Second Chances [Pine Valley 4] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Second Chances [Pine Valley 4] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 6

by Keyonna Davis

  Lightly kissing, Daniel worked his way down her throat and collarbone until he got to her chest. He pulled back and watched Leah’s skin flush and her breast rise up and down with each breath she took. Her pink nipples stood at attention as if begging him to notice them. He definitely noticed and his mouth watered at the thought of tasting them. Not wasting any time, he leaned down and swirled his tongue around one of the stiff buds. Leah screamed and her back bowed off the bed. He grinned as he placed his palm in the center of her chest to gently hold her in place. He could see the bruises on her ribs and didn’t want her hurting herself.

  Returning his attention back to the task at hand, Daniel nipped at Leah’s nipple with his teeth before closing his mouth over it and sucking. He worried it for a moment before moving over and giving the other one the same treatment. By the time he was ready to move on, Leah’s moans had turned into incoherent babbling. It felt good to know he was the one making her mindless. Leah had turned into a big puddle of need at his hands and he loved it.

  Moving down, he focused on the large bruise spanning her ribs, wishing that he could kiss away the pain. He vowed to do everything in his power to keep anything from ever happening to her again. There was something about the woman that made him want to cherish and protect her. There was also a part of him that wanted nothing more than to rip her clothes off and have his wicked way with her. She had all his instincts firing.

  When he reached the edge of her panties, Daniel stopped to take a breath. He nibbled Leah’s petite belly button and smiled when she kind of half squealed, half giggled. Running his finger along her belly, he looked up at her, gauging her reaction before continuing. Her eyes were hooded and her lips were slightly parted as she stared at him, but he didn’t see any regret or any indication that she wasn’t right there with him in the moment. It was all the permission to continue he needed as he hooked his finger in the waistband of her thin panties and slid them down her legs before tossing them over his shoulder.

  Daniel’s breath caught in his throat and he choked as he got his first look at Leah completely nude. The thin strip of hair running down from the top of her pussy to the seam was completely unexpected. Other than that she was completely bare. He ran the tip of his finger over the bare skin to feel that it was smooth and soft. There was no stubble which meant she waxed. Looking up at Leah, Daniel grinned. It seemed that she wasn’t as innocent as she appeared to be on the outside. The thought thrilled Daniel and he had to reach down to grip the base of his cock to keep from coming.

  “You have no idea how beautiful you are. Just the sight of all this smooth skin has my mouth watering to taste you. I’m going to feast on this lovely pink pussy till I’m full then I’m going to fuck it.”

  A muffled “oh god” was the only thing he heard before he lowered his head to make good on his promise.

  * * * *

  Leah shoved her fist in her mouth and bit down to keep from screaming as she watched Daniel’s head lower toward her spread thighs. The fact that his face was so close to her lower half should have had her legs trying to clap shut. Instead she had to fight to keep her hips from hitching at his rough words. No one had ever talked dirty to her and Leah realized she loved it. The words had sent shivers down her spine at the thought of him doing exactly what he said he was going to do.

  Leah wasn’t a virgin, but she couldn’t say she was experienced either. Her few bumbling attempts in high school didn’t even compare to what Daniel had done to her so far. She hadn’t seen the big deal about sex then and eventually decided that she could do without, but now she realized that with just his mouth, Daniel had shown her the difference between a boy and a man.

  The feel of fingers parting her lower lips had Leah snapping out of her thoughts. She felt Daniel’s warm breath seconds before his mouth sealed over her clit. Leah ignored the pain in her ribs as her hips arched off the bed from the contact. She wailed behind her fist at the sensation of his mouth on her. Nothing in her lifetime had ever felt so good and she was on the brink of orgasm in seconds. She could feel her pussy clench as Daniel used his tongue to trace it from the top to bottom. Leah brought the hand from her mouth and used it to grip the sheets while she used the other to grab Daniel’s head. She had no idea if it was to push him away or pull him closer because all cognitive thought seemed to have fled. Daniel’s touch was like lightning striking, sending small electric shocks all over her body as the electricity built to the point that she was about to explode.

