There are, however, clues, and Munck, like Devereux, is not oblivious to the fact that something deeper is going on besides merely marking various locations on an abstract grid system. For Munck, the question is not who, when, and how these monuments were built, but “why they were built as they were, and where they are.”46 Citing the famous case of the submerged pyramid in Rock Lake, Wisconsin, Munck notes that this site — like some of the megalithic sites in Great Britain investigated by Devereux — is the home to consistent reports of unusual phenomena. For example, local residents report seeing huge rocks floating on the surface of the lake, or outboard motors on boats that will not work at certain times, or how divers attempting to approach and film the submerged pyramid with their underwater cameras suddenly find they have malfunctioned. Munck even notes that some divers report a strange sense of dread as they prepared to dive to photograph the pyramid.47 For Munck, the clue to the resolution of this riddle may lie in the fact that another submerged structure in the lake, a triangle-shaped stone called the “Delta,” encodes the number 5.337 in its placement on the Grid, a number close to the frequency of 5.34 MHz, which is a frequency in turn that its known to be able to alter the emotional state of an individual.48 In short, Munck, like Devereux, hints that at least part of the purpose in the placement of such structures might be the alchemical transformation of consciousness.
This possible hidden microwave engineering in such structures also becomes, for Munck, a physics rationalization behind the Tower of Babel story. Assuming the story to be true, Munck reasons that perhaps the builders simply built a structure that, when it reached certain dimensions, acted like a gigantic microwave collector and reflector, literally transforming the brainwave activity of the builders and as a result, confusing the tongues!49
While the microwave explanation is a speculative possibility, as we shall see in subsequent pages, the precision engineering of so many of these structures suggests strongly that the designers of them, if not the builders, were at least aware of the power of such structures to manipulate energetic radiations, making such an “accidental” explanation of the “Tower of Babel Moment” unlikely, and the biblical version of some sort of intervention from political motivations much more probable.50
In addition to all this, Munck, like Hancock and Faiia at Angkor Wat, concludes that at least one of the major sites on the world Grid, Teotihuacan in Mexico, shows all the signs of several epochs of construction.51 This, suggests Munck, argues for a much earlier dating of the site than conventional archaeology would allow, placing the beginning epoch of construction to around 8000 BC, the same era as some alternative dating for Stonehenge.52 While this is not yet the place to evaluate the specific arguments for such an early dating of Teotihuacan, it is worth noting that such a date and extended period of construction implies the presence of some group, an elite, with specialized knowledge and a long term agenda, an agenda considered to be so important that construction could not be abandoned over the long years of its undertaking.
1. Munck’s Methodology
With all this in mind, a closer look at Munck’s methodology is in order, for many aspects of it will form crucial components of our own examination of certain sites and structures in the remaining parts and chapters of this book. While Munck’s voluminous work does examine the earthen mounds and earthen and stone circles of other megalithic sites, our focus is on his methodology in examination of pyramidal sites.
The first of these methods is to “reverse-engineer” each pyramidal structure as it “came off the drawing boards of remote antiquity.”53 But in Munck’s hands this implies two very specific, and crucial observations:
1) True pyramids are five-faced objects, one side forming the base and the other four faces forming the sides of the structure. Thus, the only true pyramids in the world are the smooth-faced earthen pyramids in China, and the smooth-faced stone pyramids of Egypt.54 All other pyramids are “corruptions” of this basic form through the additions of staircases, terraces, ornamentation, rectangular “temples” on their apexes or elsewhere on the structure, and by offsetting terraces on some structures;55
2) Thus, when “reverse-engineering” a pyramid, it is important to count all the corners and faces, even on “corrupted structures.” When this is done, a certain series of numbers will inevitably emerge from any smooth-sided pyramid as a universal geometric law:
1 — An apex at the top.
3 — Each side of a true pyramid is actually a triangle with 3 sides or 3 corners.
4 –Ground corners, or number of sides…
5 — Total of 4 ground corners and the apex.
8 — All ground corners and all sides.
9 — Above 8 features plus the apex.56
Before commenting on the implications of this sequence of numbers, it is important to point out in the clearest possible terms the enormous implications of Munck’s method, for as wesh all see in the final chapter , this method of counting corners and faces is a clue to a profound and deep hyperdimensional physics and the formal mathematical and geometrical techniques employed to describe it.
If the last comment seems odd or even far-fetched, look closely again at the first two numbers embodied in a smooth-sided pyramid: one, and three, the very numbers we saw emerge in the previous chapter in the topological metaphor contained in the Hindu cosmology and in Hermetic texts, the very first two numbers that emerge as functions of the differentiated physical medium contained in the metaphor. As we shall see in our subsequent examination of the cosmology of Egypt, the other numbers of a pyramid enumerated above by Munck, also emerge in that exact sequence within Egyptian cosmology! Egypt’s preoccupation with smooth-sided pyramids would appear, then, to be anything but an accident, as it would also appear to have little to do with entombing dead pharaohs. It has everything to do with their view of physics and the physics of the information-creating, transumtative, alchemical physical medium itself. As we shall also discover in our examination of the Mesopotamian component of this mystery, it also has everything to do with music, with sound.
