Of Heaven and Hell

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Of Heaven and Hell Page 37

by Anthology

  “Mark? Sweetie.”

  Mark turned his attention back to David. “I’m sorry?”

  “You are immersed in those children. Were you thinking about having some?” David scowled. “Or not being able to have them as the case may be.”

  Mark winced. He tried to avoid heavy topics like that after the arguments with his parents over the same thing. “No, actually, I was looking at that cat. I think I want a cat like that. Do you like cats?”

  David shrugged. “I like animals, but I’ve never had a cat.”

  “I did as a kid. Ah, well. I can’t say I’m being here for you if I leave to go chat about that cat.” Mark rubbed his face.

  “I don’t know about that, but how do you feel about ducks?”


  David pointed over Mark’s shoulder. He twisted around and behind him was one of the ducks, probably wanting a handout.

  “I have no idea what to do with a duck. Birds aren’t my thing.” Mark wondered if he could shoo it away without getting pecked.

  “If it chases you around, I promise to laugh heartily.” David nudged Mark with his toes.

  “Thanks, bud.” Mark waved his hand at the duck, who eyed him for a moment before waddling off.

  David poured Mark more wine. “And once we’re done with this bottle, I’m going to take you somewhere and draw you in the nude.”

  Mark laughed, knowing he didn’t have to worry about those getting hung in the coffee shop, or did he? “Are you now?”

  “I have to capture you at your very best.”

  How could Mark argue with that?

  CARDUUS HAD given up, however temporarily, the idea of luring Boyd to his death, unsure of the effect on Mark. Lamia agreed it might be a problem, and was just as unsure as Carduus about what incriminating evidence Boyd could possibly have lying around for Carduus to find that the police hadn’t. His plan of non-action changed when Boyd appeared in the tea shop. He wondered if the man had been at the station being questioned again. Was he here to taunt the police? Or was it the draw of the group of girls who stopped in after school almost daily? Like Evie Stanton, they were twelve or thirteen and just coming into their sexuality. Carduus had listened to Mark telling him things Carduus had known for centuries. Teens were vulnerable, especially to sexual flattery.

  He watched Boyd trying to work his charm on the girls. They should have known better, but they needed to hear someone tell them they were beautiful, desirable. Telling his manager he felt sick, Carduus slipped away. Oddly, he did feel a little sick, and he couldn’t understand it. What had Mark’s influence done to him? Carduus was no less a predator than Boyd, but he had a reason for it: he was demon born. Even so, he had always preferred adults, despite the young being considered the sweetest meals.

  Boyd was still in the shop when Carduus reappeared, fourteen and blonde, with just enough curves to be alluring but not so much to suggest his new persona could have any boy she wanted. He’d made that mistake last time.

  Carduus tweaked the girls’ minds just a bit, making them think “Alison” was one of them. Greeted like an old friend, he joined in the conversation. Flirting, faking innocence, blushing on cue, it was all part of the incubus repertoire. Within the hour, most of the other girls had filtered away, leaving only Alison and Hilary.

  Hilary tossed her hair back, trying to look older than she was. “Do you have a cigarette, Allie? I could kill for one, but if I get caught with them in my purse again I’m going to be grounded for life.”

  “I have a carton back home,” Boyd said before Carduus could respond.

  Carduus picked up on this game. No doubt when Boyd lured them to his house, there would be any number of things there to appeal to young teens. The demon in him said leave Hilary to her fate, but Carduus had other plans.


  “Hilary, do you think that would be a good idea?” A demon trying to save a kid, what would his fellows say to that?

  “It’ll be fine if you come with me.” Hilary turned to Boyd. “That’s all right, isn’t it?”

  Hunger flared in Boyd’s eyes, an intense greediness. “Of course.”

  Knowing the police were still trying to tie Boyd to his crime, Carduus was shocked to learn Boyd’s place was only two blocks from the tea shop. So close to the police station, it had to be on purpose, giving Boyd a high knowing he could easily be caught and was smart enough to avoid it. Boyd felt safe living close to his adversaries; confident they would find no way to connect him to the girls.

  He wasted no time in giving Hilary a cigarette, grinning at the girls. “Would you like something to drink? I could whip up something sweet and fruity, with just a hint of alcohol. I bet you girls would love it.”

