Forever Tattooed (Tattooed Billionaire Book 3)

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Forever Tattooed (Tattooed Billionaire Book 3) Page 23

by Alicia Rae

  My unsteady heart fucking leaped and soared and catapulted, flying high in the sky. I fell backward, taking Raelyn with me, unable to stand its furious beat in my chest, feeling well within heart-attack range.

  I pulled her ring out of my pocket and reached for her finger to return it to its rightful place while gazing into her gorgeous greens. “I fucking love you, so fucking much.” I gently grasped her face and brought her mouth to mine. “Christ, Raelyn. I think my heart might explode from loving you so much. Don’t ever take this ring off again. You’re mine, gorgeous girl, forever and ever and ever.”

  And then I smashed my lips to hers, kissing her, loving her, adoring her. It was me and her forever. It was finally our time to have it all. Unmeasurable happiness.

  We’d endured so many storms—her brain tumor, an impossible surgery, my fucked up past—and still, our love survived.

  Raelyn was right.




  The following three weeks had passed in a blur.

  Everything at the office with Ashton and Cale was going beautifully. I really had a great team of accountants on my side. Cale and I had truly made strides at repairing our friendship, as had Cale and Damien with their friendship. It was so great to have Cale back in our lives, for beneath his mistake, he was a good man. He was working day and night to do the right thing by repaying Damien.

  Heathman Enterprises was doing big things with Kingsley & Heathman Commercial. They’d purchased a storefront in downtown Sarasota and planned to have a grand opening in just eight weeks. Tryston and Damien were quickly becoming best friends again while enjoying their business venture together.

  It was lovely to see Damien with two friends in his life—Tryston and Cale. It brought a whole new light to Damien’s eyes.

  Suzanne and Drake’s divorce was final. Suzanne had been given full custody of William, and the two of them had officially freed themselves from Drake. William and Suzanne were each speaking with a counselor twice a week to help them work through their emotional wounds from enduring many years of Drake’s abuse. William was already making incredible strides. Every time we saw him, his eyes were a little brighter, and his smile was broader. He hadn’t missed a single day of school, and he was working hard to improve his grades by focusing on his homework and studying at night. Damien was beyond proud of William’s progress, so he’d gotten Suzanne’s permission to surprise William with his first BMX bike within the next few weeks.

  Drake and Annabelle had finally given up on breaking Damien and me apart. After running into Annabelle one night at my office, she’d realized her plan to blackmail Damien into becoming a family once again had backfired when she learned Damien had already revealed his past to me. She had responded by threatening to break her silence and stir up trouble with the press by offering them a first-time exclusive interview with her where she’d disclose Damien’s troubled behavior as a child and her personal reasons as to why she felt Damien was guilty of murdering Terrance. In return, I’d told her that I’d divulge all of her secrets to the media. I would tell the reporters that she’d failed to provide her son with the basic necessities in life, refusing to put his needs above her own, and how she’d turned her head to Terrance’s abusive hand and neglected to protect her child. The horror and humiliation on her face was all the confirmation I’d needed. Damien and I would not be hearing from her again. She cared for her reputation more than the idea of rekindling her family.

  After my conversation with Annabelle, Drake had yet to show his face. Damien believed this was because Drake had blown through his inheritance from Terrance, leaving him at Annabelle’s mercy to afford his lavish lifestyle. I prayed that Annabelle’s desire to make sure her name remained untainted in the press with accusations of neglecting to care for Damien as a young boy was enough for her to permanently keep Drake out of our lives, too. And, so far, my tactic had been working.

  Iris had moved up within her job at Westland Medical Group, and she would be closing on her first home next week. I couldn’t be more thrilled for her. She had all sorts of remodeling projects planned, including a painting party with me and lots of wine. Hopefully, it wouldn’t be too much wine though; otherwise, we might have to paint it again. Joshua hadn’t made any contact with her since that night at Jeffrey’s Bar & Grill, and Iris had been relieved, saying that chapter in her life was closed and a new job position and a home were all she needed to be happy.

