The Wolf You Feed Arc

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The Wolf You Feed Arc Page 6

by Angela Stevens

  Max went to talk to Annike while Tore rinsed the familiar hunting knife under the faucet. Memories of the first hunting trip with his brothers filled his head. He turned the knife over in his hand, tracing his thumb across the bone handle. It was funny, he hadn’t thought about that trip in years.

  Thin wisps of gray smoke from the commune fires, guided them down the ridge. Tore had been camping with three of his brothers. They’d hunted all weekend, letting off steam.

  Erik strode out in front. He was more eager than the others, to be home. Already through his transition, he was no longer a boy. At eighteen years old, he was already following in his father’s footsteps.

  Erik’s resemblance to Isak, was striking. They shared the same collar length, dirty blonde hair and had identical piercing blue eyes framed by dark eyebrows. They both had a similar neat mustache and beard that traced a line around their jaws.

  Erik called to Tore to hurry.

  “He wants to get home to his girl,” Liam said, chuckling.

  Even though he was the baby of the family, Tore had no trouble keeping pace with his brothers. As they quickened their speed, he fell into a jog without whining.

  Rounding a rocky outcrop, they began the steep decent into the commune. A large gray wolf waited for them, blocking the path five hundred feet away. The hairs on his neck and shoulders bristled, his mouth panting. The wolf stared at them as they picked their way down the hillside.

  Tore caught sight of the wolf and broke into a run. Zigzagging his way past Björn, Liam, and Erik, he came face to face with the wolf, threw his arms around the huge gray head, and rubbed his small hands into the coarse fur.

  “Hi, Father, guess what I caught!” Excited, Tore brandished three rabbits.

  In the blink of an eye, his father transitioned in front of them. He grabbed Tore around the waist and hoisted him, dead rabbits and all, onto his broad shoulders. He slapped the backs of Erik and Liam and lightheartedly cuffed Björn’s head. Admiring their kills, Isak grinned.

  “Looks like a good trip. This should keep us for a while.”

  The boys nodded, their breasts swelling at their father’s praise. They’d been reluctant to take Tore with them, but he’d impressed them with his conduct.

  “I caught these all by myself, Father,” Tore swung the rabbits back and forth in front of Isak’s eyes. “Erik showed me how to set the snares, and Liam taught me how to gut them. Björn says I can use his best knife to skin them when we get home. Do you think Mother will show me how to cook them too?”

  “I’m sure she will, Tore. The sooner you know how to cook the meat, the better. Then, your mother won’t have to work so hard. You can help her out.”

  As the entrance to the commune came in sight, a young, dark haired girl appeared. Erik smiled and waved at her.

  “There’s your girlfriend,” Liam chided.

  Erik looked at his father.

  Isak sighed. “Give me your kill,” he said to Erik, placing Tore back onto the ground.

  Erik beamed and flung his wild boar carcass onto Isak’s back. Then, he dug into his pack and threw a pair of athletic shorts at him.

  “Put these on, Father, I don’t want you to frighten her away,” he said, before running along the path.

  The brothers jeered at him when he ran up to Louisa and kissed her.

  “That’s the last we’ll see of him tonight,” Liam muttered.

  “Oh, he’ll be back when he smells the stew,” Björn said.

  At the cabin, Georg, Otto, and Henrik unloaded the meat into the storage and prep room. True to his word, Björn lent Tore his best knife.

  Dad showed his youngest how to perfectly angle the blade to remove the skin and keep the pelt intact. Tore watched his father demonstrate and then attempted the second rabbit himself. With his tongue poking out of the side of his mouth in deep concentration, he tried to copy his dad.

  With just a little help, Tore removed the skin. The pelt was in pieces, though, by the time he finished. After skinning, he watched and then emulated his father, filleting and slicing the meat into thin strips. After they finished they laid the meat strips in salt to let them sit overnight. Tomorrow they’d smoke and dry the meat.

  Tired and ravenous, they went to find Mother. She was in the communal kitchen, chatting with the other women as they prepared their meals. Tore’s excited squeal interrupted her gossip, and she swung around to see him barreling towards her. She caught her son as he leaped into her arms.

