Grid of the Gods

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Grid of the Gods Page 9

by Farrell, Joseph P.

  4) Especially in the case of German secret societies, one finds the notion of a hidden and esoteric continuity of institutions with ancient times and mystery schools, a belief that reinforced the idea that there was indeed a hidden wisdom and lost science to be recovered.

  As we shall see, there was indeed a “quantum mechanical conundrum” to the Earth grid and ancient sites that, during the time of these early researchers, was not known nor anticipated. But first, an interlude…


  1 Nigel Pennick, Hitler’s Secret Sciences: His Quest for the Hidden Knowledge of the Ancients, (Suffolk: Neville Spearman, 1981), p. 171.

  2 Peter Levenda, Unholy Alliance: A History of Nazi Involvement with the Occult (New York: Avon Books, 1995), p. 152.

  3 Ibid., p. 212.

  4 Walter Schellenberg, The Schellenberg Memoir (London: Andre Deutsch, 1956), p. 75, cited in Peter Levenda, Unholy Alliance, p. 214.

  5 Peter Levenda, Unholy Alliance, p. 162.

  6 Nigel Pennick, Hitler’s Secret Sciences, p. 172.

  7 Nigel Pennick, Hitler’s Secret Sciences, pp. 172-173, emphasis added.

  8 Arnold Sommerfeldt’s importance cannot be overestimated. See my Secrets of the Unified Field: the Philadelphia Experiment, the Nazi Bell, and the Discarded Theory (Adventures Unlimited Press, 2008), pp. 171-175. As for the importance of the fine

  9 Nigel Pennick, Hitler’s Secret Sciences, photo insert.

  10 Ibid., p. 7.

  11 Pennick, Hitler’s Secret Sciences, p. 10.

  12 Ibid., pp. 10-11, emphasis original. Pennick also notes that Frederick the Great’s personal librarian in Berlin “was a former Benedictine monk, Dom Antoine Joseph Pernetty, a man well versed in occult matters… Pernetty believed in the Philosopher’s Stone, the Mysteries of the Qabalah, apparitions, Patagonian Witcheries and the Race of Giants.”(p. 10).

  13 See my Giza Death Star Destroyed (Adventures Unlimited Press, 2005), pp. 84-94, and The Philosophers’ Stone (Feral House, 2009), pp. 27-29.

  14 Pennick, Hitler’s Secret Sciences, p. 28.

  15 Ibid.

  16 Ibid., p. 47.

  17 Pennich, Hitler’s Secret Sciences,, pp. 47-48.

  18 Ibid., photo insert.

  19 Pennick, Hitler’s Secret Sciences, photo insert.

  20 Pennick, Hitler’s Secret Sciences, photo insert.

  21 As far as I am able to determine as of this writing, there is no relationship to the Dr. Walther Gerlach who headed the Nazi Bell project.

  22 Pennick, Hitler’s Secret Sciences, photo insert of the map by Michael Behrend, based on Gerlach’s findings.

  23 Pennick, Hitler’s Secret Sciences, p. 138.

  24 Ibid.

  25 Pennick, Hitler’s Secret Sciences, pp. 139-140.

  26 Pennick, Hitler’s Secret Sciences, p. 141.

  27 See my The Cosmic War: Interplanetary Warfare, Modern Physics, and Ancient Texts (Adventures Unlimited Press, 2007), pp. 139-274.

  28 Pennick, Hitler’s Secret Sciences, p. 59.

  29 D. Sklar, The Nazis and the Occult (), p. 68.

  30 Pennick, op. cit., p. 29.

  31 Ibid., pp. 29-30.

  32 Ibid., p. 30.

  33 Sklar, The Nazis and the Occult, p. 69, emphasis added.

  34 Pennick, Hitler’s Secret Sciences, p. 3. It should be noted that Haushofer and his son Albrecht were in constant touch, even after the war began, with upper echelons of the British elite, in hopes of ending the war with Britain. The general and his son grew increasingly disenchanted with Hitler, and his son was implicated in the July 20,. 1944 assassination and coup attempt against the dictator.

