The Wolf You Feed Arc

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The Wolf You Feed Arc Page 15

by Angela Stevens

  Tore got to his feet. “I haven’t wandered blindly into this relationship, Hania. I won’t lie to you. My mate, Annike, is still in my heart.” He clasped Kachina’s hand, “Your daughter knows that and she is still able to accept me.

  Kachina nodded her head. She placed her other hand firmly on top of his. “I would have it no other way, Tore.”

  Tore wanted to throw his arms around her then and there, but he was conscious of Hania’s stare. “I respect your advice, sir, and thank you for helping me heal my body and my head.” He glanced back at Kachina and wet his lips. Taking a steadying breath, he summoned up the courage to outline his request. “I’m glad this is out in the open. There is something I want to ask of you… it is not a small thing and you will need time to think about it. Back in Arkansas, there are things waiting for me. A home, a good job, the only family I have left. I have stayed away too long already, I can’t leave it much longer, before I return.”

  Tore took a couple more deep breaths. Hania had an inkling of what he was going to say next. However, judging by the expression on Kachina’s face, his daughter did not.

  “With your permission, I want to take Kachina back to Arkansas with me.” Kachina’s hands tightened around his. “It’s sudden, I know, but this last week has shown me that I want to spend the rest of my life with her. She will be a good mother to my sons and, in time, I hope we will have children of our own.” He cleared his throat and looked into Kachina’s eyes. “You have taught my heart how to love again. For that I am eternally grateful. Now I want to know if you will be my wife?”

  Kachina threw her arms around him. The tears that accompanied her smile, gave him his answer. Hania slumped in his chair. It was a bitter pill to swallow. He wanted his daughter to be happy, but he worried that Tore was not yet ready to give his whole heart to her?

  There was no doubt in Hania’s mind that Tore was a fine young man. He was hard working, kind, and gentle. But the shadow of Annike loomed in the background. Hania looked to his daughter. The love in her eyes caused his heart to ache. Kachina was willing to take the risk. She understood that Tore was still healing, yet was willing to accept whatever he could give her.

  Hania put his fingers to the bridge of his nose in thought. It would be a wrench to live in this house, alone. Still, it meant he could resume some of the duties he had neglected since his daughter was born. Without Kachina to care for, he could take care of things once more. Hania regarded Tore. This man was strong and loyal. He was worthy of his daughter. Hania nodded his approval. “How soon will you take her away from me?”

  Tore held out his hand to Kachina.

  “Well, that depends on your daughter. I’d like to return soon. It’s been six months since I left but she can take whatever time she needs to prepare. I’ll wait… I don’t want to leave without her.”

  “And is there to be a wedding? Do you have time for that? Or do you plan to take my daughter without a proper ceremony?”

  Kachina’s face lit up and Tore chuckled. “I’d like to wed her properly, but I don’t know how these things work in your culture. Is it possible, given the time?”

  Hania thought for a moment. It would be tight but they could make it work. “I’ll make arrangements immediately, but it will take a little time, Tore. These things can’t be hurried. We need to ensure the proper rituals take place. Tomorrow, I’ll send word to our family and friends. You should speak to your own.”

  Tore nodded. Shaking Hania’s hand he said, “There’s only Liam, his wife, and kids. Björn and Otto will find it too difficult to come this close to the clan. The rest of my family…”

  Hania clasped him on the shoulder. “That is fine. Let them know it will be Christmas week. I think we can make the suitable alterations and have the ceremony ready by then.”


  The next day, Hania woke Tore at first light and set him to work on the group of outbuildings that ran alongside the main house. Tore hesitated, his gaze rested on the lean-to at the end. Annike’s body had been placed in there before he buried her. He took a few breaths to gather himself.

  Tore had a huge list of things to do. At the top of it was making the cabins habitable. Hania had told him that many guests would arrive over the next few days. So many, the small main house wouldn’t be able to accommodate them all.

