Nicholas Raven and the Wizards' Web (The Complete Epic Fantasy)

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Nicholas Raven and the Wizards' Web (The Complete Epic Fantasy) Page 200

by Thomas J. Prestopnik

  27 Nicholas and Leo return to Boros from the grasslands. They decide to accompany Megan back to Morrenwood and ask King Justin to help rescue Ivy.

  Mid Autumn

  3rd day of month Nicholas, Leo and Megan leave Boros and arrive back at Leo’s parents’ house in Minago.

  4 Dooley leaves for Morrenwood with flour shipments for the King’s stores, hoping to be able to spy on the war council.

  7 Nicholas, Leo and Megan leave for Morrenwood from Leo’s parents’ house in Minago.

  8 Dooley arrives in Morrenwood and by chance meets Len Harold who promises to give him a tour of the Blue Citadel. Len had already met King Justin and is invited to speak at the war council.

  9 Nicholas, Leo and Megan meet Carmella and Jagga on the road.

  10 Dooley hides in the rafters in the war council chamber and spies on the meeting, falling asleep during most of it. William and Brendan arrive during the council and tell of the invasion of Montavia. Len wonders why Otto Nibbs had said he was to meet with the Enâri creatures when at the time the Enâri were already in Montavia. Eucádus speaks at the council, explaining how citizens of Harlow, Linden and Surna had left their nations and banded together, preparing to attack Vellan. King Justin persuades him to join in on an attack of Rhiál, getting everyone to agree to send forces there as well as to Montavia. Nicholas, Leo, Megan, Carmella and Jagga arrive at the Citadel after the war council. Nicholas and Leo volunteer to take the medallion to the wizard Frist to have it reforged. Dooley overhears this information after waking up and later passes it on to Gavin who will stay around to spy and follow the travelers before informing Caldurian where they are heading.

  11 Nicholas and Leo plan their route to Wolf Lake with the wizard Tolapari, King Justin and Nedry, the King’s top advisor. Nedry spots a crow (Gavin) on the windowsill. Nedry has extra travel clothes made for Brendan and William who want to travel in their spare time before the army moves out to Montavia.

  13 Nicholas and Leo depart before midnight from the Citadel on their journey.

  14 William and Brendan leave the Citadel at dawn. Brendan tells Will that he is going to Grantwick to ask King Cedric to join in the fight against Vellan in Rhiál. Gavin, spying on them, hears they are going to the Drumayan capital and flies off to tell Caldurian.

  Nicholas promises himself to abandon Leo and search for Ivy after completing his mission with Leo to find the wizard Frist and reforge the key to the Spirit Box.

  15 Nicholas and Leo journey through the Gliwice Gap in the Trent Hills.

  16 Nicholas and Leo enter the Cashua Forest.

  19 Brendan and William spot a deer (Arileez) on their travels. That night in the village of Parma, they meet Sorli (Arileez) who buys them dinner. Brendan, suspicious of the man but not knowing why, leaves with William in secret.

  21 Nicholas and Leo walk along a ravine in the Cashua Forest.

  23 Nicholas and Leo rest for a day in the Cashua Forest as Nicholas takes ill.

  25 William and Brendan arrive in Grantwick at night. The gates around King Cedric’s quarters are barred until sunrise. They go to the Ebrean Forest to sleep under the eaves.

  Nicholas and Leo emerge from the western eaves of the Cashua Forest.

  26 Brendan and William confront Arileez in a cabin in the Ebrean Forest. Brendan is killed. William awakens later that day and meets Ramsey and his friends, refugees from Surna, Linden and Harlow, who tell him that Brendan had died. They leave for the Star Clearing where William again meets Eucádus, its leader.

  Nicholas and Leo spot three rafts from the Northern Isles poling up the Lorren River at night.

  27 Just after midnight, Farnsworth and Dooley host a secret meeting in Ned Adams’ gristmill with Caldurian, Arileez, Madeline, Mune and Gavin. Dooley and Farnsworth learn that Caldurian wanted Nicholas Raven removed from his home so he could meet with Arileez in secret while Arileez was assuming the form of Maynard Kurtz. Caldurian tells everyone that Arileez will later replace King Justin as part of Vellan’s plan to conquer Arrondale.

  Nicholas and Leo meet Will Fish and his family across the river from Woodwater.

