Good Luck Kid (Irish Bastards Saga Book 1)

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Good Luck Kid (Irish Bastards Saga Book 1) Page 6

by S. A. Mecham

  “I love you—uh!” I mutter just as he pushes his way up inside of me bearing down without mercy.

  “Ah—I love you!” He stammers through breathless groans.

  I match his rhythm this time unlike our first time; I spread more while arching my ass up off the bed for him to pound into me harder and deeper. I feel I’m nearing my climax and I start letting go, clamping down hard on him from the inside. His face changes and his eyes widen as he pumps deeper and I feel him burst inside of me just as I do likewise.

  * *

  The soft musical tone of my cell phone goes off stirring me from my slumber. I’m careful not to wake my beautiful sleeping man Luck as I move out of bed to answer my phone. It could be about Gabe and can’t miss any news about him. I see that I have missed the call and there is a message.

  “Message left, Saturday at ten forty AM,” a robotic voice announces. (BEEP.) “Ava I’m so tired of leaving messages for your princess-ass. What are doing that you just simply cannot be reached? “ Robin’s voice rants through my phone.

  “Are you fucking kidding me?” I whisper but I want to scream.

  Robin’s message continues, “I seriously don’t know what the fuck my brother ever saw in your spoiled ass to began with really—I will be there to pick up Gabriel Logan Lowe, my brother’s son.”

  “Oh my god you have to say his whole name, really? Well duh—this bitch.” I say feeling the rage start boiling in my belly for this woman sending me to my feet and I’m pacing now.

  “And I’m just going to tell you now rather than just letting you find out later—I’m seeking full custody of Gabriel. And I will win! He will come to live here as soon as summer camp is over in three weeks and there’s not a damn thing you can do about it, Ava!” With another beep, the message ends.

  “What is it?” Luck asks from the bed. I’ve awakened him with my pacing.

  “That fucking bitch!” I shout unable to hold back the floodgates of rage that have been building inside of me for years now. “She won’t take him from me—she can’t!” I march wildly around the room too angry to cry. I feel that I could actually choke her if only she were here in front of me.

  “Babe—who you talking about?” He asks while joining me in heated pacing. “Talk to me—who are you talking about?”

  “Logan’s sister, Robin! I want to fucking kill her—I could do it too—I’m that angry! She said that she wants to take my son from me—shit she says she’s going to take him in two and a half fucking weeks from now when he is out of summer camp!” He grabs my arms holding me in place to try and calm me down but I’m beyond reasoning with at this point.

  “I know a way to help you—I can get the money you need to win that bitch in court and get your son away from her forever.” He says surprising the shit out of me. I thought for sure I’d get a lecture about how to calm down. But no—Luck feels the same rage and gives a solution to end my suffering.

  “I will do it—whatever you need I will do. I trust you completely,” I move closer to him kissing his hand.

  “I will need to break the law, you know? What I do is very bad—I’m a thief Ava, not a cute and cuddly one who picks pockets either—I go big. I steal from very dangerous people sometimes; ok, most of the time I steal from bad people but that’s because, well, let’s face it they won’t call the police. The danger comes from them directly so I can’t get caught—you feel me?” He finishes. I’m turned on by his sexy determination. The vigor in him seems to jump off of his skin igniting me making me join him in the thrill of it all.

  Chapter Eleven

  We pull up to the end of the street where the Blue Boar Bar & Grill is, the place we meet. It feels symbolic in a strange way to be returning with the lady who distracted me from doing this job to begin with.

  “You know the night we met? I was supposed to pull this job but I got so caught up with you instead,” I say to her. She looks at me grins a little before kissing me.

  “I’m glad you chose me instead of the job.”

  I kiss her one more time before jumping out of the car. Skid never answered any of my calls so I’m going in completely blind which is the stupidest thing I’ve done in a long time. Well, at least since I called Mr. Meathead a bitch and lost my hair for it. But, I figure that I can do this simple of job alone anyway and with Ava, I am sure it will be a simple grab and nab.

  I am dressed in all black and use the cover of nightfall to blend in with the pitch black brushes and trees that line the outer windows of the huge retirement complex. I make my way around to the side of the building where I have estimated where I saw the manager’s office last time. All of the windows are low enough for me to get up into without climbing.

  A few minutes pass before I spot the window I need. I see no light on inside. While easing myself up onto the window-seal, doing a full body pull-up I bring my body up placing my knee on the thin edge before sliding the unlocked window upward. “Bingo,” I say to myself, chuckling at the reference. I drop through the window quickly lowering my body to the floor. I scan the room from the floor making sure I’m alone before standing. I am quick to go for the desk, in search for a key of some kind, I open the top drawer lifting up a desk tray spotting the key I was seeking. “Now where is the safe?” I turn around looking up at a ghastly picture of some old dude. I pull it away from the wall revealing the safe behind it. “Come on—really at least make me work for it.” I chuckle while putting the key into the lock unlocking it with a turn. It pops right open, and I grab stack after stack of hundreds not stopping to count it. I see a black velvet bag behind the last two stacks and I grab it too. I shove all the money into my leg-length pant pocket which I created specifically for such a purpose. I never use bags too; much to worry about. I close the safe locking it before return the key to the desk in the place I found it.

