Corps Security in Hope Town: Somethin' Bad (Kindle Worlds Novella)

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Corps Security in Hope Town: Somethin' Bad (Kindle Worlds Novella) Page 7

by Cat Mason

  “Drove my ass here because you didn’t answer your phone,” I explain, my hand sliding down to grip her ass when she shifts against me again. A small moan leaves her lips, causing me to bite back one of my own. The sounds she makes when I touch her are enough to make my dick rip his way through my pants and take her right here on the stairs. I shake my head at the thought. “This isn’t about sex. It’s about me checking on you. Now that I know you’re okay, I’m putting your ass to bed. To sleep.”

  “I’m seriously the guy in this relationship,” she mutters under her breath.


  Her lips leave my neck and I instantly miss their softness and warmth. Blinking slowly, she meets my eyes. “I hit on you at a club, based on the way you were dressed. Groped you shamelessly, while throwing cheesy ass lines.” She narrows her eyes when I chuckle. “I was the rude, drunk asshole that every woman tries her damnedest to avoid when out. Then, instead of having the serious conversation, and apologizing for being the rude, drunk asshole, I handed you a big box filled with chocolate as a distraction.”

  “Don’t forget about choosing barbecue and beer over pasta and candlelight,” I remind her, amused as hell by the unexpected turn in our conversation.

  “Exactly,” she huffs, rolling her eyes. “Now, you’re clam-jamming me when I’m trying to get in your pants.”

  “Clam-jamming?” I ask, unable to keep from laughing.

  “Yes,” she counters, arching a brow.

  “Is that the technical term?”

  “You’re an ass,” she replies, pressing her lips into a hard line.

  “And you’re fuckin’ adorable.”

  Entering her bedroom, I lie her back on the pillows before tugging the black and silver quilt up over her body. If she keeps this playful shit up much longer, it is going to become very hard to stick to my guns and not fuck her senseless right now. I want her terribly. More than I can remember wanting anyone. Which is insane. Who in their right fucking mind craves the touch, the taste, of someone this fast? I have spent the entire day struggling with this very idea and trying to rack my brain for some simple explanation. I have yet to find anything that doesn’t make me sound as certifiably crazy as my Pop.

  The fact that I did think twice before bolting from a crime scene the moment I knew she had gone out the back door doesn’t help in the reassurance of my own sanity. Hell, my goddamn heart didn’t stop racing until I knew she was safe. And even then, the thought of wrapping her in my arms and making damn sure that my claim on her was crystal fucking clear in front of Jimmy was brewing in the forefront of my mind.

  “How’s Briggs?” she asks, pulling me from my thoughts.

  “Driving McKnight out of his mind,” I smirk, thinking back to all the hell that little woman was putting him through while he was processing her into lockup. “Not that it takes much to do that.” Kicking out of my shoes, I begin stripping out of my gear and uniform. Sliding into bed beside her, I pull her body close. Without missing a beat, Sienna throws an arm and a leg over my body.

  “That’s good.” Sighing contently, she presses her cheek to my chest and closes her eyes. “I’m glad she has something to pass the time while I’m out here, wrangling her evil, ice cream throwing, devil pussy.”

  “Her what?” I ask, my fingers running slowly up and down her hip.

  “Bob.” Sienna says, scrunching her nose in disgust. “Her cat. Evil little bastard has it out for me.”

  “Ah,” I nod, though she can’t see me do it.



  “You really going to ignore this?” she asks, her thigh brushing over my aching cock.

  Fuck me.

  Pulling back, I tip up her chin and brush my lips over hers in a soft, chaste kiss. One that leaves me wanting. Aching. Needing more in ways I can’t begin to describe to her, or myself. “Fuckin’ tryin’, babe.” Tugging the chopsticks free from her hair, I toss them to the nightstand before pressing my nose into her hair. Breathing her in, I start naming off states and capitals in my head to get my mind off the how good it would feel to bury myself between her thighs. It isn’t until her breathing evens out, and I know she’s asleep, that I close my eyes and allow myself to finally crash too.

