Arrested Pleasure

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Arrested Pleasure Page 4

by Holli Winters

  She definitely needed to work off some stress today. She couldn't seem to get the mystery man out of her mind.

  Chapter Three

  Cassie stretched and yawned. She'd stayed late working on the books for her business, finally heading to bed shortly after midnight. She almost hated to get up, but knew she couldn't linger much longer in bed.

  She opened the curtains and gazed out onto Front Street. Early morning walkers headed to the espresso down the street. Tony Markham strode down the sidewalk, doing his morning walking ritual. Esther's sons were polite, but with both in their late thirties, they were still Mama's boys. Cassie preferred her men to be independent and not living so close to their mother.

  One of the advantages of owning Casa de Massage was her ability to live onsite since many of the surrounding buildings had upstairs apartments. She adored the space despite its minuscule size, but with her busy schedule she wouldn't live anywhere else.

  A bedroom, bathroom, combo kitchen, and living room, plus a small room she used as her personal office.

  Padding into the kitchen-slash-living room, she turned on the coffee maker and opened the fridge. She assessed the contents. Nearly empty shelves greeted her. Rats, she needed to make a trip to the store for milk. Grabbing the lone yogurt container, she hoped it tasted good with dry raisin bran cereal.

  She glanced at her answering machine and was surprised to find the message button lit. Most everyone knew to catch her at work. She'd gotten in late last night and hadn't bothered to check if she had any messages.

  She hit the play button, cringing at the sound of her father's booming voice.

  "Cassandra, this is your father. I had hoped to catch you home at—"A brief pause, where she suspected he was trying to chide her for not being home when he called. "—nine o'clock on a weeknight, but I guess not."

  Disapproval laced his voice, though it was nothing new when it came to their tenuous relationship. She didn't need this to start her day. Even on the phone, he demanded your attention.

  "Your mother and I will be in Portland the weekend of the twelfth." She focused on his words, trying not to let her resentment sour how she felt about her father's interference in the way she ran her life. Regardless, she loved them both. "Junie's wedding is that weekend—in case you'd forgotten. We'd like to have you join us and we can all head to the reception together. It's your cousin's wedding, Cassandra, and you should make an appearance."

  Yes, she'd received the invite, but since she wasn't close to her cousin, she hadn't planned on attending.

  "I'm aware you don't think the same way, but it's about time you fulfilled your family obligations."

  Her father would use the phrase "family obligations" to her. Pound guilt into her.

  He'd expounded on that subject the last time she visited them, reminding her it was time to settle down and produce more grandchildren for the family.

  Not her. At least not right now. She left procreation to Tim. He already had three kids.

  "Anyway, please call and let your mother or me know right away that you're going."

  The message abruptly cut off, as if he couldn't even say goodbye. Cassie pondered his words. Maybe she should go and put in the obligatory appearance. Hell, she might shock the whole family if she showed up without a fight.

  The welcoming smell of coffee drifted to her nose, letting her know it was ready.

  She poured a cup as she thought about the particulars of families in general.

  She loved her family, but dammit, they couldn't force her to change her lifestyle.

  Except for Tim, they all thought her foolish to live in an older part of downtown Portland and run a wellness spa.

  They didn't understand why Cassie was happy, though it didn't matter what they thought. Even if she wasn't married nor had children, her love for her work was what mattered. Her employees and repeat customers were like her second family.

  Granted, she didn't have a steady man in her life, but who needed a man when you're happy?

  A man with hazel eyes filled her vision . . . .

  Crap, she needed to forget him, yet her thoughts continued to drift anyway to their encounter the other day. When he kissed her, her body had reawakened, and now she craved more. Her response was akin to that of a starving woman in need of food to survive. His kiss had whetted a hunger so fierce, she craved more. The man is off limits, she told herself.

  Shaking her head, Cassie mentally kicked herself, realizing she obsessed over a man without a name. It also reminded her she'd forgotten to ring up Gavin to find out who he was. She needed to get the mystery man out of her mind for now. Work had to keep her busy—and her mind off erotic thoughts.

