Theo’s already failing health was not up to this loss. Bernard ended his account of the funeral with the words, ‘Theodoras van Gogh is broken by grief.’ To what extent Theo blamed himself for having been unable to prevent his brother’s death, we do not know. In a sense, his last actions seemed to be carrying out Vincent’s last will and testament In September, and with Bernard’s help, Theo held a memorial exhibition of Vincent’s work in his Paris apartment.
At the end of that month, Theo began to suffer from violent headaches and giddy spells and his nights were plagued by hallucinations and nightmares. According to Camille Pissarro, Theo, embittered by the way he was being treated by his employers, resigned his post and soon afterwards, at the Café Le Tambourin, by then thoroughly confused, tried to set up the association of painters Vincent had so enthusiastically championed. In the middle of October, Theo broke down completely and was admitted to a Paris clinic with signs of paralysis. On about 19 November, beyond hope of recovery, he was taken to Holland, where he died on 25 January 1891.
Select Bibliography
Blotkamp, Carel, et al., The Age of Van Gogb: Dutch Painting 1880–1895,
Amsterdam and Zwolle 1990
Cooper, Douglas, Paul Gauguin: 45 Lettres á Vincent, Theo et Jo van Gogh, Collection Rijksmuseum Vincent van Gogh, Amsterdam, The Hague
and Lausanne 1983
Crimpen, Han van, et al., De brieven van Vincent van Gogh, The Hague 1990
Faille, J.-B. de la, The Works of Vincent van Gogh. His Paintings and Drawings, Amsterdam 1970
Hulsker, Jan, The Complete Van Gogh: Paintings, Drawings, Sketches, New York 1980 - Vincent and Theo van Gogh: A Dual Biography, Ann Arbor 1985
- (ed.), The Mythology of Vincent van Gogh, Tokyo, Amsterdam and Philadelphia 1993
Kodera, Tsukasa, Vincent van Gogh, Christianity Versus Nature, Amsterdam and Philadelphia 1993
Leeuw, Ronald de, et al., The Hague School: Dutch Masters of the Nineteenth Century [with a chapter on Van Gogh], London 1983 - The Van Gogh Museum. Paintings and Pastels, Zwolle 1994
Pabst, Fieke, Vincent van Gogh’s Poetry Albums, series ‘Cahiers Vincent’ no. 1, Amsterdam and Zwolle 1988
Pickvance, Ronald, Van Gogh in Aries, New York 1984 - Van Gogh in St Remy andAuvers, New York 1986 - ‘A great artist is dead’, Letters of Condolence on Vincent van Gogh’s Death, series ‘Cahiers Vincent’ no. 4, Amsterdam and Zwolle 1992
Pollock, Griselda, ‘Artists, mythologies and media. Genius, madness and art history’, Screen 21 (1980), no. 3, pp. 57–96
Rewald, John, Post-Impressionism from Van Gogh to Gauguin, New York
1956 - ‘Theo van Gogh as art dealer’, Studies in Post-Impressionism, 1986, pp. 7–115
Stein, Susan A., Van Gogh. A Retrospective, New York 1986
Tilborgh, Louis van, et al., Van Gogh and Millet, Amsterdam and Zwolle 1988
- Vincent van Gogh: Paintings (catalogue of the 1990 Van Gogh retrospective), Milan 1990 - The Potato Eaters by Vincent van Gogh, series ‘Cahiers Vincent’ no. 5, Amsterdam and Zwolle 1993