  Chapter 12


  The buzzing of my alarm clock makes my head want to explode. Reaching out, I attempt to shut it off, only to find a very hard, extremely hot wall of muscle blocking me from reaching the nightstand. Then the alarm is silenced. Opening my eyes, I jolt up in bed so fast my head nearly spins right off my shoulders.

  “Good morning,” Matt’s voice is warm like melted caramel. Lying on his back, he stares up at me with soft eyes, still hazy from sleep. My eyes drift down his bare chest, stopping at the quilt bunched at his waist that does nothing to hide the impressive hard-on he is currently sporting.


  Reaching out, he bands his arm around my middle and pulls me to him, while rolling to his side. His erection presses into my belly, causing heat to flood my body. “How do you feel?”

  “Like I drank my weight in wine,” I mumble, pressing my face into the crook of his neck. “Or nearly died trying.”

  “Yeah.” His fingers slip beneath the hem of my shirt, sliding upward as he rolls me to my back. The heat from his touch causes goosebumps to break out over my skin. His hands wake every cell in my body, sending sparks of anticipation and desire through me. “You earned an A for effort there.” Settling between my thighs, he leans in, his lips softly brushing my ear before tugging it playfully between his teeth. I moan, wanting nothing more than to forget everything waiting for me the moment I go downstairs and have to face the aftermath of yesterday. “Shower?” he asks, trailing his lips down to the sensitive spot behind my ear. His hand slides up my thigh, fingers digging in as he kneads my ass through my shorts, rocking my body into his.

  “Only if you join me,” I answer on a breathy exhale. Running my hands up the hard muscles of his back, I grip his shoulders and let out a small sigh. The friction as our bodies move together is only enough to tease me, making me yearn for more.

  He smiles against my skin and I feel it all the way to my core. “As much as I’m dying to be inside you right now, baby, I don’t have a condom.”

  “Birth control,” I murmur, my hands diving into his hair. “I’ve got the implant in my arm. Got tested after I ended things with Jimmy. Only been with you since. I’m clean.”

  “Fuck,” he groans, his grip tightening on my ass as he stills. The sensation puts an almost perfect amount of pressure against my clit. I shift my hips as much as his grip on me will allow, seeking that little extra to send me over the edge. Matt hisses out a breath. “You keep grinding on me like that, we’ll never make it out of this bed,” he warns, pulling back to meet my eyes. The blue sparks, fill with heat as he appears to be fighting for control.

  A battle, that if I have anything to say about it, he won’t be able to win.

  Releasing my hold on him, I arch my back and rip my shirt over my head. Matt’s eyes drop to my bare breasts. His mouth opens, his tongue peeking out to sweep over his bottom lip. I want to bite down on that lip while he drives his cock into me. Leaning down, he circles my nipple with his tongue before sucking it into his mouth. “Ah!” Tossing my shirt aside, I cup his face in my hands, holding him to me as he equally tortures each nipple. A growl rumbles up from his chest, low and possessive. Sexy as hell. The vibrations only adding to my hunger for him.

  “Hang on, babe.” Matt rolls, taking me with him. I squeal as he shifts my body, hauling me tightly against him as he stands. Gripping my ass firmly with one hand, while the other is sliding up my back, he strides out of my bedroom and across the hall to the bathroom.

  Switching on the light, he sits me on my feet before heading straight for my favorite part of my master bathroom. The shower. The slate and ivory stone back wall takes up nearly half the room, with the other three sides being made entirely o
f glass. There are multiple jets and settings, and the water pressure is literally the greatest thing in the world after working a twelve-hour shift at the bakery. This and the kitchen were the reasons I jumped on this house the moment it hit the market.

  While Matt works on adjusting the water temperature, I take it as an opportunity to brush my teeth. The last thing I am doing is ruining the moment by kissing him when my breath tastes worse than the inside of an old boot. When I lean over the sink to spit and rinse my mouth, I feel Matt press into me from behind. Running his hand along my hips, he rocks me back into his cock. Dropping my tooth brush into the sink, I switch off the faucet. Straightening as much as he will allow me to, I reach behind me and grab a handful of his ass, smiling to myself when I see he has ditched his boxers.

  “The mirrors in here all face the shower,” he says, rolling his hips.

  “Mhm,” I moan. “Though, to be fair, the shower does take up most of the space in here.”