  Samantha, our wedding planner—bless her soul—had put together all our wedding details in a mere three weeks. I’d given her precise detailed visions of what I wanted on my special day along with a boatload of pictures from Pinterest.

  And, as I glanced out the back glass door of the master bedroom I shared with Damien, everything was perfect.

  Silver rose petals lined either side of the aisle leading down to the beach that ended at a wooden canopy, also covered in white lilies with hints of silver roses, where Damien and I would exchange our vows in just a short while. Only a couple of rows of white chairs lined each side of the aisle, for Damien and I had wanted our guest list to be small so that we could share our day with those whom we truly loved.

  Smiling brightly, I turned to my right and gazed at myself in the full-length mirror. My greens shimmered back at me, overflowing with happiness. I couldn’t believe I’d soon be Mrs. Damien Heathman. It was a dream come true.

  My white lace gown flowed down my body, hugging each of my curves, with my train lying behind me. The front of the gown was cut into a V with thin straps that came up and over each of my shoulders. The back was revealing with a low scoop, leaving most of my torso bare, before cinching together at my lower back. It was simple yet elegant, and I couldn’t wait for Damien to see it. I was wearing his favorite—lace—with more lacy garments underneath. There were no beads or fancy patterns. It was just lace, lots and lots of white lace.

  Since my face was already glowing brightly, my makeup was subtle. Loose curls nearly reached my shoulders, and the right side of my hair was pulled back with a silver barrette. A round blue diamond pendant hung from a platinum chain on my neck, settling just below my collarbone. It was my something blue, given to me by Damien last night before we’d parted for the evening.

  A tap sounded at the door, pulling me out of my thoughts. Iris peeked her head into the room before entering. She gently shut the door behind herself and closed the space between us. All the while, her eyes glistened with tears.

  “I know I already said this, but you look absolutely radiant,” she said as her gaze traveled over me.

  Iris had already spent all morning with me, so we could get ready together, but she still gazed at me like she was seeing me for the first time. It made me feel so special.

  “Thank you. You do, too.” I smiled at my maid of honor, taking in her beautiful navy-blue dress.

  It had the same lace pattern as my dress until the waist. Then, the material flowed loosely to the ground. There was a rather sexy slit on the right side of it, ending just above her mid thigh.

  “Thanks.” She grinned, extending her arms between us. It was then I realized she was carrying a small box in her left hand. “This is for you.”

  “Iris, you didn’t have to get me anything,” I lightly chided her, taking the gift. “You standing at my side in my wedding is all I need.”

  “Nonsense.” Iris waved her arm at me while sniffling. “I wanted to.” She bounced on the balls of her heels with excitement. “Hurry up and open it.”

  “Okay, okay.” I laughed, flipping the lid.

  Inside, there was a penny attached to another box that was wrapped in white wrapping paper with a thin silver ribbon.

  Arching a playful brow, I picked it up and asked, “A penny?”

  “Yep.” She grinned. “I couldn’t let you walk down the aisle without your something old. And what better for it to be than a penny? I found it earlier this week. It was facing heads up, so I saved it for
you to put in your shoe.”

  Gosh, I love this woman.

  “Thank you.” I smiled and bent over to place the coin inside my shoe.

  “You’re welcome.” She clapped her hands. “Now, open the next one.”

  I took out the rectangular box wrapped in white gift paper. Then, I set the empty container down on my dresser beside me to open the second gift. I tore the paper off without delay, eager to see what Iris had gotten me.

  “Iris!” I gasped.

  It was a diamond bracelet.

  She reached forward to gently pinch either side of the bracelet. She lifted it, and we both admired its prettiness. “This was my great-great-grandmother’s. It was given to her by her mother on her wedding day. My great-grandmother also wore it, as did my grandmother and my mother. It’ll be your something borrowed.”

  “Iris,” I cried, unable to hold back my emotions, “I can’t wear this. It’s your family heirloom.”