Uitert, Evert van, et al. (eds.), The Rijksmuseum Vincent van Gogh, Amsterdam 1987
Welsh-Ovcharov, Bogomila, Vincent van Gogh and the Birth of Cloisonism, Toronto 1981 - Van Gogh á Paris, Paris 1988
Zemel, Carol, The Formation of a Legend. Van Gogh Criticism 1890–1920, Ann Arbor 1980
Aeschylus (525–456 BC), 67, 472
Allebé, August (1838–1927), 44
Andersen, Hans Christian (1805–1875), 15, xxii, 15, 198
Anker, Albert (1831–1910), 5-6
Anquetin, Louis (1861–1932), 325, 361, 472
Moisson (Harvest), 362
Antigna, Jean-Pierre-Alexandre (1817–1878), 6
Antwerp Academy, 323
Arlésiennes, 341
Aurier, Gustave Albert (1865–1892), x, xii, xxv, 474, 478, 489, 494, 509
Autran, Joseph (1813–1877), xxii
Bakhuyzen, Julius Jacobus van de Sande (1835–1925), 235
Balzac, Honoré de (1799–1850), xx, xxii, 115, 204, 322, 389
Barbizon School, xxii, 5, 10, 77, 80-81
Bargue, Charles (d. 1883), 80, 489
Cours de dessin, 75-6
Les exercices au fusain, 83, 489
Bastien-Lepage, Jules (1848–1884), 286, 306
Baudelaire, Charles (1821–1867), 365, 377, 468
Baudry, Paul (1828–1886), 308
Beecher Stowe, Harriet (1811—1896), xxii, 67, 69, 460
Uncle Tom’s Cabin, xxiii, 430
Beers, Jan van (1852—1927), xxii, 5
Begemann, Margot (1841–1907), xviii, xxv, 276-7, 282-3, 337, 466
Béranger, Pierre Jean de (1780–1857), xxii
Béraud, Jean (1849–1936), 394
Berlioz, Hector (1803–1869), 430
Bernard, Émile (1868–1941), vii, xi, xii, xiii, xvii, xxiv, 325, 341, 347, 356, 359-60, 367, 370, 374-5, 382, 388, 396, 402-3, 411, 415, 418, 420, 433.439.450, 467, 509
Breton Women in a Green Field, 420
Bernier, Camille (1823–1903), 6
Beyle, Pierre-Marie (1838—1902), 302
Bible, xvii, 40, 51, 54, 67, 72, 125-6, 335, 368, 471, 472
Bible - contd
Old Testament, 368
Bida, Alexandre (1823–1895), 67
Bilders, Albert Gerard (1838–1865), 188, 197
Letters and Diary, 187
Bing, Siegfried (1838–1905), 326, 407
Bismarck, Otto von (1815—1898), 383, 410
Blanc, Charles (1813–1882), 378
Blok, David (1823–1904), 136
Blommers, Bernardus Johannes (1845–1914), 218, 221
Blussé & Van Braam (bookshop), 36
Boccaccio, Giovanni (1313–1375), 396, 402, 415, 479
Decameron, 479
Boch, Anna (1848–1933), 482
Boch, Eugène-Guillaume (1855–1941), xx, 374, 382, 414, 463, 482, 494
Bock, Théophile de (1851–1904), 83, 97-8.139, 149, 210, 218-21
Novembre, 221
Bodmer, Karl (1808–1893), 6, 458
Fontainebleau, 6
Boissière, Comtesse de la, 351—2
Bonger, Andries (1861–1936), 426, 493, 501-2
Bonington, Richard Parkes (1801–1828), 6
Une route, 6
Borchers, Egbert Rubertus (b. 1849), 19
Bosboom, Johannes (1817–1891), 44, 46
Cbaudfontaine, 58
Botticelli, Sandro (1444–1510), 369, 402, 415, 422
Boudin, Eugène (1824–1898), 6
Boughton, George Henry (1833–1905), xxi, 5-6, 8, 23, 173
Bouguereau, William-Adolphe (1825–1905), 5, 301
Boussod & Valadon, 243, 343, 383, 433, 498
Bracquemond, Félix (1833–1914)
Du dessin et de la couleur, 310
Braekeleer, Henri de (1840–1888), 6