  The cabins were identical to each other. They contained a couple of kitchen cabinets with a sink in one corner and a basic narrow bathroom at the back. There were lots of mismatched furniture, tools, and farm equipment heaped in the rooms. Under the piles of junk Tore found cast iron beds with mattresses draped in dusty sheets. Once Tore relocated all the farm equipment and tools to Hania’s big barn, the cabins appeared more presentable.

  Hania checked on Tore’s progress late in the afternoon. The rooms were already looking more hospitable. Tore had lit fires in each of the wood stoves to air and take the dampness out of the mattresses.

  When Hania arrived, Tore was in his wolf form, pouncing all over the place. Tore shifted back. “Mice,” he said, gesturing around the cabin.

  He looked a little sheepish as he pulled on his jeans. Hania had not yet seen the playful side of this man and it reminded him how young Tore was. It had been easy to forget he was only twenty-three.

  Amused by Tore’s antics, Hania reached into a kitchen cabinet. He tossed Tore a packet. “Rat poison. You might find this method quicker and easier on the digestion.”

  Tore snickered and waved the box at him. “Thanks, boss!” he said and went back to work.


  By the end of the week guests had started to arrive. The landscape around the house began to change. Strange structures appeared in the north field. Some of the guests arrived in huge RV’s. Once fixed in place, the large vehicles expanded in all directions, doubling their size and creating a perfect home from home. Others arrived and began erecting strangely shaped structures. Despite the cold temperatures, their guests didn’t seem to mind living outside.

  Tore pointed to some of the temporary buildings going up. “What are they?”

  “They’re called wigwams or wetus,” Kachina said.

  “I thought wigwams were pointy, with crossed sticks at the top?” Tore looked in confusion at the collection of odd tent-like dwellings.

  “People always make the same mistake.” Some of the wetus were dome-shaped, others rectangular with the ends rounded off. Only one of them emerged in the shape of a wigwam that Tore had in his mind. “What you described is a teepee,” Kachina explained, “but a teepee is sort of related to a wigwam, so you’re halfway there. The shapes are unique to each tribe to which the families belong .

  Tore nodded. “So which ones are your family’s wigwams?”

  Hania joined them and laughed at Tore’s remark.

  Kachina held his hand and grinned. “The Hopi are the ones in the RV’s.”

  Tore looked confused. “Why?”

  Kachina put her arms around him. “Traditionally, Hopi are not nomadic. They stayed in one place and built permanent dwellings — adobe homes. So these days, when they travel, they use RV’s.”

  Tore had a lot to learn about their culture. Hania hadn’t shared much of it with him. The old man hadn’t expected Tore to stay around this long, let alone marry his daughter.

  Hania wondered how much Kachina had told Tore about them. He felt certain she would have told him their secret.

  Tore fixated on a group of young men that worked on an especially large teepee. “So what tribe are they from? The ones putting up the teepee?” he asked.

  “You’re learning.” She smiled at him. “I think one of the guys is a Lakota Sioux. Pilan, the young guy, he is Crow. But I’m not sure about the rest.”

  The young men were tall and powerful. They had no trouble raising the huge heavy poles and holding them steady. Pilan shimmied up one of the poles and bound the tops together. He caught a rope thrown to him, then secured it around the top of the poles and lashed them together. Then he hauled
up a huge skin that he tied to the top, before sliding back down to the ground.

  “So are all these people your relatives?” asked Tore.

  Kachina shook her head.

  “No. A few are, but most are my father’s friends from various tribal councils, committees and other groups.” She lowered her voice, “Some are his colleagues, you know.” Kachina glanced towards her silent father.

  “Colleagues?” Tore was curious. He had yet to find out what Hania did for a living.

  Careful, Kachina, he can’t know too much, Hania thought to her.

  Her eyes flickered to her dad, a silent agreement passing between them. “They have skills like my father and me. They’re skin walkers, but it’s not something we can talk openly about. Not even our closest relatives must know what we are.”

  Tore regarded those gathering. All of them appeared to have their own accommodation with them. “Why aren’t any of them staying in the cabins, I worked on all week?”