  Leah knew the orgasm was going to be huge and wasn’t disappointed when she detonated. Her back arched and she opened her mouth to scream, but nothing came out as she squeezed her eyes shut and rode the pleasure out until she was left as nothing but a quivering mass on the bed.

  Daniel didn’t let up his assault. He continued to swirl his tongue around her clit until Leah became too sensitive. “Daniel, stop,” she panted. “I can’t take anymore. It’s too much.” He lifted his head and gave her a knowing grin. In her opinion, the man deserved the smug grin on his face.

  Leah couldn’t even bring herself to close her legs when Daniel rose up and moved away. She would have been happy to stay where she was forever, but Daniel had other plans. He leaned over and pulled a condom out of his jeans before using his huge hand to roll her over. Leah heard the crinkle of the condom wrapper as she lay on her stomach, anticipating what the large man covering her back was about to do to her. Her body shivered and despite her recent explosive orgasm, she could feel her body readying itself for him. She wanted him inside her as soon as possible.

  “I’ll try my best to be gentle with you, honey, but you make me crazy. I want nothing more than to pound my rock hard cock into you over and over again until we both scream.”

  Leah had to swallow before she could speak. She almost lost her train of thought when she felt the blunt head of Daniel’s cock at her entrance, but she was competent enough to get two words out. “Do it,” she mumbled.

  Permission given, Daniel surged into her with one long, slow thrust. Leah moaned and panted at the invasion as her pussy stretched to accommodate him. Daniel was a large man and his cock was no exception.

  “God, you feel so good. So tight stretched around my cock. I could stay buried inside you all day,” Daniel said through gritted teeth above her.

  Leah had to agree with him. She wanted him inside her forever. She welcomed his weight above her, but she needed him to move. She flexed her hips and Daniel seemed to take the hint because she felt his hips lift from hers before he slammed into her again. The only thing Leah could do at that point was scream as he set a fast, punishing pace of slamming into her over and over. She was glad she was flat on her belly because she didn’t think her knees would have held up with the way he powered into her. His wide cock seemed to stroke everything inside her as the head of his cock bumped into the spot inside her pussy that she had always thought a myth. The pleasure was almost unbearable, but Leah could feel the walls of her pussy tightening as her orgasm approached.

  “Touch yourself. I’m close.”

  Leah didn’t think she needed to, but she followed Daniel’s rough command anyway. She slipped her hand between her stomach and the bed until she reached the tight slippery bud with the tip of her fingers. Her clit was swollen and almost too sensitive to touch, but Leah did as she was told and traced her finger around and around until her pussy clenched and she threw her head back to scream. She clenched her eyes shut and rode the waves of bliss. Distantly she heard Daniel’s hoarse shout as he came as well.

  When Leah came down from her high, she was aware of Daniel’s weight against her back, pressing her into the mattress. She wanted him to stay there, but her ribs were protesting the harsh treatment. Daniel must have sensed her distress because he quickly rolled off her. Leah missed his body heat immediately, but she was able to take a deep breath.

  “Are you okay? I didn’t hurt you did I?”

  The concern in Daniel’s voice had her rolling over. She looked at hi
s face, trying to judge his emotions, but his face was a blank mask. She didn’t want him regretting what they had just done so she smiled. “I’m great. You didn’t hurt me one bit.” She saw the relief wash over his face before he turned to take care of the condom. After tossing it in the trash, Daniel climbed back in bed and gently tucked her against his side. Leah happily went and cuddled against his chest. Her last thought as she closed her eyes was that she could definitely be bold more often if the results turned out the same. She only had one man in mind that she wanted to be bold for, though.

  Chapter 8

  A hand against Leah’s mouth had her eyes snapping open and the after-sex bliss she had been feeling quickly fading away. She hadn’t even felt Daniel move beside her, but when she opened her eyes he was hovering over her with one finger pressed against his lips. Leah nodded that she understood she needed to be quiet and he slowly removed his hands from her mouth. She wanted to ask a million questions about what was going on, but she smartly kept her mouth shut.