Breitner, George Hendrik (1857–1923), 138, 142, 168, 218-20, 222-4, 345
Breton, Émile (1831–1902), 6, 272
Breton, Jules (1827–1906), 5-6, 15, 76-8, 82, 173, 268, 272, 278, 296-7, 308, 317, 489
Mauvaises herbes, 51
Source, 279
Brion, Gustave (1824–1877), 6, 48, 49
Bénédicité, 48
Le dernier jour de la création, 236
Brueghel the Elder, Pieter (c.1525–1569), 56-7
Bruyas, Alfred (1821–1877), 422, 438
Bruyas Collection, 422
Buhot, Félix (1847–1898), 225
Bulwer-Lytton, Edward George
Earle Lytton (1803–1873)
Kenhelm Chillingly, 16
Bunyan John (1628–1688), 69
Pilgrim’s Progress, 23
Bürger, William (pseudonym of Théophile Thoré), 4, 271, 378
Cabanel, Alexandra (1824–1889), 297, 303, 306, 422, 438
Café des Beaux-Arts, 78
Café Le Tambourin, 329, 330, 331, 332, 509<
br />
Carbentus, Ariëtte (Jet) (1856—1894), 83, 130
Carbentus-van Bemmel, Sophia
Cornelia Elisabeth (1828–1897, 2, 7)
Carlyle, Thomas (1795–1881), xxiii
Cézanne, Paul (1839—1906), x, 357-9, 373-5, 389, 444, 466
Champaigne, Philippe de (1602–1674), 12, 16
Portrait d’une dame, 11
Chardin, Jean-Siméon (1699–1779), 121, 123
Le Chat noir, 283, 287
Chenu, called Fleury (1833–1875), 6
Ciceri, Eugène (1830–1890), 213
Cluysenaer, Alfred (1837–1902), 4
Cock, César de (1823–1904), 6
Collart, Marie (1842–1911), 6
Compte-Calix, Francois-Claudius (1813–1880), 6
Conscience, Hendrik (1812–1883), 451
Le conscrit, 449
Constable, John (1776–1837), 5
Constant, Benjamin (1845–1902), 302, 304, 371
Coppée, François (1842–1908), xxii, 268
Cormon, Fernand (1854–1924), 323-6, 405
Corot, Jean Baptiste Camille (1796–1875), ix, 4, 6, 9, 45, 83, 97, 181, 210, 235, 250-51, 270, 273-4, 355, 411, 436, 441, 455, 472
Le jardin des oliviers, 10
Soir, 11
Correggio, Antonio Allegri, named II (c.1490–1534), 69, 388
Courbet, Gustave (1819–1877), 299, 302, 322, 377, 422-3, 438
Les demoiselles de village, 423
La fileuse, 423
Couture, Thomas (1815–1879), 422
Cranach, Lucas (1472–1553), 369, 372
Crome, John, named Old (1768—1821), 5
Cuyp, Aelbert (162o-1691), 36
Dalou, Jules (1838–1902), 308
Dante Alighieri (1265–1321), 402, 415
Daubigny, Charles-François (1817–1878), 6, 36-7, 48,
Daubigny, Charles-Françis – contd 76-8, 188, 243, 270, 455, 488
L ’aurore (coq chantant), 11
Le buisson, 76
Daudet, Alphonse (1840–1897), xx, 259, 322-3, 335, 365, 393, 459
L’évangeliste, 280
L’immortel, 393, 394
Nabob, 365
Les rois en exil, 204
Tartarin, 394, 459
Daumier, Honoré (1808–1879), 138, 198, 204, 227, 287, 305-6, 308, 391, 395, 398, 403, 406, 408, 415, 458, 468, 489
Decamps, Alexandre Gabriel (1803–1860), xxi, 6
Degas, Edgar (1834–1917), 327, 342, 344, 349, 377, 388, 424, 428, 465
Delacroix, Eugène (1798–1863), ix, xviii, xxii, xxiv, xxvi, 66, 69, 208, 300, 306, 310, 327, 345, 358, 368-70, 374, 379, 390-91, 393-4, 396, 398, 404, 406, 408, 422-3, 436, 438, 452, 455, 458-60, 462, 463, 466-7, 479, 481, 489
La barque du Christ, 371, 393, 463
Les croisés, 463
Daniel dans la fosse aux lions, 423, 438, 460
La mulâtresse, 460
La noce juive, 465