  35 Ibid., p. 78. One need only consider the Nazi invasion of the Low Countries and France in May of 1940. The German breakthrough at Sedan ran along a line from Sedan to the region around Reims, to Abbeville, and thence to the Channel Ports, Boulogne, the Pas de Calais, and, of course, Dunquerque.

  36 Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry (Charleston, S.C.: 1871), p. 5, italicized and capitalized emphasis original, bold face emphasis added.

  37 Pike, Morals and Dogma, p. 787, italicized emphasis original, boldface emphasis added.

  38 For a further discussion of these two types of alchemy, see my The Philosophers’ Stone: Alchemy and the Secret Research for Exotic Matter (Feral House, 2009), pp. 31-36.

  39 See my The Cosmic War: Interplanetary Warfare, Modern Physics, and Ancient Texts (Adventures Unlimited Press, pp. 204-212.

  40 Joseph P. Farrell, LBJ and the Conspiracy to Kill Kennedy (Adventures Unlimited Press, 2010), pp. 220-223.

  41 Pennick, Hitler’s Secret Scienes, p. 171.

  42 See my The Philosophers’ Stone (Feral House 2009), pp. .

  43 For a picture of the German electron microscope, see my Roswell and the Reich (Adventures Unlimited Press, 2010), p. 486.

  44 Pennick, Hitler’s Secret Sciences, pp. 168-169.

  45 Joseph P. Farrell, Secrets of the Unified Field: the Philadelphia Experiment, the Nazi Bell, and the Discarded Theory (Adventures Unlimited Press, 2008), p. 242. For a fuller discussion of this incident, see pp. 240-242. Meyl’s work does raise the speculative possibility that it might, somehow, be based on wartime Nazi research, though I have found no direct evidence to suggest such a connection.

  46 Joseph P. Farrell, Babylon’s Banksters: The Alchemy of Deep Physics, High Finance, and Ancient Religion (Feral House, 2010), pp. 250-264.

  47 For a fuller discussion of this technology, see my Babylon’s Banksters, pp. 130- 155.

  48 For a fuller discussion of this point, see my SS Brotherhood of the Bell (Adventures Unlimited Press, pp. 211-219.

  49 This is the basic idea behind Sesh Heri’s book The Handprint of Atlas (Corvos Books, 2008).

  50 The possibility must also be entertained that the Soviet MGB/KGB investigated Richter and his claims as well — in fact, it would have been highly unlikely for it not to do so, and this may also have been a factor in the subsequent “public denunciation” of Kozyrev and the secret classification of his research. This, tied with the fact that the Soviets certainly knew of the Nazi Bell device via SS General Jakob Sporrenberg’s Polish War Crimes trial affidavit, makes it very likely that torsion research in that country was fueled in part by earlier Nazi wartime efforts, and the realization that those efforts were continued by the Nazis under the nominal aegis of Perón’s Argentina in Richter’s project.




  “Nobody sets out to build 50,000-plus pyramids and mounds around a planet just for the hell of it, or want of something to do. History teaches that these primitive people were hunter-gatherers who spent their waking hours running down their next meals. If that’s true, then who built these monuments? These people didn’t have the time. …(These) things were not built at the whims of medicine men. There was enormous global planning behind it all.”

  Carl P. Munck1

  Cataloguing all the research of various authors who have noticed the placement of ancient sites on a grid system spanning the globe would be a difficult, if not impossible task. Indeed, merely cataloguing all the researchers who have written on the subject would be nearly impossible, for virtually everyone in the field of “alternative research” has been compelled, by the nature of the field itself, to say something about it at one time or another. Well known and prominent names such as David Hatcher Childress, Graham Hancock, Alexander Thom, Sir Norman Lockyear and numerous others have commented or written whole books about the subject and in so doing have joined the ranks of grid researchers along with less well-known names. As we saw in previous chapters, those ranks were swelled even more by a panoply of Nazis, and a Soviet astrophysicist — Dr. Nikolai Kozyrev — whose work’s implications touched directly on aspects of the phenomenon. Accordingly no attempt to do either will be made here.