  “You. Are. My. Family,” Iris claimed softly, her voice full of love and tenderness. She placed the bracelet over my right wrist and locked the clasp before peering back up at me. “You’ve always been my family, Raelyn, and you always will be. The fact that you’re my best friend is just a bonus. You’re my sister at heart, so it’s only right that we share the same family heirloom when walking down the aisle, and today is your special day.”

  Okay, I was going to sob. For a woman with no biological family and a set of foster parents who had booted me out the door at eighteen, her words meant everything to me.

  I launched myself at her and wrapped my hands around her. “I love you, Iris.” I wept, hugging her dearly. “I’m so grateful to have you in my life.”

  “I love you, too, lady. Always will.”

  “Me, too.”

  Iris and I parted. We each sniffled, wiped under our eyes, and let out a deep breath. Then, we both laughed, realizing we’d just done the exact same things, all in a row.

  The music from outside carried in through the open windows, making each of our brows rise in shock.

  “Shit, we gotta go!” Iris grabbed my hand and yanked me toward the door. “We can’t be late to your own wedding. Damien would kick my ass!”

  We flew through the hallway and then down the spiral staircase to see a frantic Samantha standing at the base of the stairs.

  “Hurry, ladies!” she exclaimed.

  I grabbed my bouquet from the table in the foyer, admiring its beauty. White lilies made up most of the flower arrangements with silver roses arranged in between. I smiled down at them, knowing exactly why I’d chosen them, for they reminded me of my sexy CEO’s stunning gray eyes.

  Then, with Iris right on my heels, I walked through the living room to the patio door where I saw Cale and Tryston waiting for us.

  The fond smile on Cale’s face warmed my heart, and I reciprocated my dear friend’s expression, who would soon be walking me down the aisle. He looked dashing in his black tux and silver tie.

  “You look beautiful, Rae.” He bent forward to place a kiss on my cheek.

  “Thank you,” I told him.

  Tryston approached my other side, also wearing the same tux, as he was Damien’s best man. “You are one stunning bride, Raelyn.” He kissed my opposite cheek. “Congratulations.”

  “Thank you.” I smiled sincerely at Damien’s friend.

  I’d only had the chance to meet Tryston a few times in the last several weeks, but I really liked him. He seemed very genuine, kind, and funny, and he was a total knockout. And, given that my swooning bestie had come to a halt at my side with starstruck eyes, she agreed with me. I hoped she wouldn’t pass out from walking down the aisle with him.

  “You must be Iris. I’m Tryston Kingsley.” He extended his hand to Iris and added, “It’s a pleasure to meet you.” His deep voice rippled out of his broad chest, filling the air with masculinity.

  I would swear that Iris did actually sway this time.

  I grinned like an idiot. Oh, this will be great.

  Iris eventually snapped out of her haze and extended her hand. “Hi.” The breathiness of her voice only made my grin widen. “Nice to meet you,” she added a few seconds later.

  Tryston outstretched his elbow to her, and she shakily took it.

  Cale redirected my attention to him when he lowered his mouth to my ear. “Are you ready to go get your man, Rae?”

  A million butterflies opened their wings within my stomach and took off soaring.

  It’s time.

  “Very much so,” I whispered, overcome with emotions.

  He offered his elbow to me. “Then, let’s go get him.”

  As Tryston led Iris down the aisle, my heart drummed in my chest, every beat accelerating. I briefly closed my eyes, desperate to calm my nerves while safely hidden out of view.

  It was hopeless.

  I was eager to get to Damien. Cale would be lucky if I didn’t force him to run down the aisle just so I could reach Damien a little sooner.

  “All of Me” by John Legend began to play, resounding through the outdoor speakers.

  I smiled, knowing it was finally time.

  I took one step around the barrier hiding me, followed by a second step and a third step.

  And then I saw him.


  My Damien.

  The most glorious handsome smile spread across his face when our eyes locked, greens against silvery grays, heart-to-heart, soul-to-soul, and everything shifted into place.

