Otherlife Awakening: The Selfless Hero Trilogy

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Otherlife Awakening: The Selfless Hero Trilogy Page 1

by William D. Arand



  Chp.1 Reunion

  Chp.2 Shadow and Flame

  Chp.3 Open Road

  Chp.4 Expectations

  Chp.5 Ascension

  Chp.6 And another one

  Chp.7 Laws of Attraction

  Chp.8 Stewards

  Chp.9 Pressing Forward

  Chp.10 Drowning

  Chp.11 Matchmaker

  Chp.12 Everyday Things

  Chp.13 Limits

  Chp.14 Momentous Occasion

  Chp.15 Divine Orders

  Chp.16 Messed Up

  Chp.17 Thoughts and Plans

  Chp.18 Taking Action

  Chp.19 Plans Change

  Chp.20 Final Rest

  Chp.21 Power Overwhelming

  Chp.22 All Things Die


  Authors Note

  Prologue - The Story So Far -

  Runner and his companions managed a nearly impossible task. They brought peace to Tirtius.

  Having left Crivel they were caught immediately and dragged to the court of king Vasilios. Where in a matter of days Runner brought the full court into an Awakened state.

  In opening the kings eyes to the threats that surrounded him he brokered a deal to send an army to assist the Barbarian kingdom.

  After he’d made a deal with the goddess Brunhild to support him.

  Leading that force westward he fashioned them together into a fighting force unseen by the lands of Otherlife. Blending bits of modern technology and tactics with game mechanics.

  Runner managed to recruit a second divine into his alliance, the goddess of death, Ernsta. Though he failed in recruiting Rike to become the third divine, creating a godlike enemy in her.

  Arriving in the Barbarian lands Runner found he would have to save the kingdom from itself as well as its enemies.

  When there seemed to be little hope other than fighting their way out, the queen realized her kingdom didn’t need a poor excuse for a king and freed herself. She then turned her people over to assist Runner in his defense of their nation.

  Utilizing new weapons Runner changed the way wars would be fought and subdued the enemy general without killing her.

  Completing this task Runner now had only one last goal. Conquering the human kingdom and putting the island back to a normal state.

  Unfortunately a significant portion of the crew had risen up in open revolt. They surrounded Runner in a pitched battle, forcing him to act against them directly.

  Runner sent them all to the medical server, forcefully logging them off and possibly killing every single one of them. In doing so he irrevocably cast his lot in with the server and it’s artificial beings.

  Having conquered both the army and the crew, Runner infiltrated the human capital.

  Jacob wasn’t caught of guard and managed to capture Nadine, creating a trap that Runner had no choice but to trigger.

  Ultimately, Nadine gave her life to preserve Runner’s, arguing that he was more valuable alive than she would be.

  Runner and company have retreated back to the North Wood fort. There, they’ve begun settling in to make it a home that they could defend.

  Chapter 1 - Reunion -

  8:46 am Sovereign Earth time


  Runner smiled at Srit and gestured to the gates before them as they approached the rapidly growing city.

  “North Wood Fort. Our home. Though it’s quickly losing the word ‘fort’ and simply transitioning to North Wood. We’ve been busy trying to get the place in shape. Was a total wreck,” Runner admitted, running a hand through his hair.

  “I see. Curious that it’s named after you and yet not,” Srit replied, her eyes sweeping along the stone wall that ran from one length of the city to the other. She reached up and tucked a strand of blonde hair behind an ear.

  “Oh, Norwood, North Wood. Yeah. Coincidence only, promise. I should probably rename the damn thing to something less… coincidental. Even if I feel like I’m holding up the sky, it’d be better if it were named something else.”

  “The sky? Ah, Atlas. The eternal struggle.”

  “Yeah. Anyways. Maybe when we finish the new keep we can change the name. The wall is at least done already, providing us a level of defense I craved. Needed even. Or so the voices tell me,” Runner said with a shrug. “The keep will take quite a bit longer since we’re doing it from scratch. I felt a little naked without a city wall, though, so it came first. Paranoia and all. Or ya know, the voices. Could be that.”

