Bug Out! Texas Book 5: Wave of Patriots

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Bug Out! Texas Book 5: Wave of Patriots Page 1

by Robert Boren

  Bug Out! Texas

  Wave of Patriots

  Book 5

  Robert G Boren


  Previously - in Bug Out! Texas Book 4

  Chapter 1 – Ice Breaker

  Chapter 2 – Inside Job

  Chapter 3 – Bunker Meeting

  Chapter 4 – The Trailer

  Chapter 5 – Emergency Room

  Chapter 6 – Bonding

  Chapter 7 - New Focus

  Chapter 8 – Fear and Love

  Chapter 9 – Sedation

  Chapter 10 – Cellphones

  Chapter 11 – Supplies

  Chapter 12 – Remote Command

  Chapter 13 – Loyola Beach

  Chapter 14 – Night Drop

  Chapter 15 – Leaked from the Left Coast

  Chapter 16 – Pick Up

  Chapter 17 – Containers

  Chapter 18 – Late Night Call

  Chapter 19 – Follow Up

  Chapter 20 – Weapons

  Chapter 21 – Urgent Call

  Chapter 22 – Factory Assault

  Chapter 23 – Shopping

  Chapter 24 - Assault Plans

  Chapter 25 – The Wake

  Chapter 26 – Heel and Pill

  Chapter 27 – Courthouse

  Chapter 28 – Evil Alliance

  Chapter 29 - Installations

  Chapter 30 – Nick of Time

  Chapter 31 – Twitter Storm

  Chapter 32 – Riverwalk

  Chapter 33 – The Wave

  Cast of Characters

  Copyright - About the Author

  Previously – in Bug Out! Texas Book 4

  The DPS Patrol Boat team escaped Port Isabel during an enemy raid, barely making it out alive. The enemy took control of South Padre Island and the surrounding area.

  A team from the Fort Stockton RV Park raced towards Mountain City to destroy an enemy supply depot. Jason called his brother Eric, who was staying at the family homestead in Fredericksburg. Eric rounded up some of his people and met the Fort Stockton team on the way to the target. They staged a successful attack, cutting off fuel and ammo to the enemy forces in Austin. The attack was a game-changer, forcing the Islamist forces to retreat. The team went back to the homestead after the attack, trying to decide if they should stay there or move everybody to Fort Stockton. They met Sydney and Amanda, neighbors who grew up with Jason and Eric.

  The DPS Patrol Boaters moved to Riviera Beach, to protect the port and refinery operations in the Corpus Christi area. Love developed between Hannah and Brendan, and Madison and Juan Carlos. The DPS put them, and Richardson and Lita up in trailers at a mobile home park in Riviera Beach. The two new couples tried to settle into life there, as well as dealing with their growing relationships. Wartime events took over quickly.

  The enemy got wise to Curt’s reverse cellphone tracking after they attempted to take out his team, on the road home from the Mountain City attack.

  Bad news came from Fort Stockton. Simon Orr, a militia leader who neither Kelly or Junior trusted, was on his way to the RV Park with Chris, Jasper, Earl, and other members of the redneck group. Kelly and Junior started home in a panic, along with Jason, Kyle, and some others. Curt stayed behind with Eric, Dirk’s group, and some of Gray’s bikers. They planned a trip to Curt’s weapons cache near San Antonio. They got to the cache and picked up the weapons, but were attacked on the road home, barely making it back to the homestead alive.

  Rachel realized that she’d fallen in love with Junior while he was on the mission in Mountain City. When Junior returned, she told him how she felt. They started a passionate relationship.

  The Texas Leadership learned that the invasion was an inside job planned by the Federal Government, in league with the UN and Saladin’s Islamist Army. They also learned that the enemy was using RFID chips implanted in their soldiers for tracking and coordination, but nobody knew how to use them against the enemy.

  The war heated up in Arizona, Utah, and Colorado, forcing remnants of the US Army under Generals Walker and Hogan to leave Texas and take up the battle. Governor Nelson and his team started talks with the Fort Stockton group about beefing up their capabilities. During their initial meeting they warned of danger at the Fredericksburg location and convinced the group to move everybody to Fort Stockton, promising air support to protect them against attacks along I-10.

