Her First Game

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Her First Game Page 14

by Suzanne Hart

  David turned to take me in. My skin buzzed as I watched his eyes scan my body, lingering around my cleavage, then my hips, my legs, my feet, still pressed into those ankle boots. “Come here,” He said.

  I followed his directions, watching him watch me. He let out a deep breath as his hands started on my shoulders, then slid down the sides of my ribs, on to my hips. He reached around, grabbing my ass with both hands as he laid a kiss on my collarbone. I sucked in a sharp breath as his fingers slipped in between my cheeks, the sensation of it sending me into a frenzy. I pressed my body into his, his hardening cock ending up somewhere between my right hip and thigh. I bit my lip as he slipped my overalls down, my ass, barely covered in hip-huggers flipping out of it, goosebumps arising on my bare skin.

  He turned me around, as I went for his cock, stroking it from outside of his pants, feeling it get harder and harder. He let out a soft moaning sound as he sucked on my neck, his hand slipping into my shirt, reaching underneath my bra to grab my breast. I pressed my ass against him, grinding, ever so slightly, to each side as he massaged my breast in his hand, his cock getting harder and harder.

  He reached and snapped the bra off in one quick motion. He kept one hand on my breast, his finger flicking and tugging at my hardened nipples as the other slipped down to my pussy, his hand pressing into it. My panties got wetter and wetter as I felt his fingers massaging my clit from the outside, circling, side-to-side. I could barely contain my desire.

  Just as I got his belt undone with one hand and flipped his cock out of his briefs, he slipped his hand under my panties. I moaned as I felt his fingers presses into my vagina, one and then two. He drove them in and out, flicking me from the inside. He would press them in as far as they would go and then take it out, moving up to my clitoris, flicking it.

  My knees trembled as he turned me back around, his mouth pressing into mine, the hungry kiss making me hotter and hotter. His tongue invaded my mouth. I sucked on it, my body gaining a life of its own as it responded to his every touch and move, as I continued to feel hotter and hotter. His hands clutched me as I put my tongue in his mouth. Then he grabbed my face with both of his hands and pulled me away, moving his kisses to my shoulder again, and then to my chest. I whimpered when he put my nipple in his mouth, his tongue flicking the hardened organ, his teeth lightly biting it. I could hardly contain myself, stop the ecstatic moans from pressing out of my mouth.

  My hungry, willing hands combed through his hair, clasped his penis, clutched his back, pressed against his chest.

  He slipped his fingers into my pussy again and I could hardly stop the orgasm from coming. “Ohhh…” I breathed as my body’s pleasure release left me shaking.

  He came up again, a triumphant look on his face, then kissed me again, before pressing my head down. I willingly got on my knees. There was nothing I wanted more at that moment than to have him in my mouth. I stroked the cock a couple of times, reveling in how hard it was, standing of its own accord, flipped ever-so-slightly upward. It was circumcised, a pink tip, wide where it lacked in length, but perfect. Just perfect.

  I licked it first, watching him shudder. Then licked it again and again until I took the whole thing in my mouth. My vulva stayed swollen as he massaged my breasts, his head leaning back in pleasure, his cock forcing my mouth open. I took it in as far as it could go, my eyes watering at the way my jaw protested, but my pussy hungry for more. He started clutching my shoulder, moans slipping out of his mouth, his body twitching this way and that.

  Just when I was sure he was going to come, he moved my head away from his cock and picked me up. Our mouths danced together, as I wrapped my legs around him, my wet panties pressed against his sweater. He dropped me on the bed and in the next couple of seconds, the two of us ripped every last bit of clothing off of our bodies. I stared up at him as he took me in. His tall frame looked every bit like I would have imagined it would naked. His chest was perfect, tanned skin covering hard muscle, hardly any fat between. He wasn’t built, but he had the kind of stringy body that told me he knew how to make a salad. He stepped on the bed, approaching me with unprecedented command and decisiveness.

  I grunted as he pressed that perfect penis into my body. My eyes widened at the sensation.

