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A Couple of Forevers (This Time Forever Book 2)

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by Adrienne Williams

  “I want you so much right now, Renee. Please . . .”

  Renee took Elliott’s hard, veined penis, slick from her juices and gently guided it into her hot, wet little opening.

  When he was fully and deeply inside her, they began to slowly and rhythmically rock each other. Renee laced her fingers into Elliott’s thick, dark hair as he licked and sucked on her neck and nipples. Elliott’s thick shaft filled Renee to the hilt and her tightness gripped him like a vise.

  All of this continuous licking, moaning, and rocking brought Renee and Elliott to a hot, sweaty, slippery climax that forced Renee to collapse on top of Elliott, and left them both breathless.


  Chapter 3

  Liza was ecstatic when Renee told her that while not thrilled at the idea of her going to Vegas on such short notice, Elliott could see how it would be a fun getaway for the ladies. “Oh, Renee,” Liza beamed, “We’re going to have so much fun. Friday can’t get here quick enough.”

  As the ladies walked into the high-end bridal salon, they were greeted by a very pretty lady who looked at her computer screen and said, “Hi, you must be the James party. You’re right on time with a few minutes to spare before your appointment begins. Please follow me to the waiting area.”

  The bridal salon itself was beautiful. While the shop itself was huge, it still had a very intimate feel to it. The ceilings were not too high and had beautiful chandeliers and the furnishings were expensive looking, but very inviting and comfortable. It was filled with exquisite gowns made from the finest silks, satin, and lace. There was no shortage of styles of gowns or accessories.

  Once they arrived to their private waiting area, the receptionist said, “Now which one is the bride?”

  Renee responded and the receptionist congratulated her. Before leaving, the receptionist asked Renee and Liza if they would like a glass of champagne.

  Liza and Lena responded that they would take a glass, Kayla asked for water, and Renee asked for ginger ale.

  Shortly after the receptionist left to get their drinks, the bridal consultant entered Renee’s bridal area.

  “Hi, I’m Amy. I’ll be helping you to select your wedding dress today.” They chatted for a few minutes and then Amy focused her attention on Renee.

  “When is your wedding?” Amy asked Renee.

  Renee said, “The wedding is next weekend, which is a real concern for me if alterations have to be made. See, the thing is that I’m pregnant. I know things aren’t going to change that much in the next couple of weeks, but it would be nice to find something that wouldn’t have to have any alterations.”

  Amy said, “I understand, and double congratulations to you! Now, my next question will help us a lot in finding exactly what you want. What style of dress do you see yourself wearing?”

  Renee explained to Amy that she wanted something elegant, understated, and not stark white or poufy. “I definitely do not want to look like I’m trying to be in my 20s. I want my look to be grown-woman sexy and classy.”

  Amy was very attentive and made notes. She said, “Okay, last question before I bring in dresses. Is there a specific price range that you would like?”

  Renee said, “I would like to see the dresses first. Of course I don’t want to break the bank, but I do want something that makes me feel beautiful.”

  Amy stood up and said, “Well, Renee, that won’t be a problem at all. I’ll be back with three dresses that I think you’ll really like. And Liza, I even have one in mind that you would like to see her in. If you ladies will excuse me, I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

  The ladies were discussing bridal party dresses and suits for the men when Amy and an assistant returned with three very beautiful dresses. Amy said, “This first dress is your exact vision, Renee. The lace and beading detail are divine. We’re just going to step into the dressing room. We’ll meet you ladies right outside by the three-way mirrors.”

  A few minutes later, Renee stepped out of the dressing area where Amy was waiting to button the back of the dress. Both ladies were silent when Renee finally broke the silence and said, “This is absolutely beautiful, Amy. This dress really has everything I want.”

  After she had secured the last button on the back of the dress, Amy stood back and looked at Renee. “Oh my,” she said. “This dress looks as if it was designed specifically for you. Beautiful.”