  “Well, how did it go, Tore? Did you catch anything?”

  He held up three fingers for emphasis.

  “I got three rabbits, Mother, three! Erik says I was so good at it, I can be in charge of setting the snares next time.”

  Mother planted a huge kiss on his cheek.

  “Well, I never. Three? That’s even better than Erik’s first time. You’re going to make a fine hunter, Tore.”

  “I’m sure you boys are hungry after your success. Otto, grab those loaves over there. Tore, get that corn. Here, Isak, carry the stew.”

  As they laid out the food and plates onto one of the tables in the communal dining room, Erik and Louisa arrived.

  “Trust you to show up after we finished all the work,” Liam joked.

  The meal was chaotic. When seven brothers, aged from seven to eighteen, got together it was bound to be noisy. There was raucous banter and a whole heap of rough housing, despite warnings from their mother.

  As the last spoon of stew disappeared, Erik got to his feet and banged on the table with the handle of his knife. He cleared his throat as everyone quieted down.

  “You all know, this weekend was Tore’s first proper hunting trip. Well, our little brother did us proud. Single handed, he trapped three rabbits.”

  The family clapped, and Tore stood and took a bow, his face beaming with pride.

  “So, to mark this auspicious occasion,” Erik winked at Tore. “I’m going to present you with my second best knife.” Erik reached into his back pocket and pulled out a hunting knife with a folding bone handle encased in leather.

  Tore’s face glowed with pride. From that day on, his brother’s second best knife became Tore’s most treasured possession.

  Tore sheathed the knife and slipped it back in his pocket.

  Why did he still keep it?

  He had a much better knife now, yet he still favored this one.

  Taking a deep breath, Tore let go of the hurt the memory evoked. No use dwelling in the past, there was no going back. This was his new life now. He had plenty of responsibilities to face up to and no time to dwell on what could have been.


  The driveway, down to Gray Wolf Hunting Lodge, was impressive. The business was on a far larger scale than Tore had expected. He took a deep breath.

  He could do this.

  This job was tailor made for him. Even when tracking in his human form, Tore’s keen eyesight and heightened sense of smell were far better than any humans’. Hunting in either form was second nature. He’d done it his whole life.

  He just had to convince this Marston guy of his talents.

  The old hunting Lodge was an imposing building surrounded by twenty smaller cabins, each set back in to a wooded landscape offering privacy and seclusion. Judging by the parking lot, the place was popular.

  According to the sign out front, the Lodge offered retreats, hunting, fishing, and a shooting range. It boasted both luxury cabins and camping facilities. Tore crossed the parking lot and walked towards a sign for the reception area. He passed three green jeeps bearing the Gray Wolf logo. He couldn’t help but smile when he saw them. The picture of the gray wolf emblazoned on the hood of the jeeps reminded him of one of his brothers.

  Maybe he’s a relative.

  At the reception desk, a young woman greeted Tore and went to find Mr. Marston. She pushed open a big oak door, calling, “Liam, honey, there’s a gentleman here to see you!”

  She returned to Tore with a pleasant smile and led him to
a huge great room. “Make yourself comfortable, he won’t be long.” She directed Tore to one of the huge plaid couches over by an enormous open fire.

  Liam Marston obviously kept an upscale establishment, Tore thought.

  No wonder Max said the tips were good.

  “Hi there! Sorry to keep you waiting, I just had to finish locking up the guns.” Liam Marston rounded the couch with his hand extended. Tore reached out his own arm and froze. As their eyes met, recognition flashed across Liam’s face, “Tore? Is it really you?”

  Chants of “fight, fight, fight!” rang out. Nine-year-old Tore tried to push through the tight circle of onlookers, but older boys blocked his way. He scurried around the outside and spotted a gap between two large seventeen year old boys. He squeezed himself between them just as Liam fell backwards, landing hard on the grass. Aleks towered over Liam, fists raised. Tore feared for his brother as he suffered blow after blow. Aleks was four inches taller than Liam and his body was muscular, heavier set.

