Made for Me

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Made for Me Page 7

by Weston Parker

  “No, I don’t know, and I don’t understand. You’ve mourned him, Jess. You have been a great mother to your son, and he’s not a little baby anymore that needs your constant doting.”

  I laughed that she made it sound as if he’d grown up and gone to college. “He’s six, Leslie, not sixteen.”

  “And you have me to help you watch him while you date. It’s perfectly acceptable, and you need to take care of your needs.” She looked me dead in the eye. “And I don’t mean your boyfriend on batteries. You need the touch of a man, the affection. You’re a woman.”

  She was missing the most important part of who I was. “I’m a mother. I have responsibilities.” I couldn’t imagine coming in late, smelling like sex and wine while tucking my son into bed with wishes of sweet dreams. I had never even been out to a club for more than a few hours and one drink, and that was on a special occasion, or when Leslie had pestered me enough.

  “You’re human. Trust me, Jess. Use it before you lose it. Don’t you think that Camden deserves a good, strong, smart role model? This guy is the epitome of that. He’s successful, he’s sexy, he’s loaded. And for some reason, your slapping the man silly didn’t scare him away from you.”

  “See? I probably gave him brain damage. He’s lost his good sense, asking me out. We’re from two different worlds. It would never work.”

  Her playful tone had faded considerably. “How can you say that unless you try? Besides, you know you have a thing for him. You were two seconds away from locking your door and opening your bedside drawer.”

  “I do not, and I was not.” I huffed. Okay, maybe it had crossed my mind, but it wasn’t her business. “I just don’t have any desire to date at this point in my life, and I think that should be okay.”

  “You think he’s handsome. Deny it.” She turned her nose up and smirked.

  “You do, too,” I said. “Why don’t you date him? You’re just as attractive as me, and you’re probably closer to his age.” She was three years older, but she had a perfect body and gorgeous red hair that hung down her back in waves like she was some kind of fairytale maiden.

  “Let’s see.” Leslie looked him up on her phone, and when she found his bio, her jaw fell open wider. “Maybe I will date him myself.”

  “What does it say?” I nudged her to let me look, but she pulled the phone away and laughed.

  “You’re not interested, remember?” She let out a long sigh. “He’s positively dreamy, and you’re right. He’s more my age. This says that he’s thirty-one, but he’s got a birthday in a couple of months.”

  “That’s only four or five years older than me.” I did like a man who was a little older and wiser, and from his net worth, which was also listed, he was definitely a wise man.

  “Admit it. You’re practically swooning over this man. And he’s interested in you. I think you’re a fool if you don’t at least go out on one date and see what happens. He could be the one, Jess.”

  Hearing that hurt my heart. “I already had the one who was made for me. He died, and there will be no other. You said it yourself all the time. Cameron was one of a kind, one in a million, and that I’d never find another man as good as him. I was lucky for a little while, yes, but that time is over. I’m never going to love like that again.”

  “Cameron was special, but that didn’t make him the only special man in the world. You lost your first love, Jess, but you didn’t lose your last.”

  I knew she could be right, but I wasn’t certain that Cole was the one. “For all I know, he simply wants to take me out, date me, use me, and wait until I’m good and in love so he can dump me for payback.”

  “Nonsense. You’re just afraid to get your heart broken again. And so what if things don’t take off or work out? At least you’ll know.”

  “I’m scared I’ll fall in love with him, yes, and not for the right reasons. But because he looks so much like Cameron. He’s got the same hair and eye color, a nice bright smile like he had.”

  “That’s like saying you only loved your husband for his looks, and I know that’s not true. Cameron wasn’t as tall as Cole, and he had much softer features and a much broader nose. They are different people. They’ll have different personalities. Different things about them that you’ll either love or hate.”

  “I never hated anything about Cameron.”

  She belted a laugh. “Not true. You despised his snoring, the way he left his shoes piled by the door, and the way he cracked his knuckles. You’re only remembering the good because that’s what we do with the dead. We remember the good parts. I think you should let Cole share with you some of his good parts.” She practically cackled, and I gave her a nudge.

  “Cole is a different kind of man. I need someone who is down to earth and likes the same things as me.”

  “He loves planes, and your son loves planes.” She was going to make an argument for everything.

  “I don’t love planes. They scare me. The highest I’ve been off the ground was when I climbed up on the roof to get Cam’s frisbee, and then I went out the attic window. No, I’m done talking about it. I’m going to go in Friday and give him the prints, and then I’ll probably never see him again.”

  Leslie sank back against the couch. “Fine, but I think it’s a mistake.”

  “Then it’s mine to make.” As Camden ran into the room to join us, looking so much like his father in his little Red Sox hat and oversized jersey, I knew I was making the right decision for us.

  Chapter 9


  I had thought about Jessica Hyde all week, and the day had finally come that she would be in with the photographs. Not only was I anxious to see what she’d bring me, but I was just as eager to see her.

  I heard a noise at my door and I was excited for a moment, until I realized it was only Tanner. “Don’t look so disappointed,” he said as he walked into the room and took a seat across from my desk.

