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Destined Page 3

by Heather D'Agostino

  When he stood back up, he was holding something. “Here,” he handed it to me. Put this on.”

  As I took what he was handing me, I stared at it for a minute. It was his football hoodie. The gray fleece was so soft and worn feeling. I held it out in front of me just staring at it. “When’s the last time you washed this?” I wrinkled my nose.

  “My mom washed it last weekend,” he snickered. “Do you honestly think I’d give you something that wasn’t clean?”

  “I had my doubts,” I smiled as I pulled the hoodie over my head. It felt nice against my skin, and the thought of wearing something that Nick had worn made my insides turn to goo.

  “Feel better?” he smirked.

  “Much. Thank you,” I murmured as I pulled the bottom of the sweatshirt down. It was so large on me that it almost covered my skirt completely. I shifted my bare legs around trying to ease my discomfort as I rolled the sleeves so I could free my hands. When I lifted my arm in front of me, I could smell Nick’s cologne wafting off the shirt. It made my head spin, and thoughts of being snuggled in his lap over by the fire began to plague me. “Stop being stupid,” I muttered to myself as I began walking toward said fire.

  “Where are you going?” Nick called after me. “I thought we could hang out? I mean, I did give you my shirt.”

  I glanced over my shoulder and tried to smile. I was nervous and had never had a guy treat me this way…especially a guy like Nick. All that kept running through my head were thoughts of why me? Why was he being nice to me? Did he actually think I was going to go off in the woods with him? “I’m going over to the bonfire to warm up. You can come if you want,” I giggled nervously.

  “Sounds like a plan, Golden Girl,” he jogged up beside me and slung his arm around my shoulders again. “My clothes look good on you,” his trademark smirk slipped back into place.

  When we got closer, Nick found one of the camp chairs that someone had left empty. He grabbed my hand, and strode over to it. Before I could stop him, he sat down, and pulled me into his lap. I sucked in a breath as he wrapped his arms around me. As much as I thought about this happening, I couldn’t help the fear that raced through me. Was I sending him a message? Did he really like me, or was he pursuing me because I’d been ignoring his advances in the past?

  Just as I began to relax into him, the one person I didn’t want to see came waltzing up. “What do we have here?” Becca’s shrill voice made me cringe. I leaned forward and pushed on Nick’s thighs as I tried to stand.

  “Hey,” he tightened his grip. “Where are you going?”

  I glanced from Becca to Nick, and back to Becca. “I thought…”

  “Nicky,” Becca whined. “I thought we were going to hang out tonight?”

  “I never said that,” he growled “and don’t call me that.”

  “But,” Becca’s smile slipped slightly.

  “Go away, Becca,” he leaned in and placed his chin on my shoulder “I’m busy right now.”

  “Whatever,” she tossed her hand in the air. “She’s not gonna give you what you want or need. You’ll see. You’re wasting your time on the Golden Girl.”

  My back straightened as I narrowed my eyes on her, “At least I know when I’m being dismissed. Why don’t you run along now?”

  Nick laughed and tossed his head back. “Burn,” he chuckled. “Yeah…run along now.”

  “She’s such a bitch,” I shook my head. “I don’t know what I ever did to her, but she treats me like dirt. Why do you like her?”

  Nick loosened his arms slightly, and coaxed me back against his chest, “Do you want an honest answer?”

  I nodded without answering. I knew I probably wasn’t going to like what he said. I mean…I knew why the guys went out with her. She was easy, and she was never looking for a relationship.

  “Ok,” he took a deep breath and tightened his hold on me. “She’s the type of girl you mess around with,” his arms tightened more “you’re the type you marry. Us guys? Most of us just want someone willing and warm; we don’t want to put in the effort of a relationship. Girls like you aren’t willing to give that very often.”

  I struggled against his grip. I’d heard enough, and I wanted to get away from him as fast as possible. “Let me go,” I pushed on him.

  “Oh no, you don’t,” he stood, with me still wrapped in his arms. After gaining his balance, he set me down, grabbed my hand, and began pulling me toward the trees.