  * *

  I see Ava’s face light up as I race over getting inside; she drives off once I’m in. My blood is pounding and I’m so fucking high on the rush of this moment. I can see that she is just as excited. I can’t help but feel like we can do anything together.

  “I fucking love you—baby!” I say

  * * *

  I sit up noticing we are nearing my granddad’s place. I have been resting the whole way as Ava drove. We both had agreed that we would stay there, neither of us wanting to go back to her place after what happened there, and I’m not going back to my shithole apartment until I figure out who the fuck beat me down and if they are the same person that was in my apartment.

  We pull up, parking in front of the house and I notice immediately that things don’t seem right. I know that they are expecting me. I notice that Ava’s car is parked next to a black Towncar.

  “Whose car is that next to mine?” Ava asks like she’s reading my mind.

  “I don’t know babe—stay right here and let me out,” I say before opening the door to jump out. “Stay here no matter what—and lock the doors,” I stress wishing I had a knife or a weapon for her to use should I not be able to get to her in time. She nods locking the doors once I close my door.

  I head towards the porch. Two huge mother-fuckers walk out of door one right after the other.

  “Hey—can I help you guys?” I say while backing up.

  Ava honks the horn causing me to turn and I’m shocked by the third man I hadn’t seen behind. They circle me saying nothing.

  Just then another man walks out of the house with my brother leading the way. I can tell that he must be armed because Marcel would never let this son-of-a-bitch into our childhood home.

  “Luck Conway I presume,” he says from behind Marcel’s back.

  “Yeah, mother-fucker whose asking? Do I know you, man?” I roar wanting so badly to unleash on this guy but I hold back.

  “Well, Luck you are a very hard man to seek indeed—I mean lately that is. I’ve been watching you for a while and I’m very impressed with your talents. When Skid told me about you I thought to myself, ‘damn now that’s a ki
d I could use on my team,’” he boasts, then pushes Marcel forward. “Come on, Marcel, get over there with your brother.”

  Marcel moves over joining me facing this piece of shit and I can see the gun he has. Two of the dudes grab a hold of Marcel.

  “Hey—no need to get aggressive we are all cooperating here,” I stress, hoping to defuse the situation.

  “I wish that I could believe you Luck—but you see, men usually don’t take orders willingly. They have to be forced to cower down, to become humbled. And I will do that to you. To break you. Do you know how to break a man, Luck?” He asks.

  “I don’t want to play this game with you man, just let them go and you and I can go talk somewhere alone.” I look around noticing that Ava isn’t in the car anymore. Shit!

  “No—wrong answer!” He shouts like he’s at the circus, announcing the next act. I try not to panic wondering where she is maybe she tried to run for it.

  “Let me go! Let me go, asshole!” Ava screams from the corn field.

  I move to get to her but I’m grabbed from behind by the third guy. I struggle but he has got me locked up and my ribs are too weak to fight him anyway.

  “Stop—you let me go!”Ava pleads.

  I see her emerge from the field with some bulky monster dragging her by her hair. She’s kicking and hitting him but he is unfazed by her attempts to escape. He lifts her up onto her knees holding by her hair at the same time he chomps her hair with a knife and in one quick motion she’s separated from her long, beautiful locks.

  “Don’t move—don’t do a thing bro, just wait,” I hear my brother say to me but I don’t look at him. They cut her hair. I want to fucking kill these men. Every single one of them.

  “So I think I have your attention now. Right? And your willingness I bet—am I right? Of course, I am,” he asks but doesn’t really want an answer.

  “I’m listening,” I say, forcing myself to appear calm. Taking my brother’s advice I will try go along with this psycho's game.

  “Oh good—he’s listening everyone!” He jokes and his men laugh with him. “Thanks for helping me—“ he says. The guy snaps his fingers before putting his gun away. One of his goons brings over my loot from my earlier job handing it to him. “Yesssss…nicely done. Damn I am impressed. I mean only an idiot steals from another thief and thinks they can get away with it.”

  “Well you have your money now—so we’re good now—you can take it and go.”

  “Oh—you thought this was my money?” He chuckles. “Shit—Luck you fucked up big time. That money you so carelessly snatched belongs to a mean-ass fucking mob boss. Don’t worry, though—we will keep this our little secret and he’ll never notice. Unless I decide to say, tell him, that it was you,” he toys with me but I don’t take the bait.

  “I said I will do what do you want already no need for the threats.”

  “Oh yeah—sorry about that—shit you are being very cooperative aren’t you? I can play nice too. Let her go,” he signals his goon to free Ava. She runs to me as the hulk behind me lets me down. I take her hand pulling her behind me holding her there. She shakes quietly behind me and I want to hold her but need to get these men out of here first.

  The two men release Marcel as well before they return to the Towncar they came in.

  “I’m glad we had this talk—I look forward to doing business with you Luck, very soon. I’ll be in touch. Aww…look you and your girlfriend, you have the same hair style now how cute. I love matching couples.” He says as he passes us. I hold back from swinging on this prick. I realize that overreacting now gets me killed or worse—gets her killed. He laughs as he walks over to his car. They all get in driving the car around stopping in front of us with the window rolled down.

