James, The Crown Prince

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James, The Crown Prince Page 12

by Daniel B. Harris

  I looked at my current state of nakedness. “I could go dressed like this, but it might be a bit of a shock to her!”

  Star laughed. “Perhaps, or maybe it would be just what she needed so she wouldn’t feel so vulnerable when she got undressed.”

  “I’ll see you in the morning, my love, and you too, my blushing newest consort.” Ivy was glowing beet red, trying to hide her face, but couldn’t keep her eyes averted. Chuckling, I walked into the farthest closet on Star’s side of the room.

  I tapped softly on the door to Kemma’s room, opened the door at a soft ‘come in’ and walked through. She smiled at me and then did a double take at my clothing, or lack thereof. She divulged, “By the way you’re dressed, I can guess what you’ve come for. I was hoping you’d come to me tonight.”

  “If you’ll match my outfit, I think I would like to do something unusual. You’ll get to use your new invisibility spell and could cast it before you undressed, if you would prefer. You won’t need your wand for that.”

  She cast the spell and her gown appeared on the bed as she released it. I felt her arms go around my neck and lowered my head so she could kiss me. My body started reacting, but I had other ideas. I found her hand and led her to the door that opened to the eastern hall. She tugged at me a bit when she realized that I intended to leave the room, but submitted. I cast invis on myself, and we quietly made our way to the east balcony door. I looked out so I could see the beach and ported us there. I wrapped us in a warm shield, asked her to cast her fly spell and led us skyward out over the ocean. As we passed a thousand feet, I dropped my invis spell and continued upward. A mile above the ocean, the sky was clear and the stars burned brightly. I heard Kemma gasp at the beauty of the view. I lay on my back, staring at the stars.

  “Would you like for me to drop my spell, too?” Kemma asked.

  “You can whenever you feel comfortable, my love. I don’t want to rush you or make you feel more uncomfortable than I already have.”

  I felt her arm across my chest and her head on my shoulder. I heard a sigh and she came into view. And a very nice view it was. I rolled onto my side so I could see her better; she wrapped her arms around me and pulled me against her. Her breathing changed rate and she faltered slightly in the air. I wrapped her in a levitation bubble to hold her against me, and she smiled.

  “I guess you felt when I lost my concentration on my spell, didn’t you?”

  I nodded. “I don’t want you to worry about spells right now. I can think of much more interesting things to focus on.” I slid my hand between us and felt her stomach jump as I passed her belly button. I continued my downward trek and allowed my fingers to spread to either side of the soft lips covering her opening. She pressed and rubbed herself against the palm of my hand. I fought the urge to take her then, knowing that it had to be done gently and in her own time. I slid a finger up to the hard button above her opening and rubbed gently in a circle. I quickly rescued my hand as she rolled her body onto mine. She reached down and seated me between her legs and with a quick thrust, buried me deep inside her. She gave a choked gasp and froze at the unexpected pain of losing her virginity so suddenly. I asked if she was all right and she nodded, with tears from the pain in her eyes. I sent healing to the affected area and she relaxed instantly, with a sigh. She began moving me in and out of her slowly, as if testing. As she realized the pain was gone and only pleasure remained, the tigress wizard I knew was there arrived. She sat up on me with her legs wrapped around me. Pulling me deep inside her, she climaxed, and her cries of pleasure were lost to the night sky. She pulled me into a standing position and then lay back on the air. I grabbed her hips and with long thrusts, drove myself into her. I used the birth control spell, wishing that it would last longer than twenty-four hours. I held on until she climaxed again, and then lost myself in my own release, our mingled cries reaching for the stars.

  I laid back and Kemma lay on my chest, and I kissed the top of her head. “After that rough patch, you seemed to enjoy yourself.”

  “I think it might have been a good idea to allow you to open me a bit more slowly than I did. But after you fixed my mistake, things were wonderful. This didn’t seem like the unpleasant duty I’ve heard about at all.”

