Corps Security in Hope Town: Somethin' Bad (Kindle Worlds Novella)

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Corps Security in Hope Town: Somethin' Bad (Kindle Worlds Novella) Page 5

by Cat Mason

  “Hell if I know,” she groans, closing her eyes tightly. “Ruined a damn fine nap, though.”

  Not wanting to move her too much, Matt yanks the cushions from the chairs and works to stabilize Tessa as best he can. “E.M.S. is in route,” he says, shooting me a concerned look. “Keep pressure there, yeah?”

  “Right. Yeah. Okay,” I reply nervously, my hands trembling. “I can do that.”

  His hand covers mine, giving it a reassuring squeeze. “Breathe, Sienna.” Doing as he asks, I take a deep breath and nod my head. “Good girl.”

  Pushing to his feet, Matt gets to work on securing the scene while waiting for backup. Tessa nags and complains the entire time, even refusing medical treatment once the ambulance arrives. “Watch those fingers, shithead,” she snaps, slapping the man’s hands away. “You keep feeling me up, I’ll be sending you a bill instead of paying one.”

  “For God’s sake, Tess,” I mutter, glaring down at her. “Would you rather he let you bleed out?”

  “Stop fussing over me,” she scowls, shifting her body. “I’m willing to bet you’ve sliced your knees to ribbons on all that glass.”

  “I’m fine.” Pushing to my feet, I look to the man currently struggling with Tessa. “Strap her down and sedate her if you have to. This happened on my property. She goes to the hospital.”

  Storming for the door, I ignore my stinging knees as I spot Matt and another officer talking in hushed voices. In Matt’s hand is a piece of paper. “You want me to head down there?” the guy asks. “See what he has to say about it?”

  “No,” Matt seethes. “I’ll go once we’re done here.”

  “What’s that?” I ask, gesturing to the paper.

  Folding it quickly, he shoots a look to the other man before looking to me. “We’ll talk about it later.” Stepping toward me, he rakes his eyes over me slowly, stopping on my knees. “You’re bleeding.”

  “Just scratches,” I reply, shaking him off. “I’m fine.”

  “You’re not fine.”

  “What does it say, Matt?” Crossing my arms over my chest, I make it very clear that I am not going to budge.

  Blowing out a breath, he yanks a hand through his hair before unfolding the paper so that I can see for myself. “It was tied around a brick we found inside the shop.” My blood boils as I read the words fucking whore written in all capital letters across the center of the page. “Sienna, I want you to go back inside. Let me handle this.”

  “Yeah,” I mutter. “Right.”

  Stepping back inside, I round the counter and fish my phone from my bag. Dialing Jimmy’s number quickly, my free hand clenches into a fist at my side when it goes straight to his voicemail. Slamming the phone down, I head into the kitchen, hoping to clear my head. Shutting off the last of the ovens, I dump the burned muffins into the trash, burning my hand in the process.

  “Shit!” I yelp, kicking the pan when it falls to the floor.

  The backdoor flies open, Briggs steps inside, an annoyed look on her face. “It’s like a damn crime scene out there,” she gasps, out of breath. Throwing down her keys, her face falls. “Oh God.” Rushing to me, she looks me over, worry filling her features. “What the hell happened?”

  “I’m pretty sure Jimmy threw a brick through the window.”

  “Is that so?” she asks, her face hardening. “And why do we think that?”

  “Because,” I shrug, still trying to piece it all together myself. “I won’t take him back.”

  “I see.” Her tone is frigid, her dark eyes filling with rage as I begin explaining what happened. The moment I mention the note, she squares her shoulders and heads for the door. “Bad move, Jimbo.”

  “Where the hell are you going?”

  Tossing her long black hair over her shoulder, she meets my eyes. “It’s time for a Briggs-style beat down.” Cracking her knuckles, she rolls her shoulders. “He’s fucking earned it.”

  Chapter 8


  “Briggs!” I shout, chasing down the sidewalk after her. Inwardly, I kick myself for leaving my phone behind. Without the ability to call Kelsie for backup on defusing Briggs, I am flying solo straight into the eye of the storm. “Are you crazy? We need to let the police handle this.”