  Leah shivered at the loss of Daniel’s body heat as he moved away from her and stood, but she followed his example and did the same. He tossed her a pair of sweat pants and tennis shoes then she gathered the rest of her clothes as quickly as she could. She quietly dressed while her ears strained to hear anything in the quietness of the safe house. She heard nothing, not even the floors settling or wind blowing against the side of the house, but judging from the rigid way Daniel stood as he checked his weapons, something had set his internal alarms off. That was all the encouragement Leah needed to move as fast as she could and finish getting dressed. Her hands were shaking so bad it was hard to tie her shoes, but she eventually managed just as Daniel finished gathering up everything else and came over to her.

  “Same routine as last time,” he said as he strapped the backpack on her and tightened the straps on her shoulders. “We go quickly and quietly. Do everything I say and be ready to run if I tell you to. Do you remember who to call if we get separated?”

  Leah nodded. She had no intentions of getting separated from Daniel, even if she had to latch herself to his back and hold on for dear life. She wasn’t letting him out of her sight, but she answered him anyway. “Call Chase Matthews, and trust no one but him.”

  Daniel nodded. “Good girl.” He pressed a quick kiss to Leah’s lips before backing away. “Let’s move.”

  With a tight grip on her hand, he led them back through the house to the garage, stopping at each corner to make sure the coast was clear before continuing. Leah half expected someone to jump out at them at every turn, but they made it to the garage without anything happening. That didn’t stop her heart from trying to beat out of her chest or keep her body from shaking so bad her teeth chattered, though. To her, every shadow was a potential person waiting to jump out at her and do her harm.

  Leah hesitated at the sight of the motorcycle in front of her when Daniel motioned for her to climb on behind him. Her very first ride was still fresh in her mind and it wasn’t one that she wanted to remember. The thought of another high-speed chase on the back of the thing had her knees quivering. Leah would rather do anything else beside take another ride on the metal monster, but a soft pinging noise and Daniel’s sudden curse had her leaping on the back without further thought. Leah wasn’t crazy. From the number of shows she had watched, she knew the sound she had heard was someone shooting at them.

  “Hang on tight!”

  Daniel’s shout came over the rumble of the engine as he revved it and headed straight for the unopened garage door. Leah bit her lip so hard to keep from screaming that she tasted the metallic hint of blood in her mouth. She kept her lips firmly sealed shut for fear that she would distract Daniel, but the metal garage door they were quickly approaching was going to hurt at the speed he was going. At the last moment, a small door swung open in the middle of the garage door and Daniel ducked his head down. The opening was barely large enough for the motorcycle to make it through and Leah found herself ducking as well and clenching her thighs against Daniel’s to make sure she didn’t lose any precious skin as they barely scraped through.

  As they cleared the door and Leah felt the fresh air against her skin instead of grating metal, she had to admire Daniel’s ability to stay calm, because there was no way she would have made it through that small opening. Had their escape been left up to her, they would have been a pile of twisted metal and flesh lying on the concrete garage floor.

  The ride was much like the one before, with Daniel driving at crazy speeds while swerving in and out of traffic and her wrapped around him like and octopus while she held on for dear life and tried not to scream her lungs out. Eventually they slowed down, and Leah was able to open her eyes that she had clenched shut for the entire ride and take a deep breath. She assumed Daniel had slowed because he was sure they weren’t followed, but when the man’s head dropped in front of her and the bike dangerously listed to the side, Leah knew something was terribly wrong.

  “Daniel!” Her panicked shout seemed to rouse him enough for him to bring the motorcycle safely to a stop against the curb. Leah released her grip on him and quickly climbed off the bike. The headlights of a passing car reflected off her hand to revealed that what she had thought was a sweaty palm was something much more. The palm of her right hand wasn’t covered in sweat. Instead, it was covered in crimson liquid that she realized was coming from Daniel.

