I Am Moore (All That & Moore Book 1)

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I Am Moore (All That & Moore Book 1) Page 15

by Celeste Granger

  “Stop fixating on the negative,” Kennedy redirected. “You deserve love, Emery; All the love your heart can hold. Love is not always pretty, but when its real, there’s no greater feeling and you deserve that.”

  Emery didn’t know what to say, so she didn’t say anything. That was okay with Kennedy. She understood what the silence meant.

  “So, what’s on the agenda? I know Evan has more in store for you.”

  “He apologized and asked me to dinner,” Emery replied.

  “You’re going right? I mean you gotta eat,” Kennedy laughed.

  “He kind of has me captive; being on an island and all.”

  “That was a boss move, Emery. You gotta admit that.”

  “It was, but I’m not going to tell him that,” Emery laughed in return.

  “I want to hear all about it,” Kennedy beamed. “Not the nasty stuff, but the rest of it.”

  “Ain’t gone be no nasty stuff,” Emery bandied.

  “Mmhmm,” Kennedy murmured. “Where are you guys going? What are you going to wear?”

  “That’s the thing,” Emery replied. “I have no idea. I just know the time.”

  There was a knock at the door.

  “Hold on a sec, Ken,” Emery replied, lifting herself off the bed and scooting to the door.

  “This is for you ma’am,” the attendant advised.

  “Thank you. Let me get you a tip,” Emery said, reaching for her purse on the side table.

  “That won’t be necessary ma’am. Everything has been taken care of. Have a good evening.”

  “Who was that,” Kennedy asked.

  “A doorman with a package.”

  “Well girl, open it up and turn on the video, so I can see.”

  “Hold on,” Emery said, walking back to the bed and sitting the box down. Turning the camera on, Emery untied the silky gold bow that held the box closed. Lifting the top off and sitting it to the side, there was a note written on a folded piece of stationery.

  For tonight.

  Emery peeled back the gold flaked tissue paper that covered the box’s contents.

  Putting the phone down, Emery lifted the off-white charmeuse sheath dress was form fitting to the waist and billowed out in soft ripples to the floor. Emery spread the dress on the bed and picked up the phone, so Kennedy could see.

  “Oh, Em, that’s beautiful.”

  Emery couldn’t agree more.

  “He thought of everything,” Kennedy sighed. “Well you better get ready, Em, and please, try to have an open mind and a good time, okay?”

  “I’ll try” Emery agreed. “But I’m not making any promises.

  At 9:00 precisely, there was a rap on Emery’s door.

  “Just a minute,” she called out; taking one last look in the mirror. She still couldn’t believe she was going through with this after everything that happened. But she made her sister a promise that she would try. Adjusting the strap on her opened toe brushed gold sandals, Emery sashayed to the door. Emery took a deep breath, realizing that she was nervous. Closing her eyes, Emery breathed in again, trying to steady herself. And then, she opened the door.

  Emery fully expected to see Evan standing in her doorway. But it was the attendant who brought the dress.

  “Good evening ma’am. If you would please follow me.”

  The intrigue continued. Emery stepped out into the hallway and the attendant closed the door behind her. She waited until he was in front and followed him as he’d asked. The hotel was beautiful in the daylight, but the sight was magnificent in the evening. Ambient light illuminated the long hallways with the shimmer reflecting off the floors. There were fresh flowers throughout the lobby and the crystal chandeliers dotted the expansive ceilings. Emery followed the attendant out onto the veranda. The gentle breeze warmed Emery’s skin and the sight of the water, with the moon’s glow, made her smile.

  “Thank you, Adam,” a voice came from the shadows.

  Emery turned to see Evan approaching her.

  “I’m so glad you came,” Evan said as he glided towards her. Dressed in a cream linen pantsuit, Evan reached out his hand. Emery accepted it and Evan leaned down, kissing hers.

  “You are breathtaking,” he simmered.

  “You too,” Emery blushed. He looked so handsome. Whether Emery intended to say it aloud, she had, and Evan flushed in return.

