by Leo Damrosch
Templecorran (Ireland), 74
Tenth Commandment, Swift sermon on, 290–91
Test Act (1673): advocates for repeal of, 151, 153, 155, 194, 210, 456; Church of Ireland defense of, 155; provisions of, 150, 153, 155, 162–63, 194; Swift defense of, 152–53, 175, 456–57; Tory support for, 208
Thackeray, William, 44, 309; The English Humorist, 376
Thames river, 115–16, 120; Swift’s swims in, 220
Theophrastus, 491n4
Thoughts on Religion (Swift), 151
Thoughts on Various Subjects (Swift), 160, 183, 316
Thucydides, 491n4
Thynne, Thomas, 256
Tickell, Thomas, 381
Tinkler, John F., 492n29
tinnitus, 274
Tipperary (Ireland), 418
Tisdall, William, 109–11
tithes, 74–75, 97–100, 458–59
Toleration Act (1689), 208
Tolkien, J. R. R., Lord of the Rings, 360
To Love (poem), 326–27
Tom (Swift footman), 298–99
Tom Jones (Fielding), 19, 75, 307
Tonson (Swift friend), 178, 179
Tories, 194–211, 246–52, 253–66, 347, 394, 417; Bolingbroke and, 197, 198–204, 249, 251, 262, 263, 264; Bolingbroke-Oxford conflict and, 253–54, 264; government of, 194–211, 246–52; ideology of, 126–27, 128, 208–9, 261; Jacobite sympathies and, 128, 192, 286, 347; landed gentry power base of, 208, 251; name origin of, 126; Oxford and, 174, 175, 194–204, 207, 249, 251, 252, 262, 263, 264; peace negotiations and, 249–52, 253, 261; on South Sea Bubble, 340; Swift’s sympathies with, 128, 170, 174, 194, 195, 208, 261, 262, 287, 356; Swift’s writings for (see Examiner); Walpole opposition leadership and, 291–93; Whig return to power/retaliation against, 286–96; Whig war policy and, 169, 170, 246, 249–50, 253
“To Stella, Visiting Me in My Sickness” (Swift), 313–14
Tower of London, 114, 289, 290, 291
Town (London region), 114
trade: English restrictions on colonies and, 341–45, 415; in slaves, 252, 419; South Sea Bubble and, 339–41
transubstantiation, 139–40, 150
Travels in Italy (Addison), 184
travel writing, 358
Trevelyan, George Macaulay, 37, 167–68, 172, 178, 250, 251, 267
Triennial Act (1694), 66
Trim (Ireland), 258
Trim Castle, 94, 95
Trinity, 149–50, 153
Trinity College (Dublin), 21–25, 59, 61, 72, 73, 76, 82, 180, 181, 254, 349, 359, 378, 403; James II Irish war and, 31; location on map, 22; Roubiliac bust of Swift at, 471; Sheridan as graduate of, 284; Swift as student at, 21–25, 28; Swift honored at, 411; Swift’s Doctor of Divinity degree from, 191
Triple Alliance of 1668, 486n15
Tristram Shandy (Sterne), 23, 76
Trivia; or, The Art of Walking the Streets of London (Gay), 120, 245
Tuam, archbishop of, 342
tuberculosis, 189–90, 245, 333
Twain, Mark, The Mysterious Stranger, 455
Twickenham (Pope villa), 382–83, 383, 387, 389
Ulster, 74–75, 94
Ulysses (Joyce), 376
uncanny (Freudian concept), 3, 220
Union Jack, 161
Union of Scotland and England (1707), 161–63, 192, 262
Unitarians, 153
United Provinces of Holland. See Holland
University of Dublin, 24, 28–29, 32
University of Tulsa, 52
University of Virginia, 4
Upon the Horrid Plot Discovered by Harlequin, the Bishop of Rochester’s French Dog (Swift), 294
urination, 254, 365, 369, 444, 445
utopia, 373
Utopia (More), 373, 487n41
Utrecht, Treaty of (1713), 252, 253
