Mastered by His Touch-Complete Box Set

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Mastered by His Touch-Complete Box Set Page 17

by Skylar Cross

  Caden just keeps licking furiously.

  I come again.

  Holy fuck!

  I've never known a man who could be so kind and loving, and yet so feral and brutish. He has me completely. I'm done.

  Before I know it, his face is hovering above me again. The evil glare is back.

  "I didn't tell you that you could come," he says.

  "I'm sorry," I say.

  "From now on, you don't come until I command you to."


  "You need to be punished, not just for that but for abandoning me this morning."

  Oh, God. Punish? What does he mean by that?

  He allows the full force of his weight to slowly drop on top of my body. His lips mash into mine as he growls his next words at me.

  "You want to know your punishment?" he says.

  I nod yes. I can't speak.

  "I'm going to fuck you hard and raw. So hard you're going to want to scream."

  How is that punishment? That's more of a reward, pal. Bring it on!

  His words shoot a direct line of fire into my soul, triggering all my parts to spring alive again. No rest for the weary.

  "But there's a catch," he says. "You cannot make a sound. If you do, then I will stop and leave you unsatisfied."

  Oh God, can I do that? Is it possible?

  "And don't forget," he says, "you don't come until I command you. In fact, you need to ask permission."

  He gets up off the bed and retrieves something from the dresser. He comes back with a condom package. He rips it open.

  His big boy is erect and ready as he drapes the condom over it. He sits on my legs again, his skyscraper of a cock towering above me.

  He reaches down and roughly sticks two fingers inside me.

  "You're all wet again, aren't you?" he says with a laugh. "My God, you're such a fucking dirty filthy little slut, aren't you?"

  I nod. It's true.

  "You know what dirty filthy little sluts like, don't you?"

  I nod yes.

  "They like to get fucked. Oh, you are soooooo going to get fucked!"

  At that, my back involuntarily arches again. The tingles return.

  He responds by finger fucking my pussy roughly. He adds a third finger, spreading me wide. Then he stops and presses hard into my spot.

  I moan.

  Everything stops.

  What the fuck?

  I open my eyes. Caden is frozen above me, just smiling.

  "Now what did I say?" he says.

  "Sorry," I say.


  He pulls his fingers out of me and positions his cock on my pussy. I writhe beneath him.

  Get inside me! Fill me! Fuck me!

  He slaps his hard member down on my lips with a wet whack!

  I must have made a noise because he stops and freezes again.

  "I won't tell you again," he says. "If you want to get fucked properly, you're going to have to remain silent."

  I just nodded.

  Come on, Kiri! Stay quiet. You can do it!

  Whack! goes his cock and my pussy as they violently meet again. He rubs his shaft all up and down my lips, hitting my clit just right.

  I squelch another moan, tugging hard on my restraints.

  He just keeps teasing me, rubbing himself all up and down my lips.

  Then I feel his tip parting me.

  I grit my teeth, clamping down on the Yes! that wants to escape my mouth.





  ... my pussy is filled with happiness. He slides slowly all the way in until I can feel his rock hardness pressing against my cervix.

  My pussy clamps down on him, like she's shouting to my asshole I win, bitch!

  The expression on his face tells me he likes this. I see him lose control a little as he pulls himself back, all the way out again.

  My cunt contracts and expands, beckoning him in again.

  He complies, harder this time. A little faster.

  God, he's fucking huge! I feel like I'm being split in two up the middle!

  Again he pulls out.

  Stop that!

  Next thrust is a hard ram. My entire body clenches at the impact.

  I must have made another noise because he stops.

  The room is silent. I can hear my rapid breathing.

  Shit, this silent thing is hard.

  He just looks at me and I nod.

  I bite my tongue on the next thrust. It feels like a bazooka in my pussy. Then another. Then another.

  I turn to my left where there is an extra pillow. I lean over and grab it with my teeth. I bite into it.

  Caden laughs, his thrusting becoming rhythmic.

  He reaches up, takes the pillow, and removes the pillowcase. He wads up the pillowcase and stuffs it in my mouth.

  "Better?" he says.

  I nod yes, afraid to say anything. I really need to get fucked.

  And am I ever getting fucked!

  I spread my legs wider than they've ever been, trying to jam as much of him inside me as I can with every fierce push.

  I meet his eyes. He moves down and bites the pillow case too, pressing his forehead into mine. At the same time, he increases the speed and force of his pounding.

  There it is!

  The orgasm rises, almost to the edge.