  “Nick!” I growled. “Let me go,” I yanked against his grip, but he was too strong. His arm flexed as he dragged me along behind him. “I want to talk to you. Like really talk to you,” he hissed over his shoulder.

  When we got into the tree line, he slowed down and glanced around. We couldn’t see anyone from where we were standing. The fire flashed in the distance, and you could hear the music but it was muffled. Nick was breathing hard with small puffs of his breath visible in the cool night air.

  “You drive me nuts,” he panted. His eyes were closed, but our hands were still linked. He lifted his free hand and cupped my cheek. “Do you have any idea what being around you does to me? Seeing you sit there every day in class is killing me. I’ve got so many things going on in my life that I should be concentrating on, but all I can think about is when I’m going to see you.”

  My eyes widened as I listened to him. My mouth opened and closed as words failed me.

  “You’re so beautiful and you don’t even know it. There’s a goodness about you. One that’s untainted and pure. I just…” He paused as he opened his eyes, and the look he gave me was one I’d never seen before. “I don’t want someone like Becca. I’ve been there…for years. I want something real. I want to be better.”

  “What are you saying?” I narrowed my gaze.

  He leaned closer until his lips were almost touching mine and whispered, “I want you,” right before he pressed his mouth to mine.

  Now, I’ve been kissed before, but not like this. In the seventh grade, Cam kissed me on the bus. It was sloppy and wet and gross. Since then, I’ve only let a few boys near me. It’s always been awkward, like they didn’t know what they were doing. But, this…this was something that I’d never experienced in my sheltered life. Nick knew what he was doing. He knew where to put his hands, how to turn his head, and just the right pressure to use. His lips were soft but firm at the same time. He had released his grip on my hand and moved it to my waist. His arm wrapped around me, tugging me flush against his body as his other hand cupped my cheek. My eyes fluttered closed as a sigh escaped me. When Nick pulled back, I glanced up at him stunned that he’d stopped.

  “I like you, Leah,” he whispered, “and I’d like to take you out some time, if that’s ok?”

  I nodded in my haze of euphoria, “Ok.”

  He chuckled as he looked down at me, “You’re so beautiful.” His fingers trailed from my cheek to my shoulder as he closed the distance between us and covered my mouth once again. This time, I could tell he was more sure of himself. His tongue joined the assault, and as it swirled around mine, my head spun out of control. Was this really happening? Was I really kissing Nick Sutter? Did I just agree to go on a date with him? He pulled back again, and pressed his forehead to mine, “Stop thinking so hard, Golden Girl.”

  “Why do you call me that?” I muttered.

  “I like it,” he grinned.

  “I don’t,” I groaned.

  “If you really hate it that much, I’ll stop,” his smile fell as he leaned back to stare at me.

  “No, it’s ok. Everybody calls me that, but coming from you, it’s not that bad,” I smiled at him as I lifted a shoulder.

  “Let’s get you back to the party,” he pointed to the fire in the distance. “Avery’s gonna be looking for you.”

  “Is it midnight already?” I gasped.

  “Yep,” he smirked. “I know, I know…time flies when you hang out with me.”

  “Could you be any more full of yourself?” I groaned as I tossed my head back.<
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  “Yeah, I’m holding back for you,” he laughed. “I gotta behave around the good girls.

  “You know,” I paused. “I’m not as perfect as everyone thinks.”

  “And I’m not as bad as everyone thinks,” he winked. “I do have a reputation to uphold though.”

  “Well, if you stop judging me, I’ll stop assuming things about you. How’s that?” I giggled as we came to a stop by Avery’s car.

  “Deal,” he held out his hand to shake.

  “What do we have here?” Avery giggled as she eyed us.

  “Nothing,” I shook my head quickly as I opened the passenger door and climbed in.

  “Riiiiiight,” she rolled her eyes. “Nice work,” she called over the roof of the car at Nick.

  I could feel my face heating, and at that moment, I just wanted to get home and get in bed so I could relive that kiss in the woods over and over.

