Rock Me : Wicked

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Rock Me : Wicked Page 4

by Arabella Quinn

  I laughed at his playful behavior. Had I ever laughed during sex before? I didn't think so, but didn't have much time to contemplate it. Alex had started running small kisses up my leg, leaving my laughter far behind and leaving me panting with anticipation.

  His fingers hooked under the waistband of my panties as he continued kissing up my inner thigh. I squirmed with pleasure, as he got closer to my most intimate spot. When his lips reached the top of my inner thigh and sucked softly at my tender skin, I moaned in agony. I was burning with wicked need.

  Alex sat up between my legs, devouring my body with his eyes. "God, you're so beautiful, Lena."

  His fingers slowly worked my panties over my hips and down my legs. I lay silently, throbbing with desire, as his hunger-filled eyes raked over me.

  "Do you want me to kiss you, Lena?"

  I squirmed under his intense gaze. "Yes." It came out a soft whisper.

  Alex put his hands on my thighs and spread my legs wider. It felt like an eternity until his mouth found my pulsing center. The pleasure he brought me was indescribable. His tongue tortured my sensitive clit mercilessly, circling and flicking and teasing it endlessly. I began to moan when his tongue wandered closer to my juicy hole leaving me on the edge of pure bliss. My hips lifted and pressed against his face; I was frantic with unquenchable need.

  The pressure was so concentrated I thought I would burst at any moment. When I felt a finger slide into my slippery slit and slip deep into me, I felt the momentum of my climax build to the brink of ecstasy.

  I writhed on the bed and called out his name as Alex's tongue brought me to an earthshattering release. My head thrashed against the pillows as my inner muscles contracted around Alex's finger. When my spasms slowed, Alex removed his finger, but replaced it, as his tongue plunged deep inside, licking the creamy juices of my orgasm.

  "Alex!" I gasped his name as new waves of pleasure washed over me. My hips bucked against his mouth, pressing him hard against my shuddering pussy.

  When I thought I could take no more, Alex pulled his mouth away. He stared at me with piercing eyes. "Tell me what you want, Lena."

  I want you, Alex. All of you. Only you.

  I reached for him. "I want you, Alex."

  Alex covered my mouth with his own. I could taste myself on his lips and on his tongue. We kissed with a hungered passion as Alex thrust into me for the first time. I moaned into his mouth as the sweet jolt of unparalleled bliss coursed through me.

  I had never had sex while kissing before. The experience was so overwhelmingly sensual; I thought I might drown in the erotic sensations. My head was dizzy with overpowering emotions and feelings.

  Alex was pumping into my slippery sex faster and faster, just as his tongue plundered my mouth with expertise. I was hurtling toward another orgasm. I felt almost panicky as the feverish pressure built so quickly. I knew I would burst at any moment in glorious rapture.

  My lips pulled free of his as my legs squeezed tightly around his waist. I began to cry out as I reached a mind-blowing climax. Alex continued to plunge his cock deep into me, almost robbing me of all sanity, until one final thrust. His body grew rigid as he spilled his hot seed inside. Alex watched my face as my inner muscles clenched frantically against his spurting cock.

  As we came down from our euphoric joining, I pulled him against me, keeping my legs wrapped tightly around him. Neither of us spoke for several moments. Finally, he kissed my forehead and rolled off of me, next to my side.

  Alex's fingers slowly stroked my arm. "Lena, are you okay?"

  My eyelids were growing heavy. "Yeah, I'm okay. That was just perfect."

  Alex sighed. He slipped his arm under my head and pulled me against him. "I thought you'd be married by now with a bunch of kids running around. You always had tons of boys chasing after you in college."

  I was drifting off. I mumbled as I snuggled close into his arms. "Maybe it was never the right boy."

  Chapter Four

  Alex woke to the bright daylight burning his gritty eyes. A full beat passed before he realized that the hand splayed across his chest was Lena's. And the legs entangled in his own were Lena's too. He groaned as his mind wandered farther, to other parts of her body. He was already sporting morning wood, there was no need to torture himself further.