Les odalisques, 423, 438, 460, 465
Pietà, 406, 460, 462, 463
Portrait of Bruyas, 424, 460
Tasso in Prison, 394, 423
Delaroche, Paul (1797–1856), xxi, xxii, 6
Destrée, Johannes Josephus (1827–1888), 97-8, 383
Diaz de la Peña, Virgilia Narcisso (1808–1876), 6, 443, 479
Dickens, Charles (1812–1870), xx, xxii, xxiii, 4, 51, 67, 77, 82, 198, 272, 435, 460
Hard Times, 60
The Mystery of Edwin Drood, 168
A Tale of Two Cities, 70
divisionism, 326
Doré, Gustave (1832–1883), 168
Dostoevsky, Fyodor Mikhailovich (1821–1881)
Memoirs from the House of the Dead, 449
Drouot (auctioneering firm), 10
Duchâtel (Du Chattel, Fredericus J. van Rossum), 225
Dupré, Jules (1851–1910), 6, 66, 178, 197, 218, 239, 270, 310, 455
Apothécaire, 51
Les grands chênes, 51
Le soir (La halte), 11
Durand-Ruel, Paul (1831–1922), 292, 319, 406
Dürer, Albrecht (1471–1528), 18, 57, 168, 170, 372
Le chevalier et la mart, 57
Melancholia (Melancholy), 81, 172
Eeden, Frederik van (1860–1932), 367
Eliot, George (1819—1880), xx, 15, 20, 49, 115, 272, 406
Adam Bede, 49, 273
Felix Holt, 35, 49, 273
Scenes of Clerical Life, 16, 20, 49, 273
Silas Marner, 49
Erckmann-Chatrian (Émile Erckmann, 1822–1899, and Charles A. Chatrian, 1826- 1890), 15
Escalier, Patience (b. 1843), 389
Committee of Evangelization, 59
Evangelists, 68
Hymns, 25, 45
Eyck, Hubert (d. 1426) and Jan (1390–1441) van, 369
Fabritius, Karel (1622–1654), 67, 70, 97, 449
Feyen, Eugène (1815–1908), 6
Feyen-Perrin, Augustin (1826—1888), 6, 121
Fildes, Luke (1843—1927), xx
Houseless and Homeless, 136
Flaubert, Gustave (1821–1880), xx, xxii, 335
Bouvard et Pécuchet, xx, 437
Madame Bovary, xviii, 277
Fodor Collection, 310
Foreign Legion, 436, 439
French Revolution, xxiii, 51, 72
Fragonard, Jean-Honoré (1732–1806), 350
Frère, Édouard (1819–1886), 121, 140, 165
Couturières, 11
Un tonnelier, 11
Fromentin, Eugène (1820–1876), 6, 378, 423, 458, 464
Gachet, Marguérite (1869–1949), 490-91, 498
Gachet, Dr Paul Ferdinand (1828–1909), 466, 483, 488, 490, 491, 495, 497, 501, 504
Gagnebin, the Rev. Mr Ferdinand Henri (1816–1890), 48
Gauguin, Paul (1828–1909), x, xi, xiii, xxiv, xxv, 341, 343, 356-8, 360, 364, 373-4, 384, 388, 393, 395-6, 398, 402-3, 411-12, 415, 418, 419-28, 433, 440, 444, 455-7, 463, 467-70, 472, 474, 476, 479-80, 482, 503
Belle angèle, 457
Gausson, Léo (1860–1944), 494
Gautier, Théophile (1811–1872), 271
Gavarni, Paul (1804–1866), 148, 192, 197, 204
Gazette des Beaux-Arts, 47
Genestet, Petrus A. de (1829–1861), 274
Géricault, Théodore (1791–1824), 406
Gérôme, Jean-Léon (1824—1904), 6, 465
Les deux augures, 166
Gigoux, Jean-François (1806–1894), 300
Ginoux (family), 421, 494
Ginoux, Marie (1848—1927), xx, 374, 482
Giotto, Ambrogio (1266–1336), 402, 415, 422, 470
Gladwell, Harry (1857–1927), xxiv, 16, 49
Goes, Hugo van der (c.1440–1482), 209, 383, 416
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von (1749–1832), xxii
Faust, 115
Gogh, van (Vincent’s parents), xvii, 7, 13, 64, 100, 109-11, 115, 129, 132, 176, 226, 245, 277