  “Investigations and paperwork are a waste of time,” she fires back, waving her hand dismissively. “We’re skipping right to sentencing.”

  “Yeah,” I snort. “Yours.”

  It is safe to say that Briggs has a temper that rivals the ferocity of an erupting volcano. Also, like a volcano, she has the ability to lie dormant for long stretches of time, stewing on something, giving little warning before she unleashes total devastation. Her biggest trigger, messing with someone she cares about.

  Anything that has upset her in the last few weeks is about to be unleashed on Jimmy in a space that is filled with tools and lots of heavy machinery.

  I should probably offer to cater his funeral for free.

  “Don’t argue with me on this, Sienna,” she warns, her hips slamming from side to side as she powers up the street toward Jimmy’s garage. “I have no problem breaking my foot off in your ass before I de-ball him and smash his teeth down his throat.”

  “Not arguing,” I reply, knowing that isn’t a threat. It’s a promise. “Only trying to keep you out of prison.”

  Stopping at the edge of the garage parking lot, she whips around to face me, her chest heaving. “No body,” she says, a smile spreading across her face. “No crime.” Bending, she picks up a loose brick, testing the weight in her hand. “Hey, asshole!” she shouts, walking up the lot with purpose. “Eye for a fucking eye!”

  “Don’t!” I shout, though it’s too late.

  Briggs hurls the brick, sending it through the large glass window Jimmy had her paint when he first took the place over from his dad. A woman screams from inside the office, followed by the sound of a door slamming. “Oh, Jimmy!” Briggs shouts, pacing in front of the building. “We need to have a little chat.”

  “Briggs!” I hiss, scanning the lot for witnesses. “What the hell are you doing?”

  Looking at me, she arches a brow. “Somethin’ bad.”

  Son of a silly bastard. This day just keeps getting better and better.

  “Well, obviously,” I hiss, gripping the sides of my head as if I expect it to fall right off my shoulders. “Vandalism is bad, alright. And illegal.”

  “Hmmph,” she shrugs, surveying her handiwork. “I prefer the term unconstruction.”

  “What the fuck!” Jimmy roars, rounding the side of the building, advancing on Briggs. “Leslie, lock yourself in my office and call the damn cops!”

  “Good,” Briggs bites out. Grabbing the tire iron from the bumper of his truck, she swings, nailing him in the balls. “Maybe we can share a cell.” Jimmy drops to the ground, coughing and sputtering while Briggs turns her aggression onto his truck.

  “And there’s the assault charge,” I deadpan, rolling my eyes.

  “Fucking whore,” he wheezes, curling into some odd looking fetal position.

  “Wrong answer, Jimmy,” Briggs grunts, smashing out the driver side taillight. “Grow some balls and take some responsibility.”

  “You just going to stand there?” Jimmy huffs, attempting to push to his knees while still clutching his crotch with both hands. “What the hell did I ever do to you?”

  “You want the short list?” I mutter, crossing my arms over my chest. “I’m actually shocked she’s going this easy on you.”

  “Easy?” he heaves in disbelief. “This is easy?”

  “Yeah,” I nod honestly. “I only chased after her because I’d questioned whether she’d let you live.”

  “What’s wrong?” Spinning around, Briggs kicks him in the hip, knocking him over again. “Can’t hold your own against little ol’ me?” His face slams into the concrete. Shifting onto his side, he groans, whining about kicking a man while he’s down. “Come on, Jimmy,” Briggs taunts. Tossing the iron into the b
ack of the truck, she grabs him by the collar of his shirt. “Want me to help you up so you can put me in my place?”

  Jimmy stares at Briggs with wide eyes. His mouth opening and closing like a damn fish. The look very similar to the one I was wearing the night I caught him tipping the pizza girl. If I weren’t worried about the two of us ending up in the back of a squad car right now, I might be able to enjoy this.

  “Okay, Briggs. Stop,” I blurt, hearing sirens. “I think you’ve proved your point.”

  Leaning into his space, she presses a kiss to the tip of his nose. “To be continued, motherfucker.” Walking over to the back of the truck, Briggs sits back against the bumper. Fishing out her smokes from her jeans, she lights one up. “Ah,” she breathes after taking a long drag. Her eyes drop to where Jimmy lies on the ground and she sighs in satisfaction. “Was it good for you?” she asks, giving him a wink.

