (Aurora Sky: Vampire Hunter, Vol. 2.6)

  Bad Blood (Aurora Sky: Vampire Hunter, Vol.

  Hunting Season (Aurora Sky: Vampire Hunter, Vol. 4) (Releasing 3/3/15)

  Whiteout (Aurora Sky: Vampire Hunter, Vol. 5) (Releasing Summer 2015)

  Say Hello!

  Nikki posts updates, teasers and other fun things on her blog. She can also be found on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.

  To Love a Werewolf

  By Melissa Haag

  For over a millennia, we thought we were alone. Now, a select few have

  learned the truth. Six women are reborn every one thousand years to

  bring us a message: We are being judged.

  Humans have ruled the earth by the grace of the Judgements. Our prosperity

  has been the downfall for the werewolves and urbat, and the urbat refuse

  to stand aside for another millennia.

  The time for judgement has come again…

  The following exclusive segment occurs the first night the group flees the Compound, the home of the werewolves. Enjoy!


  It was happening again. We were running. The safety I’d felt had been an illusion, and that imagined protective bubble didn’t just burst, it shattered, piercing my heart with jagged shards as I thought of my brothers. I needed to protect them…

  A wave of love washed over me, an emotion not my own. Emmitt. Since Claiming him, I’d never felt alone. The link forged by my Claim, my bite, ensured that. Now, he and I shared feelings of support and comfort for each other, like all Claimed pairs.

  I looked up and met Emmitt’s loving blue gaze as he caught my hand and brought it to his lips. I was still in awe of him, the werewolf who’d found me and protected me from Blake, the man who’d held me for my premonitions. For Emmitt, I tried to pull back the fear that I knew had upset him and caused him to flood me with his love.

  “You’re not alone this time, Michelle,” he said softly. He tore his gaze from mine to focus on the road once more.

  Behind me, Aden, my youngest brother, giggled. Both my brothers were in the backseat, sandwiched between Winifred and Jim while the four played I Spy. Emmitt continued to hold my hand as I glanced back at them.

  “I know,” I said, turning forward. He was right. I wasn’t alone. Seventeen of us were running this time, caravanned in four vehicles. “But I’m not worried about me.”


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