Gogh, Anna van (1855–1930), 1, 5, 7, 9, 12, 14, 22
Gogh, Cor van (1867–1900), 1, 44, 331
Gogh, C.M. van (Uncle Cor) (1824–1908), 1, 39, 44, 46-7, 139, 141, 147-8, 162, 168, 171, 191, 225, 260, 265, 303, 385
Gogh, H.V. van (Uncle Hein) (1814–1877), 1
Gogh, J. van (Uncle Jan) (1817—1885), 19 , 46, 47 , 50
Gogh, Lies van (1859–1936), 1
Gogh, Pastor Theodorus van (Vincent’s father) (1822–1885), xiii, 1, 8-9, 14, 18, 39, 42, 45-6, 49, 56, 64-6, 114, 132-4, 157, 162, 164, 166, 169, 175, 226, 246, 250, 252-4, 260, 265-7, 294-5, 329
Gogh, V. van (Uncle Vincent or Cent) (1820–1888), 1, 10, 12, 36, 100, 103, 380
GOGH, VINCENT VAN (1853–1890)
Almond Blossom, 482, 491
The Alyscamps, 440
Arlésienne, xx, 491, 492, 497
The Bedroom, x, 416, 440, 444, 450, 457, 466
La Berceuse, 425, 431, 433, 435, 464, 469
Le Christ dans le jardin des oliviers, 467, 469
p; Le Christ portant sa croix, 469
A Corner of the Asylum Garden, 473
The Cottage, 294, 483
Country Churchyard, 294
Cypresses, 448, 457, 494
Dab Drying Shed, 162, 166
Daubigny’s Garden, 500, 502—4
The Digger, 208
Fishing Boats on the Beach, 356
The Furrows, 440
The Green Vineyard, 412, 440, 464
Harvest Landscape, 357, 433, 464, 497
The Hospital at Arles, 447
Irises, 447, 457
The Manure Heap, 217
Memory of the Garden at Etten, 421
Mountain Landscape, 494
Night Café, xviii, 379, 396-9, 418, 440, 464
Olive Trees, 457
The Peat Diggers, 217, 225
The Pensioner Drinking Coffee, 208
Pines Against the Evening Sky, 473
The Poet’s Garden, 412, 415
Portrait of Èmile Bernard, 440
Portrait of Eugène Boch, 401, 440
Portrait of Patience Escalier, 389
Portrait of Dr Gachet, xxiii, 492, 496
Portrait of Marguerite Gachet, 497
Portrait of Gauguin, 440
Portrait of Mme Ginoux, xxiii, 494
Portrait of Laval, 440, 455
Potato Eaters, xxii, 182, 284, 289-90, 293-4, 307, 396, 483
Provençale Girl, 433
The Reaper, 447, 455–7
The Red Vineyard, 440
Self-Portrait in Front of the Easel, 367
Sorrow, 167, 172, 177
Souvenir de Mauve, 345
Souvenir du Nord, 488
The Sower, 225, 359, 361-2, 399, 433
The Starry Night, 447, 457
Starry Night with Cypresses, 345
Still Life with Bible, xviii, 310
Sunflowers, 388, 401, 422, 427, 433, 447, 475, 477
The Tarascon Diligence, 418, 464
View of Arles, 447
Vision of the Asylum, 467
Wheat Field, 457, 473
White Orchard, 433
Woman Reading a Novel, 421, 469
Women Picking Olives, 473
The Yellow House, 348, 374
Gogh, Dr Vincent Willem van (1890–1978), xiii, 483, 488, 490-91, 494
Gogh, Willemina (Wil) van (1862–1941), vii, xiii, xvii, xxvi, 120, 184, 282-3, 328, 331-333, 340, 349, 367, 380, 384, 426, 435, 441, 447, 465-6, 478, 490, 495-6
Gogh-Bonger, Johanna van (1862–1925), viii, ix, x, xii, 1, 64, 426, 447-8, 465, 473-4, 478, 483-4, 487-8, 494, 498-9, 501, 509
Gogh-Carbentus, Anna Cornelia van (Vincent’s mother) (1819–1907), 1, 256, 285, 331, 338, 387, 426, 456-7, 474, 478, 494, 496, 500-501
The Letters of Vincent van Gogh Page 54