Vanessa (Hester/Esther Vonhomrigh), 230, 231–40, 320–37, 409, 471; blocked publication of letters of, 334–35; Celbridge home of, 321, 322; code word “coffee” and, 1–2, 235, 236, 240, 327–28, 329, 330; death of, 334, 335; emotional blackmail by, 326; fastidious cleanliness of, 444, 447; feelings of Swift’s neglect/betrayal of, 324–26; Gulliver’s Travels and, 357; heartbreak of, 333; Irish property inheritance of, 320; loneliness of, 331; love for Swift of, 1, 235, 238; move to Ireland of, 240, 320–37; numbering of letters to Swift by, 324–33, 332, 334, 335; poem A Rebus by, 322–23; poem To Love and, 326–27; prettiness of, 232; pursuit of Swift by, 238–39; Stella’s competition with, 232–33, 328, 333, 334, 335, 427; Swift’s long poem to (see Cadenus and Vanessa); Swift’s meetings in Ireland with, 324, 326; Swift’s reaction to death of, 334–35; Swift’s relationship with, 1–2, 234–40, 312, 316, 324–31, 407; Swift’s response to death of, 333–34; thinness of, 329, 333; tuberculosis of, 333; will executor of, 334, 335; will provisions of, 236
Vanhomrigh, Bartholomew (Vanessa’s brother), 231, 320
Vanhomrigh, Bartholomew (Vanessa’s father), 231
Vanhomrigh, Ginkel (Vanessa’s brother), 231, 320, 333
Vanhomrigh, Hester (Vanessa’s mother), 231–33, 235, 320, 334
Vanhomrigh, Hester/Esther. See Vanessa
Vanhomrigh, Mary (Molly) (Vanessa’s sister), 231, 236, 320, 321, 333, 334
Vanhomrigh family, 231–34
Varina (Jane Waring), 76–78, 80
Venus, 179, 236, 237, 328
Verses on the Death of Dr. Swift (Swift), 399, 400, 416, 434–35, 459, 460, 468–69
Virgil, 88, 121, 159–60, 411; Aeneid, 80; Georgics, 123–24
Virginia (Irish village), 306
Virtues of Sid Hamet the Magician’s Rod, The (Swift), 193–94
Voltaire, 139, 149, 283; Candide, 376; Essai sur les moeurs, 81
Wagstaff, Simon (Swift pseudonym), 104
Wale, Thomas, 58, 59
Wales, Prince of. See George II, king of Great Britain
Walls, Thomas, 271, 279
Walpole, Horace, 388
Walpole, Sir Robert, 157, 158, 291–96, 292, 350, 351, 354, 397, 398; Bolingbroke’s opposition to, 291, 383, 384; as Britain’s first true prime minister, 292; Order of the Garter and, 370; personal traits of, 291, 292; South Sea Bubble bailout and, 339; Swift’s interview on Irish relief with, 393–94; as target of Drapier Letters, 351, 352, 353; trial and Tower of London imprisonment of, 291
Wantage (Ireland), 320, 331
Ward, Ned, The London Spy, 123
warfare: British spending on, 169–70; Swift’s dislike of, 140, 247, 376. See also specific wars
Waring, Jane (Varina), 76–78, 80
Waring, Roger, 76
Waringstown (Ireland), 75
War of the League of Augsburg, 65
War of the Spanish Succession, 65, 66, 164, 165, 167–71, 181–82; background of, 128, 167; British power gains from, 192; financing of, 169–71, 251, 252, 339; Malplaquet battle defeat and, 169, 171, 191, 246; peace negotiations, 246, 249–52, 253, 261; Whigs’ commitment to, 191
War of the Two Kings, 31, 40, 47, 74
Waters, Edward, 342, 344–45
Watson, Richard, bishop of Llandaff, 98
Way of the World, The (Congreve), 180
weavers, 348, 415–16
Weber, Max, The Protestant Ethic and the Rise of Capitalism, 75
Wesley, John, 247, 376, 378
Westminster (London region), 114
Westminster Abbey, 90, 114, 426