  “Oh my God.” He murmured.

  The sound of his pleasure almost made me come again.

  He laid his body down on top of mine. I gasped as the air left my lungs, my eyes bulging out as he fucked me, my legs wrapped around his waist, my breasts bobbing up and down with the movements. As the moments went by, he started fucking me harder and harder, pangs of pleasure shooting through my body.

  He flipped me over. I felt his cheek pressed against mine, his tongue licking my face, his hands wrapped around my breasts. My legs were trembling again, my knees knocking, my body turning into mush in his command. With a gasp, I came again, but he just kept going and going. My head emptied. Every thought that did not involve him and his penis filling my entire body disappeared. I was alone with him, and we were alone in the world.

  It was the kind of freedom I hadn’t felt in a long time.

  Then he came, spraying his semen all over my ass.

  We both collapsed onto the bed, breathless.

  Chapter Five

  I sat up, the blinding sight of setting sun rays spraying through the windows. I coughed. I couldn’t believe what I had let myself do. I turned over to find none other than David Franke lying next to me, his back to me but his naked body catching the sun. A smile played on my lips, at the proof that this had not been a dream. It really happened. I sat up, gasping as my head tried to reorient itself, then swung my legs over the side of the bed and stood up. My legs still felt wobbly from the sex we had. And even at that, I couldn’t deny the fact that I wanted more.

  His eyes flickered open as I slowly started gathering my articles of clothing and placing them on the grandfather chair.

  “Hey, gorgeous,” he sat up and beckoned towards me.

  A smile played on my lips as I walked to him, sighing as he put his arms around my waist, resting his head on my belly. “Hey.”

  He inhaled deeply, his grip getting tighter. “You are absolutely magnificent.”

  I couldn’t deny the way my heart melted at those words. “Is that so?”

  But then he pulled away from me, getting off the bed and slipping on his briefs. “Yes, but I’m afraid I have about a million things to do tonight.”

  I nodded, falling all the way back down to reality. I had to get okay with the fact that this might never happen again, that my fairy tale was over and I was now going to work with him for three months, simply pretending this had never happened in the first place. I put my own clothes on, albeit a little slower. “Who should leave first?”

  He shrugged. “You can go. I need a moment to gather my thoughts. Jennifer took John to the park. You’ll find them there.”

  I snickered as I stepped into my dress. “What thoughts?”

  He shrugged, keeping his straight face. “All of them.”

  Once I had finished putting all of my clothes on, I went to the door, fully prepared to leave that afternoon and that man, the feel of his touch on my body, the taste of his kiss, far behind me. But just as I was about to turn the knob, he said, “When will I see you again?”

  I froze, but then opened the door and let it shut behind me. My emotions were all over the place as I went to get John. There was no doubt I wanted to see this man again, no doubt, I needed him in my life, inside of me, no doubt my body was positively addicted to him. But what if this ever got out? What would people think of me? They might swear that I got this part with my pussy and not my talent. And that was the worse thing that could ever happen to me, for people to think that I don’t deserve what I get.

  Once I got home, I made John some mashed potatoes and gave him a bath. After he was settled in front of Wonder pets, I stepped into the shower and let the cool water wash over me, cleansing me of my experience and ossifying it so t
hat it was no more than an ancient memory to be pulled out when I was alone with my vibrator.

  Just when I had clothed myself again and was about to plug in my hairdryer, my phone started ringing. I didn’t recognize the number but picked it up anyway. A woman’s voice filled the receiver. “Is this Laila Rhodes?”

  “Yes?” My heart fluttered. Could it be yet another casting agent? Was this my month of luck?

  “Hi, this is Jessica, Marianne Franke’s assistant.”

  At that moment the truth came crashing down around me. Of course. I had sent in a demo to Marianne’s agency months ago and she was finally getting back to me. A stone dropped into the pit of my stomach. What timing, now that I had just fucked her almost-ex-husband. “Oh yes, hi Jessica.”