  Carduus wasn’t sure if he wanted Hilary to say no to that. If she said yes, well, he knew what he’d do next. He could probably make Mark a very happy man. He could serve up a living witness to Boyd’s depravity. However, would letting it go that far scar Hilary for life, and why did he care?

  Hilary looked at him, scanning “Alison’s” face for encouragement; then she bobbed her head. “That sounds great. Tell me you’ll have one, Allie. I don’t want to drink alone.”

  “My parents will get really mad,” Alison protested, but not with any enthusiasm. Carduus simply wanted Hilary to talk him into it.

  “Aw, come on.” Hilary pouted at Alison.

  “Oh, okay. Sure. It sounds yummy,” Alison said. “She” flashed her prettiest smile at Boyd and Carduus’ preternatural hearing picked up on the man’s increased breathing rate.

  “You girls make yourselves comfortable. The controller is on the table. Feel free to turn on something.”

  Hilary channel surfed while Carduus waited for the doubtless-roofie-laden drink. Carduus could easily act before anything bad happened to the girl. Honestly, he didn’t care much for her, but Mark would be upset if yet another girl got hurt. Carduus would have to keep her safe.

  “Here you go.” Boyd came back with pretty, red cocktails. They were sweet on the tongue. Neither alcohol nor drug would affect Carduus. He would just mimic whatever he saw happening to Hilary. Ignoring Boyd’s small talk, he took a sip of the cocktail. Hilary drank like it was Kool-aid.

  The effect was so fast Carduus knew it had to be loaded with drugs. Hilary’s answers to Boyd slurred, her head slumped forward, her body loosening, before she slipped into unconsciousness. When Boyd turned to Hilary, Carduus giggled, drawing Boyd’s attention back to him.

  Boyd brushed Carduus’ hair back, an innocent enough gesture, but Carduus recognized the predatory nature of that touch. He didn’t seem intoxicated enough and Boyd had to be wondering why. “Don’t you like the drink?” Boyd tried to pull Carduus’ attention to him, trying to keep him from looking at Hilary.

  “It’s very good.” Carduus took another drink to prove the point. He swooned a little, pressing against Boyd. Carduus heard Boyd take a deep breath. He could taste the man’s excitement as Carduus sampled his soul. He couldn’t wait to devour Boyd, but if he waited, if he let Boyd really whip himself into a frenzy, his life force would taste even better. The demonic part of him wanted to join Boyd in killing Hilary. She would taste so much better. Ignoring his nature hurt, but Carduus managed it. Hilary would be like a smooth, top-notch craft beer, and Boyd would be cheap swill. But at least Carduus could drink Boyd “cold” by letting him work himself up.

  Carduus let Boyd feel him up, surprised it didn’t excite him much. An incubus’ body was designed to respond to the lightest touch. It shouldn’t matter whose touch it was. He’d puzzle that out later. Carduus “woke up” and snuggled against Boyd, who grinned.

  “Oh, so you like this?” Boyd chuckled. “You naughty girl.”

  “I like it a lot.”

  Carduus clamped onto Boyd’s arms and kissed him. He sucked against Boyd’s meaty lips, drawing forth his life energy, and Boyd’s eyes widened, panicked. He struggled, but he couldn’t throw Carduus off. The fear and desperation gave a
delightful piquant flavor to his energy.

  Boyd flung himself onto the floor, scrambling away when Carduus lost his grip. Carduus dispensed with his glamor. He loved showing his true self just before his victims died. No longer a cute little blonde girl, Carduus was all wild, dark hair, erect cock, fangs, and talons. Not that he needed the fangs or talons. All he needed was his lips, his touch—they were an incubus’ true weapons. Carduus tackled Boyd, pinning him to the carpet. He made it quick this time, draining Boyd until he was dry. He tasted better than Carduus had expected.

  Finished with his meal, Carduus picked up the phone and dialed 911. “Please, someone help me!” he trilled in Alison’s thin, high voice. “This man... he gave me and my friend something. She won’t wake up, and he collapsed. Please help.”

