Losing It: A Collection of VCards

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Losing It: A Collection of VCards Page 27

by Nikki Jefford

  “Es,” he said my name before thrusting into me once.

  A hot eruption spread from his pulsing shaft up through my lower belly. It was like a drug spilling inside me making me addicted with just one dose.

  But, I wasn’t done. I didn’t know what I was missing, but my body begged and pleaded with his to move again.

  “I didn’t mean to go before you.” His breath was hot on my cheek as he tried to catch his breath.

  I wasn’t sure what he meant, but I felt a sense of frustration at his words.

  His hand slid down between us, where his length still throbbed inside of me and his fingers found the sweet nub. I bucked under him in rapturous pleasure.

  The euphoric bliss building in my body, not leaving one nerve exposed, erupted. I gripped around his softening member with my spasming muscles and cried out in satisfaction.

  Blind. Out of breath. I writhed under him not knowing what to do.

  I didn’t want the feeling to end, but yet I wasn’t sure I could live if he didn’t stop rubbing me. His hand moved away and I relaxed.

  Ian lowered his lips to mine, then moved, feathering a kiss wherever he could reach. “I love you. Thank you.”

  As good as he just made me feel, it should be me thanking him. Whatever just happened, I wanted to do again. And again.

  He slipped out from inside me and rolled over. Lifting his arm, he gestured for me to come lay my head on him.

  Turning to my side, between my legs screamed at me to be careful. The tender spot where Ian just pleasured me was sore—yet still swimming in passion—but, at least it didn’t hurt near as bad as when I first let him inside me. There was still a sticky wet spot that I couldn’t ignore, but I didn’t want to leave Ian’s arms just yet.

  His fingers gently caressed the sensitive flesh on my side sending chills to spread all over my body. “Do you hurt bad?” he asked, as if he could hear my thoughts.

  “Psh, you call that sore? I fight crossbreeds and I’m a witch. That was nothing.” I answered, wrapping an arm around his bare middle.

  He chuckled and I loved the way his chest shook. “That’s why I love you. You’re so amazing. Do you regret it?”

  “No. I don’t regret anything with you. And I’m glad it was you who was my first.” I said the last part with a blush to my face I was sure.

  “And your last,” he declared as he bent to kiss the top of my head.

  Yes, and my last. He was the only man I’d ever need.


  I cuddled up in the blanket Ian brought out for me, waiting for him to return with some hot cocoa. If this was a dream, it was the best dream I could ever have. I couldn’t keep the smile from my face as I thought about Ian. I only wondered if when we awoke, things would be the same. Would I still be a virgin or did this count? I bit my bottom lip as I thought about the pain and didn’t want to go through that again. Ian reassured me that it wouldn’t hurt near as bad the next time and soon it wouldn’t be painful at all.

  Ian crawled up on the porch-swing and wrapped his arms around me. He was shirtless, wearing just his jeans, and I loved seeing him this way. I leaned my head back on his chest. “Ian, when we wake up…” I wasn’t sure how to put words to my thoughts.

  He kissed the top of my head. “Es, you amaze me. I will never leave you, and when we wake up you better bet I will be finding another hotel room, because I want to show you things that not even a dream can make come true.” His voice was deep and husky.

  My heart fluttered with his words. I wish he knew just how much I looked forward to it, and how much he had already made my dreams come true.

  He took a deep breath and I could feel the heat as he exhaled on my neck, making me shiver with a different warmth. He reached up and raked his fingers through my hair, moving it off my face. “When we get out of this, I mean all of it, not just this amazing dream, but everything. After Nicholas is stopped and we don’t have anyone trying to kill us, I want to take you home.”

  I smiled wider. “I’d like that. Although, I don’t really call Jarak’s cabin home.”

  “No, Es, I really mean home, as in my home. I wanna sit with you like this on my porch and look out over the ocean and watch the sun rise and set with you.”

  I twisted slightly to tip my head up and see his face. “Ocean?”