  Shit, how am I going to control it? If he keeps this up, I'm going to blow soon!

  I close my eyes, trying a little mindful meditation while bound, stuffed, and fucked.

  Believe it or not, it kind of helps a little. I feel myself center right in the middle of all the brutal sensations around me.

  Then I open my eyes.

  His aquamarine beauties are still there. That's enough to make me lose my center and feel the orgasm rise again.

  He seems to sense it because he thrusts faster and harder.

  Oh God, I'm going to be walking like an injured bull rider tomorrow!

  I bite down harder on the pillowcase, doing my best not to scream. It isn't easy.

  The orgasm hits its edge and I almost come. Miraculously, I control it. My wrists are burning now against the tied sheets.

  This beast of a man is now nothing but a jackhammer machine, slamming my insides into agonizing euphoria.

  I can't take any more! I either have to scream, come, or die!

  Caden abruptly rips the pillowcase out of my mouth.

  "Ask me for permission to come," he says, never breaking eye contact.

  "Please!" I say, half-crying. "I want to come!"

  "No, phrase it properly. Say, 'May I please come?'"

  "May I please come?!!!!"

  "Yes, come hard for me now!"

  The world implodes into a wormhole of kicking screaming delirium.

  "Fuck!" I shout. "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!"

  At this point, I don't care anymore. I've lost complete control of myself. My body shakes as I come with an intense furor I can't ever remember experiencing before.

  Above me, Caden grunts like an animal. His cock leaps inside me as he comes.

  He keeps fucking me long after we're both spent. I don't mind. I don't want it to ever stop, really.

  But soon he pulls out and collapses next to me. I lean over to kiss him, but realize I'm still bound.

  He laughs, climbs over me, and unties me.

  I fall back into his arms, motionless.

  Chapter 8

  I sneaked under the big window and over to the garden where the older boy was digging. Bags of soil and a row of plants sat on a cart near him. I hid behind the large bush. I liked it here. My brother and sister could never find me when I hid here. Nobody could see me.

  I was going to jump out and say hi to the boy but I saw the man with the cigar coming. I crouched down.

  The man with the cigar stopped near the boy.

  "Is everything in place?" said the boy.

  "Yes, he's going fo
r it," said the man with the cigar. "We've got him right where we want him. The locket will be in our hands soon."

  "Why does he want to meet you out in the water?"

  "I don't know. He feels safer out there, away from prying eyes. It's fine with me. Valentina and I will take the catamaran out and show him the case of money."

  "Why would he agree to this?"

  "Because he needs the cash now. And it's too hard for him to get back to the mine to get more gold. He can't do it with the wife and kids. Don't worry, it will all work out. Just continue working and listening."

  "I don't know. I don't like the fact he wants to meet you at sea."

  I coughed.

  They both turned and looked at the bush behind which I hid.

  "Who's back there?" said the boy. "Kiri, is that you?"

  I stuck my head out from behind the bush. The man with the cigar looked furious.

  "It's okay, Kiri," said the boy. "You can come out."

  "She heard us!" said the man with the cigar. "That's not good. I'm not supposed to know you."

  "Don't worry. Little Kiri here is okay. She couldn't even understand what we said. She's just a little girl."

  The boy patted me on the head.

  The man with the cigar glared at me like he wanted to kill me.

  I gasped as my eyes swung open. Somebody was talking. I was still buried in Caden's chest. The world slowly formed its reality around me.

  "... tonight mostly cloudy with highs in the 40s, with a possible shower west of 495..."

  What's that voice?

  I opened my eyes, still buried in Caden's chest. I turned to the radio that read 6:00 AM by the dresser and shut it off, returning to my nook.

  Shit, I had another flashback. The man with the cigar was Sebastian. Who was in the pictures wearing the Panama hat and flowered shirt that Agent Henderson showed me. He looks much older now.

  He spoke with Caden who had been... what?... a landscaper? He was planting plants.

  And did I have a brother and sister?

  That's it! Today I'm going to get answers! I'm going to question Caden and face the truth of what happened back there, no matter how painful it might be! I've got to know, so I can move on.

  With Caden at my side, I can face anything.

  "Good morning," said Caden as he leaned down and kissed my forehead.

  "Good morning yourself," I said as I looked up at him. He leaned down and kissed me on the lips.

  "Wow," I said.

  "Wow what?" he said.

  "Just wow. Last night, wow. This, wow."

  He began to get up, but I yanked on his shoulder to keep him in place.

  "Are we really going to get up?" I said.