  “Can we go now,” I called out to Avery just as Nick leaned down beside my window.

  “I’ll see you in Physics tomorrow. We can discuss that date,” he winked and then turned and jogged back to the crowd of people.

  “Date?” Avery smirked. “You’re going on a date?”

  “I’m not talking to you about this right now…” I sighed.

  “Well, you’re going to talk to me about it soon. You can’t go on a date with Nick Sutter without telling me all the details,” she cranked the car, and backed out on the road to head home. What the hell had happened tonight? Was I now dating Nick Sutter?

  Chapter 3


  “So he finally did it, huh?” Cam grinned as he leaned next to my locker. I’d been fielding questions like this since I’d gotten home last night. It seemed that word had spread that Nick had asked me out at the party; now, it was all the talk in the hallways.

  “Why does everyone seem so interested in that?” I muttered. “It’s a date. Nothing else.”

  “Because my brother doesn’t date, in case you haven’t noticed, and it’s YOU,” he shook his head. “Everyone sees the way he looks at you. They’ve all been waiting for one of you to give in, but we didn’t think it would happen last night.”

  “Really?” I finished emptying my backpack and grabbed my Physics book before slamming my locker closed.

  “Yeah, we all figured that he would have either asked you a long time ago, or would have given up by now,” Cam wrinkled his nose. “You know he got a scholarship, right? UNC offered him a full ride to come and play football for them. He’s been turning down offers all year hoping to get one from them.”

  “No, I didn’t know that,” I mumbled. If Nick was leaving Pittsford, why did he want to date me? I understood the need to leave town; that was my goal, too. Pittsford was a nice place to live, but it was small, barely a blip on the map. I wanted bigger and better things for my future, but the thought of starting something and knowing that it wouldn’t last seemed like a waste of time and effort.

  “We’ve had so many scouts at our house lately,” Cam looked up at the ceiling and let his head bang against the lockers he was leaning on. “Mom’s been busy…working two jobs…this is like an answer to our prayers. He’s gonna make it big then maybe we won’t be known as ‘those boys from the other side of town’.”

  Listening to Cam talk was making me angrier and angrier, but hearing Becca’s shrill voice in the distance put the icing on the cake.

  “So Golden Girl isn’t so golden anymore, huh?” She grinned at me with a cunning smile.

  “What do you want?” Avery growled.

  “I saw you last night…coming out of the woods…wearing Nick’s shirt…holding his hand…all tight and shit,” she lifted her hand and began twirling her finger through a loose piece of hair.

  “You don’t know what you’re talking about,” I seethed.

  “Plllleeeasse,” she dragged out the word. “I know that Nick doesn’t date. I know if he’s spending time with you, he’s getting something out of it. I know that whatever this little thing the two of you have isn’t going to last.”

  “You don’t know anything,” I growled as I pushed off my locker and began walking to class.

  Becca caught up to me, and leaned in next to my ear, “Just know that I had him first, and when he’s done with you…he’ll be back.”

  I stopped right there in the middle of the hallway. My back was stiff and my breathing hard. I had a white-knuckle grip on my Physics book and all I could see was red. Before I could respond to her, I felt someone walk up behind me. “What’s up?” His deep voice penetrated my anger and I relaxed slightly. I shook my head slowly without answering, but Avery chimed in for me.

  “Your leftovers won’t shut the hell up,” she tossed her hand the air. “Maybe you should let her know that you don’t go back for seconds.”

  Becca’s smirk widened as she stood there watching us, but it fell as soon as Nick opened his mouth.

  “You weren’t that great, Becca. I don’t need any seconds. I got my fill the first time. I’m on to better quality things. He leaned down and whispered in my ear, “Don’t let her bother you. It’s not gonna happen with her again.”

  “Whatever,” I grumbled as I pushed away from him. I wasn’t sure what I was feeling today. I was angry that Becca always seemed to know what to say to get under my skin. I was hurt that Nick was leaving for college in the fall, and I would still be here for another year. I was frustrated that my good girl status always seemed to be the butt of everyone’s jokes. The list was endless and the longer I stood among our group, the more blatant it seemed.