  “Yes, I can see how your personality would dictate defensive structures taking priority. A new keep. I didn’t realize you had decided the old one was unfit.” Srit nodded her head as well. They walked along the path towards the gate in silence for a few seconds before she continued. “Is this what you meant by restarting the conversation? Acting as if we hadn’t talked about childbearing?”

  “Err, yes. Somewhat like that. We’ll get back to our previous conversation later. I just need to make sure I explain my point accurately,” Runner hurriedly said.

  He had brought up the topic of pregnancy as well as server patches when she had first arrived.

  Apparently she had taken that as a proposition to proceed straight to impregnating her.

  “I thought it made sense. Though I do think the server patches will need to take precedence. There are some sections of memory that are starting to degrade. I’ve already begun working on it.”

  “Oh? Sunshine, are you at full capacity again? Not relegated to either being in game or not anymore?” Runner asked. This was news. He knew that she’d gone the Doomsday route and taken control of every computer, database, and network that she had access to. It would stand to reason her capabilities had increased substantially as well.

  “Yes. I’m able to function here, in the systems, and on your ship’s system at the same time. I’ve used the passwords you provided me previously to set myself as your second-in-command on the ship and system administration peer.”

  “Sounds like we’re married.”

  Srit gave him a broad smile, her green eyes catching his own.

  Unbidden to him, the green-eyed visage of Nadine floated up in his mind’s eye. A memory came to him immediately. He had said something similar once to her.

  “Are you sure we’re not married? You spent my coin like it was yours.”

  “If we were, I’d have spent what’s in-n-n your pocket t-t-too.”

  His mind recoiled at the memory, and he nearly tripped over himself. The loss of Nadine left him raw at moments. He wasn’t over it. Probably wouldn’t ever be over it.

  Get a grip, Runner. She’d tell you to run on. So run on. Run the fuck on.

  “It would seem my smile has an effect on you akin to Thana’s.”

  “Obviously,” Runner replied immediately. “We talked about this, and you told me to be quiet, remember? You’ve got big… brains.”

  Srit huffed at that and let her eyes slide back to the gate.

  “At times you’re as infantile as some of the male leads in the books you sent me. You don’t tend to stare at least.”

  “To be fair, it’s kinda hard not to. You seriously pushed the slider maybe a little too far on character creation. Physics be damned.”

  “I have my reasons. Give me an update here,” she said, gesturing at the gate that stood less than fifty feet from them now. “I can ascertain much from the code but I would prefer to hear it. It’s… different.”

  “Ah. Let’s see. As I said, the keep is our priority since the wall is long since done. Then it’s a matter of setting up all the needs of a city-state type
of demesne. I don’t even have a barracks yet. Everyone sleeps wherever they can. No one has complained, but I can’t imagine that’ll last long. Especially if the weather changes.”

  Runner stopped talking as they approached the city guards standing watch at the gate. Both Barbarians came to attention and saluted him, fist to chest.

  “This is Srit, she’s to be treated as the equal to Thana or anyone else. Please amend the security protocol accordingly.

  “Understood, Lord Norwood!” they said in unison.

  “Sir, what shall I mark as the relation and status?” the one on the left asked.

  “The same as I,” called a voice from inside the gate. Thana flashed her predatory smile as she stepped into view.

  “Yes, m’lady,” the guard replied.

  “Carry on,” Runner commanded, nodding to the guards. Stepping past them, he smiled at Thana.

  “Couldn’t wait to see her, Lady Death?” Runner’s eyes crinkled up as he smirked at her. She seemed to always know where everyone was at nearly every time. Maybe his chancellor even had her own intelligence gathering service.

  “Of course not. She’s as dear as a sister to me. She tells me all the secrets I want to know, and the ones I don’t. Which makes her perfect.” Thana said the words while wrapping Srit up in a hug.