  28 William, Eucádus and others from the Star Clearing march through the Ebrean Forest to Grantwick and camp outside the city borders.

  Nicholas and Leo meet Lane Fish who agrees to help them find a mountain guide in Woodwater.

  Old Autumn

  1st day of month Arileez, in Otto Nibbs’ form, visits several people in Kanesbury in the predawn hours, warning them that trouble is heading to the village.

  William, Eucádus, Ranen and the other Clearing leaders meet with King Cedric of Drumaya who tells them he will march with them to Rhiál to free that kingdom from Vellan’s grip.

  2 Before dawn, Ned Adams’ gristmill is burned to the ground. Constable Brindle arranges for village patrols to begin that evening to protect Kanesbury. Katherine tells Ned Adams that Nicholas was hiding in the ice cellar when Arthur Weeks was murdered. Later in the evening, men from the Northern Isles invade Kanesbury and take control of the village. The impostor Maynard, Clay Brindle and the five members of the village council are taken as prisoners to the village hall.

  Nicholas and Leo arrive in Woodwater with Lane Fish and eat at the Mossy Boulder. Two spies from the Northern Isles overhear them talking and plan to track them, believing they are the people Caldurian is seeking. Nicholas and Leo meet Hobin who agrees to guide them to Wolf Lake.

  3 The impostor Maynard, Clay Brindle and the five members of the village council are taken to see the wizard Caldurian who has taken up residence in Otto Nibbs’ house. As they have breakfast with him, he tells him of his plans to take over the property and food supplies in the village. Caldurian later meets with the residents in the village hall, shattering all the windows to quell their growing resentment of him. Katherine meets Paraquin, a soldier from the Northern Isles.

  Nicholas, Leo and Hobin begin their trek through the Dunn Hills. During the night, they think they are being followed.

  4 The armies of Drumaya and the Five Clearings leave Grantwick and assemble on the east side of the Swift River near Wynhall.

  Maynard (Arileez), Oscar, Ned and seven others hold a secret meeting in an empty root cellar to plan an escape from Kanesbury and get help from Morrenwood and some neighboring villages.

  5 The armies of Drumaya and the Five Clearings begin traveling east to Rhiál across the Kincarin Plains.

  Katherine learns from Paraquin that Farnsworth and Dooley are conspiring with Caldurian and may know something about Adelaide’s disappearance.

  6 The impostor Maynard feigns a confrontation with Caldurian about the mass arrests in the village, bringing them to a halt. Lewis Ames expresses his fond feelings for Katherine.

  Nicholas admits to Leo that he wants to depart and search for Ivy after their mission is completed. Hobin says he will accompany Leo back to Morrenwood in Nicholas’ place.

  7 King Cedric finds that some of his forward scouts were ambushed and killed on the Kincarin Plains. Soon after, a small band of soldiers from Kargoth attacks the armies of Drumaya and the Five Clearings, but all are quickly killed. One of the soldiers, before dying, expresses his devotion to Vellan. When he dies, a vague cloudiness in his eyes clears up and his facial features relax. Others believe the dead soldiers had drunk from the Drusala River in Kargoth and were under Vellan’s spell until death released them.

  Nicholas, Leo and Hobin reach Beetle Lake and climb Gray Hawk Mountain.

  8 Thirteen members of the resistance movement in Kanesbury set their escape plan in motion but are stopped by the soldiers from the Northern Isles and are arrested.

  9 Before dawn, Nicholas, Leo and Hobin are attacked by two men from the Northern Isles who had been tracking them. Nicholas wounds one who flees, but not before he had injured Leo. Hobin kills the other one. They continue hiking later in the day after fashioning a sling for Leo’s arm.

  Caldurian parades the thirteen members of the resistance before the village, threateni
ng to kill Len Harold and Lewis Ames and send the others to the Northern Isles if the instigator of the rebellion isn’t revealed. Otto later returns unexpectedly as Caldurian is about to pass judgment. The crowd clamors for Otto’s arrest instead, believing that he had abandoned the village before it was invaded. Caldurian complies with their wishes, arresting Otto and releasing the other prisoners, now satisfied that he has avenged the humiliation Otto had caused him twenty years ago. Katherine vows to spy on Dooley and Farnsworth, hoping to learn their role behind Nicholas’ fate and Adelaide’s disappearance. Arileez tells Farnsworth that he will soon appoint him as acting mayor.

