Aunt Penelope's Harem

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Aunt Penelope's Harem Page 6

by Chris Tanglen

Chapter Eight

  “I think I’m gonna have to give my approval to that idea,” said Dawn.

  “How can eight guys even fit around you?” asked Melanie.

  “Actually,” said Nate, “it works out relatively easily. If she lies spread-eagle, there can be one of us on each leg and one on each foot, plus one on each arm and two on the torso. That even leaves room at her head, if somebody on another part of her wanted to move.”

  “Oh. My mistake.”

  “I’m good at spatial organization.”

  “So where’s a nice place for a massage?” asked Dawn. “This tile floor looks kind of uncomfortable.”

  “Right this way,” said Nate, gesturing grandly toward a large door at the far end of the room.

  Dawn looked over at Melanie. “Are you coming?”

  “I don’t—”

  “Yes, you are.”

  “Yes, I am.”

  “Great.” Dawn headed for the door, and all of the men but Carl followed her. Melanie just sat there, watching seven perfect asses in motion. She’d always been an enthusiastic supporter of the idea of cute male butts, and this was a visual she’d never forget.

  “Your friend certainly seems to be having a pleasant time,” Carl remarked.

  “I can’t believe her. She’s transformed into The Amazing Floozy Chick.”

  “Aw, she’s just having fun. The idea of an eight-guy rubdown doesn’t appeal to you?”


  “Your answer would be a little more believable if you weren’t still staring at their asses.”

  Melanie looked away from the asses, mentally cursing the distraction. “I suppose that you’ve all taken a massage course?”

  “A twelve-hour one.”

  This place is so great, thought Melanie, but then hurriedly corrected herself. Revolting. I mean revolting. Not great but instead revolting.

  * * * * *

  “Holy fucking shit!” Melanie exclaimed as she and Carl entered the room.

  It was about the size of a racquetball court, and the floor was completely padded with a mattress covered by silk sheets. The walls were lined with pillows.

  That was, however, not the source of the “holy fucking shit” comment. Instead, Melanie was reacting to the shelf filled with bottles of massage oils and body lotions, perhaps two hundred of them.

  “I don’t know, what sounds good?” asked Dawn, perusing the selection of body lotions. “Peppermint? Maybe that’s a bit strong, but something mint.”

  Melanie unscrewed the cap of a green bottle and inhaled deeply. “Oh, but smell the lilac.”

  Dawn smelled it. “That is nice. Oh, no, here we go. Baked apple pie scent.”

  “For an eight-guy body rub?”

  “Maybe not. Maybe something earthy. Or maybe ocean breeze?” Dawn picked up the bottle, removed the cap, and smelled it. “What do you think?” she asked, handing it to Melanie.

  Melanie sniffed it. “Very nice.”

  “Okay, a decision has been made,” said Dawn, replacing the cap and tossing the bottle of ocean breeze-scented lotion to Leo.

  Melanie still couldn’t believe that she was in a room with all of these naked men. They didn’t seem the least bit shy about walking around this way, and though she tried to avoid looking at their penises, or at least tried to avoid staring at them in slack-jawed astonishment, it simply wasn’t possible.

  “You sure you don’t want to share them?” asked Dawn. “Four each?”

  “I’m sure.”

  “I don’t want you calling me a greedy bitch later.”

  “I won’t call you a greedy bitch.”

  “All right. Your loss. I’ll leave Carl out of it, but feel free to claim your half of the studs at any time.”

  Dawn walked to the center of the room. “I’m ready,” she announced as she lay facedown on the mattress. “Everybody but Carl, it’s time to earn your keep.”

  Leo, Julian, Stephen, Nate, Dennis, Ben, and Keith promptly took their spots around Dawn, as Melanie sat down on the mattress, leaning against the pillow-laden wall. Carl pressed a button next to the door, causing soft New Age music to play in the background, and then walked over and sat down next to her, smiling.

