Mastered by His Touch-Complete Box Set

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Mastered by His Touch-Complete Box Set Page 26

by Skylar Cross

  The following day, once Forrester confirmed that Sebastian and Valentina had checked into the Lenox, I went to my bank with a steel briefcase and made a withdrawal.

  Then I told Harold to drive me to QV Bank on Boylston Street. In the limo, I called Sebastian.

  "Sebastian, I hear you're in your suite," I said. "I hope you like it."

  "What are you up to, Caden?" said Sebastian. "I'm playing along with you, but be warned I have several sets of eyes out on you."

  "Yes, I'm fully aware that Kyle Connor is out and about. He doesn't frighten me, Sebastian. Although I do hear he's quite a nifty bank robber."

  "Caden Storm, you have become too big for your own self. I may have to kill you anyway."

  The limo pulled up in front of QV Bank.

  "Best of luck with that," I said. "Now Sebastian, I want you to go to your window."

  "For what?" he said.

  "I'm sitting in the limousine parked across the street from you."

  I heard some shuffling. I looked up at the Lenox Hotel. I saw the curtain push away from the window of the room I rented. The late afternoon April sky was growing dark with storm clouds.

  "Watch this," I said as I hung up the phone and got out.

  As I closed the door, I held up the steel briefcase and smiled. Then I went into the bank.

  Kiri was in a meeting. I was met by her co-worker Troy who kept looking at me strangely. I told him I wanted to access my safe deposit box with Kiri's help.

  After being forced to make a scene with the ridiculous manager to get Kiri out of the meeting, the two of us were soon back in the same privacy room as before.

  Again I was enraptured by her very being. I couldn't stop looking at her. But now that I know this is indeed Kiri Huang, I need to play it cool. The seduction is off.

  Even though I could smell her lust again. It filled the little room with a humming buzzing energy. It was all I could do not to touch her.

  Then she had one of those moments again where her eyes went wide and her pupils dilated. I got the sense she was having some sort of a flashback.

  What is she seeing? Does she remember me?

  She's giving no indication. When she said she was adopted as a baby, I could tell she believed it. I'm now convinced she's repressed the entire first five years of her life.

  I put my hand on hers. The poor girl had seen things no child should ever see. As I touched her, it felt like we became one. More than sexual attraction, it was like we communicated without words.

  I had never before felt that from another human being.

  Caden, enough! You're here to put icing on your cake.

  I opened up the steel briefcase and took out one hundred thousand dollars. That was the amount Sebastian had paid me for my first job with him twenty-four years ago in Tampa. I'm returning it to him.

  Then I closed the box.

  I thought about getting up to go, but I had to touch her again. I just had to.

  I grabbed her hands in mine and held them tight.

  Oh my fucking God.

  What is this sensation when I touch her?

  I've never known anything like this.

  It's wrong, Caden! This is little Kiri.

  But she's not little Kiri anymore.

  Fuck, what's happening to me?

  I got control of myself and stood up. We replaced Box 1910 in the wall of safe deposit boxes and I asked Kiri to walk me out.

  As I approached the door to Boylston Street, I looked up at Sebastian in the window. I held up my safe deposit box key. A pounding rain was coming down so I made sure he and Kyle Connor's video cameras could see what it was through the droplets.

  Then I turned to Kiri, took her hands, and pressed the key into her palm so that Sebastian could see what I was doing.

  "Happy birthday," I said, knowing from the research that hers was next week.

  Then I got in my limo and Harold drove down Boylston Street, buckets of rain pouring down on us.

  I called Sebastian.

  "Sebastian," I said, "the locket is in Box 1910. It's all yours. But your buddy Kyle Connor is going to have to get it for you. Once he's is in the vault, have him call me and I'll give him the security code. But keep in mind, I'll be watching you. You didn't think I was going to make this easy for you, did you?"

  "Fuck you, Caden Storm," said Sebastian as he slammed the hotel phone down.

  I laughed out loud as the limo turned left at Dartmouth.

  When his crackerjack Kyle Connor breaks in and steals the locket, all Sebastian will get is what he paid me for that first job.

  That will send him over the edge.

  Then when he comes after me, I will kill him.

  And Kyle Connor with his silly red crew-cut for good measure.

  Chapter 19

  Forrester brought in four guys to protect Kiri. All ex-Special Forces or Navy Seals. I also called somebody I know at the FBI who volunteered. They followed her everywhere, making sure no harm could possibly come to her.

  They spotted Kyle Connor following her. That made me nervous, but Forrester assured me his men could take out Connor before he even got to his gun.

  While Kiri was having a birthday dinner at Forum restaurant, one of Connor's friends went to her apartment and broke in. He was looking for the key.

  I was chomping at the bit.