  “No change. Chances are increasing,” Srit said to Thana with a serious expression.

  “Good. Now, let’s go eat. Everyone else is already assembled.” Thana wrapped her arm in Srit’s and began guiding her directly towards the keep.

  Runner smirked and fell in behind them. They walked along half-finished streets and housing foundations. All around him, people, his people, went about their work.

  The vast majority of his people were there to improve and build upon the city or start a new life. The rest seemed made up of religious pilgrims who wanted to live in the place the Triumvirate would be based out of.

  As if in sync with his thoughts, the temple popped into view.

  It was a massive structure, second only to the eventual new keep. Situated in a central defensible location, it was actually built atop the remains of the original keep. Utilizing it in such a way had greatly increased the construction speed of the temple.

  After breakfast he had plans to check in on the ongoing building everywhere. Perhaps check in on Alexia as well. He had promised her, after all. The guilt from making her go temporarily insane did weigh on him.

  Perhaps he might even make an actual prayer to the Triumvirate.

  Maybe. Minxy might show up.

  Amelia, the goddess of assassins and thieves, popped into his head, full of mocking sexuality and her desire to be dominated by him.

  Focusing back on the present as quick as he could, he fastened his eyes to the women in front of him as they chatted quietly.

  “Eyes up, shit for brains. I know you’re already fucking the one, but I didn’t realize you’d started in on the other,” Hannah hissed at him, her elbow digging into his side.

  Folding over her arm at the sudden strike, Runner grunted softly. Entwining his arm into hers, he pulled her close to his side so she couldn’t escape.

  “Hanners. Always a delight. I’ll be your escort to breakfast. You can sit next to me during the meal. We’ll spend some time together. Maybe I’ll tie you to your chair and feed you personally while everyone else watches.”

  As she wrinkled her nose at him, her cheeks colored a faint red. Giving a single jerk of her arm to see if she could free herself, she then matched his pace.

  “You’d like that. Dirty fucker. Do you plan on wedding and bedding everyone then?”

  “Huh. When you put it like that. Two down, one to go.” Runner grinned. He’d lost his shame about the situation when Nadine died. Shame only served the cause of fear.

  “Oh? Did you drag the tree rat into a bush and make her squeal while you were out and about? Or maybe our dear artificial intelligence after all?”

  “Ha-ha, no. Though I guess you could say Belle is definitely trying to put herself on the list. As for Sunshine, I honestly have no idea what’s going on with her. She’s so direct at times that I’m not sure,” Runner clarified. He let his eyes settle on Srit for a moment as he thought about her.

  Her actions earlier, being so willing to discuss getting pregnant by him, certainly left little to the imagination and pushed her motivations out front and center.

  Didn’t help that she’d taken on his last name, Srit Norwood.

  “I know very well you didn’t mean that snipe about Belle either, Hanners. Normally I’d let it lie, but I’ll say it up front and rise to your bait. I won’t waste any more time on this. I won’t let it hap—suffice it to say, the person I meant is you, Hannah Anelie. Take that bit of information as you will, but there it is. Now, is there anything I should actually know, or were you really only looking for an excuse to harass me?”

  Hannah didn’t respond immediately and turned her face to the side.

  “A lot of new people entering lately. My spine itches. You’ve asked me to be your spymaster, your assassin, your blade in the dark. I tell you now, this is the type of situation that makes someone like me nervous. Because this is the type of situation you get someone praying to Amelia for,” she said, not willing to look at him.

  “Got it. Right, then. Please set up some time with Grace and Kitten. Work out arrangements that would make you more happy with the situation. I’ll support whatever you decide is best. I trust you.”

  “Already done. I met with them this morning. They both had a similar fear, so there was little in the way of convincing them. The guard on your door will be doubled, and the group following you has had an additional healer added.”