  She caught sight of the clock on the stove and realized she was running late.

  Placing her coffee cup into the sink, she headed off to get ready for a day of work.

  * * * * *

  "Did you want me to call Barclay's for more supplies? You look tired, my dear."

  Cassie opened her eyes and smiled at Lola McKelvey, her long time receptionist.

  Like Dani, Lola had been at Casa de Massage since its opening. The grandmother of five loved to mother Cassie and Dani.

  "I'm a little tired. I didn't get the paperwork done until midnight and, of course, we've been running all day." She'd finished her last customer a few minutes ago and leaned her head back in the chair to catch a wink.

  Glancing at the clock, Cassie winced when she realized the time. Nearly three and she hadn't yet gone to the bank to talk to them about a loan.

  "Mr. Winkler's threat to evict you has you worried, doesn't it?"

  Cassie nodded. "Yeah, he does. Granted, I have a lease that says I can stay here until infinity, but with the noise he's been making about he'd throw me out if I violate any rules . . ." She sighed and stood up. "I'm not sure I can recreate Casa de Massage anywhere else. It's perfect right here." Cassie looked around and thought about all the hard work and time she'd spent designing and creating the perfect spa.

  Isaiah Winkler had purchased the building from the previous owner, Jeb Kawasiki. When Cassie first signed the original lease, the contract had a clause that stated she could stay as long as she wanted and the rent would remain unchanged. Jeb had loved coming here and chatting with her, but he had entered a nursing home a year ago. He'd been forced to sell, and Isaiah purchased the building. As part of the deal, Isaiah had to agree to live with the conditions her beloved Jeb left in the purchase contract.

  Since then, Isaiah constantly made noises about wanting her to move so a new owner could build condos or a parking garage. He also purchased Rosa Miller's building from Jeb, but like Casa de Massage, it had the same clause.

  Now he had a buyer who wanted to erect a five-story parking garage for the downtown commuters. Cassie had pointed out the provision of the contract and stood her ground. Then a week ago, Isaiah stopped by and told her if she violated the lease through any questionable activities, she'd be out on the street in no time.

  His visit and threats made Cassie realize the only way she'd be able to fight him was to purchase the building from him. For the past several days, she'd been working hard on her financial paperwork and today intended to ask the bank about a mortgage loan.

  "Let me find a gypsy to put a curse on the man so he stays far away from here."

  Cassie chuckled at Lola's suggestion. "Nah, he probably has garlic around his neck."

  "I thought he smelled bad the last time he was in here." They both laughed. "Still, I'll think of something. Of course . . . something outside of seducing him." Lola twirled her trademark boa in her hand and tossed it over her shoulder. "Not that I can't seduce a man, but Isaiah is well . . . not my cuppa man."

  "Nor mine," Cassie replied, smiling at the vision of Lola seducing any man, let alone Isaiah. "I'll stop by the bank in a little bit and talk to them. Where's Dani?" she asked, changing the subject.

  "With a new customer. Wiggins is his name. Talk about a shady looking character."
Lola glanced over her shoulder to make sure they were alone. "While he waited for Dani, the phone rang and the call was a personal one from my daughter."

  Her voice was low, nearly a whisper. "When I got off, Wiggins had moved closer to me and seemed to be listening to my conversation. Very strange." She shook her head. "I don't trust the dude."

  Cassie frowned. Strange behavior. "Yeah, but it sounds like he's just nosy."

  "Well, still," Lola started to say, when a sudden, loud noise from down the hallway interrupted their conversation.

  "Dani?" Cassie could hear her yelling at the top of her lungs. Taking off on a dead run, Cassie raced down the hallway. "What's going on? Are you all right?"

  The door flew open and Dani ran out the door. "Pervert!" Her face was beet red, and she clutched her hands to her chest.

  "What's going on?" As she reached Dani, Cassie peered into the room and found a man who must have been Wiggins half-dressed. His breath came in hard pants, his face flustered.

  Cassie glanced from Dani to Wiggins. "What happened?" she asked her friend.