  Simon Orr arrived in west Texas, setting up a base at an abandoned factory ten miles north of the Fort Stockton RV Park. Chris overheard Orr’s plans to attack Fort Stockton and steal weapons for sale to Islamists in Utah. Chris fled the factory with his sister to warn Fort Stockton, but Orr attacked them on the road, mortally wounding Chris and killing his sister. Chris made it to the RV Park, and told Kelly and Junior what happened before he died. Jasper and Earl showed up later, saying they wanted to leave Simon Orr, and confirming the plot. Kelly, Junior, Nate, and Fritz interrogated them for hours. They eventually believed Jasper and Earl’s stories, and allowed them to re-join the group, but a cloud of suspicion hovered over them.

  Kip Hendrix married Maria, with Governor Nelson and his wife witnessing the ceremony at the courthouse. Shortly afterwards, Maria found out that her sister Celia had escaped from the mental institution in central Austin.

  The DPS Patrol Boat team set up their new base by Baffin Bay, and received new boats which were better than the old ones, with powerful inboard motors and increased fire power. As they began their training on the new boats, the enemy attacked. The new boats worked well, DPS destroying the enemy with ease. Richardson, Brendan, and Juan Carlos went to the mobile home park after the battle. Captain Jefferson called in the middle of the night, ordering them in to fend off an attack on Corpus Christi. They rushed to the base, their women getting together in Richardson and Lita’s trailer. While the men were gone, enemy choppers attacked the mobile home park, blowing up trailers and landing troops. Lita, Madison, and Hannah fled into the darkness.

  At Fort Stockton, ten M-1 Tanks showed up on I-10, east and west of the RV Park. The frantic residents got ready for a battle they knew they couldn’t win, as Jason tried to call Chief Ramsey at the Austin police station. There was no answer, so he called Ramsey on his cellphone, risking detection by the enemy. Ramsey answered and told Jason that Governor Nelson, Major General Landry, and Major General Gallagher were missing. The tanks on I-10 showed white flags. Our group was left watching and waiting…

  Chapter 1 – Ice Breaker

  Clancy was on the roof of the office at the Fort Stockton RV Park with his binoculars, switching between the three M-1 Battle Tanks sitting to the east and four more sitting to the west.

  “Any movement?” Kelly shouted.

  “Nope, not yet,” Clancy said, binoculars still to his eyes. “Wait, something’s happening to the east. It’s a Humvee, pulling up in front of the tanks. It’s got a white flag too.”

  “Really?” Kelly asked. “Hey, Jason, something’s happening.”

  Jason ran over with Kyle and Curt.

  “What’s going on?” Jason asked.

  “Clancy said there’s a Humvee in front of the tanks to the east,” Kelly said. “They’re waving a white flag too.”

  “Some old guy just got out of the Humvee,” Clancy shouted. “He’s waving at us, with a white handkerchief in his hand. He looks real familiar.”

  “I’m coming up,” Jason said. He scrambled up on the roof. Clancy handed him the binoculars. “Holy shit.”

  “What?” Kyle asked as he climbed up.

  “That’s Governor Nelson.”

  “That’s who he is?” Clancy asked. “Should have recognized him. Voted for the guy twice.”

  “Nelson?” Curt asked.

  “Yep,” Jason said.

  “Anybody holding a gun on him?” Junior asked. “Ramsey just told us he was missing.”

  “Doesn’t look like it,” Jason said, handing the binoculars to Kyle. “I think we better get down there.”

  “They might take you,” Fritz said.

  “If they wanted to take this whole complex, they could,” Clancy said. “They’ve got seven tanks.”

  “He’s right,” Junior said. “Who we sending?”

  “Jason and Kyle,” Kelly said. “They both know him.”

  “I’ve got no problem with that,” Jason said.

  “I do,” Carrie said, clutching Chelsea to herself.

  “Don’t worry, honey,” Jason said. “It’ll be fine. He’s not under duress. I can tell.”

  “I agree,” Kyle said. They came off the roof.

  “I don’t like it,” Carrie said, rushing over to Jason.