  Erik’s hands landed on Tore’s shoulders. “C’mon Liam, you’re a Vargr, Live up to your name and make Dad proud.” He put his mouth to Tore’s ear, “Damn it, he’s fighting like a girl. Dad’ll crucify him.”

  Liam wrestled Aleks onto his back, getting in a few lucky punches before the other boy kicked him backwards, catapulting him into the crowd, where he landed with a heavy thud. Tore watched as his brother rubbed his arm. He was slow to return to his feet.

  Aleks scowled, “Okay, pretty boy,” he said, goading Liam. “Is that all you’ve got?”

  Liam’s lip curled in a snarl and he shifted. Without a moment’s hesitation, Aleks did the same.

  Girls screamed and the crowd leaped backwards as the two huge wolves faced off in the center. The onlookers grew wary, the fight no longer a source of amusement. With the stakes raised, the crowd’s tone turned serious and the snarls and growls louder. Tore resisted Erik’s attempt to pull him backwards.

  “Why isn’t anybody stopping them?” Tore asked, distraught. “Do something, Erik!” He pulled his older brother’s arm. Erik shrugged, “Liam has to prove who he is. He has our name to uphold.”

  Aleks lunged at Liam, fangs making contact.

  “Stop it! Stop it!” Tore’s tears spilled down his cheeks at the sight of Liam bleeding.

  Someone yelled that Isak was on his way, and the crowd backed away.

  “About time,” Erik muttered.

  Tore screamed at the wolves to stop and ran into the circle. Shouts rang out as he hurtled towards the wolves…

  …Tore woke to Liam kneeling beside him, his brothers face streaked with tears. Liam grabbed him and hugged him tight.

  “I’m so sorry, Tore, please forgive me, I…I didn’t mean to hurt you. God, I thought I’d killed you.”

  Moments later, Isak swept Tore into his arms and carried him back to the commune.

  “I’ll be damned!” Tore let out a long exhale, staring at his older brother.

  “Let’s step into my office?” Liam said. He shot a furtive glance towards the woman who’d greeted Tore earlier.

  Once inside, he closed the door and swung around to face his brother, “Jeez, you gave me a heart attack. Tore, I can’t believe it’s you!” Liam laughed; breaking the tension before he pulled Tore into a huge bear hug.

  Tore wrapped his arms around Liam and held him tight. He’d harbored a vain hope that Liam would still be in the area, but eleven years was a long time.

  His brother hadn’t changed. Liam’s dark blonde hair was still unkempt. It sprouted from the crown and spiked in all directions. The same kind, dark blue eyes framed by darker heavy eyebrows twinkled back at him. Apart from the rough beard around his mouth and chin, he was just as Tore remembered.

  “So, what the hell are you doing in Hot Springs?” Liam pulled up another chair. “Were you looking for me? Is Dad okay? Mom?”

  “Both fine last time I saw them.”

  Over the next hour, Tore explained his recent expulsion from the clan and how he’d worked his way across the country to Arkansas. He told Liam about Annike and Nea and his two strong healthy boys.

  Liam let out a long whistle. “Jeez, Tore, you have a son?” He shook his head in disbelief.

  “Two,” Tore confirmed.

  “I never thought Dad would ever let you leave. You were always the favorite. Felt sure he’d let you stay.”

  “Why’d you just vanish, Liam? Dad never spoke about you after you left.”

  Liam rubbed his hand through his beard and nodded. “It was that fight with Aleks. You remember?”

  “How could I forget, Liam, you knocked me into outer space!”

  “You did get in the way of two wolves fighting. What did you expect?” Liam chuckled.

  Tore looked serious. “Everything changed that day. I thought you left because I got you in trouble with Dad.”

  Liam shook his head. “My leaving wasn’t your fault. It was between me and him.” Liam placed his hand on Tore’s shoulder. “I regret I never got to see you grow up.”

  “It wasn’t the same without you. Erik changed and Dad was more distant. I missed you. Why did you leave me?”

  “Dad was being his usual high and mighty self. He expelled Aleks from the clan because he’d shifted, even though I’d initiated both the fight and transition. Aleks’s brother, Pytor, complained. He tried to rally others in support. Began questioning Dad’s authority because he didn’t punish me. You can imagine how he reacted to that!”