  “I was expecting Becky with Jessica Hyde. She’s supposed to come by and give me the pictures she took at the event last weekend.”

  “The office is still talking about it. They are feeling a little spoiled what with appreciation parties one weekend and family fun day just two weeks later.” He gave a chuckle, and then I noticed his eyes on my desk. “Is that the check for our friendly photographer?”

  “Yes, and before you tell me I shouldn’t pay her the full amount, I’ll remind you that you’re the one who promised it.”

  “I was just going to say that I hope we got a good image for the lobby.”

  “I saw a few of the proofs, and I have every confidence in this woman’s eye.”

  Tanner gave me a devilish grin. “I think you’re hot for her.”

  I wasn’t about to deny it. “I think she’s amazing. She’s sexy yes, but also talented, and when a woman has a passion for something, she’s even more attractive.”

  Tanner eased back in his seat. “You should ask her out.”

  I took a deep breath and prepared for him to laugh at me. “I already did.”

  “The other day? Did you fuck the photographer?” His voice was a little louder than I liked, and I gave him a pointed look.

  “Quiet. No, I didn’t. She turned me down. She says she’s not the type to date. She’s more interested in being a mother.”

  “That’s too bad. You need to find someone. Becky might have other attractive friends.” He gave a laugh.

  “No thanks.”

  About that time, there were footsteps coming off the elevator. “Get lost,” I told Tanner.

  He chuckled and got to his feet. “Good luck,” he said with a wink, and then he hurried out before Becky could walk to the door with Jessica.

  “Thank you,” she said to Becky as she walked away. She turned and walked over to take Tanner’s chair across from me. “How are you this morning, Cole?”

  “I’m much better now. I’ve been waiting on pins and needles for you to show up. I have your check.” I slid the paper across the desk, an
d her eyes widened.

  “Thank you.” She picked it up and put it into her handbag. “I wasn’t expecting that you’d pay me until after you see the photographs.” She opened up the portfolio and produced the pictures, placing them on my desk.

  The first stack she showed were the airplanes, and while I flipped through them, she offered two separate ones. “What are those?” I asked.

  “These are a few that I chose of the best. I know you might choose another, but I felt that these three, which might make a nice grouping, should all be a bit larger than the rest.”

  “Those are nice, thank you. You know. I think I’d quite like these to go here in my office.”

  “Anything you like, they’re yours.” She reached into her handbag and pulled out another envelope. “Here are your cards. I’ve made a copy of the originals to keep for my records just in case you lose yours. You have full rights as well, but I did keep three photographs for myself. I’d like to show them on my portfolio page online.”

  I gave a nod as she showed me the photographs which were all more generic event photos. “Those are nice. I’m pleased with all of them, actually.”

  “I’m glad you’re pleased.”

  “You know, I was awfully disappointed you didn’t want to go out with me the other night.”

  “I’m sorry. I just felt like it was important that we kept things professional.”

  “And do you still feel that way? Or could I convince you to take a walk with me?”

  She put her hand to her collar again. “I guess it couldn’t hurt anything to take a walk, but I do have to go down to the employment office again.”

  “We won’t be long.” I got to my feet and held out my hand. “You can leave your things here. My door will lock behind us.”

  She got up, took my hand, and left her bag on the floor. “Are you going to take me on a tour? Because I kind of already saw the place the other day.” We walked out into the hall, and when I closed my door, she glanced back as the locks engaged.

  I shook my head and chuckled. “You saw what I wanted the public to see, but I have another plane that I’d like you to see.”

  “Is it a top-secret project or something?” She rolled her eyes and gave a little chuckle.

  “Yes, as a matter of fact, it is. I’m still working on it, but I’m hoping to make it the most efficient small plane on the market.” We walked past the elevator, and I led her to the other end of the building, and we took a door that led to a set of stairs that led to my private workshop. The place was big enough to house a small plane and still park about forty cars. “I had this room built so I could keep my special projects away from the other hangar.”

  We walked down the stairs, and she stopped at the bottom and looked around. “Impressive. And clever.” She pointed her finger at me and winked.


  “Yes. The way your office overlooks the hangar, I would think that it’s your pride and joy, the things you love the most. But it’s not. This is. No one would suspect it’s even here on the far side of your building, away from the main lot. It looks like any other part of your office building, which I’m sure was the point.”

  “Precisely. You’re very observant.”

  She gave a shrug. “I’m a photographer. Observation is important.”

  I turned back to look across the room. “So, yes, this is where the money is made. The other is where I show it off.”

  “And you make a lot of money apparently. Billions, right?” She smiled and stepped over to the plane to have a look. “It takes billions to build planes?”

  “The right planes, yes. And the right technology. It’s mostly about how the planes run, you see. And what they run on.”

  She ran her hand along the plane. “It’s very fascinating. So, what’s it like making so much money off doing what you love?”

  I walked over to join her. “Exhilarating. I’ve had more success than I ever imagined when I got started, and it’s been quite a wild ride so far. But I didn’t bring you here to talk about that.” I stopped just a step away.

  She smiled and tugged her blouse. “Have you brought me here to ask me out again?”

  “Actually, I brought you here to ask you if you’d consider working for me fulltime.”