3) The next crucial component in Munck’s methodology is his classification scheme of ancient monuments. We have seen one component of this scheme already, in the distinction between
a) Smooth-faced, or proper and true pyramids; and,
b) “corrupted” pyramids, to which alterations in the forms of terraces and so on (and thereby the addition of more corners and faces to count), have been added.
Within each of these two classes, four further classifications are to be distinguished: (1) structures embodying the geometric constant of π, (2) structures that “decode themselves” in only one aspect of their location, i.e., either by longitude or by latitude, (3) structures that “decode themselves” with respect both to latitude and longitude, and finally (4) structures that are not self-decoding in any respect of latitude or longitude, but that are decodable only by reading the presence of other significant numerical relationships present in the structure.57 One thus has eight classes into which a pyramid on the Grid can fall:
a) Smooth-faced, or proper and true pyramids;
(1) structures embodying the geometric constant of π;
2) structures that “decode themselves” in only one aspect of their location, i.e., either by longitude or by latitude;
(3) structures that “decode themselves” with respect both to latitude and longitude; and finally,
(4) structures that are not self-decoding in any respect of latitude or longitude, but that are decodable only by reading the presence of other significant numerical relationships present in the structure.
b) “corrupted” pyramids, to which alterations in the forms of terraces and so on (and thereby the addition of more corners and faces to count), have been added:
(1) structures embodying the geometric constant of π;
2) structures that “decode themselves” in only one aspect of their location, i.e., either by longitude or by latitude;
(3) str
uctures that “decode themselves” with respect both to latitude and longitude; and finally,
(4) structures that are not self-decoding in any respect of latitude or longitude, but that are decodable only by reading the presence of other significant numerical relationships present in the structure;
4) The final component in Munck’s methodology is that it is necessary to “de-toxify” measurements of such structures from the metric system and to convert all measures into the British imperial system in order for the ancient numerical code present in and between structures on the Grid to emerge.58
While this point may seem at first glance to be purely arbitrary, it is in fact based on the careful and close study of ancient monuments themselves, and as I pointed out in my previous book Genes, Giants, Monsters, and Men, there is considerable evidence that there is nothing really “British” about the imperial system of measures, and that the system comes down from high antiquity.59
Within this constriction, there are a number of crucial techniques that Munck uses to derive the significant numbers, among them, the amount of cubic degrees in a sphere, squaring or cubing, or finding the square or cubic roots, of numbers, the tangents of numbers, and so on.
A final component of this attention to specific numbers is the reliance upon gematria, the ancient technique of assigning specific numerical values to letters in an alphabet. In this respect, Munck points out that the gematrian numbers are all multiples of 36, a significant number in the Sumerian sexagesimal system. These “Sumerian” numbers — all multiples of 36, are found in almost all structure of the Grid, from Ohio’s Sep Mound, Mississippi’s Emerald Mound, the “Great Triangle” at Nazca in Peru, the Great Pyramid, Bent Pyramid, and Red Pyramid in Egypt, and even in the D&M Pyramid in the Cydonia region of Mars!60
While we will deal more in detail with some of these structures in subsequent chapters, for our purposes here it is important to note what this vast list implies, for once again, one is in the presence of a global phenomenon, implying a group with global extent and a common mathematical and metrological heritage to conduct such a vast scale of constructions.
It also implies something else, something usually missed by Grid researchers, and that is, the technique of gematria and the numbers “sacred” to it, is something applied to texts as well as evidently to monuments. It thus strongly suggests that one may not separate textual or mythological traditions from the monuments themselves. This will become a crucially important point when we examine the Mayan and Aztec traditions of the monuments they found in their midst , and made use of.
2. Munck’s Conclusions: The Work of an Elite
The conclusions that Munck draws from this precise and exacting methodology as he applied it to his years of research of the Grid clearly point to the existence of at least one elite, extensive across not only the space of the globe but also through untold millennia of time, for if sites of incomparable antiquity such as Stonehenge, and structures of purported later construction such as the El-Kola pyramid in Egypt or the pyramids of Mexico all are found to be speaking the same numerical and arithmetical language, then at least the plan of the world Grid is of great antiquity.61
There is, as Munck avers, also evidence of a suggestive sort that the Indian mounds of North America as well as the more massive Egyptian pyramids reach back into remote antiquity, for the Native Americans would have had to build such structures “at the steady rate of over 25 per year — everywhere.”62 Nonetheless, as Munck also points out, tribal traditions do not record any construction of these sites in many cases; they are already present when the Indians arrived. Thus, many of the mounds and similar structures, contrary to traditional archaeology, were there many years before the tribes arrived. Similarly, in Egypt, notwithstanding the great antiquity of writing in that country, nowhere is the construction of its grandest structure, the Great Pyramid, ever mentioned.63
For Munck, all this vast methodology, combined with the sheer scale not only of the individual constructions, and also with the sheer scale of its global sweep, testifies to an extraordinary fact:
Nobody sets out to build 50,000-plus pyramids and mounds around a planet just for the hell of it, or want of something to do. History teaches that these primitive people were hunter-gatherers who spent their waking hours running down their next meals. If that’s true, then who built these monuments? These people didn’t have the time…. these things were not built at the whims of medicine men. There was enormous global planning behind it all.
