Otherlife Awakening: The Selfless Hero Trilogy

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Otherlife Awakening: The Selfless Hero Trilogy Page 31

by William D. Arand

Quickly enough, his guards were dressed in their casual wear and ready to depart.

  Sliding in amongst them as they left, Runner activated Stealth and played the part of a shadow.

  Norwood’s Own heading to Mibar wasn’t anything worth noticing after all. No place better to hide.

  Runner kept Stealth up till the very moment he put his ass on his favorite stool at the end of the bar up against a wall.

  “Sneaky bastard. Usual?” Lobu asked, walking up to him.

  “Please, yes. Rounds for everyone who walked in with me as well on the down low.”

  “Course.” Lobu slapped down a mug in front of him. A handful of drinks in each big hand, he shuffled out to the tables to hand them off to his guards.

  Taking a sip from the beer, Runner surreptitiously checked his surroundings.

  It was packed. The entirety of the bar was full of drinking patrons. Except for the stool next to him, and the one he had taken.

  Strange. Perhaps this isn’t as… anonymous as I hoped.

  Lobu sidled up to him on the other side of the counter again.

  “Full night. Looks like you’re doing incredibly well, Mr. Half-Orc,” Runner said, lifting his drink to the man.

  “Hmph. Only because a certain emperor frequents the establishment. You do realize you’re not fooling anyone. It may be a secret on the way here, but not once you’re here. They call that the emperor’s stool,” Lobu said, flicking a finger at the spot Runner occupied.

  “And this?” Runner threw a thumb at the stool next to him….

  “Empress’s stool, of course.” Lobu looked at him as if he were daft.

  “That’s interesting since I don’t have a wife.” Runner took a drink and watched Lobu over the rim.

  “You do. You just haven’t married one of them yet.”

  “What if I married all of them?”

  “Stupid thing to do. That’s about six more headaches than any one man should have.”

  Runner shook his head with a grin at that.

  “Maybe I’m a bit of a masochist then.”

  “You’d have to be, considering what you keep signing yourself up for. Emperor? Really?”

  “They didn’t leave me much of a choice. It was join and be emperor or be pushed out and probably given the national cold shoulder. I don’t want it. Didn’t really have a choice in the matter. I had to accept.”

  “Huh. Nah. You had a choice. It would have sucked.” Lobu stepped off to put down a drink for someone.

  There was a slight presence on the outside of his mind. It was tiny, as if an echo of his own mind. If he hadn’t been paying attention he might have missed it.

  Runner didn’t stop it, or point it out, but watched it passively. It circled around the barriers of his mind like… like a fox trying to get into a henhouse.

  Grinning, Runner followed that presence as it moved.

  What are you up to, Vixen?

  It wouldn’t do him any good to reveal an advantage unless he served to benefit from it. Showing Satomi—because who else would be sniffing around his mind like that—that he could detect her latest attempt wouldn’t do him any good.

  But letting her think she’d succeeded would.

  The clever little Kitsune crawled under his mental barrier as slow as ice melting in the shade.

  Lobu had checked on him during her entry. The bartender noticed Runner’s lack of mental coordination and left him as he was to serve others.

  When she’d cleared his perimeter, Satomi held perfectly still and in place. If he were in her position, he’d have done it as well to determine if he’d been noticed.

  Now that she was inside his mind, he knew it was her beyond a doubt.

  After several minutes, and Runner finishing his first beer, Satomi was on the move again.

  Snaking along the interior of his mind, she made her way to his most recent memories.

  Without experiencing them, or “pulling them out” as it were, she was able to look at the surface of each one. It took her a little time for each one, but he had the impression she got a fairly good reading on them.

  Lobu set another mug down in front of him as Runner felt the Kitsune in his head move to his emotional state.

  His eyebrows drew down as Satomi flicked through his emotions. He could feel it as she encouraged positive thoughts and moods, pushing them gently to the front. Then she tried to push down his negative feelings, cycling them to the back of his psyche.