  Taking a step back, Matt pushes my bottoms over my hips, taking my panties with them as they fall to the floor. Leaning down, he presses his lips to my shoulder, his eyes locking on mine in the mirror. “Turn around, Sienna.”

  The moment I face him, his arms wrap around me, hauling me from my feet. Our mouths collide, tongues tangling as each of us battling for control of the moment. The hot water sprays down on us as Matt moves us into the shower. Pressing my back to the tile, his mouth and hands light fire to every inch of skin they touch. “You’re teasing me,” I pant, ripping my mouth from his.

  “Wrong,” he says, nipping along my shoulder. “I’m savoring you.” Sliding his hand between our bodies, he cups my pussy. Grinding his palm against my clit, he slides the tip of his middle finger inside me. “Fuck,” he hisses. “So ready for me. So fucking wet.” Letting my head fall back to the tile, I moan, his words only adding to the ache building inside me.

  How does he do this to me?

  Removing his hand, he shifts our bodies, settling my thighs around his hips just as I feel the head of his cock press inside me. Then he stills. His eyes slam shut, his brow furrowing as he drags a ragged breath in through his barely parted lips.

  “Matt?” I ask, though it sounds more like a plea than concern. Probably because it is. I desperately need him to move.

  His eyes open, locking with mine. His hips surge forward on a roar, filling me completely. My entire body rattles from the sheer force of his hips as he drives into me again and again like a man possessed. It’s exquisite. “Goddamn,” he grunts, burying his face in the crook of my neck. “Dreamt about being balls deep inside this sweet fucking pussy all night.”

  My ass slams into the tile with every thrust, jolts of pleasure mixing with bites of pain, making them one and the same. Turning my head, my eyes fix on our reflection in the mirror. His ass clenches with each move of his hips, his cock working in and out of me. I can’t look away. It’s so hot to see us from this angle. The control I was so determined to hold onto moments ago, lessens with every passing second. I can feel my body tightening, winding up like a spring, every sensation only adding to the release I feel coiling deep in my belly. Arching my back, I cry out his name and welcome the oblivion I know is about to overtake me.

  Clasping the back of my neck with his hand, Matt slams his mouth to mine, swallowing the cries of my release the second my orgasm takes hold and shakes me like a ragdoll. His tongue sweeps over mine slowly, taking his time to taste, to tease, savoring every second while his hips only increase their torturous rhythm. “So sweet,” he growls against my lips. Shifting his hips, he surges deeper, harder, faster, making it very clear that he isn’t letting me ride my climax out nice and slow. Matt is taking and has every intention of leaving me completely shaken by the way he owns my body. I am tossed, turned upside down, and shattered beyond any semblance of repair, and I fucking love every second.

  * * *

  Half an hour later, I head downstairs, nearly coming out of my damn skin when I see Kelsie sitting at the kitchen island, sipping a cup of coffee. “Holy shit biscuit!” I yelp, slamming back into Matt. Steadying me, his hand slides down to my ass, giving it a firm squeeze before releasing his hold. “Would it kill you to give someone a little heads up when you hear them coming?”

  Placing the mug down in front of her, Kelsie arches a perfectly shaped brow at me. “Which time?” she asks, a smirk spreading across her face.

  “How do you take your coffee?” I ask, looking to Matt and ignoring Kelsie’s smartass comment. His hair is still damp, wild and tousled from my fingers. No shirt, bare feet, and the dark pants of his uniform fitting over his thick thighs and the ass I want to take a bite out of every time I see it.

  “Sweet,” he replies with a wink. Leaning back against the wall, Matt crosses his arms over his bare chest. “And ideally, back in bed.”

  My stomach flips at the idea of spending an entire day in bed with Matt. Hours and hours of nothing but us devouring every inch of each other over and over again. His lips twitch up into a smile, no doubt seeing the turn my mind has taken.

  “Careful, Sienna. You don’t wanna trip on your tongue,” Kelsie says, reaching out and slapping my arm. “You may need it.”

  Snapping out of my sexually-induced haze, I shoot a glare at Kelsie before turning my attention to pouring Matt and I each a cup of coffee. “Very funny, Lady Haha. Were you planning to go with me to the bail out Briggs, or would you rather hang out here and work on your stand-up routine?”