In this assessment, the other great mathematical master of the earth matrix, concurs…
D. John Michell, “Sacred Geometry,”
“Sacred Science”, The Grid, and the Ancient Elite
While Carl Munck may have run into gematria after years of research on the global Grid, British researcher John Michell (1933–2009) did just the opposite, having spent many years plumbing the numerical and gematrian depths of ancient and sacred texts, only to find the same thing encoded in the monuments of the world Grid. As for many other researchers, for Michell the most prominent feature of the Grid system is its universal extent across the globe.64 Of unquestioned antiquity,65 there are, Michell maintains, perhaps even references to the system in the Old Testament.66
For Michell, the overriding perspective with which to view the earth Grid system is as a system of geomancy, that is, as “a science of landscape design based on the idea of a living earth.”67 Curiously, general widespread European awareness of this system only began in the nineteenth century, and due to a very curious circumstance:
A hundred years ago the practice of Chinese geomancy first became generally known in the West through the complaints of European business men, who found inexplicable resistance to their rational plans for exploiting the country. Continually they were informed that their railways and factories could not take certain routes or occupy certain positions. The reasons given were impossible to understand, for they had no relevance, economic, social or political, to the problem of laying out an industrial network. The Europeans were told that a certain range of hills was a terrestrial dragon and that no cutting could be made through its tail. Tunnels through dragon hills were forbidden, and a proposed railway to run straight across low, flat country was rejected on the grounds that the line would spoil the view from the hills. All this was laid down by practitioners of the science of feng-shui, ‘wind and water’, obscurely explained as ‘that which can not be seen and can not be grasped’.68
It was during this same time period — the nineteenth century — that research into the grid system, or “ley lines,” first began in earnest in England and continental Europe, as we have seen, an interest that in turn was based on earlier probes, among them those of Dr. William Stukeley, an eighteenth century Freemason, who modeled his investigations after the seventeenth century work of John Aubrey.69 Nor was Aubrey alone, for as early as 1580, Elizabeth I’s court “magician,” the “Aleister Crowley” of Elizabethan England, Dr. John Dee, noticed that the earthworks around the famous Glastonbury abbey constituted a kind of “earthen Zodiac,” thus becoming the first in modern times to notice the astronomical alignments and significance of ancient sites.70
Dr. Stukeley, however, was one of the first to observe the recurring presence in these ancient sites of certain numbers also found as universal constants in geometry and music, which in turn formed a crucial component of the hermetic tradition of illumination in Freemasonry, a tradition we shall examine in much more detail in the section on Mesopotamia.71 In this, he anticipated the later research of Munck and Michell themselves.
But Stukeley and his forebear Dr. John Dee were not the first to notice the system either. The Spanish conquerors of Peru noticed the same “straight line” system in the far-flung Inca Empire, this time as a network of roads reserved for the Inca Emperor and his messengers:
Fantastic efforts had been made to ensure that they ran dead straight. Stone causeways were laid across marshes, steps were cut over mountains, tunnel
s were bored through cliffs and amazing woven bridges spanned chasms. Obstacles were never bypassed, but a way was built through or over them. In a very short time these roads conveyed the Spanish missionary and military power through every centre in the country.72
Nor were the Spanish even the earliest to notice the system, for according to Michell, the Romans ran into the same system of “straight line roads” as their empire expanded into Gaul and Britain, over the ancient system of ley lines in those countries, and soon paved these roads for Roman armies and commerce: “Unaware of any source of power except through trade and conquest, the Romans may have thought that in laying their roads along the lines of their predecessors they were reestablishing a lost political empire.”73 Here I must, however, dissent from Michell, for there is abundant evidence that the Romans — or at least someone in the Roman republic — was well aware of the significance of ancient sites and how to build temples that essentially functioned as simple radio transmitters.74
Adding all of the research together — that of Stukeley, Dee, Sir Normal Lockyear, Heinsch and the German researchers, Michell reached an astonishing conclusion concerning the British part of the Grid, and it is worth citing it here, for the same, as we have seen and shall see again, is true of Angkor Wat and virtually every other place on the system: “The whole landscape of Britain has been laid out to a celestial pattern. Every hill has is astrological meaning, every district its centre of symmetry from which its hidden nature can be divined.”75 This crucial point of “finding the center of a region” of land will be seen in a moment.
Grid of the Gods Page 13