  She didn't normally have problems with men making inappropriate moves, but she guessed this one had.

  Dani glared at the man, her hands still clutched to her chest. "He grabbed my breast. When I told him to knock that off, he told me he only wanted to get his money's worth for the massage he paid for and started to pinch me again."

  Cassie sighed. Not a way to end the day. Counting to ten, she stepped closer to the man and looked him square in the eye. "Sir—Mr. Wiggins—we do not condone anyone touching our massage therapists. You'll need to get dressed and leave."

  He glowered at Dani before he turned his attention to Cassie. "Hey, she touched me first, and I wanted to return the favor." He sneered. "It's what you ladies do around here anyway. Help us guys get our rocks off."

  "That's a lie!" Dani's face turned redder, and Cassie had to hold her back. Dani rarely got angry, so her reaction surprised Cassie.

  "I think you better leave."

  "It's her fault."

  "I don't care who started what, you need to leave now." Cassie didn't normally yell at patients, but he had gone over the line. "This is a respectable business." She stepped closer to him and stabbed a finger into his chest, forcing him to step backward.

  "I should call the cops and have you arrested for assault." She was mad as hell and wanted him out now.

  His eyes widened at her words.

  "But I won't. Not this time. However, I don't want your face in here again. Leave.


  "My bill—"

  "You don't owe anything. Consider it as payback." She didn't like to do this, but right now with trying to get a loan, she didn't want any trouble.

  Wiggins opened his mouth as if to say more, then closed it. He grabbed his remaining clothing and scampered out of the room. As he stumbled down the hallway, valiantly trying to pull his pants on, Cassie nearly laughed at the sight he made. Lola stepped aside as he made his exit, watching him finally dash out the door.

  Silence reverberated in the aftermath. Cassie and Dani walked back into the reception area. Lola's stunned expression mirrored theirs.

  Cassie was the first to speak. "Good thing the others took off already. When you screamed, I thought you were being murdered."

  Dani took a deep breath. "Good God, he was awful," she exclaimed. "He kept asking me if we did more than massages. I told him no, yet he wouldn't drop the subject.

  When I asked him to turn over, I leaned down to work his arm, and that's when he grabbed my breast." She closed her eyes and shuddered.

  Cassie leaned against the desk and frowned. "We're a respectable business. We don't normally get perverts like this. I wonder what gave him the idea—"

  "God only knows." Dani collapsed into a chair. "You should call the police and have him arrested. He gives me the creeps. I have this feeling we won't see the last of him." Dani ran her fingers shakily through her short red hair. "He may be back."

  "I doubt it, Dani, and if he shows, we'll ask him to leave. Besides, I think I put the fear of God in his head."

  "He has California plates."

  Lola's soft voice interrupted their discussion. Cassie and Dani stared at her. She nodded toward the door. "I watched him get into a shiny, brand new car and drive off.

  With California license plates. What's he doing in this area?"

  Cassie contemplated Lola's words for a moment and then shrugged. "Perhaps he's visiting? We do get out of state patients occasionally."

  "Maybe, but he acted strange," Dani commented.

  "Hmm . . ." Cassie glanced at her watch. "I don't have the time right now. I'll deal with this later. I'm heading out to the bank. We can discuss this some more after I get back."

  Lola nodded and patted Cassie on the back. "If he comes back, I'll dial 9-1-1 right away." She smiled. "You head to the bank. We'll hold the fort down while you're gone."

  Thankful to have faithful friends and employees surrounding her, Cassie grabbed her purse. The last thing she needed right now was trouble to appear on her doorstep.

  * * * * *

  "Yo, Gabe, wait 'til you hear this." Chaz's voice sounded excited.

  Gabe looked up from typing his notes. The phone had rung a minute ago, and Chaz, being the closest, had picked up the receiver.

  "A dude is downstairs claiming he just got propositioned at a massage place down on Front. Says the gal offered to add a little 'extra' with the massage for a fee. A bit unusual nowadays to get complaints about Front Street. I haven't heard much from that part of town since they cleaned up."