  “Where are you taking me,” Emery asked; trying to ally the magnetic tension between them.

  “Where we’re going, you won’t need those,” Evan replied, pointing towards her feet. It was only then that Emery noticed Evan was barefoot. His toes were covered in sand. “Let me help you,” Evan suggested.

  Stepping up onto the veranda next to Emery, Evan squatted down. Emery placed her hand lightly on his shoulder to hold her balance as he gingerly slid one shoe off and then the other. Picking them up by the straps and dangling them from his fingers, Evan stood next to her.

  “Shall we?”

  Emery felt the coolness of the marble floors under her feet. Evan lifted his arm, inviting her to wrap hers around his as she had done so many times before. They stepped down together and Emery felt the coolness replaced by the warmth of the sand under her feet. As they moved along the beach, Emery’s heart pulsed at a steady beat. Adrenaline coursed through her as the familiar feeling of being safe in Evan’s arms assaulted her senses. When Evan paused, Emery paused with him. Stepping from behind him, the reason he stopped came into view.

  It took Emery a moment to take it all in.

  “I hope you like it,” Evan said as he moved a step closer. Emery’s eyes danced as she looked at what Evan had done. The secluded area of the beach was lit with flaming torch lamps. There were blankets on the sand with baskets of food and a vat of wine. She didn’t notice it at first until she heard the soft strumming of an acoustic guitar being played by a musician not far away.

  “It’s a picnic,” she mused, as a smile spread across her face. Seeing that smile warmed Evans' heart. Placing his hand on the small of her back, Evan escorted Emery onto the blankets and held her hand as she sat down.

  “Are you surprised,” Evan asked, sitting down across from her.

  “I am,” Emery replied. Evan had always been generous. He had exquisite taste and didn’t mind lavishing Emery with the finer things. She thought he would do something to try and impress her, something over the top. But this? Emery had not anticipated. She was pleasantly surprised.

  “I just wanted it to be you and me,” Evan began. “Well, him too,” Evan smirked, looking back at the guitarist. Emery smiled with him.

  “Seriously Emery, I wanted us to have a chance to leave everything and everyone else behind and it just be us. I miss us.”

  “I miss us, too,” Emery sighed.

  “That’s good to hear,” Evan replied. There was a genuine soul-stirring smile that eased across his lips. Seeing him, Emery smiled with Evan.

  “So, what’s in the baskets? Cause I’m hungry,” Emery teased.

  “You know I love a woman who’s not ashamed to eat,” he laughed.

  He appreciated Emery’s humor and her willingness. Evan sprang into action. Reaching behind him, Evan pulled out a tray, large enough to hold their food and drinks. He opened the basket that held the wine and glasses. Handing the glasses to Emery, Evan reached into the basket and pulled out the corkscrew. Uncorking the bottle, Evan poured a glass for each of them. He set out the plates and silverware from another along with cheeses, fresh fruits, artisan bread as well as a variety of sliced meats. Once everything was set up, Evan lifted his glass.

  “Thank you.”

  “For what,” Emery asked.

  “For being willing.”

  He leaned his glass in her direction and Emery clicked hers against his. Easily, the two fell into casual conversation while they ate good food and were serenaded with wonderful music. After they both had their fill, Evan reached for the last basket.

  “Now for the piece de resistance,” he proudly

  He lifted out a white box and set it on the table.

  “Open it,” he encouraged.

  “You and your white boxes,” Emery chided.

  “Should I change up the color?” Evan taunted.

  “Maybe,” Emery quipped.

  “Open the box, girl, you know you want to,” Evan roused.

  She popped her lips and Evan laughed. She did as he asked.

  “Red velvet cupcakes!” Emery squealed. They were her favorite.

  “Look at you, trying to be all thoughtful and stuff,” Emery quipped.

  “Walk with me,” Evan suggested. There was a change in his tone.

  “But what about my cupcake?” Emery goaded.

  “I promise it will be here when we get back.”

  Standing to his feet, Evan reached down for Emery and helped her up. As they moved toward the water, the music continued to serenade them. Evan held her hand as they walked to the water's edge. She could see he had something on his mind. He was dark and brooding. There was a lot on her mind as well.