  Leo removed the cap from the bottle of lotion, squirted some into his palm, and handed the bottle to Julian. Leo then rubbed his hands together and slowly began to glide his fingers across the back of Dawn’s neck. She moaned with pleasure the very moment he touched her skin.

  The men continued passing around the lotion and promptly went to work. Melanie couldn’t see everything from her vantage point, and was also understandably distracted by the seven asses on display, but these were clearly men who knew what they were doing. Their formal training had not been in vain.

  Their hands moved all over Dawn’s body, slowly but firmly, fingers kneading. Dawn moaned as if she were…well, as if she were receiving a body rub from a group of highly skilled professionals. Keith ran both of his hands up and down her leg, moving with military-style precision, while Ben did the same to her other leg.

  “This feels so good,” Dawn announced, drawing out every word as she spoke.

  The scent of ocean breeze filled the room.

  The men were not only individually skilled, but they worked extremely well as a team. Keith and Ben watched each other’s movements, giving Dawn’s legs equal treatment, and though it wasn’t as easy to see what Julian and Stephen were doing, they seemed to be using excellent teamwork with Dawn’s arms.

  Melanie wondered what it felt like. Was it weird? Was it sensory overload? Was it the greatest ecstasy ever?

  She watched for several minutes. None of the men were in a hurry.

  Ben and Keith bent Dawn’s legs at the knee, lifting them into the air, and began to massage her calves.

  God, they had cute butts.

  “How many applicants were there for this job?” Melanie whispered to Carl.

  “I’m not sure.”

  “Hundreds, you think?”

  Carl shrugged. “Maybe.”

  Hundreds of cute asses. That was a lot of cute asses for a woman to see.

  The men continued to massage Dawn, and she continued to moan with enjoyment.

  “How did you hear about this job?” asked Melanie. “Was it in the classifieds or something?”

  “A scout found me in a coffee shop.”

  “Aunt Penelope had a scout?”

  “Yeah. Just like baseball.”

  Melanie couldn’t figure out why she even bothered to be surprised. She returned her attention to the asses.

  Carl put his hand on her shoulder. She didn’t pull away.

  Ben and Keith squirted more lotion onto their palms and began to rub Dawn’s feet.

  Carl gently traced his fingers down Melanie’s arm. She didn’t know if it was magnetism between them or just the fact that she was wildly turned on by watching what was happening to her best friend, but his soft touch set her whole body alive with pleasure. Her toes curled.

  “Lean against me,” said Carl. “At least let me get rid of some of that tension.”

  “I’m not tense.”

  “You’re always tense. C’mon, a shoulder rub isn’t going to kill you. I’ll even get the lotion. Pick a scent, any scent.”

  “My mom’s homemade lasagna, hot out of the oven.”

  Carl looked at her as if unsure whether or not she was joking. “How about cucumber melon?”

  “Cucumber melon works.”

  Carl got up and went over to the shelf of lotions. Keith and Ben were still rubbing Dawn’s feet, reminding Melanie that she hadn’t had a foot rub in…how long had it been? Three years? And it was by a guy who had a wart on his thumb.

  Keith had twisted a bit to the side, and she could see his cock. Melanie wondered what it would feel like to wrap her lips around it.

  Feel it heating up in her mouth.

  Hardening against her tongue.

  And doing this as she reached around and tightly clenched
his steel buttocks in her hands.

  She glanced over at Carl, who was going through the selection of lotions and apparently having trouble finding what he was looking for.

  “Oh, God, Melanie,” said Dawn. “You have no idea what you’re missing.”

  Melanie didn’t respond.

  Carl continued looking through the lotions, growing visibly frustrated.

  Dawn moaned as three of the men turned their attention to her back.

  And suddenly Melanie decided that her behavior was really, really, really stupid.

  She had eight men willing to do her bidding. Sure, they were paid sex slaves, but that didn’t mean this had to turn into an all-out orgy. Would she really wake up in the morning hating herself if she let half of them give her a massage?

  The more important question was, would she wake up in the morning kicking herself if she didn’t take advantage of this situation?

  “I want my half,” she said, blurting it out before she’d even made the conscious decision to speak.