  “My father has told me that some men don’t care about what a woman likes or how she feels. He told me that to have a great relationship, I’d want a woman to enjoy being with me in bed.”

  “It would seem that you’ve made your father proud, with me at least. I have no complaints.”

  “As nice as it is up here away from it all and with you in my arms, we have to get back. We should at least get some sleep before we start the new day. Don’t be too surprised if I take a few more liberties when you get within reach!”

  “Are you saying that My Lord might grab a backside or fondle a breast if he got the chance? For shame!”

  “If it makes you feel better, I won’t grab or fondle Ulia or Ivy…yet.”

  “Yet, you say, but as soon as they finally lie with you, then you will.”

  “Absolutely, my dear, and I’m looking forward to having at least Ulia join the ranks of the girls I can fondle. I’m afraid Ivy might be hurt worse than you were, since she’s so small of stature.”

  “I’ll talk to her for you and make sure she knows to let you take things slowly. I know from personal experience that’s a good idea.”

  “I wish you would, and now let’s start down.”

  We descended to a thousand feet below the clouds and I saw lights to the east! I didn’t think there was a land mass east of the castle, so I moved to investigate. A thousand feet up, we could make out twenty different lights on the water. We were at least thirty miles from shore and the boats were sailing due west. I cast invis on the two of us and we dropped lower. I could make out ships, loaded with men armed to the teeth, headed straight for Kethos Castle. Judging by their speed, I estimated they would be there in just over a couple hours. I pulled Kemma to me and ported us to the beach behind the castle. I warned her to never recall while flying, and suggested we clean up in the surf. We waded out waist deep and washed up, then I ported us to her room, where she started throwing on clothes. I rushed to my room, grabbed my clothes and threw them on. Star was awakened by my commotion and wanted to know what was going on. I told her to keep the girls, other than Kemma, in the room. I’d talk to her when I could.

  I ported out to the guard house and asked the captain on duty what military we had. He replied that we had a hundred regular soldiers and the militia.

  “Ring the bells and get the villagers into the courtyard, and that includes Halflings. Arouse the soldiers and have them form up on the south side of the castle,” I ordered.

  The captain chuckled. “Your first day here isn’t a good time for a drill. I suggest we do this after you’ve been here for a month or two.”

  I got angry and floated four feet into the air. “This is not a drill, Captain! There are twenty boats with five hundred armed men sailing toward our beach, as we speak. Now do as I’ve ordered or your lieutenant will get a promotion and you’ll fit into a jar!”

  The man went pale and ordered the bells rung. Word was passed that even the Halflings were to be allowed inside, and I flew to the roof of the keep. With the image in my mind, I could port back up any time I needed to. I watched the regulars forming up, and when they had settled, I flew down to talk to their commander. I gave him a rundown on what I’d seen and assured him that I could shield them and the castle. I would try to get them to retreat, but the soldiers were my last line of defense. I wanted them to stay out of the fight unless they had to join. He declared his agreement and I ported back to my room.

  Inside, the girls were frightened by the bells and the activity. I calmed them, but advised that I’d like to port them all to Wizard’s Castle. They insisted that this was their home, too, and if I was staying, then they were staying. I got signals asking if Kemma and I had had a chance to be together. I winked and nodded to
a delighted Star.

  With Kemma in tow, I ported back to the keep roof. I looked over the crowd in the square and saw that the Halflings had been herded into a corner. I didn’t see an offence, but did see a man raise a stick in a threatening manner and aim for a Halfling man in the crowd. I ported the man to the roof, took his stick, explained that the Halflings were citizens of my province and under my protection, then ported him back. Kemma was cackling so hard when I looked back at her that she could barely keep to her feet.

  She said, “That poor man is going to wonder, for the rest of his life, if that actually happened or if he dreamed it.”

  I chuckled. “It just makes me angry seeing someone use violence just because they are bigger or think they have the authority.”

  “Are you sure you have the temperament to be a castle lord?” she asked.