  “We would like you to come in for a sit-down interview tomorrow afternoon. What’s your availability?”

  My eyes widened. How could this be possible? “I’m available anytime after lunch.” My voice came out thin and raspy.

  I could almost hear the smile in Jessica’s voice. “Great. Why don’t you come in at 1.”

  I stood frozen in the middle of my bedroom for almost ten minutes after she hung up.


  With John at nursery school until 4, I took a bus into downtown LA this time. There was no way I was going to spend another twenty dollars on a car. After half a mile of walking from the bus stop, I came to a stop in front of the high rise that housed her world-renowned talent agency. My heart fluttered in my chest because I wanted to do well, but also because I knew I was hiding the worst secret ever.

  With a deep breath, I walked through the revolving doors and gave the receptionist my name. Within five minutes, I was being sent up the elevators to the top floor of the building, straight to Marianne’s office. My stomach churned and rolled as the elevator dinged with each floor. How can I look that woman in the face, knowing I had fucked her husband. What would she do if she ever found out? She had the kind of power that could get me blacklisted for good. What the hell was I thinking?

  Finally, I had stepped out of the elevator. I walked the long, lonely hallway until I got to the big, wooden double doors at the end of it. There was a buzzer next to it.

  “Come in.” I recognized Jessica’s voice.

  I pushed open the doors to find a small waiting room with a desk on the far wall. Jessica, a woman with an edgy, blonde bob-cut and nails that cost at least $80, motioned at the door behind and to her right. “You can go right in.”

  I smiled at her and went through the door, shutting it behind me. Before me, at a huge, mahogany desk with three monitors, sat Marianne Franke. Her gorgeous face almost glistened from the sunlight streaming in through the large bay windows behind her desk. She smiled at me, her red lips stretching across her face. “Oh hello, Laila. Please sit.”

  She gestured at the leather seat on the other side of her desk, and I obeyed.

  As I was getting comfortable, she pulled my file from a drawer and opened it in front of us. “So tell me,” She started, her eyes on my file. “Why do you want to be an actress?”

  I tried not to gulp. “I’ve wanted it ever since before I could remember.”

  She nodded slowly, continuing to flip through my action shots, headshots, play stills.

  “When someone asks you a question, you should answer it.” She met my gaze, her cold, gray eyes fixated on me, freezing me in my spot.

  When my mouth opened again, the words came out flustered and strained. “I, well I always loved playing other people.”

  “You didn’t like being yourself?”

  I was failing this interview. No doubt. “I love myself.”

  A slow smile stretched across her face. She let her eyes linger on mine for another moment before turning her gaze back to my file. “We’re getting somewhere. So, if you love yourself so much, why don’t you tell me what it is about you that will make me money.”

  I raised an eyebrow. The answer was obvious to me. Suddenly, I didn’t feel nervous at all. I was exactly in my element. “I’m one of a kind. When people cast, they will want to book me and only me, because there’s no room for anyone else in my niche.”

  She nodded slowly. “And what niche is that?”

  Suddenly, all thoughts of my morning with David, my night before, the role I had just landed, all of it, slipped from me, and I could finally ground myself in this moment. I was taking charge of the situation, of my life. For the first time, I felt like I was in control of my own future, which is all an aspiring actress can really ask for. “I’m the type of performer who will bring my own feel to a role while disappearing in it entirely. I will bring a character to life the way only I can.”

  I couldn’t ignore the gleam in her eye. I saw it, just before she looked back down on my file. “I understand you just landed a contract with David Franke’s new project?”

  I blinked, taken aback at the way she said his name like she didn’t know him. “Yes?”

  “Have you signed it?”

  I felt like I was being accused of something. “No.”

  She nodded. “Good.” She slammed the book shut, the noise echoing through the room. “So, I have a few rules,“ she said stepping around the desk and walking around the room. “Firstly, don’t ever sign a contract I haven’t seen. Don’t sign a contract I don’t agree on. Just don’t sign unless I tell you to. Got it?”

  I nodded.