  But what, exactly, is the “Earth gr

  We clearly need some sort of working definition, one capable of modification as our survey proceeds. Let us begin with a simple definition: Ancient sites, temples, and structures are laid out upon a grid whose significance is determined by their placement at mathematically significant places upon the surface of the Earth, or in correspondence with celestial, astronomical alignments, or both, and often incorporate these and other mathematical analogues in the structures themselves.

  A. Anomalies at the Temples of Angkor

  We need only consider the famous site of Angkor Wat in Cambodia.

  Angkor Wat in Cambodia

  Well-known alternative researchers Graham Hancock and his wife Santha Faiia point out some very odd connections of Angor Wat to another well-known culture harboring many sites on the world grid, Egypt:

  The name ‘Angkor’, although supposedly a corruption of the Sanscrit word nagara, ‘town’, has a very precise meaning in the ancient Egyptian language — ‘the god Horus lives’. Other acceptable translations of ‘Ankh-Hor’ or ‘Ankhor’ are ‘May Horus Live’, ‘Horus Lives’ and ‘Life to Horus’.2

  Of course, such etymological coincidences are just that, coincidences. Or are they?

  1. The Ancient Prime Meridian: Giza

  Hancock and Faiia observe a very peculiar thing about the placement of the Angkor temples, a placement that ties them to Egypt in a very direct and unavoidable way, nor are they by any means alone in their observation, for it has been repeatedly observed by other grid researchers. It is apparent, they maintain, that when one studies the placement of various sites and monuments around the world — Angkor Wat, Teotihuacan, Tikal, Stonehenge, Avebury, and a host of others too lengthy to mention — that they are placed with Giza as the prime meridian, with that meridian in fact running through the apex of the Great Pyramid itself.3 When this is done, Angkor Wat lies at almost exactly 72 degrees east longitude from Giza.4

  That number, 72, requires some special commentary of its own. It is, of course, the exact measure of the spacing between points of a pentagon and pentagram if circumscribed by a circle. The years allotted to the various Hindu yugas — the four great world ages — are all divisible by 72:

  1,728,000 years, the Satya yuga

  1,296,000 years, the Treta yuga

  864,000 years, the Dvapara yuga

  432,000 years, the Kali yuga5

  Dividing by 72 gives some very interesting results:





  The yugas, in other words, are all harmonics, or multiples, of 72, in the orderly progression of 24, 18, 12, and 6. Interestingly enough, if one deals only with the coefficients of the Hindu yugas — the numbers themselves — by dropping three orders of magnitude, then one ends up with 1728, 1296, 864, and 432, all numbers which are encoded in the dimension of the temple at Angkor Wat!6 Nor are these the only things encoded there.

  2. As Above, So Below: The Astronomical Correlation and the 10,500 BC Mystery

  In 1996, Hancock’s and Faiia’s research associate, John Grigsby, discovered that the layout of the temples of Angkor Wat corresponded with the northern constellation of Draco. Thus, there was another odd correlation to Egypt, for “just as the three Great Pyramids Giza in Egypt model the belt stars of the southern constellation of Orion, so too do the principal monuments of Angkor model the sinuous coils of the northern constellation of Draco.”7 By running astronomical programs, Hancock and Faiia determined that at sunrise of the spring equinox in 10,500 BC the constellation Draco was due north of the Angkor complex.8 This corresponded exactly to the date of the three major Giza pyramids’ alignment to the three stars of the belt of the constellation Orion: 10,500 BC.

  However, there was a problem. If one accepted the conventional dating of the Giza compound to ca. 2500 BC,9 how would one account for such a similar memorialization of a very ancient date — 10,500 BC, thousands of miles away, and nearly three millennia later, in Cambodia?

  Indisputable archaeological and inscription evidence proves that the temples of Angkor were built by named and known Khmer monarchs, almost all of whom reigned during the four centuries between AD 802 and AS 1200.10

  Why were massive monuments being built in Cambodia to memorialize a date almost eleven millennia previous to the time of their construction? And why were such memorializations present in both Egypt and Cambodia?

