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Lust Page 9

by K. M. Liss

  His arms slip around me, his palms cupping my ass,

  “I'd like that...I really would.”

  He turns back to cooking our steaks for a moment, prodding them with a knife. I see the blood ooze out and hiss as it hits the pan.

  “Rare, medium, well done?” he asks.

  “Medium, please.”

  He serves his bloody steak on one plate and cooks mine for a little longer.

  Then he lays out two places on the breakfast bar at the end of the counter.

  He passes me a bottle of sparking water and two glasses, and I pour us a glass each.

  I perch on a stool, getting comfortable, as my juicy steak appears before me.

  “Dive in,” he says sitting down opposite me.

  I start to eat, carving a large slice of steak and chewing its soft texture in bliss.

  “Mmm, what is that lovely flavor?”

  “Hot Cajun spice and smoked paprika.”

  “Well it's goddamn gorgeous, just like you.

  He reaches across and twirls my hair with his finger, his eyes devouring me.

  “Am I dessert?” I ask, seductively.

  “A midnight feast maybe...what time to you need to be in work?


  “We'll go get your stuff and you can stay here, then I can eat your pussy all night.”

  I laugh at his forthright manner of speaking.

  “Shame I have to go to work.”

  We both look at each other, silently agreeing it's a huge shame.

  We finish eating our steak and salad, in a comfortable hungry silence. I eat every last delicious scrap, and I am very tempted to lick the plate. I finally place my knife and fork down with a satisfied sigh.

  He watches me with lust filled eyes.

  At that moment the door buzzer blasts.

  I tense.

  I'm sitting here practically naked.

  “Excuse me for a minute.”

  He gets up and goes to answer it, closing the kitchen door behind him.

  I hear a female voice, and laughter, and I recognize it immediately.

  It's Maxine... and I'm so incredibly embarrassed.

  A minute later Sean appears in the kitchen with a black shirt of his, and a strangely excited expression plastered on his face.

  “Put that on and come with me.”

  “No...” I say. “It's so obvious what we've been doing.” He's in his goddamn underwear...I'm obviously undressed too..with wildly tangled, just-fucked hair.

  Oh God...

  “Oh come on, it's only Maxine, she doesn't care,” he insists.

  I put the shirt on, and I do feel fairly decently covered, as I reluctantly follow him in the studio next door. Maxine is sitting at the table waiting.

  “Hello Lissa, how are you?” she smiles widely at me.

  “Cool thanks, and you.”

  “I'm fine. Come and sit down.”

  I oblige her request, sitting at the table opposite her, my embarrassment fading a little. She doesn't seem embarrassed or bothered at all.

  Sean sits on the other side of me and winds his finger up my bare leg to my panties. I slap his hand and he laughs.

  “Sean asked me to come over this evening,” she begins, “because we have a proposition for you.”

  I look at him suspiciously.

  “What kind of proposition?” I ask nervously.

  “Maxine and I are launching a joint business venture,” he says. “a complimentary range of men and women's underwear. We'd like you to model the range, with me.”

  I glare at him. A heated flush rising to my face. He's obviously been planning this from the start. It all made sense now. Bringing Maxine in Coffee Haven to check me out on my first day, to size up my modeling potential. Now I know why they stared at me so critically as I served them at the table.

  I start to feel used and upset and very uncomfortable.

  Is this the whole reason he fucked me? To win me over? Does he see me as a part of his business strategy?

  “I really don't think so...” I say tersely. I look at their surprised faces. Tears threaten behind my eyes. “I'm sure there's a ton of underwear models out there, far better equipped for the job than I am.”

  “There are, but Sean wants you.” Maxine continues. “And I have to admit having a novice to work with has its pluses. I can mold you to my way of thinking easily, and I don't have to deal with ego.”

  “Have you two stopped to consider I may not want to be molded. Or to spend my days undressed. Or to have everyone staring at pictures of my body in magazines everywhere.”

  “Lissa...” Sean frowns. “I don't think you realize what a great opportunity this is for you, I thought you'd be pleased.” His voice is a little off, and tense.

  I stand up in anger. “Pleased? Why the hell should I be pleased? I thought you liked me, Sean. I thought you liked ME. Not just the shape and size of my tits and ass, or my money making potential, and whatever you two plan on doing with photos of my novice little assets.”