  He stood with his legs slightly parted and his arms linked in front of him. He slightly moved forward, as if it was taking too long for me to reach him.

  My strides quickened in the sand, as I was anxious to get to him. Cale chuckled under his breath at my side and allowed me to guide us. The beat of my heart increased with every step. It felt like an eternity had passed by the time I finally reached Damien.

  “Who gives this woman to be married to this man?” Oliver Hutchinson asked.

  I briefly smiled at Oliver, honored to have him as our officiant on this day, as Cale answered, “I do.”

  My eyes fixated on Damien’s as he stepped forward while outstretching his hand. Cale brought my hand to Damien’s where he and I linked our fingers together.

  “Thank you,” Damien whispered to Cale.

  He respectfully nodded his head before taking his seat. Oliver went into reciting several beautiful passages from the Bible. I took each of them to heart as I listened intently to his words.

  Before long, Damien and I were directed to turn and face each other to exchange our vows.

  “Damien, you may go first,” Oliver said gently.

  I exhaled a deep breath, and my heart fluttered in my chest when Damien began to say, “Raelyn, my gorgeous girl, your natural beauty renders me speechless every time you look at me with those gorgeous greens of yours. From the moment I laid eyes on you, I wanted you to be mine.” He smiled lovingly, causing the tears in my eyes to fall. “I, Damien, take you, Raelyn, to be my wife. I promise to share all that I am and all that I have with you, in sickness and health. I solemnly vow to laugh with you when times are good, and I’ll hold you, kiss away your tears, and be your lifeline when the days are bad. Your love is my anchor. Your trust and faith is my strength. My heart and soul will forever be tied to yours through the end of time, for my heart beats for you. Only you. I love you, Raelyn, more than life itself. You make my life complete.”

  Damien slipped a platinum band on my left ring finger, engraved with the words Forever Mine.

  I smiled up at the man who owned my heart and soul, and I began to recite my vows from memory, “I, Raelyn, take you, Damien, to be my husband. I promise to love and cherish you, in sickness and in health, and to uphold your dreams and make them my own. I’ll embrace and share your laughter during the good and also stand by your side and hold your hand if bad times come our way. I solemnly vow to love and hold you tenderly in my heart, to share my soul with you, and to grow old with you through all of my da
ys, forever, for now, we are one.” I shakily placed the ring on his finger, engraved with the promise Forever Yours.

  “By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you man and wife. Damien, you may kiss your bride.”

  Damien hauled me into his chest, and with his hands gathered at my nape, he pulled my mouth to his, seizing my lips for an all-consuming, earth-shattering, universe-shifting kiss.

  My heart beat faster than ever before, and I kissed him back, passionately and reverently, for at last, I was home.

  This was exactly where I was meant to be. Our hearts were one; our souls were intricately weaved together.

  I was his.

  He was mine.


  Beneath the star-filled sky and hundreds of mini lanterns that set the tone for the most perfect, magical night, Damien held me close for our first dance as husband and wife. As “Marry Me” by Train began to play, I closed my eyes and let my head rest on his firm chest, truly feeling at home in his arms, while listening to the strong, steady beat of his heart. I was utterly rapt in this romantic, serene moment with my man.

  Oliver and his family, Kate and Noah, Cale, Iris, Tryston, Suzanne and William, and a few select coworkers were all gathered around us, watching Damien and me. I felt blessed to share our lives with them.

  As the song came to an end, Damien’s hand went to the small of my back where he gracefully tilted me backward, dipping me. His face neared mine, and he smiled his signature handsome smile, the one reserved only for me. “Mrs. Heathman, may I have this kiss?” he asked, brushing his lips along mine.

  My pulse hammered through my veins, and warmth flooded my chest at the love and desire filling every corner of those stunning grays.

  With a smile on my face, I twined my hands in his hair and pulled his mouth to mine as I murmured, “Yes.”

  I’d never tire of kissing this man, for every time, that familiar spark of electricity ignited between us, and it had a direct line to my soul.


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