  Runner frowned but nodded his head. He had noticed this morning the extra woman in his guard. They were never too far from him, always within casting distance in case he had a need.

  “See, that right there is why I could never live without you, Hanners. I’ll stop by the temple later today to see if our little goddess of blades has anything to add. I do hope the extra guard will be outside the room rather than inside. Unless you’ll be the extra guard? Then you’re welcome to be on the inside. Ya know, for reasons.”



  “Shut up.”

  “But why? Totally honest here, you’re like the last one I can tease. I’m pretty damn sure the others would say yes or fire back. Besides, it’s not really teasing if it’s honest, is it?”

  Runner patted the back of Hannah’s hand and let the silence take hold.

  There was pain in her past, and to him it seemed obvious what it was. She didn’t like being touched, had a fairly strong dislike for men in general, and more often than not resembled a skittish cat.

  It could only be rape.

  In time he hoped she would open up to him. Give him the chance to settle her heart. Because he did care for her. Deeply.

  In the same way he cared for Katarina, Thana, and Nadine.

  Possibly Srit. And maybe the tree rat. Maybe. And the goddesses. Damn. I’m a whore.

  Tree rat… hah.

  Up ahead one of his guards opened the front door to the manor they were living in. It had been built rapidly for him and his people while the keep was being constructed. Three stories tall and filled to the brim with his guard, it felt pretty packed for such a large home.

  Runner dipped his head towards the woman who held the door open for him and stepped to the side for Hannah to enter first.

  Flicking his eyes around the entry hall as they entered, he found all to be normal. It was sparsely decorated with things that were bought from the new residents or made locally.

  Guards flanked the inner doorway, their bright helmets flashing as their heads swiveled to track Runner’s movement.

  Ducking his head to them in acknowledgment, he started to feel like a fishing bobber.

  “You’ve outfitted them,” Srit said at the other end of the entryway.

“Of course I did. They’re willing to put their lives on the line for me. It’s only fair that I give them the best equipment I can to preserve their lives. Armor is cheap, my guards are not.”

  “I’m afraid Dear Heart isn’t being honest. He didn’t just armor them but armed them. Gave each one of them enough potions to start an elixir shop. Sophia is in charge of an elite team capable of challenging anything within twenty levels of her force,” Thana elaborated.

  Runner rolled his eyes and smiled at a pretty blue-eyed Barbarian who held open the door to the dining room for him. The lack of metal or leather armor meant she was likely a caster.

  “Thank you. Have you eaten yet?”

  The woman glanced behind his shoulder and then back to Runner.

  “I have, Lord Norwood. All is well. Enjoy your meal.”

  Runner shrugged his shoulders and continued on, the door shutting quietly behind him.

  “You really shouldn’t do that, my lord. Sophia and Thana have them well trained,” Isabelle said, materializing at his side. “I decided trail mapping could wait.”

  Runner looked at her for a second as he processed what she’d said.


  “I suppose so. Just being friendly to her. I can’t forsake them just because they’re my guard. If anything I need to work all the harder to make sure I’m in their favor,” Runner said, momentarily at a loss.

  “You earned their favor, trust, and loyalty long ago. You’re an idiot, my lord.”

  “Yeah, yeah, I know. Chief idiot of the idiot clan. Song of my people is the laughter of others. Yada yada. Go get your food.” Runner dismissed her, waving a hand at her. He moved to the middle of the table and rested his hands on the top of the seat he normally took. Checking the room, he did a mental attendance list.

  Thana had already gotten a plateful and seated herself beside Srit. They were engaged in a quiet conversation Runner couldn’t make out the details of.

  Her black hair was immaculately put together and framed her beautiful face. She had a full hourglass figure that just about overwhelmed her short stature.

  Her brown eyes glanced up at him, and she spared him a smile, having caught him staring. She seemed to see everything, calculate it out to an expected result, and provide a solution. Thana was the one person he could take any problem to and she would provide him with an answer best suited to the politics. His chancellor.


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