  Gabe frowned, thinking about Olivia and her assertion she was staying clean.

  Temptation was the last thing she needed while living at Rosa Miller's.

  "Which one? I know there are a few down that way."

  Chaz looked down at his notes. "Casa de Massage. The place is located across from Markham's Deli. You know, the one—"

  "Yeah, I know the place." His thoughts immediately flickered at the mention of the last time he'd seen his mystery woman. He still wondered if she worked in the area.

  He still needed to call Gavin and find who she was. Even though it'd been a couple of days, he couldn't get her out of his mind.

  "Want them to bring him up so we can have a little chat with him?"

  Chaz's question pushed thoughts of her from Gabe's mind. For the moment.

  "Sure. Tell them to send him up."

  While the call went downstairs, Gabe put the finishing touches on his report and emailed it to the records department. He'd barely hit "send" when the door squeaked open and a wiry, dark-haired man walked in. Nervous, the man glanced around the room, before his eyes darted to Chaz and then Gabe. Definitely an odd person.

  "Have a seat." Gabe pointed to the chair next to his desk. He watched with keen interest as the man sat down.

  Clearing his throat, Gabe spoke first. "The guys downstairs say someone tried to sell their services to you for more than a massage. Can you tell us a bit more, Mr . . . ?"

  Gabe glanced at Chaz.

  "Schwartzman. Frank Schwartzman," Chaz replied.

  The man nodded and licked his lips. "It was that massage place downtown. Casa de Massage. Some redhead started to give me a massage, but then told me she might be able to add a little extra for more cash."

  "What kind of extra services?" Gabe asked, being careful not to lead the man on.

  The man blinked, as if surprised Gabe would ask the question. "Sex, of course."

  "Did she actually tell you she was going to perform sexual services for you?"

  Gabe wanted to make sure they had the facts and not misinterpretation. Frank Schwartzman had serious charges against a spa that had a reputation of being above board.

  Schwartzman stared at Gabe, a confused look on his face, as if he didn't understand the question. Gabe narrowed his eyes. Did the man only imagine he'd been propositioned?

  "Well . . . she's good with her hands.
She, uh . . ." He hesitated. Gabe got the feeling the man was choosing his words carefully. "She said she'd take care of me with .

  . . er . . . in other ways."

  Chaz leaned forward from his stance by the filing cabinet. "What ways? What did she say exactly?" Gabe could tell Chaz's thoughts were the same as his. Get the facts and skip the innuendo.

  Frank Schwartzman frowned at Chaz's reaction and seemed puzzled by their questions. He shifted his gaze from Chaz to Gabe. "Isn't this enough? You know, telling me stuff like that?"

  Gabe exchanged glances with Chaz. Why did the guy not want to explain? For fear of saying too much? He leaned back in his chair and assessed Schwartzman.

  "Not enough to go on. They can claim they meant something else. A pedicure.

  Foot massage. Something that has nothing to do with sex."

  The other guy's eyes opened wide and his face flushed red. "It was sex. She offered to have sex with me in exchange for five hundred bucks," he blurted out.

  "Sex for five hundred big ones?" Gabe whistled. "A lot of money for someone she barely knows." He stared intently at Schwartzman. "Did she say those exact words?"

  Again, Schwartzman hesitated, but then nodded. "Yeah, said we'd have some fun times having sex on the table right there. All I needed to do was give her five hundred."

  Chaz interjected. "Are you willing to sign a document attesting to that fact?"

  "Sure. Just don't make me face her right now."

  "You said she was red-haired. Does she have a name?"

  Schwartzman frowned for a moment. He acted like he had to think. "Yeah, Danny was her name. I thought it odd that a woman would have a man's name. The other lady in the place —a foreigner if you ask me—she's a bitch, but Danny has the balls to—" He flushed and then shut his mouth, probably realizing he said too much.

  "Danny? Strange name for a woman. Perhaps short for Danielle?" Gabe quickly wrote the name down. "Stick around. We'll draft up a statement and get you to sign the paper." He turned to his computer and started typing up the statement.


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