  His face lit up and he gave me a wink. “Well, yeah, Hawaii is surrounded by it, so it’s hard not to see the ocean at some point. It just so happens that I own a small part of beach and a tiny hut that would be perfect for the two of us.”

  “Hawaii? Are you serious? Just the two of us?”

  “Very serious. I look forward to spending a week just in bed, but for now we need to get moving.” His tone went low and serious.

  My smile dropped and I looked out to where he gazed. “What’s wrong?”

  I didn’t want my happy dream to end, but I guess it was just a dream after all—kind of. A branch snapped somewhere beyond the tree line and I jumped. Ian grabbed his shirt and put it on. We both stood up but he never let go of my hand.

  “Just remember, Es, it’s a dream.”

  I laughed. “It didn’t feel like one until now.”

  “I have the pleasure of seeing the lovebirds.” Meadow walked out from behind a tree. She glanced up and traced a finger down the trunk. “Jarak’s home. Nice, but where are you really? You’ve never changed your location before. You’ve always portrayed your whereabouts in your dreams. I know you aren’t really back in Idaho.”

  I gripped Ian’s hand tighter. It’s just a dream, I chanted to myself.

  She walked closer until she stood about five feet away, her long trench-like coat leaving a trail of dust behind her. “Awww, sweetheart, when are you gonna learn that this is more than a dream, that it’s real.”

  “She’s just taunting you, Es. Don’t let her get to you.”

  Meadow licked her lips annoyingly and shifted her weight. “Listen up, I have a message, and since your pretty little girlfriend has been refusing to sleep and tell me her exact location, I need to relay it before Nicholas finds another way to find her. Not that I care, but you might. I hear daydreams can be just as frightful and…” she paused and tapped her finger to her lips, “painful as nightmares.”

  I tensed. Ian pushed me back and stepped forward. “You leave her alone, you understand me?”

  “I’m not afraid of some dog and his shadow.” Meadow glared at us. The black veins in her face became visible under her ashen skin. I knew we were pushing her limits.

  “What is your message?” I asked with a shaky breath.

  “Nicholas has someone very dear to both of you. If you want to help him, you’ll do as he says.”

  My heart raced faster. There was only one person who meant something to both of us. Jarak. “Where is he? Is he safe?”

  “I can’t tell you where he is, that would ruin the whole thing. As for safe, well, he’s alive. For now.”

  Ian dashed toward her, tackling her to the forest floor. “Where is my brother, you witch!”

  A wolf howled in the distance, and I wished that Luna or Dregan could be here with us. How is it that they couldn’t enter my dream but everyone else seemed to have access?

  I touched Ian’s shoulder as I bent down with him. “You said he’s alive. What about Maztic?”

  Meadow sneered. “We haven’t seen his mutt yet, but when I do, you can bet that I won’t hesitate to kill him.”

  My gut rolled with her words. I pulled my arm back and drove my hand into her face. I heard a crack from her nose, but didn’t sit around for more. Not that I needed to, Ian was ready with a stake in his hand.

  Meadow let out an eerie cackle. “You can’t kill me, not here.” As soon as she was done talking, her body dissolved into the air.

  Ian stood up and I ran into his arms. “What are we gonna do?”

  I could feel his body shake from anger. “First, we need to wake up. Then, I’m going to find Nicholas and kill him.”


  Find out more about The Wolf Trilogy or read book 1 now!

  About the Author

  M.R. Polish was born in Idaho, a long, long, long, well, maybe not that long time ago…. Now she resides in Nevada with her family. You can find her enjoying life with her husband, Jym, and wrangling her four kids— setting traps in the house with toys for unsuspecting victims (aka, her husband) and writing down all her crazy and fun stories.

  “Life is too short to stand by and watch everyone else live your dreams. The bigger the dream, the bigger the adventure!” ~ M.R. Polish

  You can contact M.R. Polish here:


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  Twitter: @_MRPolish_

  Amazon: M.R. Polish

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