Finding Joy (Love's Compass Book 5)

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Finding Joy (Love's Compass Book 5) Page 18

by Melanie D. Snitker

  “I doubt that.” Parker’s voice was so close, she could feel his breath on her hair.

  “Oh, I would have. I did at my sister’s wedding.” The memory still mortified her, but now she could laugh at it. At least a little. “I was her bridesmaid and I stumbled. I managed to catch myself and didn’t fall outright.” Oh, it’d been horrible. But the ceremony had continued and her blunder wasn’t the most memorable part of the day. Which was all that she could ask for.

  Parker chuckled. “Well, I’m glad I didn’t trip. I probably would’ve taken Kara down with me.”

  Chelsea giggle sounded nervous even to her ears. “What happens now?”

  He glanced around the room and lowered his voice. “Well, I escort my mother and my date to the reception where I hope we can find something to eat.”

  She laughed as he held an arm out for her. Events of the ceremony continued full speed ahead. They enjoyed a fancy dinner and before she knew it, it was time for the dance.

  Music began, and Ben gathered Kara close as he twirled her around the dance floor, never taking his eyes off his new bride. Members of the local press went crazy taking photos. The newly married couple didn’t seem to even notice.

  The rest of the guests were invited to join by dancing as well. Chelsea was content to sit on the sidelines, not at all keen on drawing attention to herself. But Parker stood and held a hand out to her. “I think we’re obligated to dance at least once.”

  Chelsea glanced at the area where the media was lined up. Her breath seized and her face was suddenly hot. “I’m not sure that’s a good idea.”

  Parker took in the situation. “I hate to tell you this, but they’ve been taking pictures of you all day.”

  Her eyes slid closed, and she groaned. Seriously? She thought she’d been flying under the radar.

  Well, if there would be photos in the paper, she supposed one of her dancing was better than one of her gawking at the bride or dabbing her eyes as the ceremony ended. At least that’s what she told herself.

  With a slight nod of agreement, she placed her hand in his. Parker expertly swept her onto the dance floor as flashes from the photographers followed them. For the first time, Chelsea was really glad her parents had put her through all those dance lessons. She swayed with ease as she breathed in Parker’s scent and slowly relaxed in his arms.

  Before long, everything around Chelsea faded away, including the media. Nothing remained except for the sensations of being held by Parker and the movement as they danced.

  She’d been to plenty of fancy dances — more than she could count. But right now, with this dress, the music, the magic of the event, it was different. She’d run away from that life and had worked hard to try and make something of herself. Yet here she was, at an event she escaped from, and it felt like home. There could only be one reason for that: Parker.

  The realization caused her to stumble, and Parker’s arms closed around her even tighter, preventing her from falling.

  “Hey, you okay?”

  Chelsea didn’t trust her voice. She nodded once.

  He must have thought she was still nervous about the press. His thumb softly caressed her back as he spoke. “I’m sorry they make you uncomfortable. If it helps, I’m sure they’re focusing on me. On my… my face.”

  Chelsea lifted her head. The uncertainty in his eyes went right to her heart. This was the first big public appearance since his accident. It had to make him uneasy, too. Her eyes took in the scars on the right side of his face, and the unmarred skin on the left. Together, they made the man that stood in front of her. As if her hand had a mind of its own, she lightly ran a single finger down the path on his cheek. “People will see what they want to see. Nothing you say or do can change that. But if they’re focused on you, it’s not because of your scars or your amazing dance moves.” He smiled at that. “It’s because they’re getting glimpses of who you are.”

  Parker’s mouth opened slightly, as though he were going to say something, and closed again. He cast a look around them, apparently remembering that they were in the public eye. He swallowed hard as he kept time to the rhythm of the music, his eyes a melting pot of emotions.

  Great, Chels. Apparently, you just stuck your foot in it. It’s his sister’s wedding. Why couldn’t you keep your mouth shut?

  They’d made their way to the edge of the dance floor by the time the song came to an end. Parker took her hand and guided her through the door nearby and to the wrap around porch outside. White lights along the roof overhead twinkled in the dwindling daylight. Nearly everyone was inside celebrating, and they had the area to themselves.

  Parker rested his hands on the railing and looked out over the garden on the other side. Was he upset? Chelsea used her hands to gather her hair at the base of her neck and bring it over her shoulder. “Parker? If I overstepped earlier, I apologize.”

  He whirled around to face her, taking two steps forward that put them toe to toe. “What you said before… I don’t care about any of them or what they think when they see me. I only want to know one thing: What do you see?”

  Chelsea raised a hand and gently touched his face. “A man who’s fiercely loyal to his family. A man with a good heart who can swing a mean hammer.” Parker chuckled. “But most of all, I see a man who is sweet, thoughtful, and handsome. And I was proud to be out there dancing with you tonight.” His arms circled her waist, and he pulled her close. She tipped her head back to look at him. “I spent my life putting what I wanted on the back burner because I was hoping it’d make my parents happy. I didn’t realize how much I was missing out on. I just needed to be me.”