  After a few minutes, Amy and Renee walked out to the three-way mirrors. When Liza, Kayla, and Lena saw Renee, Liza said, “Renee, oh girl, that’s beautiful on you! I don’t think I know anybody else who has tried on their first wedding gown and actually looked beautiful in it. What do you think about it?”

  Renee said, “Well, like I told Amy, this dress absolutely has everything that I love and has been my vision. My only concern is, of course, alterations. I hate to fall head-over-heels for this dress only to find out that it wouldn’t be an option for me.”

  Kayla said, “Mom, this dress looks as if it were custom-designed for you. The design, the color, everything is perfect about this dress.”

  Lena eyed the dress carefully and walked around Renee. She said, “Yes, I agree, this is certainly perfect. The fit is remarkable. However, we have to keep in mind that she is pregnant. Will this dress fit this way a week from now?”

  Amy said, “This dress is deceiving like that. I know it doesn’t look like it, but it could be altered if need be. Though, I have to tell you, I don’t think we’d have to do anything to it.”

  “Okay,” Renee said. “This dress is definitely the top contender, though I still have two left to try on. I’m almost tempted to just go with this one and call it a day.”

  Liza said, “Come on, you at least have to try the other two. This dress is hot, but who knows? You might like the others just as much or more.”

  Renee and Amy went back to the dressing and Amy gave Renee the second dress. The second dress was a poufy creation that was Liza’s taste. Renee and Amy looked at the dress and then at each other.

  Amy said, “Well, what do you think?”

  Renee, trying unsuccessfully to suppress a laugh, said, “No. This dress makes me look as if I have played dress up in some tall woman’s closet. Way too much. It’s a pretty dress, but it’s not for me.”

  When the ladies saw the second dress on Renee they couldn’t help but to laugh. Liza said, “Well, St. Claire, I guess you know best, huh? The whole poufy thing is great for tall, young brides, but on grown, sexy, petite women, it’s a no.” They all agreed.

  After they finished looking at that dress, Renee and Amy went back to the dressing room to try on the final gown.

  Amy said, “This last dress is sort of a fusion of yours and Liza’s taste”.

  Renee tried on the last dress, and after a few more minutes of assessing the dress, Renee went into the dressing room and took the dress off and gave it to Amy.

  When Renee stepped into the hallway. Lena said, “Well, what about the third dress, Renee?”

  Renee said, “Well, I gotta tell you, it was a bit much. There was no use in even coming out here in it because it wouldn’t make any difference.”

  Liza and Kayla stood there with their mouths open. Kayla said, “So you’re not going to let us see it on you? Really, Mom?”

  Renee said, “Like I said, it was just too much and there was no need in coming out here in it. We’ve already seen the dress we really like and the one we don’t like. Let’s go ahead and start looking at dresses for you all. We’ve still got to look at that wedding venue today, and I don’t want to get too tired out.”

  Liza was completely exasperated at this point and said, “Okay, Renee. You’re in charge here. Let’s head over to bridesmaids dresses.”

  After they had finished making their selections, they left the salon and went to the wedding venue. Le Petit Chapel was located just outside the city limits. Once inside, they were greeted by Ivan.

  After introductions had been completed, Renee said, “Ivan, according to the web
site and our conversation on the phone, I thought this place was small, but it quite large. I prefer an intimate setting, something very beautiful and serene.”

  Ivan could sense that Renee was not the type of woman who wanted something that would be over-the-top and glitzy. Laughing, he said, “Yes, our website is a bit deceptive in that it only shows a few select photos of our place. I would like to show you a few options, if I could. I think you will really like what we have to offer here.”

  Everyone’s interest was piqued. Renee smiled at the older gentleman and said, “Yes, you certainly have all of our attention. Let’s see what my options are.”

  Ivan had already pulled out a file to show the ladies how their venue could be modified and decorated to suit just about any bride’s taste. “Even though our place is quite large, the way it has been designed, we are able to create anything from a very splashy event to one that is very intimate.”