  I shook my head, because I didn’t think that I did. Maybe I should have stayed out longer on my escape from duty, but I might not have met Kemma and Ivy if I had. There was a low fog on the surface of the ocean, obscuring my view of the ships that I thought should be here by now. I told Kemma I’d be right back, went invisible and flew out over the sea at five hundred feet. Just beyond the fog bank the enemy ships were holding, with the men perfectly silent. By the glances to the east, I decided they were waiting for first light. I flew back, told the captain what I’d seen, then flew to the towers and had all the archers move to the seaside towers. Back on the keep roof, I told Kemma to nap while we waited. I’d had a good nap earlier and she’d been up and around all day. She sat against the low roof railing and fell asleep.

  At first light, there was the grinding noise of shallow keels on the sand. I woke Kemma and stood at the edge of the keep. I checked the towers to my right and left and saw the archers readying their gear. The men on the beach disembarked and formed up on the shore. A shield wall formed quickly, with archers falling in behind. They began advancing slowly, unaware that their presence had been detected.

  At two hundred yards, I threw a dome over the castle and my soldiers to the south, amazed at the drain it caused. I’d heard stories of father shielding both Wizard’s and Valeview castle at the same time, and hadn’t heard of ill effects to him. I signaled the archers and they opened fire. Kemma knocked out targets with energy bolts and I began casting chain lightening. I hoped that the noise from the lightening would be demoralizing and they would retreat quickly. I had no such luck. Their archers returned fire with no results, and the men comprising the shield wall went crazy! They charged, yelling and screaming, towards my men.

  I went airborne to keep them in sight and continued with my attack. My soldiers broke ranks and charged suddenly, limiting my attack to single targets. I was skimming the beach at twenty feet when I saw a group of thirty of the enemy break off and try to round the wall. I focused on them, released the buildup of energy and thirty-one men fell to the sand.

  Chapter Eighteen

  I woke in my bed but didn’t remember going to sleep. I listened to voices in the room, and for a moment I couldn’t place them. When I heard Aunt Alba’s distinctive laugh, I tried to sit up. My head exploded into sparks and there was a hand on my chest holding me down. Aunt Chloe admonished, “Don’t try to sit up. Draining yourself to unconsciousness like that can be quite painful. I’ve healed all your scrapes and bruises, but only time can heal the other damage you’ve done to yourself.”

  I felt someone sit on the edge of the bed, but was afraid to open my eyes. My father’s voice spoke, “Son, if I thought that you hadn’t called on the family for help out of pride, I’d be upset. I believe it was just a lack of planning time and underestimating your enemy that caused the problem. I’m just glad your young consort had the presence of mind to remove you from danger and come to us for help.”

  “I’m not so sure,” retorted Aunt Alba. “She scared me half to death, banging on my door and bursting in like she did. Next time, I’m posting a ‘Go bother Alice’ sign on my door!”

  Aunt Alice laughed and added, “As if it wouldn’t have scared me, too! I might have accidentally crushed the girl before I heard what she had to say!”

  Mother’s voice broke in. “Don’t give Kemma a hard time. She did what she had to do in a stressful situation. We owe her a huge debt of gratitude. She saved James and Kethos Castle from who knows what. The castle’s armory was filled and there are twenty ships out there that something needs to be done with. Some of us have duties at Wizard, but I’ve been told a couple of us will be staying for a while. Get well, my son.” Abruptly my mother returned home.

  Aunt Alba spoke in a very matter of fact tone, “I’ve heard that the pixies know a tried and true cure for rebuilding your magical spirit. You’ll have to ask around for a volunteer to work on that with you when you feel… ahem… up to it.” I stuck out my tongue, my father chortled softly and Alba was gone.

  “I’m going to go check on the soldiers and others that were wounded,” Aunt Chloe informed us. “I’m just making sure that I haven’t missed anyone, and then I’ll be leaving, too. Get well, nephew, and remember to only pass out while laying down, not while flying.” I heard her walk out the door like a normal person. Normal in my family was rare.

  I asked softly so I wouldn’t explode my head. “Father, does this mean you and Alice are going to stay for a while? I’d hate to think that my mistake pulled you away from court.”