  Her eyes lit in surprise. “What on earth would I do here?” She looked around the room and gave me a look of uncertainty as I held out my hand.

  “Come on, you have to see the inside. It’s my pride and joy.” I wanted to show her what made me tick, and I smiled when she took my hand and let me help her up into the plane.

  She giggled as she stumbled into the plane, and I was sure to help her stay upright. “Sorry, I’m such a klutz.” She found her footing and then turned to look up at me in the small space. “I still don’t know what I’d do here. I need a serious job, and one that pays well. Your big check will last the year, but I need something steady for the rest of my life.”

  I brushed a stray strand of hair from her face and tucked it behind her ear. “You’re a photographer, aren’t you? That’s what I’d like you to do. All day. Till your heart’s content.”

  Jessica stepped away from me. “I don’t know.” She turned and shook her head. “That doesn’t even sound like a real position. I don’t want some pity job that you created and all of the other employees will hate me for.”

  I let out a cleansing breath and pulled her around to look at me. “Why are you so against me?”

  She looked at my hands on her arms and stepped closer, bringing hers around me. “I’m not against you. I just feel like you’re only doing this to try and date me.”

  “We don’t have to date. We can be friends.” I knew I wanted to be a special kind of friend to her, that was for certain. I rolled my hips, my leg moving between hers as she shuddered.

  “I’d like to be friends,” she said. “Friendship is good.”

  “Then we better just get this sexual tension out of the way right now.” I ground my hips into her, and as my hard length pressed against her hip, her breath hitched, and I brought my lips down on hers in a quick, eager movement.

  I had wanted to taste her since the moment I’d seen her, and as I walked her back to the back of the small plane, I felt her hand move to her blouse again.

  I looked down and placed my hand over hers. “I want to see you.” I dipped my head and kissed the top of her breasts, slipping my hand up to undo the buttons. Once I had her blouse open, I put my hand inside and cupped her breasts. It must have been the first time anyone had touched her like that since her late husband because when she felt my hand there, she trembled.

  “Touch me,” I said, whispering in her ear as I rubbed her tight nipples.

  Her hand slipped down, and she met my eyes as she cupped my balls and then began to massage me through my pants. Before I could command it, she undid my button and pulled my zipper down, and soon, my cock sprang free of my loose jeans.

  She put her arms up and rubbed my shoulders. “It’s been a long time.”

  That explained her nervousness, and I knew I needed to put her at ease. “Then we’ll go slow, but I don’t want to stop. Do you?” I searched her eyes, hoping she wasn’t about to shut me down. If she asked me to stop, I’d have no choice but to back off, and I had a feeling once I did, getting her back to this point would take me forever.

  Thankfully, she shook her head, and I slipped my hand down and pulled up her skirt. I brushed her lips with my fingertips and then pushed two fingers into her mouth. “Suck them until they’re nice and soft and wet.” She closed her mouth around my fingers and moved her tongue up and down. I wanted my cock between those lips so badly, but I knew now wasn’t the time for that.

  Once I pulled my fingers free, I moved them down between her legs, nudging her panties aside so I could slip them deep into her channel.

  She wasn’t kidding about it being a long time. She was so tight that if she hadn’t had a child, I’d have thought she still had her cherry. Thankfully, h
er heat was slick, and my ministrations only aided to the cause. I kept right on stroking her through her first climax, but I wasn’t done with her yet. I had to feel that amazing slit wrapped around my cock.

  “I want inside of you, Jessica.”

  “Please,” she moaned, angling her hips toward mine. “Be slow.”

  I reached down and lifted her up against me. As our mouths collided, I gripped my cock and centered it against her. “Are you ready for me?” I asked close to her ear.

  She shivered and nodded quickly. “Yes, I’m ready for this.”

  Her legs went around me, and as I put her back against the wall of the cabin, I thrust so hard and deep inside of her that she whimpered and moaned like it was the best feeling in the world. The sound was like music to my ears, but I dulled the sound with my mouth, kissing her deeply. Then, once I felt she needed a breath, I worked my way down to her breasts which were so plump and perfect that I wanted to taste them too.

  “You feel amazing,” I said, as I closed my eyes and devoured her. She was an amazing woman, and I was certain my first taste wasn’t going to be my last.

  Chapter 10


  I didn’t know what I was doing, but it felt amazing. I’d really landed myself in a mess this time, and I wondered why I had a way of doing that with Cole. Just when I thought he would take the hint that I didn’t want to date him, he had me half-naked in his plane and was buried so deep it made me realize how long I’d been without a man.

  My entire body was alive, and the sensations were more than any battery-operated toy could give me. When Leslie was right, she was right. I needed this, and I’d denied myself from having it for too long.

  His cock thrust hard again and gave me such a delicious pinch of pleasure that I couldn’t help but whimper. I grabbed his shoulders and rolled my hips, surprised that I still knew what I was doing after all this time of being alone.

  Had Cameron been this big? I kept asking myself that question as I took the girth of Cole’s cock repeatedly. It felt amazing. He’d already made me orgasm once with his fingers, and another one was on the way.


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