  By this time, Elliott and Joe had arrived and were escorted into Ivan’s office by the receptionist. Elliott said, “I thought this place was small, but it is very big.”

  Renee explained to Elliott what Ivan was explaining earlier about being able to create a very intimate wedding for them.

  Ivan said, “I have one more thing I would like to show you that you might like to consider.” Ivan led everyone outside to one of the most beautiful and luscious gardens anyone had ever seen. He said to them, “This is an option to consider if you would like to have an outdoor wedding.”

  After Renee and Elliott had decided that they would like to have an outdoor wedding, Ivan said, “Let me show you one more option. Please come this way.”

  After a short trek back through the main building, the group found themselves on the opposite side from the beautiful garden area. Now they were standing on the beach. They were surrounded by sumptuous, soft, white sand and clear, blue water.” Ivan said to the awestruck group, “This is also a very popular option.”

  Everyone was chatting, trying to determine which of the three options would be the most suitable. Once back in Ivan’s office, he said to Renee and Elliott, “I really need to know what option suits you two. Keep in mind that I need to know something no later than tomorrow so that I can instruct my staff as to what needs to be done to meet your needs and so that everything is to your liking.”

  Renee said, “Ivan, thank you for taking the time to see us today on such short notice. Elliott and I will talk about this tonight and I will call you first thing in the morning.”

  Before they left, Ivan reminded them that should the weather become bad, an indoor ceremony to suit their taste would be available to them.

  It was 7:00 when everyone parted that evening and went their separate ways. When Renee and Elliott and Joe and Liza returned, their neighbors Kim and Robert were waving at them. “Hi,” Kim said as she walked across the street to greet her neighbors and their guests. “I’m so glad to see you again and I hear that double congratulations are in order!”

  Renee smiled at Robert and Kim and said, “Yes, and thank you. We are just returning from getting things set into motion. It’s been such short notice, but everyone has been so nice and helpful. I think everything will go just as planned.”

  Renee introduced Kim and Robert to Liza and Joe. “Liza has been the main visionary of this wedding. We were going to go to the courthouse, have a brief honeymoon, and have a party for everyone to celebrate once we returned.”

  Kim smiled warmly at Liza and said, “You did the right thing. I just briefly met Renee the other day, but we’ve known Elliott for a while. And from the things that he has told us about Renee, I believe that they should have something very beautiful and special. They deserve it.”

  The ladies went into the house to continue talking while the men stayed outside for a few more minutes before coming in. Kim teased Elliott and said, “In your excitement about everything, I’m guessing that you forgot to mention to Renee and Liza that I am an events planner and would love to help in any way that I can. I am very well-connected and liked by the wedding vendors around here and I could make sure that everything goes off without a hitch. It sounds like things are pretty well set up, but if I can do anything to help, I would be happy to do it.”

  Liza said, “That would be fantastic. Renee and I are set to take a few days off before the big day. It would be really nice to have someone with your standing to make sure things are really happening the way they should.”

  Renee said, “Kim, that is so generous of you, but I don’t want to put you to any trouble.”

  “Nonsense,” the gorgeous blonde said. “Besides, you all have done so much already. I just need a list of the places and people that you have been in contact with and I’ll take care of the rest. I’ll even take care of setting up appointments for the guys to get their suits.”

  Liza said, “Their son, Matt, is in New York, but will be back later this week or the weekend. He will need to be fitted as well.”

  Kim told them that it would be no problem getting a suit for Matt. All she needed was his contact information so that she could direct him as to what he needed to do. She informed them that if they wanted, she could finish up for them, giving Renee time to take it easy and Liza time to enjoy her stay in California.

  At the end of the evening, around 10:00, everyone was tired and said their good-byes. Renee told Kim that she would call Matt to let him know about his suit.