  On the TV screens in Forrester's control room, I watched the most gorgeous girl I've ever seen as she lived her life being followed by these thugs.

  I just wanted to kill them and get this over with.

  But more than that, I wanted to see utter defeat in Sebastian's eyes as he lunged forward to kill me. Call it my own Achilles heel.

  I wanted him to suffer for what he did.

  Things got a little tense at one point.

  Kiri had been at the Boston Public Library. After spending all afternoon there, she went to the Food Court at the Pru Mall.

  Kyle Connor got a little sloppy. He let her see him. She apparently realized she was being followed because she ran out and ducked into a cab over at the Hynes.

  Two of Forrester's men had their hands on their trigger fingers there for a few seconds. Lucky for Kyle Connor, he didn't run out after her.

  The next day, I'll have to admit that Kyle Connor impressed me. He and his buddy Jerry DiCecco pulled up at QV Bank dressed as Feds. I don't know how they did it, but they got inside.

  Later Jason, the young computer hacker employed by Forrester, explained to me what Kyle Connor did.

  With fake Federal IDs, he and DiCecco convinced the bank manager they were FBI agents. The manager seemed dumb enough to fall for it, which she did.

  Kiri told me later that Kyle Connor said he needed her help to figure out what billionaire Caden Storm is up to. Nice touch, Sebastian. Letting the cat out of the bag like that. Very nice touch.

  Kyle Connor even showed Kiri pictures of me with Sebastian and Valentina that he took in Montenegró and New York. One at the restaurant with Yung-Hee. One at Starbucks on Sixth with Gabriela. One had them on my yacht with Claudia. Kyle Connor must have Photoshopped that one because he seemed to want three of everything. OCD, I bet.

  While in the manager's office, Kyle Connor got to the computer and inserted a flash drive. On the flash drive was a computer virus that infiltrated the bank's security system. On the night of the robbery, all Connor had to do was activate the computer virus and the bank just opened up for him.

  As I promised I would, I told him the code when he called me from inside the vault.

  As for the key, apparently Kiri had fainted in the office while Kyle Connor fed her his bullshit. She had been hiding the key in her bra. It fell out when she keeled over.

  Kyle Connor was quick. He had an app installed on his smartphone that copies keys. All you need to do is hold the key to the screen and the app records all the details of the key so it can be replicated.

  I guess there really is an app for everything.

  Kyle Connor only had a s
econd to do this because Kiri's co-worker Troy ran in to help her up. Kyle Connor must have tossed the key under the manager's desk because Kiri told me later that's where she retrieved it.

  Now that he had installed the computer virus that would allow him access to the bank on the night of the robbery and had a copy of the key, Kyle Connor got the hell out of there fast.

  Then Kiri threw me for a loop.

  "She's heading downtown," said Forrester to me over the earpiece.

  I was at City Hall in a meeting with the Mayor of Boston, Devlin Bane, and a Hollywood star who wanted to build a movie-themed hotel on the waterfront. The Mayor was unsure about the idea so he wanted our input because the movie star is beloved by the people of Boston because he grew up here. As we talked, Forrester gave me updates on the situation.

  The Hollywood star was blabbering on about his love of organic food, windmills, and marijuana. The Mayor looked like he was falling asleep. Devlin Bane kept shooting me "I-can't-stomach-this-doofus" looks.

  "Caden, you're not going to believe this," interrupted Forrester in my ear. "She's heading to Bay Towers."

  Holy fuck!

  That wasn't part of the plan.

  "What should I do?" said Forrester.

  "Let her in. I'll be right there."

  "Excuse me?" said the Hollywood star.

  I stood up.

  "Gotta fly," I said. "Devlin, I'm out. This guy is an idiot. My apologies, Mr. Mayor. This deal sucks. Don't do it. I need to go."

  The Mayor stood up and shook my hand.

  "Whoa whoa whoa!" said the Hollywood star. "You don't just leave. I'm pitching a project here. Do you know who I am?"

  I laughed.

  "That last sentence alone is enough to kill any deal you may have had with me," I said as I opened the door. "Oh, and by the way, you have the acting ability of a boiled turnip and I fall asleep ten minutes into every one of your movies. Have a nice day."

  When I arrived at Bay Towers, Forrester was outside. It had started off as a gray cold day, but the sun had come out and everything was warming up nicely.

  "She's up there," Forrester said. "Don't know how she figured it out but she knows you're you."

  On the elevator ride up, I had no idea how to play this. I would have to take it moment by moment. What is she going to ask me? Does she remember me now? Has it come back to her?

  Or was it Kyle Connor? Did he tell her who I was as he pretended to be an FBI agent?

  I opened my door.

  And there she was.


  In my apartment.

  Alone with me.