  “Hey, I saw something on the internet,” Kate said, rushing up. “Somebody blew up the Governor’s Mansion. Look!”

  The others gathered around her, looking at her phone.

  “Dammit, there was an attempt on his life,” Kyle said.

  “I think so,” Kate said. “I’m good with you going down there. It’s okay.”

  Carrie looked at Jason and nodded yes, a tear rolling down her cheek. “Don’t get killed.”

  “I won’t, honey,” Jason said. “C’mon, Kyle, let’s go. We can take my Jeep, since it doesn’t have a gun on it yet.”

  “Okay,” Kyle said. They trotted back to Jason’s space to get the Jeep, and then took off towards I-10.

  “Think the Feds are trying to re-take us?” Kelly asked as he watched them drive out the gate.

  “Better than even chance,” Junior said. “He needs our help, I reckon.”

  “Tanks are moving,” Clancy said. “No, wait, just the turrets.”

  “Oh, shit,” Kelly said. “Here it comes.”

  “No, man,” Clancy said. “They’re turning their cannons away from here, down the eastbound and westbound I-10.”

  “They’re protecting the area while he’s here,” Curt said. “This must be legit.”

  “Jason and Kyle got there,” Clancy said. “Two other men got out of the Humvee. Military types. High ranking, from the uniforms.”

  “Probably Landry and Gallagher,” Junior said.

  “You know what they look like?” Clancy asked.

  “Nah,” Junior said. “What’re they doing?”

  “Standing in the road talking,” Clancy said. “Wait, they’re getting into their vehicles.”

  “They’re coming here,” Junior said.

  “They are,” Clancy said. “The Humvee is following Jason’s Jeep.”

  “What are the tanks doing?” Fritz asked.

  “They’re staying where they were,” Clancy said. He watched as the two vehicles speeded towards the park.

  “You look awful nervous,” Junior said, looking at Curt.

  “If things are this dangerous, we’re in deep yogurt,” Curt said. “We all ought to be scared.” Amanda got closer to Curt, her arm going around his waist.

  “Will you hold me for a second?” she asked, looking up at him. He took her into his arms as Jason’s Jeep came through the gate.

  “It’ll be okay,” Curt said, stroking her hair. “I take a negative view of things sometimes.”

  “We’ll have to be careful so we don’t feed off each other,” Amanda said. “I can be the same way.”

  “Oh, you’ve decided we’ll be together, I take it,” Curt said, smiling at her.

  “So have you,” she said, laying her head on his chest. “You just don’t know it yet.”

  Jason’s Jeep pulled into the gate and parked by the office. “Hey, Moe,” he shouted.

  “Yeah,” Moe said.

  “We need to have a meeting in the clubhouse. Can you rig up the audio-visual? Some attendees are from other locations.”

  “Sure thing,” Moe said. He hurried into the clubhouse as the Humvee pulled over and parked behind the Jeep.

  Governor Nelson got out of the Humvee and headed for the clubhouse door, waving at the people standing by. Major General Landry came out of the rear passenger side door. Major General Gallagher followed from the rear driver’s side door.

  “Who do you want in the meeting?” Curt asked.

  “Anybody who wants to attend,” Jason said. People headed towards the clubhouse, murmuring.

  Kate caught Kyle’s attention and rushed over to him. “Does he know that somebody just blew up the Governor’s Mansion?”

  Kyle’s eyes got wide. “When did it happen?”

  “Half an hour ago,” Kate said.

  “We’d better go tell him.” Kyle took her hand and led her inside the club house.

  “Sir,” Kyle said, walking up to Nelson.

  “Yes, Kyle,” Nelson said, stopping the conversation he was having with Moe.

  “Somebody just blew up the Governor’s Mansion,” he said, holding Kate’s phone up to him. He looked at it, sweat breaking out on his forehead.

  “Dammit,” he said. “I was afraid of this. I’d better check on Brian.” He pulled out his cellphone and hit the contact, looking grim as he listened to it ring. Somebody finally picked up.

  “Governor Nelson?” Brian asked, sounding out of breath.

  “Brian, thank God,” Nelson said. “You got out okay. Are you hurt?”

  “Not much, but they’re taking me to the hospital anyway.”