  Kachina laughed again. “They’re for your family, Tore. We didn’t think your brother would want to camp out in December, especially as they’re from Arkansas!”

  Tore sniggered. “Jessie isn’t keen on camping and she would definitely draw the line at doing it in the snow. But I was going to book them into a hotel. Your father has enough people to care for here as it is.”

  Kachina looked aghast. “Oh no, they have to stay. Dad wouldn’t hear of it. Besides they need to be here for the entire ceremony. Since I’m not marrying close to your home, we need to make you a home here so we can fulfill our rituals.”

  Tore grimaced. “About that. I’m not gonna have to do anything weird, am I?”

  “Weird?” Kachina questioned.

  “Yeah, like… I dunno, walk on hot coals or do some strange initiation ceremony.”

  Kachina wrapped her arms around him. “You having second thoughts?” Tore shook his head. “Don’t worry, it is nothing like that. Most of it is centered around food preparation rituals. There’s some hair washing. Oh, and you have to make my bridal trousseau.”

  Hania chuckled when Tore’s jaw dropped open. “I have to do what?”

  “Don’t worry,” she teased. “Molega will be your guide. He’ll help you with everything. You won’t be on your own. In the true Hopi tradition, you have a whole village here to help you.” Kachina waved her hands towards what indeed looked like a village, taking shape in the field.

  “That is Molega?” Tore followed Hania’s finger as he pointed to a large handsome man, stretching out the hide around the teepee frame.

  “Molega is Hania’s oldest friend.” Kachina said.

  Tore regarded him. He was a giant of a man. Intimidating; with a bulky, muscular frame. Hania slapped Tore on the back, “He may look like a Roman God, but he has the demeanor of a priest. He’ll introduce himself later. Anyway, I think you both have dallied enough. There is a lot more to do if we are to have a wedding next week.”


  “The cabins are ready for my family. What do you need me to do next?” Tore asked. He was caught up in the excitement of the preparations.

  “Ah, Tore, just the man. We need meat. There are a lot of mouths to feed. Take Kachina and go and catch us something big?” Hania said.

  Kachina had told Hania about the tooth, and her father had seen them roaming the fields in their wolf forms. He was glad Tore was teaching her how to handle the wolf’s spirit. He had deliberately neglected his daughter’s education to keep her from following in his footsteps. One warrior in the family was enough. Hania wanted Kachina to lead as normal a life as possible, free from the dangers he and his brethren faced. She was too delicate and too beautiful a spirit to be marred by the evil he dealt with. But he could see no harm for her to master Tore’s wolf. It would bring them closer.

  “No problem, Hania, we’ll go now.” Tore said.

  “Just make sure you’re not seen transitioning.”

  It would cause a commotion if anyone saw them. Like most humans, Hania’s own kin knew nothing of the world of hybrid creatures and it would be best for everyone if it stayed that way.

  “Is there anything you want me to do when we get back?” Tore asked.

  “Those mattresses dry enough for sleeping on?” Hania asked, knowing full well they were.

  “Yup, just about. The hot water’s running now and the cabins are as clean as I can make them.”

  “Good. Then when you get back, you can move your stuff into one of them. Rune and Kjell can stay at the house. They’re comfortable enough with Kachina to stay without you at night.”

  Hania strode off to speak with his guests, not waiting for Tore’s reaction.

  Kachina slipped her arm through his. “Don’t worry. It’s just part of the ceremony, that’s all. Molega will explain everything.”


  Over night, there had been more snowfall. Nothing heavy, just enough flakes to make everything crisp and white. In the woods beyond Hania’s land, the cold blanket served to dull any sound and made tracking that much more challenging. Though more difficult, it was by no means impossible and Tore’s morning had been successful. Half an hour ago, Kachina had left him with their kill while she went to fetch Hania’s truck.

  Now in his human form, Tore was thankful for his warm jacket and thick boots. While Kachina and her father picked up the carcass, Tore opted to walk back on foot. After the wedding ceremony, they’d be heading back to Arkansas and he would miss wandering through these woods.