  Maxine and Sean look at each other and then at me in confusion. Clearly I've not reacted in the way they expected. They must be realizing they've done something wrong, somehow.

  “For fuck's sake, calm down. Of course I like you, it's more than obvious how much I like you.” Sean says, standing up and facing me.

  “I don't believe you. And I really need to go home. Call me a cab.” My voice rises to a wild squeak in distress.

  I fly out of the room and up the stairs in tears, to find my clothes and get dressed.

  “Lissa, wait...” he calls after me, following me up to the bedroom.

  I turn to face him in his room. “Leave me alone,” I sob. Tears start flowing down my face in a rush.

  “No, I won't. You're gonna listen, okay?”

  “Do I have any choice?” I snap.

  “Come here, baby. I don't like seeing you so upset.” He pulls me close, against his body and I struggle to get away, but he holds firm, stroking my hair and kissing my head. His mouth touches mine in the sweetest of kisses ever, and my head spins. My body betrays me. I stop struggling and sink into his warm and sensual embrace.

  He lifts his head and stares into my hurt, tearful eyes.

  As he brushes my face with his fingertips, I'm melting like chocolate, despite myself.

  “Tell me exactly what you're thinking and feeling, I don't understand and I need to know,” he says.

  “You've manipulated me, and after what happened to me, last night, that really hurts. You don't really want me, do you?” I sniff loudly, trying to check my tears

  “Is that what you really think? I don't believe that for a second. I want you in every sense of the word. I also want to give you a taste of my world. And what's so bad about that? If this launch does well, you'll have more money than you could ever earn working on any magazine. And I want to do that for you. You'll have a new career. If it all works out, we could do lots of things together in the future, working together as a team, with Maxine. Wouldn't you like that? Think about it.”

  “But what's so great about me?” I'm full of self doubt, I can't believe I'm worth all this attention. “I'm not a model and haven't the first clue what it entails. So, why me, Sean?”

  “There's a ton of reasons why I want you to model with me. First and foremost we have to have chemistry. I couldn't work with someone this closely over a period of time without it. I think you'll agree we have a ton of that. The whole you hits my spot. You're perfect. Beautiful, educated, and you speak well. Not to mention being as hot as hell. I've met a lot of models who are just as beautiful as you, granted, but I wouldn't want to share something special like this, with any of them.”

  His compliments and flattery are obviously designed to win me over. And they are. I hope he's being sincere, although I can't see why he wouldn't be.

  “Well that's all very nice of you Sean, but I don't know if I can do it.”

  “I think I'm the best judge of that. I know you can.�

  “You seem to know a lot of things, don't you?”

  “Where you're concerned, yes I do.” he says hotly.

  I can't help the thrill that races through me.

  That was a little possessive.

  “So when's the launch?”

  “We'd like to launch in two months at the Lingerie Fashion Week in New York, for the best exposure.”

  “And how much input would I have in what I do?”

  “You'd have full input, on everything we do. Any discussions we have, you'd be invited to contribute to. And Lissa, Maxine's range is simply stunning. You'll look gorgeous. And just in case you're worried, your assets will be fully covered at all times.”

  “You're making it sound so appealing, and it is. But I can't get over the fact you planned this from the start. It's like you had ulterior motives, getting me in bed so I was more interested in you, so you could spring this on me easily.”

  “I'd have made the offer whatever happened between us, because I wanted you. This has nothing to do with us having sex. Nothing. At. All.”

  “But we don't know each other very well, do we? This is a big commitment. Especially for you.”

  “I like what I know so far. I'm willing to take the chance. And come on now, what have you got to lose?”

  “Oh Sean, I don't know...” I sigh, weakening rapidly.

  “I wish I could have waited a few more days, so we knew each other better, but I wanted Maxine to be here and she has an urgent assignment in Sydney. She's leaving tomorrow. I'm sorry to spring it on you so soon after everything, but I needed to get this on the table today.”

  I puff out a noisy breath.

  “I really can't think straight. I need a little time to digest all this.”

  “I know, and I understand. I'll take you home. But why wouldn't you want to do this? Ask yourself that? We can discuss all the terms tomorrow and I think you'll be very impressed.”

  “Can I come and see you, in my lunch hour?”

  “I'd love that. Try to get a long lunch break.” he says with a grin.

  We both get dressed, and he takes my hands in his, his eyes burning into mine.