  10 The armies of Drumaya and the Five Clearings arrive in Melinas, the capital of Rhiál. Captain Silas escorts King Cedric, Eucádus, William, Ranen and Captain Tiber to meet with King Basil. They plan a secret assault of Drogin’s troops five days from the following dawn. William befriends Aaron and asks him to give him a tour along the docks on the lake. Later that night, Nyla, a spy for Drogin, informs her husband, Bosh, that William and Aaron plan to walk along the docks the following night and arranges to have them kidnapped to get information from the prince about King Basil’s war plans.

  11 Caldurian and his Island troops leave Kanesbury in secret before dawn.

  Nicholas, Leo and Hobin arrive at Wolf Lake and meet Rustin who takes them to the wizard Frist. The wizard heals Leo’s injury with a magic spell. Frist reveals to Nicholas that his father, Jack Raven, had died from wounds during the Enâri invasion of Kanesbury twenty years ago and that he was unable to heal his injuries. Frist retreats to a cave to remake the key.

  William and Aaron are kidnapped by Bosh and his men.

  12 Ned Adams resigns his seat on the village council. Arileez, in the guise of Maynard Kurtz, appoints Zachary Farnsworth to take Ned’s place.

  Before dawn, Nicholas, Leo and Rustin go to Frist who awaits them in the cave after reforging the key. Frist presents Nicholas with the key and a silver amulet to protect him in his travels. Frist dies and his body disappears in a white mist. Later, Nicholas, Leo and Hobin leave the island by canoe. Nicholas gives Leo the reforged key to take back to Morrenwood.

  William is questioned by Bosh hours before dawn, and to protect Aaron’s life, reveals King Basil’s war plans. He and Aaron are kept prisoners in a barn outside of Melinas, learning that Nyla was behind their abduction.

  13 Nicholas says goodbye to Leo and Hobin and travels east by boat along Wolf Lake.

  William and Aaron escape from the barn outside Melinas and flee Bosh’s men.

  Arileez, in the guise of Maynard Kurtz, leaves Kanesbury, saying he is going to Morrenwood to consult with King Justin about Caldurian’s return to the area. Before he leaves, he appoints Zachary Farnsworth as the village’s acting mayor.

  14 After the morning fog lifts, Drogin’s army is revealed on both land and water just outside King Basil’s estate in Melinas, prepared to attack. There is a brief parley, with Irabesh, King Drogin’s representative, saying that Prince William had been kidnapped and revealed King Basil’s secret attack plans. The fighting begins. William and Aaron return and save Ramsey’s life. Rafts apparently filled with Drogin’s troops sail down Lake LaShear. Jeremias is killed by Irabesh and then Eucádus kills Irabesh. Nyla is arrested for spying. King Justin’s men are revealed on rafts along Lake LaShear and others arrive on the field and join in the battle in Melinas. King Basil dies as the battle is won by his men.

  Nicholas encounters the man from the Northern Isles whom he had injured five days ago at their campsite after they were attacked. As the man is about to kill Nicholas, he drops dead with an arrow in his back. Nicholas meets Hannah, the woman who saved his life.

  15 King Basil of Rhiál is laid to rest.

  16 Jeremias is buried in Melinas.

  Nicholas and Hannah paddle to Illingboc where they visit Arch and Natalie Boland, Hannah’s brother and his wife. Nicholas learns that Arch and others are secretly conspiring against men from the Northern Isles who have invaded their homeland along the Crescent.

  17 King Justin, King Cedric, Captain Silas and their contingent sail across Lake LaShear to Maranac to confront Drogin. Princess Melinda appears and announces that her uncle, King Drogin, was killed in an uprising. She introduces Prince Victor of Rhiál who was held prisoner with her by her uncle. Victor and Melinda confide in Captain Silas that they wish to reunite Rhiál and Maranac as New Maranac with approval of the two populations.

  Arch introduces Nicholas to Arteen from the Northern Isles who is planning a raid on the ship Bretic and on Karg Island. Nicholas learns that Captain Tarosius Lok is the administrator on Karg Island and assumes that Ivy is being held prisoner on the island under his supervision. Nicholas gets permission from Arteen to join him on the raid so he can rescue Ivy.