  The men all looked at her.

  Carl dropped the bottle of lotion that he’d finally located.

  Melanie’s cheeks were on fire. Her immediate reaction was to want to take it back, but she forced herself to remain strong. “I want my half,” she repeated, desperately willing herself to quit blushing.

  “Then you shall have your half,” said Carl, picking up the bottle of lotion. “Who do you want?”

  Who did she want? Carl, for certain. Maybe Leo the bartender and Keith the military guy. Who else? Tattooed Julian? Laid-back Stephen? Ben with the mustache? Blatantly romantic Dennis?

  “Carl, Leo, Keith, and…uh, Nate.”

  Nate. The guy who was good at spatial organization.

  Also the guy with the thickest cock.

  Melanie tried to convince herself that she’d selected him for his spatial organization skills.

  Dawn rolled over onto her back. Her nipples were visibly erect beneath her bikini, and Melanie couldn’t say that she blamed them.

  Melanie lay on her stomach as Carl, Leo, Keith, and Nate gathered around her.

  She closed her eyes.

  She heard the sound of lotion being squirted into Carl’s hand, and the sound of him rubbing his hands together. And then she felt his hands on her shoulders.

  It was absolutely, positively wonderful.

  She could feel her anxiety immediately seeping away, draining from her body. Though not typically a vocal person, Melanie couldn’t help but moan.

  She felt another pair of hands on her right arm, and then another on her left. Followed by a pair on her lower back, touching her through the fabric of her one-piece bathing suit.

  Melanie couldn’t believe she’d resisted something as relaxing as this. She smiled and allowed herself to get lost in the pure sensation and the scent of cucumber melon, a vegetable and fruit which in theory should not have functioned well together as a scent, but which worked beautifully.

  Carl’s fingers kneaded deeply, releasing pockets of tension she didn’t even know existed.

  Strong hands slowly worked their way down both of her arms, leaving behind a path of relaxed muscles and gloriously tingling flesh.

  Carl moved from her shoulders to the back of her neck. She thought that she might have said “Oh, God,” at that point but couldn’t be certain.

  Fingers moved in small circles up her back, on each side of her spine.

  Other fingers massaged her wrists and palms.

  Somehow Carl found the perfect spot on the back of her neck and focused his attention on it. It was as if his thumb were a sponge, soaking up what little stress and anxiety remained in her body.

  This all felt so incredible that it was almost possible to forget that three of the four men touching her were completely naked.


  She opened her eyes briefly and caught a glimpse of the front of Carl’s shorts. They were protruding in a big way.

  He’s got an erection, she thought. Massaging the back of my neck made him hard.

  Or maybe he was just looking at Dawn.

  No, it was her. His fingers were doing far too good of a job for Carl to be distracted by anything.

  Maybe she should ask him to remove his shorts, just to ensure that all of the men received equitable treatment…?

  Melanie smiled again and sighed as his fingers worked the back of her skull.

  She quickly lost track of time. She might have even fallen asleep at one point, but couldn’t be sure. Dawn was still moaning, but her moans sounded far away, miles away, worlds away. The men’s hands roamed Melanie’s body, breaking contact only to refresh the lotion. One of them slid his hand up her leg, just barely touching the bottom of her buttock, and then slid back down. Without even realizing it she gave her ass a tiny wiggle, encouraging him to slide up further.

  He did, as did one of the other men (Keith? Nate?). Their hands slid over her clothed ass, kneading the soft flesh. She felt a sudden warmth, both over her buttocks and in another area in the very close vicinity.

  God, this was making her wet.

  Their hands continued moving. She wanted them to probe, to slide under her bathing suit, but they were unspeakably cruel and behaved themselves.

  They massaged her ass for quite some time, and then the eight hands on her body simultaneously slid over to her side and gave a gentle push, as if encouraging her to roll over onto her back.

  It took superhuman effort for Melanie to manage such an action in her relaxed state, but the men helped out. She opened her eyes and turned her head.