  I stare at her, slack-jawed and utterly dumbfounded. My eyes move to Jimmy, then to the bashed in truck, and finally to the broken window. Scrubbing a hand over my face, I take a long therapeutic breath. “You want brownies or cupcakes on visiting day?” I ask Briggs, dropping to my ass to the concrete.

  “Please.” Blowing out a puff of smoke, she throws her head back and laughs. “This isn’t my first rodeo. Won’t even be my last. I’ll be in and out of lockup within twenty-four hours.” Crossings her ankles, she winks at me. “Can you run by my place later tonight and unfreeze some of my assets for bail?” she asks, taking another drag. “Feed my cat so the little monster doesn’t piss in my shoes again?”

  “Yeah,” I swallow hard, groaning inwardly at the mention of her cat, Bob. “Grab the cash, feed Satan, and try to avoid demonic possession from an evil feline. Piece of cake.”

  Chapter 9


  Flinging open the door of my cruiser, I climb out and take in the scene. With her hands cuffed behind her, Briggs leans back against the tailgate of Jimmy’s now dented in truck, looking pretty damn pleased with herself, while he rants to Officer McKnight about locking them up for the rest of their lives. Sienna sits on the pavement, legs crossed Indian style, staring blankly ahead at the shattered window. While I am relieved she is safe, I am mad as hell that she even came over here to confront him in the first place.

  “What happened?” I shout, heading straight for Sienna.

  “I’m pressing charges,” Jimmy barks as he paces back and forth. “I want both of these crazy bitches hauled in for vandalism and assault.”

  “We’re going to get to the bottom of all this, Jim,” McKnight says, steadying him when he nearly falls over. “Sit tight.”

  “She hit you?” I ask, jerking my chin at Sienna.

  “What?” Jimmy clips, his eyes snapping to me. “Oh, I should’ve known you would haul ass to get here.”

  “You call, we show up. It’s our job.” Unfazed by his tone, I take a step toward him. “Now, answer the question. Did Sienna Keaton physically harm or threaten you, in any way?”

  Looking at her, he swallows hard. “No,” he replies, shaking his head. “Why should she? All she has to do is snap her fingers and this bitch steps off like a rabid dog,” he argues, pointing at Briggs.

  Briggs straightens, her eyes raging. “Watch it, asshole,” she warns, her tone ice cold. “I work better with an audience.”

  “That’s enough,” I say, keeping my voice calm. Walking over to Sienna, I hold out my hands. “You hurt?”

  Shaking her head, she slips her hands into mine, allowing me to pull her to her feet. It takes everything in me not to haul her flush against my chest and bury my nose in the long dark hair I know smells like strawberries and vanilla. “Good. Wait for me in my car.”

  “No,” she shakes her head again. “I’m pressing charges. Tessa will too.” She glares at Jimmy. “Vandalism and assault.”

  “What?” Jimmy roars, throwing up his hands. “I haven’t come anywhere near you or Tessa! The only time I’ve talked to you was because I was trying to apologize and make things right between us. This!” he shouts angrily, gesturing between his battered shop and truck. “Is why men don’t say they’re sorry. Women are fucking crazy.”

  “I’ve only begun to give you crazy,” Briggs grounds out, baring her teeth like an Aztec warrior about to charge.

  Sienna’s entire body tenses at his words, only adding to my anger. She takes a shaky step back and I notice how her breathing picks up. The last thing this bastard gets to do is instill fear in her.

  “Got a busted window of her own,” McKnight counters, yanking a pair of cuffs from his belt and grabbing Jimmy’s wrist. “Along with my aunt being stitched up at the emergency room.”

  “Bullshit!” Jimmy argues as his hands are cuffed behind him. He glares at Sienna, looking like he would tear into her if given half the chance. “I don’t go near that fucking place. Ask anyone.”

  “Don’t worry, we will,” I ground out, my rage simmering beneath the surface. I want her away from this motherfucker. There is nothing I would like more than to make sure he can never lay his eyes on her again. “We’re going to need you to come down to the station and answer some questions, Mr. Anderson. Including some on your visit with Miss Keaton last night.” When the color drains from his face, I turn my attention to Sienna. “Now, will you please go to the damn car?”