  He stayed on the line until the cops came. The predator was dead. The doctors would probably assume he’d had a heart attack. Alison would disappear back to Florida, where she told the police she had travelled from for a gymnastics meet, and the police would never find her. Hilary would be enough to bear out the police’s suspicions about Boyd. It might not be all Mark hoped for, but it was better than this man running free.

  CARDUUS STRETCHED out on Mark’s startling-red couch. It was one of the things he liked about his lover: Mark had a wild sense of style, a little less conservative than the rest of his cop buddies. In one corner, a bright oil painting of a jazz club livened up the place. Mark came in with two beers, stouts, and a big grin on his face.

  “From that look I’m going to say something good happened,” Carduus said. “Let me guess, Mark. You finally agreed to let me paint you nude.”

  “No, that would put the smile on your face, David.” Mark handed him a beer. “Jeff Boyd is dead. I know it’s wrong to be happy someone died, but damn it, it’s what he deserved.”

  “Did he mix it up with the cops?” Carduus put on his best “innocent” face.

  “No, he had a heart attack, of all things.” He tapped his beer mug to Carduus’. “He wasn’t that old, but the ME thinks the excitement of trying to molest two girls at once did him in. He did have Viagra in his system.”

  That was news to Carduus. “Two girls? That’s sick.”

  “I know. Luckily, neither girl suffered worse than Rohypnol in their drinks.” Mark took a swig; then he scowled. “One of them disappeared back to Florida, and the number she gave us was bogus. I guess she didn’t want her parents to be angry she went to a stranger’s house while she was here at an event. We’re trying to track her down. The other girl isn’t that cooperative either, but her tox results and the remainders of the drinks in the glasses were enough to prove his intent. We got a new search warrant that was less restrictive than the first and we found recordings of all the things he did. We have plenty of proof, but he saved the taxpayers a lot of money by just dying. I consider it a win.”

  “To victory, then.” Carduus clinked his bottle to Mark’s as he sat up on the couch. “I say we celebrate.”

  “I’m sure you have a great suggestion for that.”

  Getting to his feet, Carduus set the beer aside. He took Mark’s drink from him and set that down, too, before taking the man’s hand. He led Mark into the bedroom and pushed him back on the bed. Carduus bounced on the mattress, grabbing Mark and rolling them both until Mark lay on top of him.

  “I like where this celebration is going.” Mark grinned; then he kissed Carduus, thrusting his tongue deep into the demon’s mouth.

  “I bet you do,” Carduus said once he could talk again.

  Carduus pulled Mark’s shirt off, not feeling the need for much preamble today. The way Mark clawed at Carduus’ clothes suggested the feeling was mutual. Still, a few games might be fun. He undid his braid, pushing Mark back onto the mattress. Straddling him, Carduus brushed the tips of a hank of his long hair along the hollow of Mark’s throat until the man arched, giving Carduus better access. He leaned down and kissed Mark’s Adam’s apple before trailing his hair down to tickle Mark’s nipples. Mark chuckled, raising his hips to brush against Carduus’. Carduus kept up the feathery touches until he reached Mark’s belt buckle. Then he stopped, giving the man a moment to strip himself completely.

  “Hell, you are gorgeous,” Carduus rasped. “Sure I can’t paint you naked some time?”

  “With my luck, some gallery will buy it and all my friends will see me like this,” Mark protested.

  “Do cops go to galleries?” Carduus flashed a wicked smile.

  “Ooo, negative typecasting will get you nowhere.” Mark ruffled Carduus’ hair.

  “As if you’d get out of this bed now.”

  Carduus swept his hair over Mark’s erect cock and the man moaned. Carduus shimmied out of his jeans, and then stretched out, taking that long shaft into his mouth. He knew all Mark’s hot spots. Incubi could pick that right out of their lover’s minds: a very convenient trick. He could probably get Mark to agree to anything with the way he danced his tongue over the man’s heated flesh, no mental coercion needed.

  Mark massaged Carduus’ scalp; then, finally, he pushed Carduus away. “Need more of you,” he murmured.

  Carduus nodded, letting Mark free. Mark got a condom and the lube from the nightstand. Carduus didn’t care if he played the dominant or the submissive. He was always exactly what his lovers wanted. That was the nature of the beast. He couldn’t tell Mark condoms were unnecessary. Incubi couldn’t contract or carry human disease, but if he said anything, at best, the man would think Carduus was insane and at worst, believe him. Carduus rather hated this new era of safe sex, but so long as he got his meal, it didn’t matter.