  “Oh yeah—you might want to put that fire out.” He adds. The window goes up and they speed off down the driveway out of sight.

  “What the fuck—what fire?” I say to Marcel. We both look at the house, which appears fine. I decide I can finally hold Ava, which I do immediately. I search her for injuries as he pushes her face against my chest. Her beautiful hair is mostly gone from the butchering they did to it; just to fucking prove a point. “God, this is my fault—Ava your hair—I don’t know what to say I’m so sorry,” I place my fingers on her head kissing it over and over again.

  Then I catch a whiff of something awful, like something burning.

  “The fucking barn is on fire!“ Marcel yells before taking off towards the barn.

  “They set the fucking barn on fire?” I growl. I look around before looking down at Ava. I suddenly realize I haven’t seen Lester. “Where is my granddad?” She shakes her head.

  “I don’t see him anywhere,” she answers. I can tell she’s afraid as she trembles in my arms making it impossible for me to let her go.

  I stand frozen in state of rage holding Ava watching part of my past burning up before my eyes as billowing clouds of smoke rise from the barn.”Fine, you motherfucker. You got my attention, but—you have not broken me.”

  To be continued…

  Deep Grip

  Irish Bastards Saga Two

  Chapter One Excerpt

  Ashes of Our Past Lives, “Luck”

  Marcel returns alone. He looks panicked which isn’t good.

  “What should he do? Should we call the fire department?” Ava asks to me.

  “Already did…but they will never make it time—come on we’ll have to do what we can on our own.” My granddad says. Perking me right up with relieve as I realize he is safe. “I was watching from the water tower. I stayed out of sight until they left. They showed up some time ago. They were in the barn before and I just had a feeling.

  We all start briskly walking towards the barn. Sounds of horses yelping echo the fields.

  “What the fuck? The horse on inside—no! They put the horse in the barn before setting it on fire?” I gag.

  “Abby’s car—she’s supposed to be at the Marshall not here.” Marcel spots Abby’s car which no one saw before.

  No one is in the car we can see as get closer. Ava and I start searching around the outside of the barn. I do not notice that my granddad has gone to get his shotgun to do the only humane thing possible. I look on mortified as he fires three shots each one ending their suffering. My heart is pounding as I wonder where Abby is and my mind starts racing through the worse scenarios. Did they hurt her? Is she in the barn still, burning alive?

  “If I’ve gotten my brother’s girl killed—I won’t be able to live with myself.”

  “Don’t say that—we’ll find her. Why would they kill her…cut her hair maybe but kill her—why would that fucking monster want to lose his leverage over you.” Ava tries to calm me.

  “Don’t be naïve Ava—these pricks are capable of all manners of evil. I know their type—shit I was their type once.” Marcel says to Ava. “They killed those horses just to send a message.”

  “She’s not being naïve Marcel she is naïve and for good reason, she shouldn’t know these things—she shouldn’t be here at all. Now shut up and let’s spread out and look for Abby. Don’t start jumping to conclusions until we’ve searched everywhere first.” I yell silencing them.

  We all disburse in different directions each of us calling out for Abby.

  From Author

  I sincerely hope that you have enjoyed reading Good Luck Kid, Irish Bastards Saga One. It was an absolute pleasure writing this book. At time it felt as if I could see, feel, and smell these characters. This is the first romantic suspense title I have written, and plan on continuing this journey for years to come. Make sure pre-order Deep Grip, the second installment in this epic saga.

  Romantic suspense and erotic romance is my genre; however I don’t really like to be bogged down to one genre, I have sci-fi, fantasy, and non-fiction books on the horizon so I enjoy floating between all genres. Passion comes to me from the words that I can express to the reader, knowing that my very thoughts are penetrating your mind make for complete
satisfaction for me.


  To all the bastards out there like me in the world raised without a father and did just fine without them.

  I wasn’t born lucky but I will continue to make my own luck.

  Acknowledgements and Thanks

  I want to say thank you to my hard working personal assistance, Kay Ann. She’s the one who brings the coffee so I don’t lose my mind in the morning. Plus she’s the one who brings my inspiration when I’m all out of belief. I love you, cookie.

  I also I want to say thank so much to my editor, Tan Nizzum, for helping me with my challenges and for pushing me to never stop improving.

  Also, I want to say thank you to my two amazing beta readers, Sasha and Larry. Your feedback and comments are priceless.

  Last but certainly not least, thank you to all the ARC readers. Plus thanks to fans who have cheered me on since the beginning.

  Please let me know what I can do to further improve my writing or simply say “way to go girl”, by leaving me a review. Your feedback and comments will help me with my success.

  About the Author

  I have lived a lot of what I write about. For example, I am a (PTSD) post-traumatic stress disorder survivor, I can relate to so many other people’s situation because as I child I learned to study behavior to make sure I could tell if I was making others happy because if they’re not happy well then you know what happens then. The Sad fact about growing up in an abusive community but my past helps me now it makes me stronger today.

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