  Lena sighed and then snuggled closer to him. He held on to her as his mind tried to catch up with the recent events. Was it just last night that she had showed up out of the blue after one of his shows? Seeing her had rocked him to the core. He had thought that he had worked her out of his system long ago, but he had only been fooling himself. She had always been with him.

  And as they hung out at the club, he remembered exactly why he had fallen so hard for her all those years ago. They were perfect together. She made him feel alive with endless possibilities. There was never any denying that they had insane sexual chemistry. He knew that she felt it just as strongly as he did. But last night was off the charts. The sex had felt so amazing and almost spiritual. He almost laughed aloud at his crazy thoughts, but their connection had been deeply meaningful to him. And it scared the hell out of him.

  If she had never stepped back into his life, he would have been fine. Now, after having a taste of her, he would never be the same. He was sure that fate would conspire to take her out of his life again. And he knew that he was going to have to fight like hell to make sure that didn't happen.

  Quietly, Alex slipped out of bed and hopped into the shower. Five minutes later, he was back in the room wrapped in a white towel. He stopped to admire Lena for a moment. She was still out cold, lying on her side. He felt his cock tighten as he took in her messy hair spilling across the pillow, the pink tips of her breasts poking out from under her arm and the her left leg and hip sticking out of the tangled bed sheets. He turned away before he could no longer resist the temptation to crawl on top of her. The last thing he wanted was to scare her away by coming on too strong.

  As he poked around the room looking for the gym bag that had his clean clothing in it, he heard a phone vibrating. He looked around and found Lena's phone on the floor.

  Melissa: Where are you? I hope you got that good pounding you wanted from that sexy stud.

  Alex smiled. He typed in a reply.

  Lena: She did.

  Melissa: Evie?

  Lena: It's Alex.

  Melissa: oops.

  Lena: Say hi to Tommy for me.

  Melissa: awkward.

  Lena: She's still sleeping. She'll call later.

  Melissa: k

  Alex put down the phone. He was still grinning like a fool. So, Lena had been interested in more than just connecting with an old friend. And what had she said as she was falling asleep? Something like it had never been the right boy chasing her?

  He ran a hand through his hair. Jesus, if she didn't know how much he wanted to be with her in college than she was blind. Didn't she know that he'd always loved her?

  "Alex?" He turned to see her struggling to sit up. "Do you have any water?"

  He brought a bottle over to the bed. "Here. It's not cold, but -"

  She took the bottle. "Ugh. Don't look at me! I must look horrible!"

  Alex laughed. "Nah. You look kind of sexy right now. Why don't you jump in the shower? You'll feel much better."

  Lena took a long chug of water while she struggled to keep the bed sheets covering her. "Yeah, that'll help. Yuk, I'll have to wear the same clothes." She made a motion with her hands for him to turn around.

  Alex turned to give her some privacy as she gathered up her clothes and scampered off to the bathroom. He cheated and peeked just as her bare ass slipped into the bathroom. "Let me know if you need some help." The door shut firmly.

  He found his gym bag and felt guilty as he changed into clean shorts and a t-shirt. He chugged some water as he waited for her to finish showering and checked his phone. The boys were all beginning to wake up and they would be meeting for food shortly.

  Alex wo
ndered who would show up. Usually, the guys only brought their overnight conquests to breakfast, actually more like lunch, if they couldn't conveniently get rid of them fast enough. On rare occasions, someone showed up with a girl because there was something more going on than a one-night fuck.

  Alex was hoping like hell that he could keep Lena from running back home with Melissa at the first opportunity. He needed more time to convince her to give him a chance.

  Lena finally finished showering and reluctantly left the bathroom. He had to work to keep a straight face. Her clothes looked like she had lived in them for a week straight, her damp hair was hanging straggly down her back and her face was washed clean of makeup.

  It was her utterly miserable face that had him suppressing a laugh. "Feeling better?"

  She must have noticed his amusement because she put her hands on her hips. "I'm feeling better, but I'm looking even worse. And don't even say a word."

  Alex rummaged through his toiletry bag. "Here, you can borrow my brush. And you don't look bad. You just look like you got lost in a war or something."