Westminster Cathedral, 63, 80, 92, 173, 452
wet nurses, 12–14
Wey river, 83
Wharton, Thomas, first Earl of, 157, 158; Swift campaign against, 210–11
Whigs, 171–75, 233, 254, 286–96, 347, 394, 415; Addison and Steele and, 242; Bolingbroke-Oxford differences about, 253; continued power of, 398; Defoe as spokesman of, 175, 252; downfall of, 191–96; First Fruits tax and, 155, 171; George I sympathy with, 264–65, 286–88; Glorious Revolution and, 32; ideology of, 126–27, 128, 208, 261; Junto (governing ministry) of, 128, 157–59, 169, 210; name origin of, 126; return to power of,
286–96; Swift as target of, 286; Swift’s charges against, 262; Swift’s Examiner and, 209–10; Swift’s move away from, 194–95, 213–14; Test Act repeal advocacy of, 151, 153, 155, 194, 210; Walpole as leader of, 291–96, 351, 352, 353; war policy of, 164, 169–70, 191, 246, 248, 249, 251, 253
whist, 259
White, T. H., 178–79, 372; Mistress Masham’s Repose, 502n7
Whitehaven (England), 12, 13, 15
Whiteway, Martha, 406–7, 409–10, 453, 462, 463, 465, 466, 516n14; portion of Journal to Stella and, 216
white witch, meaning of, 330
Wigston Magna (English village), 59
Wilde, Oscar, 274, 283, 472
Wilde, Sir William, 471, 472
“Wild Geese” (Catholic soldiers of fortune), 414
William III, king of England (William of Orange), 36, 39, 40, 63, 91, 107, 117, 126, 155, 158, 231, 289; claim to English throne of, 30–31, 203; death of, 125; description of, 64; first national debt and, 169–71; height of, 27; Irish war and, 40, 47, 74; mistresses of, 65–66, 81, 224; Spanish succession and, 128; Swift and, 82, 128, 286; Temple friendship with, 62–66, 71
Williams, Abigail, 506n5
Williams, Sir Harold, 218
Will’s coffeehouse (London), 85, 178
Wilmot, John. See Rochester, second Earl of
Wilson, Edmund, 419
Wilson, Francis, 465
Winder, John, 75, 79, 80, 99
Windsor (England), 224, 235, 236
Windsor dynasty, 126
Windsor Prophecy, The (Swift), 255–56, 266
wine, 273–74, 278, 292; bottles, 273
wit, 186, 270, 310, 359, 413, 431–32; humor vs., 283
Wollstonecraft, Mary, 112, 428
women: education of, 284, 427–28, 430; rape accusations and, 207; Spectator and, 241–42; spelling defects and, 229; Swift on aspirations of, 237; Swift’s coteries of, 231, 312, 424–42; Swift’s “disgusting” poems and, 445–53; Swift’s poems about, 437–38; Swift’s teasing epithets to, 226; Swift’s view of, 111–12, 179, 237, 365, 427–28
Wood, William, 27, 348, 350, 351, 353, 354, 371, 522n31
Woodbrook (Chetwode country house), 299, 301–2
Woodpark (Ford country house), 299
Woodstock manor (Oxfordshire), 168
wool, 341
Woolen Act (1699), 341, 348–49
Woolf, Virginia, 39, 223, 226
Woolley, David, 328
Woolston, Thomas, 499n15
Wordsworth, John, 33
Wordsworth, William, 33
work ethic, 75
Works (Pope), 244–45
Works (Swift), 359, 359, 461, 462
Worrall, John, 271, 279, 353, 403–4
Wotton, William, 88, 145
Wren, Sir Christopher, 113–14
Wycherley, William, 403
Wyrick, Deborah Baker, 508n44
Yahoos (Gulliver’s Travels), 372, 373, 374–76, 378, 457; political corruption and, 293
Yahoo’s Overthrow, The (Swift), 457–58
Yeats, William Butler, 4, 265, 356, 413; on Swift’s epitaph, 470
Young, Edward, 460