  “I’m sorry you’re injured and that you’ll have to be in bed for a while, but I’m not sorry that I’m able to use you as an excuse,” my father responded. “Alice and I noticed you don’t have piped water, after one whole day living here. We have a lot of pipe, a few valves, and a couple extra pumps lying around the castle. With your permission, we’d like to bring them here and start your plumbing. There are things we might have to wait on, but you won’t be flying off to war anytime soon.”

  I smiled weakly and told them they had the run of the place. However, I warned that if they went to the village smith’s they should watch themselves, because the place was a bit rough. There was a quiet knock at the door and someone answered it.

  I heard Jorin apologizing, “Begging your pardon, My Lord, but this…man… insisted that he be allowed to see you. I told him that you were ill, but he wouldn’t take ‘no’ for an answer.”

  Then the tinny voice of a Halfling male declared, “Prince James, I’m sorry to bother you, under the circumstances, but I wanted you to know, on behalf of my race, that we are thankful for your actions of late. Allowing us into the courtyard last night may have saved lives, and you standing up for the man there went a long way towards our recovery as a people. I came to ask if we would be allowed to return to our fields to the west of the castle and begin farming again. Our previous Lord had our lands taken, reducing us to beggars and thieves. We would much rather be honest farmers, if it pleases Your Highness.”

  I responded in my new, soft voice, “Return to your lands with my blessings, good sir. Jorin will see to it that word is passed that you’re to be left to your farming and not molested. I’ve already given notice that the Halflings in my province are under my protection and I will see to it that the word is spread. From what I’ve heard, you’re an honorable race that has been maligned, and I’ll do my part to rectify the situation. I’ll check on your progress when I’m able.” I heard a joyful squeak that could have only come from Ivy; the bed bounced slightly and she kissed my cheek.

  “I’ve heard my son say that the Halflings in his province are protected,” my father stated, “but I’d like to extend that to the entire kingdom of Eredwynn, and you will be under my protection, also. That should prevent any further abuse towards your kind.” Ivy squeaked again and may have kissed my father; I wasn’t opening my eyes to check.

  I heard the door close and my father said, “That was very well handled and erased all doubts that I may have had about your ability to govern this castle at your age. And I believe that your Halfling consort has fallen head over heels in love with you becau
se of this. Alice and I will leave you to your bed and return later.” And then they were gone.

  I tried again to sit up and Star was there to assist me. She propped pillows behind me, and I leaned back upon them. I experimentally peeked through a crack in my eyelids, then slowly opened my eyes and looked around. All my girls were there, with tear-streaked faces. I exclaimed, “I finally struggle to get my eyes open and I have to see you all looking miserable? Go wash your faces, put on smiles, and then come back and kiss me.” They grinned and rolled their eyes, wandering off toward the wash basins. I gazed around my empty room and tried to think about what had happened. From the accounts so far, I’d screwed up badly. I did learn that if there was a next time, I was calling for the family as my first order of business. I had also learned that I owed Kemma my life. I’d never been indebted to anyone like that before and wasn’t sure what to do. Perhaps I’d take it up with Aunt Chloe, who was no stranger to having people in her debt. I know she would just think of saving people as her duty, but I knew the people she saved might feel they owed her. It was a place to start, anyway.

  Star returned and asked if I thought I could eat a bit. I nodded and guessed I should at least try some breakfast. She gave me a worried look and declared it was supper time. I’d lost more than just the couple hours I’d thought! I forced a smile and told her that supper sounded even better. As she was making her request to the guard at the door, the rest of the girls filed in. Kemma asked if I thought I’d be well soon. I answered that I had better be, because there were a couple girls I was looking forward to visiting. I regarded Ulia and Ivy. Ivy was grinning and nodding, while Ulia blushed, then made eye contact and bobbed her head shyly.

  “So you’ve finally decided to overcome your shyness and be with James?” asked Star. “I’m happy for you and I’m sure you won’t regret it.


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