  She glared at him and took his brush. "Do you have some toothpaste in that bag? And a toothbrush? And some deodorant? And I borrowed your razor, by the way. I hope you don't mind."

  Alex laughed and handed her the whole bag. "Here, use what you want."

  She retreated back to the bathroom and came out a few minutes later looking much better.

  Alex crossed the room and pulled her into an embrace. "Better?" She nodded as she melted against him. "And you look gorgeous. Really."

  The smile that lit up her whole face had his cock twitching in response. He wanted to peel off her clothes and take her right then, but that was obviously not a good play.

  He pulled back from her. "Melissa wants you to call her."

  She spotted her phone and grabbed it. Her face went bright red when she turned it on and saw the latest text exchange. Alex smiled as he busied himself, pretending not to notice her discomfort.

  He gathered up his few belongings and felt a pang in his gut. Tonight, it was back to the tour bus to head out to the next gig. While he was going to try to convince Lena to come to their concert at Jones Beach, he knew he was saying good-bye to her soon. Even if she came to New York to see him, they would only be together for a few hours before he headed out on the road again.

  Except for playing the music that he loved, there was something so empty about being out on the road touring. Passing the time with the guys, which usually meant acting extremely stupid and doing juvenile and dumb things, wasn't so bad. Preparing for a show and actually performing live at each location were the highlights of the tour. The parties, the alcohol, the drugs and the endless girls were just distractions to get through each day. They were shiny glittery distractions that felt damn good at the time, but ended feeling so pointless the next day.

  It got so mind-numbing that he began not to care who he ended up sleeping with. Gorgeous girl, pretty girl, average girl, dog-faced girl...who cared? What did it fucking matter as long as it felt good at the time? The next day, you were hundreds of miles away and you didn't even remember her name anyway. And it repeated town after town, criss-crossing through the whole fucking country.

  But when you were distracted, you didn't think about it much. Not until it was fucking spotlighted right before your eyes. And that's what Lena did to him. Nick once told him that it took ten good fucks to get over a girl. Alex wasn't sure it was going to work for him this time.

  Lena finished up her call. "Melissa is downstairs with Tommy and Nick. They already started eating because they were so hungry."

  Alex picked up his bags. "Ready? Let's go."

  He had tried to hide the bitterness caused by his previous thoughts from her, but Lena must have seen it lingering in his eyes. "Hey, what's wrong?"

  "Nothing. I guess I'm just hungry too." Alex didn't want to spend the remaining time that he had left with Lena, sulking like a baby.

  He pasted on a smile. "You need a ride down to the elevator?"

  Lena giggled and then hopped up on his back. He balanced her while holding his bags and somehow managed to open the door. He raced down the hall with her laughing and holding tight. When they reached the elevator bank, Lena pushed the down button with her foot.

  She rested her head on Alex's shoulder. "I'm glad that nothing's changed between us after, you know, last night."

  Alex felt his stomach knotting. Everything's fucking changed. His response came out angrily,"You mean after the good pounding you got?"

  He heard Lena inhale a sharp breath. "No, I mean that we aren't going to let that ruin our friendship. That we can still act the same way with each other as before. Alex, I wouldn't want what happened last night to mess up what we have together."

  Had he gotten it all wrong? Was she just like the thousands of girls who just wanted to get fucked by a guy because he performed on stage in front of crowds?

  "I don't happen to think what we did last night was a mistake, Lena." He tried to keep the edge out of his voice, but he felt crushed.

  The elevator finally arrived with a ding and the doors slid open. Alex walked inside and Lena slid off his back onto the ground. She turned around to face him and his stomach clenched when he saw her face.

  He could see the tears threatening to spill from her eyes. "I don't think it was a mistake either. I'm just scared that I'm going to lose you now."

  Alex felt like he had been punched in the stomach. He pulled her into his arms. "I'm still right here."

  His thumb traced over her bottom lip as he held her tight against his body with his other hand. Her lips parted softly and the tip of her pink tongue tasted his skin. His thumb pressed further. He groaned when her lips surrounded the tip of his thumb and gently sucked.