  So I’ve got a mental janitor who wants to clean the place up when I’m out?

  Done with her task there, Satomi started to make her way back out. Then she stopped.

  Waiting, Runner was curious what was going on. Did he accidentally give the game away? Did she get interrupted?

  Then she moved towards his memories again. And stopped. Then started moving once more.


  Satomi seemingly affirmed her choice and made her way to his memories. It was interesting to him since he couldn’t quite pin down what she was looking for. He’d only be able to see if it she called it up fully.

  Eventually she started to pull up small sections of a memory. He couldn’t figure out what they were exactly since she didn’t dive deeply into the memory.

  He could almost feel her fear of actually engaging the memory. To look at it inside and out. She was eventually satisfied with her topical view since she put it back where it belonged.

  Creeping stealthily out of his head, she exited the same way she entered. The connection faded to nothing as she withdrew back to her own mind.

  After she faded to nothing, Runner tried to figure out what she had been looking at.

  The best he could figure was she had looked at something three days ago. Nothing jumped out at him as being important, other than them taking in that entire cell.

  Since all she had done was look at a few things, he assumed she had been merely comparing her memory to his own.

  They could end up being pretty different since… well, I’m not a machine. My memories are false witnesses based on my own opinion.

  Runner sighed and shook his head, taking a deep drink from his beer.

  “Here’s to worrying for another time, in due time.”

  “I guess,” Lobu replied, staring at him. “Keep on doing what you’ve been doing. You’ll make hard choices but that’s life. A life without scars is a boring one. An unlived life.”

  Runner blinked and nodded his head at that. “Good advice, bartender.”

  “Remember that when you face a difficult choice or challenge. There’s not a lot you can do about the choice you have to make, other than make the right one for you at the time. No sense crying about it.”

  Chapter 18 - Taking Action -

  5:00 am Sovereign Earth time


  Grumbling, Runner sat up from his bed. At his side Isabelle stirred and flopped an arm around his waist. They’d gone to bed rather late last night.

  “Too early,” she complained.

  “It is, but the troops march at eight. I’m going to be doing something today that may or may not piss off Thana. Can I run something by you, my little tree mouse?”

  “Mmkay. No promises,” Isabelle said, opening one green eye to peer at him.

  “I’m aware of the council. Also the lengths that Thana goes to run it and keep you all secure. I’m going to be ending that today, I believe. Is it safe to say Thana wouldn’t be upset about you, Sophia, Hannah, or Faye being close to me?”

  Isabelle looked towards the pillow she rested her head on and then back to him.

  “She wouldn’t have a problem with any of us. She knows nothing of your familiar or Paladin.”

  “I know. Satomi isn’t something I can discard easily since I’m stuck with her. Forever. Milly is merely my first Paladin.”

  Isabelle nodded her head a little.

  “Should I be worried?” she asked. Her voice had a tinge of fear to it.

  “No. Not at all.” Runner patted her li
ghtly on her blonde head. “Going to get dressed and put my things in order. Want me to wake you up a bit before it’s time for the meeting?”

  “I’ll watch the show from here, thanks.” Isabelle shifted around in the bed until she could see the rest of the room.

  “Silly tree mouse.” Runner leaned down and kissed her once and then got ready for the day.

  An hour later and Runner and his lieutenants were gathered in the dining hall.

  Runner opened his connection up with Satomi and dragged her into his mind regardless of her own wishes.

  He’d realized a while ago that he was the stronger partner in their bond. If he wanted her held prisoner in his mind, that was where she’d be.

  For now, he merely wanted her to know of this situation since she wouldn’t be attending.

  “Hannah, Sophia, Faye, Isabelle. Thank you for coming. Srit was unable to make it today I’m afraid. I really don’t know when she’ll be able to pull out of the stalemate she’s in.”

  They were seated around the table. Breakfast would be after the meeting. On the road for some, in the dining room for others.