  Parker smiled then, slowly moving them to the music that filtered out from the dance hall. “And who are you?”

  “I’m a girl who enjoys being near her sister and plans to be a ridiculously doting aunt. I’m someone who works for a ranch and enjoys every minute of it, mud not included.” She winked then and a chuckle rumbled from his chest. Chelsea took a deep breath. “And, despite all my intentions to the contrary, I’ve managed to fall for my boss.”

  Parker stopped moving then, his gaze caressing her face. “I’m glad. Because he’s fallen head over heels for you, too.” He lifted a hand and cupped her face, his thumb tracing her mouth. “I love you, Chelsea.”

  “I love you, too.”

  The white lights twinkled like fireflies as Parker’s lips covered hers. Chelsea melted into his arms and together, they swayed to the music that flowed around them.


  Three months later…

  Parker’s eyes scanned the fence line for Chelsea and located her at the same time Happy did. The dog took off running, leaping like a rabbit through the tall grass. After all the rain they got in May, everything from the grass to the trees was green.

  Chelsea tilted her head back and laughed when one of the longhorn calves on the other side of the fence let out a bellow. Happy stood his ground on his side for several moments before following a scent into a patch of brush.

  “I figured I’d find you here.” Parker wrapped his arms around Chelsea, gave her a kiss, and held her close. “How’s the newest member of the herd doing?” He nodded toward a small, black heifer calf who was hungrily drinking milk from her mama.

  Chelsea turned in his arms so she could look out over the herd. “Good.” She leaned her head back against his chest.

  “And how about you?” Parker kissed her neck until goosebumps appeared on her arms.

  She giggled. “I’m better now.”

  “I’m glad. Me, too.” Parker took her left hand in his and placed a kiss on the engagement ring he’d given her last week. The sun caught the small diamond, making it sparkle. “I heard from the realtor, and they accepted our offer.” They’d driven by the sixty-acre spread several times before finally making the call. It might be small compared to his parents’ ranch, but it was perfect. Between the small creek running through it, the stock pond, and an abundance of trees, Parker could easily imag
ine their future home nestled right in the middle.

  Chelsea jumped around to face him, her arms circling around his neck. “Are you serious? We got it?”

  “It’s all ours.”

  She grinned, then stood on tip toes to reach his lips. He was more than happy to kiss her until they were both short of breath.

  When he set her back down on her feet, she looked up with smiling eyes. “I can’t wait to begin our lives together.”

  “Me, either.” Parker kissed her. “But for now, we’d better hurry or we’ll be late for dinner. Kara and Ben will be there.”

  They held hands and headed back toward the ranch house. As they neared the gravel road, Parker saw the water in the ditch alongside it. Without warning, he scooped Chelsea into his arms, entertained by the little squeak she made in response.

  “What’re you carrying me for?”

  Parker nodded toward her stylish black boots. “Don’t want you to get your feet muddy.” He stepped across the mess and set her back down on the road. “One of these days, you’re going to have to cave and buy yourself a pair of real cowgirl boots.”

  “If I do, will you still carry me over the mud puddles?” She stuck her lower lip out in a pout.

  “Absolutely.” Parker leaned in and captured that lip with a kiss. “Any excuse to get you in my arms.” He liked that his comments still easily brought a blush to her cheeks. He set her back down on her feet.

  Chelsea shook her head, hands on her hips. “Are you ever going to stop teasing me?”


  “Good.” Chelsea leaned close and laid her head against his shoulder. “I kinda like you, Parker Wilson.”

  Parker laughed loudly, put his arm around her, and kissed her forehead. “I don’t know what I’d do without you, girl.”

  The intensity of the emotions made Parker’s heart stutter. After his accident, he wasn’t sure he’d ever find a true focus in his life again. And then he met Chelsea over a bottle of broken frou-frou tea. He’d had a feeling his life would change, but had no idea God would use her to bring true joy back into his life again.

  A joy he had no intention of ever letting go again.

  Thank you!

  I appreciate you for taking the time to read Finding Joy. I hope you enjoyed it and that you’ll consider leaving a review on Amazon and/or Goodreads. I like hearing what you think about it and it’ll help other readers discover new books as well.


  I’m so incredibly thankful for my family. Doug, I couldn’t write these books without your encouragement and support. You always listen to my ideas, provide input, and read everything I write. I appreciate you more than I could ever say. Xander and Sydney, you always bring a smile to my face and joy to my heart.

  Crystal, I’m blessed to have you for a friend and a critique partner. Thank goodness for salt rock lamps, essential oils, tea, and editing chocolate. Welcome to the hippie life, my friend. Here’s to the many more adventures we’ll be embarking on in the future.

  The members of my critique group are an incredible bunch of ladies. Vicki, Franky, and Rachel, thanks for everything you do. Your helpful insights and sharp eyes helped to hone this book into what it is now.