  Sienna’s eyes spark, and I freeze, wanting to get lost in them instead of dealing with this bullshit. Opening her mouth, she starts to speak, only to stop herself. Shaking her head, she turns on her heel and heads for my car without a word. The tension of whatever was about to come out of her mouth is left hanging in the air between us. Words that I will make for damn sure are pulled from those lips later and dealt with.

  After she listens to the ones I have for her.

  With Sienna tucked safely inside my cruiser, and away from the situation, I help McKnight by offering to take Briggs to his car, while he helps get Jimmy loaded up into the back of another car pulling up. Without me having to ask, Briggs begins breaking down everything that happened as we walk, starting with her dropping in on Sienna at the bakery in the hopes of grilling her on info about our date last night.

  “I feel shorted,” she mutters as we walk. “She didn’t tell me a damn thing about last night.”

  “Oh yeah?” I chuckle. “Neither will I.”

  “He deserved it, you know,” Briggs says, looking over at me. “Not that I ever liked him to begin with.”

  Nodding, I laugh again. “Not sure that’s the best thing to say while in handcuffs. Though, I’ll admit, he’s not exactly helping his case right now, either.”

  “Probably not,” she nods thoughtfully. “Doesn’t make it any less true,” she adds, stopping at the back of McKnight’s cruiser. “Anyone hurts her, they deal with me.” Looking over at me, she shrugs. “I don’t mind getting my hands dirty to make that point.”

  “Noted,” I admit, picking up on where she is steering the conversation. Leave it to a woman to use a felony assault as a teaching moment for the new guy trying to date her best friend. If anything, she made sure the lesson was memorable for everyone. “How about next time you let the police handle the dirty work?”

  “Yeah, yeah.” Sitting, Briggs makes herself comfortable before flashing me a smile. “Where’s the fun in that?”

  Closing the door, I head over to where they’ve gotten Jimmy loaded into the back of the other car. Stupid asshole has been cuffed, strapped into the damn seatbelt like a toddler, and is still running off at the mouth, challenging every single one of us. “Shut up, moron,” McKnight barks, banging on the window with his fist. “Unless you want to keep adding charges?”

  Jimmy stops ranting, his eyes landing on me, narrowing. “Fuck you,” he mouths.

  “You two have everything you need from Sienna?” I ask, ignoring him as he continues his intimidation attempt. There are more important things to worry about than indulging some shithead who wants to push back against the law. These assholes never learn that it w
on’t work. They only dig themselves a deeper hole. I couldn’t give two shits what he says or does to try to get a rise out of me. My focus is on Sienna and keeping her the hell away from this clown. “I need to get her back to handle the damage at her own shop before she can lock up.”

  “Yeah. It all seems pretty cut and dry,” McKnight replies. “How’s my aunt?”

  “She threatened to put the Medic in a chokehold when he said she needed to go in and get an x-ray and stitches.”

  “Sounds about right,” he laughs. “She’ll calm down once they start offering pain meds.”

  After a quick run through of what both Jimmy and Briggs are being charged with, I make my way over to my car where Sienna sits waiting. Climbing in, I put on my seatbelt before glancing over at her. “You changed your shirt,” she says, looking down at her hands.

  “Yeah. Keep an extra in the trunk.” Shifting into gear, I pull onto the street, heading back toward her bakery. “It’s not safe being covered in frosting around the chief.”

  “Dodged a bullet there,” she snorts out with a little laugh.

  “I could say the same about you,” I reply honestly.

  “Yeah.” Shifting uncomfortably in her seat, she sighs. “I guess.”

  “Looks like we’ve got another elephant to deal with, yeah?” Not prepared to make a joke about it like last time, I continue. “What you did was fucking stupid, Sienna.”

  “What I did,” she bites out as I turn into the alley behind her shop. “Was chase after Briggs because I didn’t want her to do something fucking stupid. I was hoping to keep her ass out of jail.”

  “How’d that work out?” I ask, sarcasm dripping from my words.

  “Oh,” she snorts and I don’t even have to look at her to know she is rolling her eyes. “You’re hilarious.”


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