  Tore took a deep breath. He loved the cold air that came down from the mountains. He lifted his collar. Yes, he’d miss this place. Despite everything that happened here and the misery it had caused, he harbored some fond memories too. He grinned to himself as he thought of that day a few weeks ago. Kachina had taken him to a clearing not far from here, to show him her secret.

  Low voices drifted through the trees. Tore froze, his acute wolf’s hearing automatically trying to pinpoint the sound. Sniffing the air, he found his senses confused. For several minutes he tried to pick up the scent of who was in the woods but for some reason, he couldn’t find what was creating the noise. The voices disappeared and for a moment he wondered if it was his own paranoia playing tricks on him. He checked one more time, inhaling deeply. All he could sense were animal smells, nothing that he could associate with the sounds he’d heard.

  Pulling up his collar higher to stem off the biting wind, Tore strode on. He followed a meandering pathway towards a clearing. On the other side of it, was Hania’s land. As he neared the open space, deep male voices filtered through the snow-laden trees. Tore ducked down and followed the sound instead of relying on his nose.

  He crept to the edge of the clearing. Carefully keeping himself hidden, he saw two men. Their braided midnight black hair and darker skin told Tore they were guests from the wedding party. Their lack of scent revealed they were not family members. Like Kachina and Hania, the lack of scent meant they had to be skin walkers too. These men must be colleagues of Hania.

  The pair was sharpening a set of tools. On the ground lay a long knife that was a few inches short of being a sword. Next to that was a set of three — no four — axes, half a dozen smaller knives and something with a strange curved blade. Tore was curious. They looked more like weapons than tools.

  Although neither of the men acknowledged his presence, Tore sensed they knew of his presence. One of the men stood to tend the fire. Tore could see he was surreptitiously surveying the perimeter of the clearing. As he watched, the fire suddenly flared, lighting up the space to illuminate their faces. For the first time, he got a clear view of them.

  Tore was astonished to see that the men were carbon copies of each other. He’d never seen two more identical humans. They wore their hair braided in exactly the same way. Each had matching tan leather leggings, loose fitting linen shirts, and a set of furs draped around their shoulders. Their height and frames mirrored each other. Most unusual of all, they had matching scars across their faces.
  Tore stood, he should introduce himself. He slipped out of the undergrowth. As he stepped through the trees, a sudden whirring sound made Tore flinch. A knife glanced past his head, burying itself into the bark behind him. He instinctively ducked, “What the...” He looked back to the fire and saw both men had vanished.

  Tore scanned the clearing. A low voice called out. The accent was thick, the tone threatening, “Looking for something?”

  Tore swung around, surprised to see that one of the men was standing directly behind him. Tore stepped towards him and the man took his own stride forward. The guy was huge. He stood a good five inches taller than Tore, his shoulders broad, his biceps bulging. He looked like a warrior from a movie set. Tore hesitated as he saw the curved blades the man held in each hand.

  Sensing an attack, Tore shifted. Baring his teeth, a low growl escaped his throat. He backed up, preparing to leap at the armed man. With a speed Tore had never seen before, the giant moved into a fighting stance. They stared each other down, as they slowly circled.

  Tore growled and snarled. Saliva dripped from his jaw as he weighed up his next move. A twig snapped and, before Tore could react, the second man wrapped an arm around Tore’s neck and pulled his head back, exposing his throat. In a blink of an eye, a cold long blade, rested against his fur and a strong hand clamped tight around his muzzle. With Tore immobilized, the first man relaxed his stance. Before Tore’s eyes, he dissolved into mid-air. Just a silver vapor hovered where he’d once stood.

  Held in place by the second attacker, Tore had no choice but to watch the vapor reform. As the mist solidified the largest Lycanthrope wolf Tore had ever seen appeared in front of him. Its fangs were eight inches long and its jaws gnashed together as it spat and snarled at him.

  “Nodin!” A voice thundered across the forest, bouncing off the bare trees and ricocheting around the clearing. It was impossible to trace where the sound had come from. A second shout followed it, “Nattuel!”


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