  Matt chuckles, taking the cup from my out-stretched fingers. Grabbing a spoon from the drainer, he begins heaping mounds of sugar into his cup, before stirring. Looking up at me, his face turns serious. “About that,” he says, lifting the mug to his lips. “There’s a few things we should probably talk about before you head down to the station.”

  “Why?” Kelsie and I ask in unison. “What happened?” I continue, sitting my mug down.

  “Jimmy was cut loose last night,” he says, sounding disgusted with his own words. “Shithead lawyered up almost immediately and has one hell of an alibi.” He shakes his head. “Video.”

  “Are you fucking kidding me?” Kelsie screeches, pushing to her feet so fast the stool she was sitting on tumbles back and slams to the tile floor. “He has a video alibi?” she asks in disbelief. “The fuck was that tool doing? Making a sex tape?”

  “Oh God,” I groan, shaking my head. “Can we please not mention Jimmy and porn in the same sentence. I will puke.” Taking a deep breath to cleanse my thoughts, and settle my rioting stomach, I turn to Matt for answers. “What does that mean? No charges? As in he’s off the hook?”

  “The way I heard it, it was surveillance footage from his garage.” Matt shakes his head. “And he’s not off the hook for shit. There’s just not enough to prove he was involved. Yet. One more reason why you need that restraining order.”

  “We’ve talked about this,” I grumble, not wanting to discuss this shit again.

  “Yeah, we did, babe,” he replies honestly. “This time fuckin’ listen. That piece of paper serves more of a purpose than you think. It gets his behavior on file, documents a history. It also gives us the ability to take more defensive action when trying to keep him the hell away from you.”

  “Ugh,” I mumble, sipping from my cup. “I’m going to need more than coffee to have this conversation.”

  “Then put on your big girl panties and grab the shot glasses, cocktart,” Kelsie says, giving my shoulder a squeeze. “I’m siding with Hunk P.D. on this one.”

  “Awesome,” I deadpan, knowing that there are a good thirty-seven thousand things I would rather be doing right now with my time and energy instead of having this conversation, and not a single one of them has a damn thing to do with Jimmy Motherfucking Anderson.

  Chapter 13


  After having listened to Matt break everything down, in excruciating detail, I am ready to pull my hair out. It doesn't help that Kelsie blows a gasket when she finds out all the detai
ls I have failed to mention. Like when Jimmy showed up here the night of my date with Matt. That little detail did absolutely nothing to help sway her back to my side.

  In fact, I am blaming that little tidbit for causing me to become successfully outnumbered.

  I hate this entire situation. To be totally honest, I would be much happier avoiding the whole mess. Is it so wrong that I would rather stick my head in the sand and pretend that Jimmy and this bullshit doesn't exist?

  Yeah, no one else seems to agree with me on that. Not even a little bit.

  My only reprieve from the discussion, that I am clearly losing, is the fact that I can't be drug down to the station, kicking and screaming right now, because someone has to get their ass to the bakery and make sure it opens on time. Before Matt heads home, he informs me that he will stop and check in at the station before swinging by to give me a hand. I decline his offer, as well as Kelsie’s. Even though I could clearly use the help, and appreciate the offer, I would much rather use the time prepping the cases this morning to clear my head, without the added opinions that will no doubt only add to my already high stress level.

  I get that Jimmy should have to pay for what happened, if he is the one behind it. I also believe, without a doubt, that even if he wasn't the one who threw the brick through my store front, he knows who did. It’s not like I run around town giving everyone excuses to ramble about me being a ‘fucking whore’. Plus, let’s face it, that’s Jimmy’s favorite phrase when talking shit about any woman.

  The thing of it all is, at this point, I don't even care who actually threw the stupid brick.

  What I want to know is why.

  For me, that’s the part that doesn’t add up. Jimmy showing up out of the blue, wanting me back after not so much as a phone call after our messy break up was weird enough. Now that he was refused, and I have someone else interested in me, he decides to go all kinds of postal and tear through my life like a category five storm? It makes absolutely no fucking sense to me.


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