  “First, I’d like to hear what motivates each of you, if you don’t mind. Why you’re here, now. Admittedly not everyone was given a choice, but you’re all free of that now. Hannah?”

  “I dunno. Fuck, that’s a strange thing to ask. I guess to make the world a better place? Prove to everyone I’m not some gutter Thief anymore.”

  “Definitely not that. Not after the successes of your department. Sophia?”

  “Secure a good marriage that supports my family. Maybe some children. Make sure to keep my country thriving. I may no longer be of the Sunless race, but I’m still Sunless.”

  “Very personal and reasonable goals. Faye?”

  “No change from last time, Alpha.”

  “Got it. Isabelle?”

  “Reclaim my birthright. Have you stomp over there and burn anyone who refuses me to ash.”

  Runner laughed at that and nodded.

  “Right, then. Burn one elven forest down. Thank you, everyone.”

  Then he dove onwards in the conversation.

  “I’m aware of Thana’s council. I also know what it’s for and what Thana had been doing.” Runner said it simply.

  Each woman looked a little nervous at the sudden seriousness of the conversation. Not to mention he’d been using their names, rather than nicknames.

  “I find that I’m at fault for this. The fact that it had to be done at all is a failure on my part. I apologize for that. I’ll lay it all out very simply, here. When we catch up to Katarina and Thana, I’ll be giving them the exact same conversation.”

  Runner felt his stomach flutter. This was the deciding moment.

  “Satomi made me aware of the fact that I’ve been acting the part of a cowardly miser. One who would claim they’re doing something for the benefit of others when it’s clearly for me.

  “That ends here. Today. I love you. All of you. I don’t plan on settling for one of you, but all of you. Katarina, Thana, and Srit included in that.”

  Runner took a slow breath to steady himself.

  “Socially, where I came from, it’s frowned on to have a marriage with more than two people in it. Outlawed in the vast majority of space. Here, in this world, clearly that isn’t true. To the point that I can write my own laws as emperor.”

  Pulling up a hotbar with a mental command, Runner selected Hannah.

  “To that end, I’m asking you all to join me in marriage. As ridiculous as that sounds, it’s the truth. Normally one would give the other a token to signify that marriage. Considering the fact that each one of you is wearing everything made by me, I’m not sure on how you’d like to proceed on that front,” Runner said, trying to lighten the mood a bit at the bomb he’d dropped on them.

  “So, in a moment you’ll receive a marriage invitation. It’s something only I can do. This would actually change your last name to Norwood. The system would recognize you as my partner and you would have access to my inventory, my belongings, and my home.

  “This will advertise to the great wide world that I’m not on the market. The council can remain, but it would need a new purpose, and you can all be sure of my intentions. No more secrets, no more games.

  “Not sure how this’ll work on the divine side though. Since you’ll be marrying a god. But hey, there it all is. Without further ado.”

  Runner punched the marriage button he’d set up. His name was already input into the macro and it would then use whoever was selected.

  Hannah’s eyes opened wide at the message only she could see. Moving to the next in line, Runner began sending the same invite to each woman in the room.

  “Before you accept, I’d be happy to—” Runner paused for a second as a message flitted past his eyes.

  Isabelle Malin has accepted your proposal.


  You are officially man and wife.

  Isabelle’s last name flashed and was replaced with Norwood.

  “—answer any questions you have. Should you have any. Admittedly this is… it’s frickin’ strange. Let’s call it what it is. This is strange. I’m a selfish greedy bastard and there it is. I want you all to myself.”

  Runner looked around the room again. Hannah had her hands over her face. Faye looked thoughtful as she studied the message. Sophia had a smile on her face as if she had achieved victory and were basking in the feeling.

  Faye Sennet has accepted your proposal.


  You are officially man and wife.

  Sophia Tai has accepted your proposal.


  You are officially man and wife.