  The pattern of this Egypt-Cambodia link only deepened the closer Hancock and Faiia looked. For example:

  1) Both in Cambodia and in Egypt, there was a tradition of an “architect of the gods” who was responsible for the building of such monuments and who taught architecture to men. In Egypt’s case, this was Imhotep; in Cambodia’s it was Visvakarma;

  2) Both Egypt and Cambodia venerated the serpent as a sacred figure11 (and, as we shall see, Meso-America as well!), and “in both cases it was the hooded cobra that was selected as the archetype, in both cases it could be depicted in art as a half-human, half-serpent figure.”12 Again, the same, as we shall discover, holds true for Meso-America as well;

  3) Both in Egypt and in Cambodia this “serpent god” could also symbolize either the sky or the ground; and finally,

  4) Both in Cambodia and in Egypt the serpent could symbolize immortality and the cycles of the universe;

  5) Both in Cambodia and in Egypt, it was believed that when the king died, his soul would ascend to the heavens.13

  All this raises the problem of explaining why such odd correspondences should be found in two such disparate cultures, and why that one date in particular — 10,500 BC — should be embodied in both:

  So the real questions at Angkor are not so much a matter of the absolute dates of the construction of the various temples, or even of the many substructures that are known to lie beneath them, but rather:

  1. Why does the overall site-plan focus so insistently and specifically on the pattern of stars in the sky region surrounding the constellation of Draco as it looked at dawn on the spring equinox in 10,500 BC?

  2. How can we explain the fact that this same precise date is signaled by the three great Pyramids and the Great Sphinx of Giza — monuments that are not thought to be linked in any way to the temples of Angkor?

  3. Is it not amazing that all three groups of monuments use the same architectural technique to draw attention to that date, i.e. by modeling a prominent constellation that was present at one of the cardinal points of the sky on the spring equinox in 10,500 BC (Draco to the north, in the case of Angkor; Leo, to the east, in the case of the Great Sphinx; Orion to the south, in the case of the Pyramids)?

  4. Could there be some sort of hidden connection?14

  Hancock and Faiia have noticed the central mystery of the grid: why do so many disparate cultures appear to be building massive monuments, at different times and places, and yet, seem to be doing so as if following some sort of plan?

  One answer immediately comes to mind: the grid-building activity was the program and product of a hidden elite:

  Another explanation… (there) could be an undetected ‘third party’ influence, very discreet, very secretive and of very great antiquity. Such an influence — perhaps the long-lived and highly motivated society that referred to its initiates in ancient Egypt as the ‘Followers of Horus’ — does seem immensely improbable. Nevertheless, as Sherlock Holmes famously reminded Watson in The Sign of Four, ‘when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.’15

  Yet there is another clue as to the nature of this elite and its activities in a symbolism more universal than that of the “Followers of Horus.”

  3. Enter the Serpent

  The symbol of the wise serpent in this case turns out to hold an answer — or at least, part of an answer — to the 10,500 BC mystery and to the possibility of a connection via a hidden elite.

  Angkor Wat’s western entrance is a place of shadows before dawn when the sun lies invisible in the
east beneath the vast mass of the temple. Even in low light it is impossible to ignore the dominant presence of the Naga serpents which, with their stone bodies, and rearing, hooded heads, form sinuous balustrades lining the causeway. The same cobra motif in numerous different forms is frequently, almost incessantly, repeated — leading one authority to conclude that Angkor Wat ‘was wholly dedicated to serpent worship. Every angle of every roof is adorned with a seven-headed serpent.’16

  As we shall see elsewhere in this book, this is not the only time we will encounter a serpent motif in conjunction with the monuments of the world grid. We have already noted, however, the serpent motif is present in Egypt, in the hooded headdress of the pharaohs, representing the extended hood of a cobra. The pharaohs, in other words, were not only kings claiming descent from the gods, they were not only “Followers of Horus” but they were also in a certain sense “serpent-kings.”

  This chimerical human-serpent motif is found, curiously enough, in the Hindu conceptions underlying the symbolism of Angkor Wat, for these multi-headed serpents, the Nagas, represent a kind of trans- dimensional creature, “crossing the realms of sky and ground, time and space, this world and the next and although they intermingle — and sometimes intermarry — in the material realm of earth and men there is never any doubt that their true identity is as celestial and cosmic forces.”17 This Egyptian-Hindu link is further compounded beyond the point of coincidence when one examines closely the respective cosmologies of the two cultures.


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