  Of course, tonight he wouldn’t get that either, but he’d get something more. Oh, the whole “loved unwisely” thing fit him so well. What was a demon to do? Carduus took his mind off his dilemma by snatching the condom from Mark. He slid it over Mark’s shaft as Mark lubed up his fingers. Carduus sprawled back onto the bed, lifting his hips a little as Mark slipped a finger inside him.

  Carduus gasped as the digit excited the nerves hidden there. Incubi didn’t so much have God spots as they did God continents. He tightened around that finger, so Mark added another, priming Carduus. It was unnecessary for the demon, but pleasurable all the same. Mark slipped his hand free so he could slick up his cock. Before he entered Carduus, however, Mark took Carduus’ cock into his mouth, sucking first on the tip, and then swallowing him down. Carduus fisted the sheets as Mark gave his shaft several expert passes before letting it pop free of his mouth.

  Mark pushed into Carduus slowly. He was a considerate lover, almost too gentle for the demon, but Carduus made allowances. Mark sank deep into him, running his tongue along Carduus’ collarbone. Carduus wrapped his arms around Mark, making paths in the man’s pale skin with his short nails as Mark thrust into his body. They rocked together, mouths occasionally meeting, warring, conquering, before breaking apart so Mark could turn his warm lips to other readily available parts of Carduus’ anatomy.

  Mark pulled out, giving Carduus’ hip a pat; then he stretched out on the bed. Grinning, Carduus swung over Mark, guiding Mark’s cock up inside him. Carduus rode him, his own cock beating out a tattoo against his lover’s belly. Mark reached down, stroking Carduus as Carduus’ hips moved. Carduus came, striping Mark’s belly and chest. He pumped on Mark faster, their bodies crashing together until finally Mark’s orgasm rocked him.

  After a minimal clean up, the two men collapsed into a puddle of flesh on the sheets. Carduus rested his head on Mark’s chest, listening to his heart. Feed, his brain insisted, so he shifted his head onto the pillows.

  Mark stroked Carduus’ hair. “What are you thinking?”

  “That one day you’re going to let me paint you naked.” Carduus grinned.

  “Don’t lie to the detective. You were thinking deeper thoughts.”

  Carduus put a hand against Mark’s heart. “Just thinking how knowing you has changed me. I want to do better things.”

  Mark took Carduu
s’ hand. “You were a good person before me, David.”

  How wrong he was, but Carduus simply smiled. “I’m better now.”

  Mark thanked him in kisses. Carduus wasn’t sure he truly was better, but he had learned things about himself. He’d discovered predators were fun to hunt, being tricky, dangerous game. He might not be good, but others would benefit from a reduction in the dangerous element. If that wasn’t goodness, it was a close cousin. Fascinating. Carduus snuggled with Mark. He was in no hurry to leave. He was on the path to change, and this was a road he wanted to travel for a little while longer.

  JANA IS Queen of the Geeks (her students voted her in) and her home and office are shrines to any number of comic book and manga heroes along with SF shows and movies too numerous to count. It is no coincidence the love of all things geeky has made its way into many of her stories. To this day, she’s still disappointed she hasn’t found a wardrobe to another realm, a superhero to take her flying among the clouds, or a roguish starship captain to run off to the stars with her.

  Jana Denardo can be found at:

  Website: http://jana-denardo.livejournal.com/

  Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jana.denardo

  Twitter: https://twitter.com/JanaDenardo

  Email: [email protected]

  FLYNN GAVE his reflection considerable thought. He frowned. The tuxedo was not him, never had been and definitely never would be. He looked utterly ridiculous. With a snap of his fingers the Oscar-worthy outfit vanished, to be replaced with a pair of khaki slacks and a burgundy sweater. The top complimented the dark brown of his hair and the burnished shade of his horns, but the khakis were worse than the tux, prompting him to stick out his tongue. Another snap of his fingers put him back in his usual outfit: a pair of leather pants, undone and slung low on his hips. He smiled coyly at his reflection—definitely more his style.


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