  “Oh, God, Daniel!” Leah had no idea what to do. Daniel hadn’t made a move to climb off the bike and he hadn’t said a word since they had stopped. Her hands fluttered over his chest, but she didn’t know where to touch him, scared that she would cause him pain. “Daniel, please say something. I don’t know what to do. Tell me what to do to help.”

  Leah took a deep breath and wiped at the tears streaming down her face. She resisted the urge to curl up in a ball and cry. From the way Daniel was panting and the gray tone of his skin, he obviously needed help and it was up to her to do something about that. The man had kept her safe since she had barged into his office without an appointment and demanded to see him. It was her turn to return the favor.

  Looking around for the first time, Leah had no idea where they were, but she realized they had stopped in front of a rundown motel. Her feelings for Daniel grew in that moment to know that even though the man was hurt, he still took the time to get them someplace that wasn’t out in the open.

  Reaching into Daniel’s back pocket, Leah grabbed the wallet she had seen him put in there earlier. She opened it and breathed a sigh of relief to see cash inside. She was no expert, but she had a feeling using credit cards would be a mistake and she had no money on her. “Stay here. I’m going to go get us a room.” Daniel nodded, but didn’t say anything. His pale lips, pinched in pain, had her running to the motel office.

  The loud sounds of guns firing and what sounded like a high speed chase coming from the TV the motel clerk was watching almost had Leah running back out the door, but she took a deep breath and headed to the counter. The man had his grungy tennis shoes propped up on the counter with his arms resting behind his head like he didn’t have a care in the world. She wanted to tell him that what he was seeing on the TV was nothing like the real thing. If he really knew, then she didn’t think he would be smiling.

  “I need a room.”

  The man didn’t even take his eyes off the show as he reached up and slid a clip board toward her. “Fill that out. It’ll be sixty bucks.”

  Judging from the rundown look of the motel office, Leah didn’t think the rooms would even be worth twenty dollars, but she didn’t complain about the price. She slid the clipboard to her and started filling out the paperwork with the pen that was attached by a broken chain held together with duct tape. Leah quickly scribbled a name on the paper, then slid it and the cash back toward the man. She breathed a sigh of relief when he didn’t even bother to look at the paper let alone ask for I.D., because she wasn’t about to put her real name down.

  When the man reache
d behind him to grab a key from the wall, all without taking his eyes off the TV, Leah spoke up. “Do you have any rooms available in the back?” She didn’t know how she was going to get Daniel and the motorcycle around the back, but she knew leaving it on the curb where it was currently sitting was out of the question. It would be like a neon light pointing to their location. The man grunted and moved his hand a couple rows over before taking a key off the hook and tossing it on the counter. If Leah hadn’t been running for her life with her bodyguard bleeding on the curb, she would have taken the time to be impressed at the man’s talent of checking her in without ever looking at what he was doing one single time.

  Grabbing the key, Leah hurried back to Daniel. She was glad to see that he was exactly where she had left him, sitting on the motorcycle and not passed out in the street. “I got the key,” she said, holding it up. “I asked for a room on the back side so we wouldn’t be spotted, but I don’t know how we’re going to get back there. Can you walk? If you can, I can try and push the bike. I don’t know if I can, though. It may be too heavy for me, but I don’t want to leave it sitting here either. It will point the bad guys right to us. How bad are you hurt? Maybe if we both—”

  Daniel pressed a finger to her lips to cut off her nervous rambling. “Calm down. Climb on. I’m sure I can get us around back.”

  Leah was pretty sure the last time she hesitated when he told her to get on the back of his bike had gotten Daniel shot, so this time, she wasted no time getting on. Daniel revved the engine as soon as she wrapped her arms around him and took off. Once around back, he parked and Leah quickly climbed off again. Her hands fluttered helplessly over Daniel as he grunted and threw his leg over the side. He held his left arm close to his chest and his breath came in gasps as he moved. Leah felt helpless as she followed him to the room.


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