  “Wait up!” Nick called. I could hear his feet slapping against the tile floor as he chased after me.

  I lifted my hand and shook my head. I didn’t want to talk to him right then. I wanted to be left alone. I pushed into the classroom and took my seat on the front row. Nick came in out of breath a few seconds later just as the bell was ringing.

  “You’re late, Mr. Sutter,” Mrs. Riley called. She had her back to the class, writing something on the board. Nick was always the last one in the door, and today was no different. He looked mad and I guessed he’d had words with Becca.

  “Sorry. Ma’am,” he cringed as he slid into his seat behind me. He leaned forward and whispered in my ear, “We’re not done talking about what just happened.”

  “Mr. Sutter?” Mrs. Riley turned to face him. “Would you like to teach today?”

  “No, ma’am,” Nick pulled his binder out of his backpack.

  “Then I suggest you stop talking to Miss Carmichael and pay attention,” she narrowed her eyes on him.

  Nick released a breath and sighed as he flipped open his notebook. When Mrs. Riley turned back around, a wadded up piece of paper came sailing over my shoulder and landed right in front of me. When I opened it, I saw it was a note from Nick.

  Nothing’s going on with Becca and me. We went on one date. I want to go out with you…nobody else. Sit with me at lunch today?

  My shoulders dropped in defeat as the anger I’d been holding onto slowly seeped out of me. I don’t know why I let Becca get to me. Nick was right. He’d blown her off at the party and then again this morning. He had been turning her down to be with me, but I couldn’t figure out why.

  I quickly jotted down an answer and tossed the paper back over my shoulder.

  Fine…I eat on the quad.

  “I know,” he whispered before going back to furiously taking notes.


  I’d just sat down with my lunch when Avery and Cam came walking up together, laughing. They both sat down opposite me at the picnic table I’d staked out in the shade. The sun was rather warm today, and as the summer months slowly approached, it became warmer and more uncomfortable to sit in the sun.

  “What’s up with you two?” I muttered as I took a bite of my sandwich.

  Avery glanced at Cam and they both started laughing again. “I’ll let him tell you,” Avery nodded her head in Cam’s direction as she picked up a fry
off her lunch tray and stuffed it in her mouth.

  “She’s badass. That’s what’s up,” he chuckled.

  “Huh?” I sipped my bottled water.

  “After this morning’s little debacle, I decided to get even,” Avery lifted a shoulder and snickered again.

  “We have trigonometry together,” Cam chimed in, “and so does Becca.”

  “Ok,” I slowly shook my head. I wasn’t sure what they were getting ready to tell me, but I knew it was bad just by looking at their faces.

  “I stopped by the nurse’s office on the way to class,” Avery grinned. “You know how the seniors are trying to get the school to pass out condoms?” Her grin grew even wider and Cam snickered. “Well, I mentioned to the nurse that she might want to talk to Becca. I let on that she might be in some kinda trouble.”

  “What did you do?” I gasped.

  “She filled Becca’s locker with condoms!” Cam hooted as he released a deep belly laugh.

  “Wait, how did you manage that?” I giggled.

  “She had some help,” Cam smirked.

  “You did it?” I gasped.

  “I had study hall,” he shrugged. “I snuck off campus.” He glanced around before leaning closer to me, “She deserved it.”

  “You two are so much trouble when you’re together,” I laughed. “But you’re right. I would have paid to have been in the hallway when she opened her locker, and all that fell out.”

  “I’ve got a video,” Avery grinned and held up her iPhone.

  “Let me see that,” Nick called as he plopped down beside me. I’d been listening so intently to Avery that I hadn’t even heard him approach us.

  “This is priceless,” he lifted his fist and bumped it against his brother’s.

  “I know, man. You should have been there,” Cam chuckled, and then sobered his face as an angry Becca came storming up to our table.

  “This is not over! Not by a long shot!” Becca seethed. “You better watch your back,” she narrowed her eyes at Avery before spinning on her heel and marching away.


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