  “Even if the answer's no, if you're not comfortable with it, I still want to see you again.” He tucks my hair behind my ear and his warm smile touches my heart.“And now we ought to see Maxine. She'll be wondering what's going on.”

  He pats my ass as I leave the bedroom before him. I really love him doing that.

  Maxine nods her head here and there, as we all discuss what's going to happen. We walk to the door with her and she turns to face us.

  “You really are in the best of hands with Sean and I. We know exactly what we're doing and you'll get a really good deal. I think you should consider how lucky you are, rather than being concerned about how all this came about,” Maxine makes her point in a straightforward manner. And although my head's in a whirl, I respect her, for her honesty, and I do believe her. She air-kisses my cheeks and squeezes my waist. After a mutual hug and kiss goodbye with Sean, she disappears out the door.

  It's a little past nine as he drives me home, and I stare out the window in a mind-blown daze. I go over and over it all. Every word and look he has ever given me. Every touch of his fingers and lips scorches my memory.

  A stream of questions flood my brain. Does he really see me in more than the physical sense? What if he changes his mind about that after a few weeks? Am I just a short term infatuation? Supposing I fall in love with him and it all goes horribly wrong? Can I even do this? Sean and Maxine seem to think I can, but I have a lot of self doubt. I'm not naturally comfortable with nakedness. The money is a very big temptation. Should I carry on struggling independently and hoping to get a job somewhere? Or should I take a chance with Sean and Maxine and very probably earn a great deal more? This could give me a big helping hand in life. It might even be fun.

  I'm leaning toward a positive decision.

  As he wraps his arms around me, and kisses me goodnight in the car, I stop thinking for a moment. My brain clears of worries and concerns as I'm caught up in physical rapture.

  I finally force myself out of his arms and go inside.

  It's decision time.

  I need a quiet hour or two to get my head straight.

  I wander into my bedroom and lay down, wearily, curling up. I scrunch the duvet in my hand, seeking comfort in its soft downy texture.

  A half hour later, I've come to my decision, and I'm tired with all the consideration it has taken to get there. I start to doze. My cell phone bleeps and I roll over to pick it out of my purse on the nightstand.

  Sean has sent me a message.

  - Miss you already. Night, beautiful. xxx

  My heart flips.

  I'm about to reply, in similar style, when I notice another message. One received ages ago. At a time when I was very much otherwise occupied.

  It's from Charlotte.

  I sit up and read it.

  - Jase told me you went to Sean's place during our party. How could you do that? I must mean nothing to you. I fucking hate you. You bitch.

  I gasp out loud as tears fill my eyes. Guilt and misery swamp me.

  Despite that, I try to consider where I stand.

  Nothing I can do, say or think, will change the fact that I broke the girl code.

  But I never stole him from her, because Sean wasn't ever hers.

  And I did try to fight my attraction to him. My assault was a direct result of that. I was trying to escape him and the position I was in. But once that event had happened, it was like a runaway train.

  Charlie's behavior was hardly friendly, was it? I'm pretty sure she initiated things with Jase, and she only slept with him to annoy and spite me.

  She's wrong, in what she said, because she did mean a lot to me, the guilt I'm feeling now is the measure of that. But in truth, I'm not sure I meant quite so much to her.

  I'm dreading seeing her tomorrow. It's not going to be a great experience, working alongside Charlie all day, under such a dark emotional cloud.

  One thing's for certain. I've lost my best friend. I really don't know if we can get past this or not, or even if want to.

  And it all hurts so bad.

  My FREE GIFT For You



  For my Subscribers

  More Erotic Romance (18+)

  by Katrina Liss (K.M.Liss)


  Dr Sex Series

  Therapy (I)

  Consort (II)

  Falling (III)

  Unraveled - 5 Part Mini Series

  Wanted (I)

  Needed (II) – tba

  Move Me


  Shaken (II)- – tba

  Layers of Sin


  Part two- – Coming Soon


  White Tease

  Two Can Play

  Tied & Bound

  Hot Options


  62 Days


  Liss Erotic Shorts (4000 -10000 words)

  Short Blasts of Steam - 18 +

  Lord of My Heart


  Venus, Mars & Us Extra Hot!

  Wild for This Super HOT

  A Private Meeting Super HOT


  Feel - Dare 2

  I also write under pen name Jessica Miles (Jessie M) in the paranormal romance genre.

  Find Katrina Liss on

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