  His mouth crashed onto her lips with urgency. Their kiss ignited with an engulfing passion so very quickly. He was lost in his desperate need to consume all of her. And to give all of himself.

  Alex was vaguely aware that the elevator stopped and the doors slid open. It wasn't until Lena was pulling away from his demanding lips that he noticed the crowd waiting to get into the elevator. Lena looked embarrassed, but he just smiled to the crowd as he picked up his bags to cover his boner. He put his free arm around Lena's waist and led her out of the elevator.

  They saw Tommy, Nick and Melissa sitting at a booth in the hotel restaurant as soon as they walked in. Melissa jumped up and pulled Lena aside to talk girl stuff for a few minutes, so Alex slipped into the booth across from Tommy.

  Tommy looked up from his plate and asked Alex with a mouthful of food, "Hey, man. You get good some good play last night?"

  Alex couldn't help but laugh. "Yeah, yeah. How about you two clowns?"

  Tommy nodded. "Yeah, that Melissa is a real handful. I might even try to keep in touch with her."

  Rolling his eyes, Alex smirked. "Wow, sounds like a real love match. What about you Nick?"

  He noticed the bruising on Nick's cheek and the cut on his lip. He'd definitely had a fight with someone. Nick had been quieter and more withdrawn than usual the last couple of days. Alex wondered what was going on with him, but he figured Nick would talk about when he needed to. He wasn't into prying.

  Nick was almost finished with his breakfast. He sat back. "No complaints here, man. Hey, Tyler's rounding up some chicks to head to the shore for the day. We don't need to be back to the bus until midnight. Maybe you can get your girlfriend to take us. I need to get out of this fucking place for a while."

  The beach would be a fun change from the endless weeks touring. And any excuse to keep Lena by his side sounded great. "Yeah, that sounds great. I'll see what I can do."

  When the girls came back, Nick stood to leave. He tossed a few bills on the table. "I'll be around. Call me if you're going."

  Melissa slid into the booth next to Tommy. "Did we scare him off?"

  When Lena slid next to him, Alex put his arm around her waist and pulled her closer. "N
o. Nick just does his own thing a lot of the time. It sounds like we're going to the beach for the day. Why don't you two come with us?"

  Lena and Melissa exchanged glances, communicating without speaking. Alex had no idea how, but he practically held his breath as he waited for an answer.

  Melissa raised her eyebrows. "It sounds like fun, Evie. But we don't have any beach stuff. We don't even have that blanket anymore."

  Tommy didn't stop eating but he broke in. "There's tons of shops for that kind of stuff down the shore. Alex will buy you whatever you need. Right, Alex?" Tommy laughed and took another bite. "And is your name Evie or Lena, anyway?"

  "It's both. Melissa, if you didn't have any plans at home today, why don't we go? You know how much I love the shore." Lena's answer couldn't have made him happier. He reached for her hand under the table and held it while they waited for the waiter to take their order.

  Chapter Five

  They dropped Nick off, where Tyler and his friends were already hanging out on the beach, and parked near the shops. Lena and Melissa picked out a store they wanted to stop in for beach supplies.

  Alex grabbed Lena before she went inside. He smiled playfully at her. "You've got exactly ten minutes to pick out a completely indecent bikini and get back out here or else I'm coming in for you and dragging you out - no matter what you have on."

  Lena swatted at him protesting. "Ten minutes! It takes girls days, maybe weeks, to shop for the perfect bikini. And even longer to prepare to actually wear it."

  "C'mon, Evie." Melissa called. She was getting impatient waiting.

  Alex let her go. "You've got ten minutes."

  They waited almost 30 minutes before the girls came back out holding multiple bags each.

  Lena handed him his credit card smiling mischievously. "You bought two new bikinis, we had to go expensive, by the way, because of the time constraints, and two cover-ups, sunscreen, flip-flops for Melissa, two beach blankets, and two new speedos for you and Tommy."

  Alex groaned. "Speedos? I think I'll just stick to my shorts."


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