  At the very sight of her, my mathematical mind and eidetic memory melted down. All I could think of was ripping off her clothes and licking her body.

  She returned the key and wanted answers. But I could tell that she too was fighting this humming buzzing electrical energy that seemed to be magnetically drawing us together.

  I poured us drinks and led us to the patio, stupidly thinking that would help me to think. But in reality it was a subconscious attempt to shut off my thinking because I wanted to fuck her so badly.

  She still didn't seem to remember me. I even asked her. When she said no, all bets were off. I gave in to temptation and kissed her.

  Then I pulled back.

  "No," I said. "This is wrong! It's just wrong, Kiri."

  "What do you mean?" she said.

  I stared at her. How can she not remember? The dinghy. The Decouds. Vainui and the little room. The guards taking me away.

  "You really don't remember, do you?" I said.

  "Remember what?" she said.

  Oh God, what do I do? Should I? Could I live with myself? Why not, Caden? She's not little Kiri anymore. She's a grown woman. The most spectacular girl on earth. Are you going to deny yourself the most spectacular girl on earth? For what? Why?

  "You're twenty-four," I said, reassuring myself that we are here and now and the year is 2014. I'm thirty-six. She is twenty-four.

  "Yes?" she said with a quizzical look.

  "Twenty-four years old."

  "How old did you think I was?"

  "You're a grown woman. A fully grown woman. Possibly the most stunning woman I've ever seen in my life. I wasn't expecting that when I first saw you. I really wasn't. You threw me for a loop. It wasn't part of my plan at all to be so attracted to you. So really, it's okay. Really it's okay for me to kiss you."

  I didn't let her speak.

  I kissed her.

  And the rest is history.

  Chapter 20

  I opened the bedroom door and walked into the hallway.

  Caden was in the kitchen. He had arranged two plates of French toast on white square plates. Three glass syrup containers sat in the middle.

  I stepped down into his view and looked him directly in the eyes.

  "Caden, I trust you," I said.

  He just looked at me. He was about to say something but I interrupted him.

  "I just received a phone call," I said. "From Agent Henderson. He's an FBI agent who came to the bank the other day. He was the one who told me who you are and where you live."

  "Kiri–" he said.

  "Wait! Let me say this. He told me you work with Sebastian and Valentina. He even showed me pictures of them with you. At a restaurant, on a boat, and in a coffee shop. He just called me right now to tell me that you are still working with them and my life is in danger."

  Caden moved out from behind the countertop toward me.

  "Kiri–" he said.

  "Let me finish!" I said. "Caden, ever since I met you, even before I remembered who you are, I felt a bond. Maybe I'm being a silly girl. You're a hot billionaire with a thousand women grabbing at you all the time. But when you touched my hand in the privacy room at the bank, I knew. I just knew I could trust you. I felt it. I know it."

  He was a foot away from me now. I reached out and took his hands.

  "And Caden," I said, "I looked into Agent Henderson's eyes. I don't care if he works for the FBI. He's an evil man and I know it. I also know that you are a good man. And I trust you. Which is why I'm telling you this. I love you, Caden Storm. I know we sort of just met, even though that's not true, but I love you."

  He pulled me into his arms and kissed me. Again, I felt the charge I always feel from this man. Unearthly. Permanent. Just like the first time at the bank.

  "I love you, Kiri," he said.

  We just stayed like that for a minute, or maybe it was a thousand years. Not sure. Whatever it was it, was perfect. Heaven, in fact.

  But the kitchen clock read 7:17. The FBI... possibly Agent Henderson himself... were coming up soon.

  Caden held me at arm's length.

  "You're right, Kiri," he said. "You have good gut instincts. Agent Henderson is really a man named Kyle Connor, a professional con artist who is currently working with Sebastian and Valentina. Oh, and he robs banks on the side."

  "Robs banks?" I said.

  "Yes. As in he robbed QV Bank."

  "But I heard you on the phone with somebody while the bank was being robbed. You told them the code to the safe deposit box. My birthday."

  "Yes, it's a long story, Kiri. It could fill a book. But for now, you trust me, right?"


  "Good. Two real FBI agents are on their way up here right now. And I have a present for them."

  Caden turned his head like he was listening to something. I was about to ask him what was wrong, but he put a finger up to silence me.

  "Shit. Right now?" he said to thin air. He turned back to me. "I'm wearing an earpiece. I'm talking to Forrester."

  Caden's expression had changed. He looked alarmed.

  "Okay, thanks," he said to Forrester. Then he turned to me. "Change of plans. Kyle Connor is here somewhere. In the building. He bypassed security somehow."

  "What does he want?" I said.

  "He wants to kill me. And steal a locket he thinks I have."

  My heart started
beating fast.

  "I have the locket," I said.


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