  20 King Justin, King Cedric, Eucádus and their troops leave Rhiál for their respective homes.

  Nicholas, Arteen, Ragus, Brin Mota and other soldiers from the Northern Isles paddle over on rafts and board the Bretic. Tarosius Lok is there with Captain Kellig as his prisoner, having been informed of the attack beforehand by Brin Mota who served as his spy. Vice-Commander Ovek arrives and takes possession of the Bretic and arrests Lok, privately informing him that the woman he was guarding is not Princess Megan. Lok escapes off the stern, setting the ship afire before he leaves. Nicholas and Ragus follow Lok to Karg Island. Lok is killed and Nicholas is reunited with Ivy. Arteen and his men arrive on the island and Ovek and his crew flee on the Hara Nor.

  21 Nicholas and Ivy leave Karg Island with a letter from Arteen to deliver to Arch Boland. Brin Mota watches them leave, planning to follow them to Illingboc.

  22 On the Kincarin Plains, King Justin’s army heads northwest to Morrenwood while King Cedric and Eucádus depart with their troops southwest back to Grantwick.

  Katherine spies on Dooley and Farnsworth as they depart secretly at night, confirming that they have been leaving the village every six nights.

  23 Katherine asks Amanda Stewart to host a small dinner party with Zachary Farnsworth as guest of honor. Zachary tells Dooley he will have to make the next trip to the swamp alone and pick up a hired assassin on the way to eliminate Maynard and Adelaide from their lives.

  24 Prince Gregory and his army leave for Montavia.

  26 Prince Gregory’s army passes through Kanesbury and he speaks with Len Harold along the roadside, learning about Caldurian’s recent takeover of the village and Otto Nibbs’ surprise return and imprisonment.

  27 Leo and Hobin return to the Blue Citadel with the reforged key.

  28 Prince Gregory’s troops enter the Keppel Mountains from the west.

  Amanda Stewart hosts a dinner for Zachary Farnsworth. Katherine feigns sickness at the party and leaves to meet Lewis. They go to Dooley Kramer’s house and secretly follow him to the swamp, saving his life when Dell Hawks tries to murder him. Dooley confesses to all the crimes that he and Farnsworth had done on Caldurian’s behalf and takes them to the island to rescue Adelaide and Maynard. Dooley is killed after accidentally falling off the top step of the staircase of the house where Adelaide was kept imprisoned. Lewis and Katherine take Adelaide and the still sleeping Maynard to Emmett and Lorna Trout’s farmhouse outside of Kanesbury to hide until they can recover from their ordeals.

  New Winter

  1st day of month King Justin and his troops return to Morrenwood. Leo presents the reforged key to King Justin who orders that the Spirit Box be opened before dawn the following morning.

  Madeline and Commander Uta are concerned that Arileez is having difficulty with his transformational ability on the eve of their attack on the Blue Citadel.

  Farnsworth has suspicions about Katherine Durant after learning that she had lied to him about spending the previous night sick at home after leaving the dinner party early. He goes to the swamp and finds that Adelaide and Maynard have escaped, and discovers the dead bodies of Dooley and the hired assassin and dumps them in the swamp.

  Brin spie
s on Nicholas and Ivy at the first day of winter celebration in Ilingboc. Nicholas and Ivy meet Miriam who has a blue stone identical to the one Hobin carries. They promise to visit her Aunt Emma nearby whom Miriam insists never stopped loving Hobin.

  Prince Gregory’s troops reach the east side of the Keppel Mountains at twilight, preparing to attack Caldurian’s troops the following dawn.

  2 The Blue Citadel is breached by Commander Uta’s troops as Leo takes the key to open the Spirit Box. Carmella and Madeline meet outside the Citadel after twenty years. Arileez is killed after trying to replace King Justin. Leo opens the Spirit Box after Mune attacks him. Jagga’s body disintegrates outside the Citadel. Madeline and Mune flee to Kargoth.

  Prince Gregory and his troops attack the Enâri and Island forces at Red Lodge. Tolapari casts the âvin éska spell upon Caldurian. Captain Grayling and his troops rescue King Rowan and Lady Vilna from the Enâri riders who are destroyed when the entity from the Spirit Box passes over.


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