  My books also wouldn’t be the same if it weren’t for my wonderful beta readers: Steph, Faith, Tammie, Kris, Denny, Sandy, Shanna, and Debbie. You ladies simply rock and I’m so thankful for you all!

  I want to send a special thank you to Justin, Diane, and Jordan at the Whining Bull Ranch. I thoroughly enjoyed touring your wonderful place. Writing about Texas longhorns is one thing, but getting to see them in person, watch them run, and even feed them treats was an experience I won’t forget. I hope my readers will get a sense of just how amazing these animals truly are.

  Above all, I want to thank my heavenly Father for all that He’s done in my life. Writing novels is something I’d always dreamed of doing and I’m so grateful that He’s turned that dream into a reality. I pray He takes this book and uses it for His glory.

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  About the Author

  Melanie D. Snitker has enjoyed writing fiction for as long as she can remember. She started out writing episodes of cartoon shows that she wanted to see as a child and her love of writing grew from there. She and her husband live in Texas with their two children who keep their lives full of adventure, and two dogs who add a dash of mischief to the family dynamics. In her spare time, Melanie enjoys photography, reading, crochet, baking, archery, camping and hanging out with family and friends.

  Books by Melanie D. Snitker

  Calming the Storm

  (A Marriage of Convenience)

  Love’s Compass Series:

  Finding Peace (Book 1)

  Finding Hope (Book 2)

  Finding Courage (Book 3)

  Finding Faith (Book 4)

  Finding Joy (Book 5)

  Life Unexpected Series:

  Safe In His Arms (Book 1)

  Someone to Trust (Book 2)

  Coming in 2017

  Finding Peace

  (Love’s Compass: Book 1)

  Police Officer Tuck Chandler is good at his job. He’s also good at holding women at arm’s length. Jilted by his fiancée for his dedication to his job, he’s not about to open himself up to hurt like that again.

  Laurie Blake is a struggling photographer. After growing up in a wealthy family, she’s determined to make it on her own, even if it means doing it the hard way.

  When Tuck is assigned to a puzzling burglary involving Laurie’s fledgling photography business, he goes into it with his usual perseverance. He wants to help her – if she’ll let him. As the case unfolds and the mystery deepens, another question arises.

  Will the past get in the way of their future?

  Finding Hope

  (Love’s Compass: Book 2)

  Cancer. That one word has rocked Lexi Chandler's life to the core. Her focus has always been to help others. She loves being a nurse and enjoys spending time with her family. Things had been going according to plan. Now she’s struggling to pick up the pieces and make sense of the changes in her life.

  Lance Davenport has cared for Lexi since they were kids. Between their age difference and bad timing, he's turned burying his feelings into an art. Now, watching Lexi battle with cancer has made him realize just how much he's missed. He doesn't know what their future holds, but he's determined to not waste another minute.

  The people closest to Lexi pull together as she tries to navigate her way down a path none of them ever dreamed she’d have to travel.

  Finding Courage

  (Love’s Compass: Book 3)

  It takes courage to ask for a second chance…even more to accept one.

  For Duke and Avalon McNeil, it was love at first sight. Married within months of meeting, their feet hardly touched the ground until the reality of their haste hit home with startling clarity.

  Duke's heart shattered when Avalon vanished for nearly three weeks, fleeing their arguments and misunderstandings. Now she's back. He's happy she's home and safe, but he isn't ready to risk everything again when their bond was so easily broken.

  Avalon's relieved to be home. She's desperate to make peace between them, but returns with a secret. She can't reveal anything to Duke until she proves to him she came back to restore their relationship.

  As outside pressure continues to threaten Duke and Avalon's fragile
foundation, they must find the strength to prove to each other their marriage is worth fighting for.

  Finding Faith

  (Love’s Compass: Book 4)

  Single mom Serenity Chandler is determined to do anything to provide better opportunities for her son, Gideon. Moving away from her family support system so Gideon can attend a special school seems like the right choice, even if it means her entire life is about to change.

  The satisfaction of helping children and being a part of their lives is one reason Aaron Randall loves his job as a music therapist. When Hope Academy instills a dating policy, he doesn't give it a second thought. Until the new coworker who'd caught his attention turns out to be the parent of one of his students.

  Any relationship between them will put his job at risk. The more time Aaron spends with Serenity and Gideon, the harder it is to ignore what they could have together. With Aaron's job and Gideon's education hanging in the balance, they'll have to rely on faith to find their way.

  Calming the Storm

  (A Marriage of Convenience)

  A marriage of convenience isn't exactly what Rachel Bens had in mind.

  What else can she do if she wants to raise her young niece, and give her a more stable home than she and her sister grew up in? Rachel is at risk of losing custody of her last blood relative, and she needs to prove she can provide for her niece and raise her in a nurturing environment.

  Professor Brandon Barlow is invested in his college students’ lives, wanting to ensure their success. When it is clear that Rachel is struggling, he takes a personal interest in trying to help her. But can he keep his heart from getting involved in the process?


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