  The water lapped at their feet as they stopped and stood to look out onto the water.

  “I don’t think you know how much you mean to me,” Evan reflected.

  “I thought I knew,” Emery replied.

  “That’s the thing,” Evan said, turning to face her. “I need you to know, Em.”

  “You made that hard, Evan.”

  He had to accept that. Even though what happened was unintended, Evan had to accept that what happened happened.

  “I know, and I’m sorry for what happened. But I don’t love that girl. I don’t even like her. I love you, Emery. You’re the one I love.”

  “I want to believe you Evan, but I just don’t know.”

  Evan pulled Emery’s hands into his and moved her closer to him.

  “I know how hard it was for you to let me in. I know how hard it was for you to trust me. I know you’ve been hurt in the past and that makes you scared to love again. And I know that the whole situation with Isis and the pictures gave you an out. This thing that happened between us, it’s not really about her. It’s about him; the man who hurt you.”

  The truth of Evan’s words rocked her. He could feel her pulling away, but he held Emery firm.

  But I’m not him, Emery. I’m not him.”

  Their eyes locked. Emery’s resolve weakened.

  “I know you’re not.”

  Without another word, Evan leaned in, finding her lips and kissing her. It was not a probative kiss, but one that spoke the truth of what his heart said, just in case the words weren’t enough. A shudder moved through Emery awakening the parts of her she desperately tried to shield from Evan. But he found those parts and breathed life into them. What Evan made Emery feel was undeniable. She knew that. Despite everything, that feeling of peace and safety and security was there. And he was right. This was not about the girl, it was all about her previously broken heart. Emery didn’t want to live broken anymore.

  The two were quiet as the walked inland. Returning, Eva assisted Emery in getting comfortable before he sat down close to her; keeping connected to her. One basket that had not been opened.

  “Remember when I told you, flowers have a language all their own?”

  “I do,” Emery replied.

  Evan reached inside the basket.

  “I sent you the blue salvia to remind you that I couldn’t stop thinking about you. The yellow roses? Because I needed to apologize to you. I will do everything I can to never hurt you again.”

  He pulled out a single flower and handed it to Emery. The colors of the exotic plant were bold and beautiful.

  “This tiger lily says, I dare you to love me. I dare you to love me, Emery, as fiercely as I love you.”

  Evans’ eyes found hers and held them captive.

  “Let me mend the parts of you that were broken. Let me love you past your hurt, past your pain. I dare you to, Emery.”

  Evan poured out his heart and Emery felt it.

  “I can’t imagine living the rest of my life without you. I love you.”

  This time, when Evan reached into the basket, he pulled out a small velvet box. He watched as Emery’s eyes widened. He opened it, revealing a six-carat emerald cut diamond ring. Removing it from the box, Evan held the ring between his fingers.

  “I dare you to put it all on the line and love me for the rest of our lives and into eternity.”

  Evan held Emery’s hand in his own.

  “Will you?”

  Again, Evan rendered Emery speechless. Her eyes danced between his and the ring, for what it represented. It would be easy to let fear consume her. It would be easy to allow the shadow of a doubt to resonate within her. It would be easy to deny herself the chance to have everything she wanted and the promise of so much more. But Emery was a Moore girl. She knew in her heart of hearts that things that were easy most times weren’t worth it. Emery searcher her soul as Evan searched her eyes. He wanted a life with her more than words could say.

  “Yes. Yes, Evan, I love you! Yes,” Emery replied.

  A single tear spilled onto her cheek as Evan slid the ring onto her finger. He pulled her in close and held her tight as he too shed a single tear.

  That night, as Emery lay securely in Evan’s arms, she was happy, knowing she would live the rest of her life as Mrs. Evan Stanton.


  Six months later

  The past six months had been an absolute whirlwind in preparation for their wedding day.

  Emery couldn’t be happier as she looked out of the window of her bridal suite onto the same sandy beach where Evan proposed. In just a few minutes, she would be walking down the beach to marry the love of her life.