  "We slept for nine hours," he said. "And today is going to be another long day. I told the FBI they could come up and talk to you at 7:30. You shower while I make breakfast."

  He threw on a pair of shorts and left the room.

  I rose groggily, looking around me at the mess we made. We're getting very good at making a mess, aren't we?

  I showered and picked out a textured sleeveless dress by Cynthia Steffe. There was a green one there I liked better, but I'm sick of green. Not to mention it's QV Bank's signature color.

  QV Bank! Shit, I have to go back there today!

  Yes, at some point today I'm going to have to walk into my old life. Troy. Barbara. Ken. It feels like a lifetime ago since I was there.

  I looked at the clock in the frilly girlie bedroom in which I never slept. 7:01 AM. Twenty-nine minutes until the FBI.

  Shit, I'm going to have to go over what I'm going to say with Caden before they get here!

  I was about to open the door to the hallway when I thought to check my Android.

  There were so many unread messages on my phone that I couldn't possibly check all of them.

  But one made me gasp. It was from a number I didn't recognize but whoever it was had sent me a text every five minutes since 4:00 AM today. Each one had the same message:

  Kiri, your life is in danger. This is an emergency. Call me NOW! Agent Henderson.

  The same message thirty-seven times in the last three hours.

  I felt a chill as I remembered the icy Agent Henderson with his red crew-cut. If I had to go by instinct alone, I would swear he's the real criminal here.

  But that's ridiculous. I saw his ID. He's legit.

  Shit, he's probably going to be the FBI agent who comes up here to talk to me this morning! I seriously don't want to see him.

  The smell of coffee and French toast hit me from the other side of the door.

  No, I'm not going to pay any attention to the texts from Agent Henderson. I trust Caden.

  But now I'm curious. What does he mean by "emergency?" Is somebody hurt?

  Oh, what the hell?

  I hit the Call icon and put the phone to my ear. I held my breath. It rang twice before he picked up.

  "Kiri!" he said.

  "What do you want?" I said.

  "Kiri, you've got to get out of there!"

  "How do you know where I am?" I said.

  "I'm outside. We're watching the building. But Kiri, you need to know something. There are two men downstairs in the lobby who are going to tell you that they are FBI agents. They are not. They are imposters. They will have fake IDs that look one-hundred percent real."

  "What the fuck are you talking about, Henderson?"

  Ooooh, I'm getting bold, aren't I?

  "Kiri, you are in danger. Caden is working with Sebastian and Valentina, the people in the pictures I showed you. He is conning you. Your life is in danger."

  "Look, Agent Henderson, I appreciate your concern. But to be quite honest, I'm not sure if I trust you. If you're the FBI, why don't you just raid this building and arrest the imposters? You have the power to do that. I'm beginning to think maybe you're the fraud."

  There was a long pause on the other end.

  "Because we can't jeopardize the investigation. We need to find out what Caden Storm is up to. Kiri, it's important that you do not tell the imposters that you met me at QV Bank. It's imperative! If you tell them, they may kill you."

  "Caden wouldn't let that happen."

  "Kiri, Caden Storm is in on it! He's manipulating you! I wanted to go in and get you out but my department head isn't concerned about you, only the investigation. I'm breaking the rules by calling you. I don't want you to get hurt or worse, killed."

  No, this is bullshit.

  Isn't it?

  I felt a stab of fear. I hadn't felt fear anywhere near Caden Storm yet, not even when I was bound to his bed.

  Shit. Why am I shaking?

  "Kiri!" shouted Caden from the kitchen. "Breakfast is ready. The FBI will be here soon!"

  My breathing went rapid and just like yesterday morning at almost the same time, I felt the need to escape.

  No, Kiri. Hold on a minute. Your gut tells you Caden Storm is good. Your gut also tells you that Agent Henderson is evil. Are you just going to take Agent Henderson at his word? Or are you going to trust the man who saved your life? What happened to your decision to trust him? Where's your backbone?

  "Agent Henderson," I said, "no offense, but I don't believe you."

  There was another long pause.

  During the pause, I got control of my breathing. The fear passed. No, I refuse to believe Caden is dangerous to me.

  "Kiri," said Agent Henderson. "You remember the pictures I showed you of the man and the woman with Caden?"

  Sebastian and Valentina, Caden's mentors from many years ago. The man with the cigar in my flashback just an hour ago.

  "Yes," I said, wondering what bullshit he was going to throw at me now.

  "Kiri, let's go!" shouted Caden.


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