  Oh, Tore was aware of that. “Yeah I saw that first hand, made the same mistake myself, that’s why I had to get out of the clan so fast. So what happened with you?”

  “Long story short, Pytor started a mini rebellion. Dad decided he was a danger to the clan’s stability. Set Erik on him. It was horrible. Dad forced all the transitioning and transitioned males to watch. It was a hell of a wolf fight. Dad refused to call it off until Pytor was dead, Erik’s strength established, and Dad’s position secured. The unrest disappeared because people were too afraid to go against him. I couldn’t stomach it, had to get out.”

  “Never knew any of that.”

  “The older women kept the youngsters away.”

  “Dad allowed you to leave because of that?”

  “I think he knew I wasn’t going to take part in anything like that. He needed a way to get rid of me and save face. I gave him that chance. At the time, I was seeing a human girl in Cody, a cute red head. I asked Isak if I could live away from the clan for a while, told him I planned to move in with her. He was reluctant, but it was a way to solve his problem.”

  “So is that the girl you were seeing?” Tore pointed through the door to the woman in reception.

  “No. The girl freaked when I asked her to live with me. She planned to go to college, thought we were too young. We went our separate ways and I ended up in Colorado. Otto and Björn found me later, after Dad forced them to leave. We lived together for a while.”

  “But you left there to come here, why?”

  “I met another girl, she was in college when I first knew her. Jessie. When she finished school, she moved here. I wanted to be with her, so I followed. Found work at this place, and when the owner died, he left it to me in his will.”

  Tore whistled. “Why did he do that?”

  “Because Jessie was his daughter. After we married, he passed the place on to me to keep it in the family. I took his name when he died. By then, I’d decided I didn’t want anything to do with Dad or the clan again. Wanted to minimize the chances of them finding me. Would you like to meet her?” Liam got to his feet.

  “Sure.” Tore rubbed his palms down his jeans, nervous about what Liam’s wife would think.

  “Jessie, can you come here a minute, honey?” Liam called across the lobby to her. She signaled she’d be there in five.

  “Does Jessie know?”

  “About what?”

  “Us… what we are?” Tore said.

  “Course she knows! You’re not the
only one with kids, Tore. Did you see your boys born?”

  “Not till a few hours after.”

  “But you saw them as pups.” Tore nodded. “Do you think I’d not tell her that she was gonna have pups?”

  Tore grinned. “That must have been an interesting conversation. Did she freak out on you when she had them?”

  Liam shook his head. “No, that’s the strangest thing, all three were born human.”

  “Why’d that happen? Are they okay?”

  “Yeah they’re fine, just normal human kids. But it’s not likely they carry the Lycan gene.”

  “What, they won’t transition? Are you sure?” Tore asked.

  “As sure as I can be. Met a guy who left the clan years ago. He had four kids with a human wife. Three were born human and stayed human. The fourth was born a pup and transitioned at seventeen. I’m still in touch with Otto and Björn. They have kids with human wives. Human babies, all of them. It’ll be a few years ‘till any of them reach seventeen, but they’re both convinced the kids won’t transition. Björn’s been tracing Lycan-human births. It seems the human gene is way more dominant. Maybe that’s why our numbers have dwindled so much over the centuries. There are few examples available, but they seem pretty conclusive. Only kids born from two Lycan parents will definitely carry the gene.”

  “I guess my boys were destined to have wolf in them!”

  “They’re thoroughbreds. Your little guys are pure Lycanthrope.”

  Tore laughed, “I’ll have my work cut out for me then, if they grow up like us.”

  Liam stood, “Too right. Speaking of which, you’re gonna need a better pay check than what you’re getting at the warehouse, if you’re gonna give your kids what they need. Hand in your notice and you can start here Monday. Basic pay is double what you’re earning and there are tips on top.”

  “Liam, I don’t know how to thank you.”

  Liam waved his thanks away. “I thought I’d lost my family. Not going to turn my back on you now I’ve found you again. Ah, here she is.” Liam kissed Jessie on the cheek and draped his arm over her shoulder. “Jessie, let me introduce you to my youngest brother.”


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