  “You make a beautiful bride.”

  Emery turned to see her mother standing in the doorway. Emery smiled and waved her mother in. Although their relationship had been strained when Samantha was introduced to the family, Emery and Felicia worked hard, especially over the past few months, to mend what was broken between them. Through tears and screams and more tears, the two came to an understanding of who they were to each other, and more importantly what they meant to each other. Emery was not willing to move forward in her life with a rip torn in her and her mother’s relationship. They worked it out and Emery couldn’t be happier.

  Felicia was happier than she’d been in a long time. Seeing her daughter, ready to take the first step into her new life, brought so much joy to Felicia.

  “Oh mommy, please don’t cry,” Emery said seeing her mother’s eyes mist over. “You’ll ruin your makeup and mine too,” Emery sighed as her eyes welled with tears too.

  “I’m just so happy for you Emery, so happy,” Felicia said, extending her arms to her daughter who readily walked into them. They held and appreciated each other; something they hadn’t been able to do in far too long.

  “It’s time you two,” Kennedy said, breaking up the teary moment.

  “Okay,” Felicia said, releasing her daughter. Kennedy picked up tissue and crossed the room, handing some to her mother and some to Emery.

  “Baby, we got to get that face back together or you might scare him off,” Kennedy taunted. She and Felicia helped Emery, wiping her tears and smoothing out her dress.

  “We’ll see you out there,” Kennedy said, ushering her mother out of the suite.

  It was time. Emery was ready.

  Emery’s father, Cecil, met her outside the bridal suite.

  “My, my, my,” he uttered. “Look at my baby.”

  Cecil swiped at his eyes as tears threatened to fall.


  ““I am so proud of you, Emery, and I love you,” Cecil said as he lifted Emery’s veil for a kiss and then lowered it.

  “I love you, too, dad.”

  Although it was hard to let her go, Cecil proudly escorted his daughter onto the veranda. Taking that first step down into the warmth of the sand, Emery was reminded once again of that magical n
ight when Evan proposed. She smiled as a musical reminder tickled her ear. The guitarist was there, playing here comes the bride as she made her way to her groom. Seeing all her sisters, all of them, standing with her, with bouquets of tiger lilies brought a smile to Emery’s lips. Looking across the aisle and finding her future standing there, brought a smile to Emery’s heart.

  “Who gives this woman to be wed?”

  “We do,” Felicia and Cecil said in unison.

  “With that pronouncement, Evan glided to her, and took Emery by the hand. His eyes were intense as he took in the fullness of his bride. There was a knowing look between them as Evan walked her forward. Emery’s gown was reminiscent of the dress she wore the night she said yes. Evan wore white linen, the same color as Emery’s dress.

  “Family and dear friends, today is a day of celebration,” the minister announced. “Today we celebrate life and the power of love that draws two people together in holy matrimony.”

  “It’s my understanding that the bride and groom have written their own vows. Emery, whenever you’re ready.”

  “Evan, there was so much of my life that was good before I met you. I had worked and achieved things that before I only dreamed of achieving. But I realized that without someone special to share that with, my victories had a hollowness that reminded me that I was alone. When you found me, I wasn’t willing to give you the space to get to know me. But you didn’t accept that. You didn’t allow me to stay in my aloneness or relive past hurts. You refused to go quietly, and you dared me to love you as fiercely as you loved me.”

  Emery pressed past the tears that pushed to be released.

  “Thank you. Thank you, Evan for loving me past my hurt. Thank you for loving me past my pain. Thank you for loving me past my doubts and insecurities. Thank you for never giving up on what we could be together.”

  There was an audible sigh that moved through their loved ones.

  It took Evan a moment as his heart was full to overflowing. Clearing his throat and fighting back his own tears, Evan pressed forward.

  “I learned about a tradition in speaking with the matriarchs of your family.” Emery and Evan both looked to Emery’s great grandmother and grandmother as Evan continued. “They shared with me the alabaster box and what its contents represent. This is my love letter to you, Emery. The letter you can add to the box.”


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