  Dawn was lying on her back, spread eagle. Dennis and Ben were caressing her legs. Julian and Stephen were on each side of her, kissing her breasts.

  Her bare breasts. Dawn’s discarded bikini lay next to her.

  And Melanie had to admit that discarding that bikini seemed like a perfectly fine idea. After all, its presence had been preventing the men from kissing Dawn’s bare breasts.

  She watched them for several moments as their kissing turned to nibbling and then to gentle sucking. It was a lovely sight.

  But also a bit distracting.

  Melanie closed her eyes and returned her attention to her own pleasure.

  Chapter Nine

  Carl, Nate, Keith, and Leo continued their unhurried pace as they massaged the front of her body. Melanie knew that her nipples were a clear indication of her aroused condition but didn’t care, though she did sort of hope that the wetness in her pussy wasn’t visible.

  Keith and Nate were positioned at her legs, moving their hands up and down in long, even strokes. Carl was massaging the front of her shoulders, and Leo was gently sliding his hands over her belly.

  It still felt incredibly good, but Melanie found herself squirming.

  She wanted out of this swimsuit.


  No, no, she was getting carried away. She was letting the pure enjoyment of the moment overcome her good judgment. She needed to sit up, thank them for a merry time, and head back to her room and beat her high score at Milton Monkey’s Banana Quest.

  Hell, fucking, no, her body said.

  Actually, her mind was leaning in that direction as well.

  Melanie had never thought herself the type for this kind of activity, but she simply couldn’t ignore how turned on she was. Seeing the men kissing Dawn’s bare breasts hadn’t even shocked her.

  Hadn’t she earned an evening of debauchery after nearly two years without sex? After thirty years of living a more-or-less wholesome life? Maybe she needed to make up for lost time in a big way to maintain her sanity.

  Now you’re just making excuses. Don’t blame your sanity.

  But, really, what was the downside? She wasn’t attached to anybody, so this certainly wasn’t cheating. Nobody would get hurt. It would simply be an evening of fun.

  Incredible, joyous, sensational, mind-blowing fun.

  She wasn’t going to fuck them. No gang-bangs for this girl.

there was absolutely no reason in the world that she couldn’t play.

  Melanie decided that she was going to play.

  She was going to have the time of her life.

  She opened her eyes and sat up, noting that all three of her naked men had full erections. Huge ones. The biggest she’d ever seen in real life, not that she’d seen all that many in real life.

  The men watched her, clearly unsure of her intent.

  She stood up and put her hands on her hips.

  “Carl,” she said, “you look uncomfortable.”

  “Do I?”

  “You do.”

  “Now that you mention it, I do feel kind of constricted.”

  “There’s absolutely no reason that anybody should feel constricted in a nice place like this.”

  “I wholeheartedly agree.”

  “So do what you need to do, if you want to do it.”

  “I do.”

  Carl bent over and tugged off his shorts, freeing his erect penis. God, his was the best of them all. Long, thick, and curved upward ever so slightly. His pubic hair was neatly trimmed and a much darker shade of brown than the hair on his head. There even appeared to be a bit of pre-come on the tip of his cock.

  Melanie wanted to lick it off.

  She rubbed her own shoulders. “Is there a shower handy?” she asked. “I want to get off some of this lotion.” I don’t want to taste like cucumber melon.

  “Absolutely,” said Carl, pointing to a door at the end of the room. “Right through there.”


  Dawn got up as well. “Here, I’ll join you, as long as the guys promise not to ditch us.”

  “That’s quite unlikely,” Julian noted.

  Melanie and Dawn hurried over to the door, opened it, and entered the shower room, closing the door behind them.

  It was a large, luxurious room with deep blue tile. Eight shower spigots ran along the walls, and at the end of the room was a large hot tub, easily suitable for a dozen people or more.

  Dawn turned on the closest shower and held her hand under the water to test the temperature. “This is the best vacation ever. Thanks for inviting me.”

  “I aim to please.”

  “You’re not calling it quits, are you? Because that would be, like, insane.”


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