  “We lose anybody?” Nelson asked.

  “Everybody on the second floor, and a few in the lobby,” Brian said. “It was bad.”

  “Anything else hit?”

  “Security stopped a bomb attack in the State Capitol building,” Brian said. “We don’t know who did this yet.”

  “I’ve got a few ideas,” Nelson said.

  “Where are you?” Brian asked.

  “Can’t tell you that. Just hold tight. I’ll make contact again.”

  “Yes sir,” Brian said. Nelson ended the call.

  “What happened?” Landry asked.

  “The attack happened before it was scheduled,” Nelson said. “They figured out that we knew.”

  “That’s not good,” Gallagher said. “Not good at all.”

  “Okay, it’s set up,” Moe said, backing away from the console up on the stage. “Who do you want me to call?”

  “Here,” Nelson said, handing Moe a slip of paper with four phone numbers on it. He went to the podium and tapped the microphone. It was on.

  The big clubhouse room was full of people, finding places to sit down on the rows of benches.

  “They’re on,” Moe said.

  “Good,” Nelson said. “Hello, everybody. For those of you who don’t know me, I’m Governor Nelson.”

  The crowd’s murmurs came down to a low level as Moe turned on the big screen TV and activated the camera system.

  “You’re live, Governor.”

  “Thanks,” Nelson said. “First of all, let me say that I’m sorry we scared you. No other choice. We had to make sure the area was secure.”

  “You did kinda give us the willies,” Junior quipped.

  “It’s okay,” Kelly said. “What do you need?”

  “The enemy has taken advantage of the fact that the US Army resources have left the state,” Nelson said. “They’ve got moles in the state government, and they just tried to take me out.”

  “Who’s the enemy?” Rachel asked.

  “Agents of the Federal Government, and a loose confederation of Islamists and other radicals from south of the border,” Nelson said.

  “Why come here?” Kelly asked.

  “Team-building,” he said. “You guys are a good outfit, and you’ve made a big difference. We need you to organize into a larger group. There are other groups who can help. We wanted to bring you together. Moe, go ahead and start the video feed.”

sp; Moe nodded and went back to the console. The TV screen lit up, showing four faces.

  Kelly gasped. “What’s Simon Orr doing up there?” he asked, his face turning red with anger. Simon Orr was in the upper left hand corner of the screen, showing a nervous expression.

  “Look, that’s one of our guys,” Dirk said. “He escaped into Louisiana when Deadwood was overrun.”

  “Hey, brother,” said the smiling man on the lower right hand side of the screen.

  “Daniel,” Francis said. “Thank God you’re alive. How about your sister?”

  Daniel’s expression went grim. “We saved her, but not before the enemy made a sex slave out of her. She ain’t been the same since.”

  “Oh no,” Sherry said. “Who else you get back?”

  “Let’s do that later,” Nelson said. “We’ve got some talking to do. I gather from the reaction that you guys have some bad blood with Simon Orr.”

  “He killed two of our people,” Junior said. “Said he wants to take our weapons and sell them to the Islamists in Utah.”

  “I’ve changed my mind about that,” Simon Orr said. “I’m sorry about Chris and his sister. That was a mistake. A big mistake.”

  “We’ll have to work through that,” Nelson said. “Simon Orr has eighty men and a lot of weapons. He’s being hunted by the Feds right now. He’s done a lot of damage to them in Arkansas and Northern Louisiana. And by the way, his group saved Daniel’s group back there.”

  “They did,” Daniel said.

  “I’ll still need more convincing,” Kelly said.

  “Me too,” Junior said.

  “The other two groups are probably new to you,” Nelson said. “That’s Joshua in the upper right hand corner, from the Waco area, and Ricardo in the lower left, from El Paso. Both of them have groups similar to yours.”

  “You want us to work together?” Curt asked.

  “We want you to share your strengths, and what you’ve learned so far,” Nelson said. “We don’t want you to centralize and fight the same battles, though. Not until we get to the very end.”

  “What kinds of things do you want us to share?” Jason asked.

  “Well, for starters, we need to clone a couple more people like Curt,” Nelson said.

  Junior chuckled. “Be careful what you wish for.”


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