  “I would ask you if there is an order to this, Alpha. Pack hierarchy is important. Or if we’re all equal that will do as long as it’s known,” Faye asked. Both her name and Sophia’s had swapped over to Norwood instantly.

  “Equals. Equals amongst us all. I can’t grant you divinity, though I would name you all empress.”

  Faye scratched at her nose and then shrugged her shoulders.

  “You’ll still be the alpha. We’ll establish our own pecking order, I’m sure.”

  Runner felt his mood fluttering between elated and afraid. There was no going back now.

  “What about children, lord husband?” Sophia asked. She leaned forward over the table, resting her face in her hands. She still had that satisfied smile plastered on her face.

  “Obviously that’ll be up to you. I believe Sunshine left me a settings window that I can use to modify people’s individual ability to get pregnant. More of an on off switch. I thought it strange at the time, though I’m thankful for it now.”

  “I meant housing. What if every single one of us were to become pregnant at the same time? It would double our space requirements.

  “This is a lovely manor we’re in now, but it wouldn’t fit all of us.”

  “Ah, yeah. I was working on that. I’ve diverted a large amount of processed resources to another plane. Had to do something with it since it’s piling up. Can’t use too much of it right now without destroying the market.

  “A very large manor house is going to be built on that plane. I made the changes this morning to make it habitable. Alexia is providing the manpower to work on the home.

  “It’ll connect to the keep here in Norwood, and Eden. The floor plans are extensive. It’s already set for three floors, and honestly, as there are no threats on that plane, we can expand in whatever way we see fit.”

  “Good, how would we get there, exactly?”

  “Going to give you all a small token. It’ll transport you there and back at will. Similar to your driving tokens.”

  “What about Satomi? Or Milicent? You have a habit of getting attached to those nearby,” Isabelle asked.

  “Satomi. She’s my familiar. She’ll be with me as long as I live. To be honest, she could outlive any great grandchildren we have. I trust h
er implicitly with my life.”

  Runner realized he hadn’t answered the question and he didn’t plan to. Satomi would be an issue in the long run and he knew it.

  “Milicent is my Paladin. She’s nice enough, but I don’t think it’d go well if I were trying to sleep with someone devoted to me as servant to god.”

  “And of the goddesses?” Faye asked, taking Isabelle’s question to the logical conclusion.

  “As far as they’re concerned, I’m bound to them as I am to Satomi. I’ll not be escaping them. Ever.”

  Runner felt like he was sidestepping the question to a degree, but he couldn’t actually answer them. When he finally accepted the goddesses, his mortal companions would all be long dead.

  Sophia nodded her head and then laid her head down on her arms, watching him. Her wings flared out behind her and partially unfolded.

  “I’m satisfied,” Sophia whispered.

  “As am I, Alpha.”

  “And I, my lord.”

  “You’re all fucking idiots. Don’t you see?” Hannah shouted, slamming her hands to the table.

  Her eyes were pinched shut as if to block out everything.

  “He can’t even make up his mind. How do you even believe that he won’t be adding to his little harem party down the road?”

  “A fair point. I thought about that for a while. I’ve drawn up a simple oath that I’m happy to swear to. While it seems extreme to offer it, I can imagine it might help. I’m more than willing to do whatever it takes to make you all feel comfortable and assured.

  “No need, lord husband,” Sophia said, her wings continuing to unfold and spread out behind her.

  “Trust is given freely, Alpha.”

  “Not needed, my lord.”

  “You stupid fuckers, you would wal—” Hannah lifted her head and looked at the other women. Her eyes flicked from one to the next, and the next.

  “Fine. Enjoy your fate. I’ll be outside, ready to leave.”


  “No, stop. Shut your filthy mouth. Don’t talk to me.”

  Hannah left, the door slamming behind her.

  Runner shook his head and smiled at the remaining women.

  “My apologies, this should be a happy occasion. Here I’m leaving one of you behind, and you now have to tiptoe around one of our number.”


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