  “All right,” she continued. “Make sure you run every job past me. Stay outside of the papers, the magazines, everything. We need to control all of your visibility. If I see you in a tabloid I wasn’t expecting to see I will drop you, understand?”

  I nodded again.

  She turned from the window to face me. “And finally, no relationships.”

  I gulped, the irony of it killing me.

  “You’re young, a baby, incapable of taking care of yourself. If you get involved with anyone, especially someone with a platform, you will end up drowning. Understood?”

  I nodded again, my heart racing.

  Suddenly, I was drowning anyway, drowning in the feeling that I had lost control all over again.

  Chapter Six

  I sat with my assistant on the Monday of the third week of filming going over the storyboards again and again. We worked out everything from camera angles, facials, lighting. I had gone over this a million times from the time I had read the script until now, so as they perused our storyboard, script in hand for the scenes we were shooting today, I was free to let my mind wander.

  I hadn’t been with Laila since that day, even though I was itching to. But with everything happening with the divorce papers, the lawyers, and the press swooping down like vultures, I couldn’t take the risk of faltering in all of that attention. Yet, I could see the longing way that she looked at me, could feel the connection between us. I desperately needed to feel alive again. I wanted her pussy in my face, her hands in my hair.

  At this moment, I needed it more than air.


  For the first time in my life, I had a trailer completely to myself. I sat at the desk in front of four mirrors, the stereotypical bulbs radiating light out through the entire trailer. Behind me was a bed, across from the bed was a rack of clothing, all of my costumes for the next three days. Well, if you could call normal clothes I could probably find at the neighborhood TJ Maxx costumes. They were going to come in any minute now to start my makeup. I had my script out in front of me, the lines glaring back at me although I definitely should have already memorized them.

  The next thing I knew, there was a knock on the door. My heart skipped a beat. There it was, it was happening. I couldn’t stop the nervous excitement from radiating through my body. “Come in!” I yelped.

  But once the door opened and closed, the footsteps followed and I found David staring down at me through the mirror.

  My eyes widened. “What are you doing here?”

  A gleam twinkled in his eye. “How could I resist checking on you?”
  I cleared my throat, looking to my phone for a distraction. “Well, you did. For almost a month.”

  He pried my phone out my hands and threw it onto the bed. He opened my palm up and held it in his hands, massaging it. “You have to forgive me. This divorce has been taking up all of my energy.”

  I bit my lip. “I know. I’ve seen the papers.”

  He brought my hand to his lips and kissed it, taking his time with the motion, his tongue slipping in between my fingers. My eyes flickered shut as my legs spread, ever-so-slightly, open. But no. I couldn’t let this happen. I couldn’t let Marianne find out about this, couldn’t let myself spiral into an uncontrollable web of lies, at the mercy of David. I had to keep the control of my own life. It was the only way. “We have to stop this.”

  He froze, his eyes right on mine, a mischievous smile stretching across his face. “But we haven’t even started…”

  I sucked in a sharp breath and rolled my chair back out of his reach. “But we have. And I can’t let this get in the way of my career.”

  He laughed at me. “Look at you trying to control yourself,” He said as he closed the distance between us, kneeling at my feet, “Trying to control this.” He started kissing my legs, his tongue leaving goosebumps in its wake. “When you know,” he kissed more, his head practically in between my legs.

  I sucked in a slow breath as I felt his tongue on the other end of my panties, my own pussy gorging with his touch.

  “This feeling between us,” he breathed, his hot breath covering my vagina. His hand slipped under my shirt, cupping my breasts. He brought his head up, and by the time he kissed me, my mouth was practically begging for it. “It’s bigger than us.”

  He sucked on my neck. “I tried to ignore it.”

  He took my hand and pressed it against his cock, which was hardening in his pants. “You tried to ignore it.” He slipped my panties off from under my skirt, the sensation of the cloth brushing against my legs sending me into another frenzy of desire. He thrust his fingers into me, “But we’re kidding ourselves if we think we can control it.”


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