  Liza said “I like her. That’s very nice of her to help us out. And Robert is so big and handsome. Did I hear him say that he owns his own marketing firm?”

  Elliott laughed and said, “Yes, he has a very well-known agency. They are very nice people. His dad is the police commander and his mother is a psychiatrist. Kim is from Australia and her family is still there. She came to California hoping to break into acting, but when that didn’t work out, she started her own event planning business.”

  E teased Liza, “I didn’t bring you out here to start looking at other men.”

  They all laughed and Liza said, “Now you know I only have eyes for you, sweetie. But don’t think I didn’t see your eyes dilate when you saw Kim. She is stunning.”

  After they finally talked themselves out, they said their good-nights and went to bed.


  Chapter 4

  The rest of the week went by very smoothly. Kim was completing Renee’s and Elliott’s wedding plans and Liza was beside herself with excitement in anticipation of their Vegas trip.

  “Okay, Liza,” Renee said, “Amy said that we are to come to the bridal salon for a final fitting when we get back and she said that she would be available the day of the wedding to assist with the dress. Kayla is going to meet us in a bit for our makeup consultations. After that, I think we’re all done.”

  Liza was putting things into her suitcase. She said, “I can’t wait to get there. So much to do and see, so little time. How’s Elliott holding up? Is he still pouting about your being away for a few days?”

  Renee smiled and replied, “Well, he isn’t jumping over the moon happy about it, but he’s resigned himself to it. I told him he would be so busy that he probably wouldn’t have too much time to miss me.”

  Teasingly, Liza said, “Well, I’m sure you two will make up for lost time on your honeymoon. Speaking of which, where are you lovebirds going?”

  Renee said, “You know, he won’t tell me. Just said that we will have a really good time. That’s all he will say, though. Did he say anything to you?”

  “No,” Liza replied. “E knows, but he won’t tell me. Doesn’t want to risk me telling you. Oh, well, I’m sure it is going to be fantastic, wherever it is. Have you finished packing yet?”

  “Almost,” Renee said. “I just have a few toiletry items to pack, but I’m done for the most part.” She glanced at her cell phone to check the time. “We’d better get over to our makeup consultation. It’s not far at all, but you never know what traffic is going to be.”

  Liza got her purse and slipped on
a pair of high-heeled pumps and they headed out the door.

  When they got to the consultation, Kayla was already there, looking through some brochures.

  Once introductions had been made, the makeup consultant, Kara, took the three ladies to the consultation suite.

  Renee said, “We’re having a garden wedding. I want our makeup to be very fresh and natural. Nothing heavy at all.”

  Kara did a quick assessment and started with Liza and Kayla first. Once she had finished both ladies, they went into the room where Renee had been asked to wait. When Renee saw Kayla and Liza she was thrilled, to say the very least. “They look beautiful. Doesn’t even look as if they are wearing makeup, but they look so flawless. Now, do you think you can make me look as gorgeous as these two?”

  Kara laughed and said, “Renee, it will be no work at all. You’re already beautiful. I’m just going to tweak what you already have and I think you’ll really like it.”

  After Kara finished with Renee’s makeup, she turned the chair around so that Renee could see herself in the mirror. “Oh, Kara, it’s exactly the way I want to look. I do have one question, however. Will you be available next Saturday to do our makeup? I really want us all to look this good that day.”

  Kara left the room briefly and when she returned she said, “I just needed to check the schedule for next Saturday. I was able to trade days with someone, so I can absolutely do this for you.”

  Renee thanked Kara and gave her the wedding location. “Thanks again, and we’ll see you next Saturday.”

  On their drive over to the bridal salon for the final dress fittings, Renee had a thought. “Wow. I’m probably running up quite a tab with the gown, the venue, the makeup, the food. Maybe I should call Kara and just do our makeup ourselves. I mean, it’s not like we haven’t made up our own faces before, right?”

  Kayla just looked at her mother and shook her head.


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