Her Beast

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Her Beast Page 1

by Sam Crescent



  Copyright© 2017 Sam Crescent

  ISBN: 978-1-77339-516-6

  Cover Artist: Sour Cherry Designs

  Editor: Karyn White


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  Sam Crescent

  Copyright © 2017

  Chapter One

  “Come on, Hope. I need you,” Dwayne Carson said.

  Staring into her locker, Hope Miller wondered if there was any way that she could get out of helping the most popular guy in school. If it wasn’t for her college applications, she’d have told him no, but tutoring always looked good. Tucking some hair behind her ear, she took a breath and finally turned toward him.

  “What do you need?” she asked.

  Even though he’d bullied her when they were younger, and they never, ever moved in the same crowds, she couldn’t bring herself to be a bitch. Rubbing at her temple, she waited for him to answer.

  “Math, English, and also history. I really, really need to get these right, as otherwise my ass is on the line.”

  She rolled her eyes but didn’t argue.

  “Fine, fine. I’ve got to work at seven, but I can help you for a couple of hours after school.” She closed her locker.

  “Great. You’re okay to come by my place, right?”

  She paused, not really liking the whole idea of being around his place. She’d heard a lot of rumors about the Carsons. Most of them she’d put down to being bullshit. She didn’t like gossip, especially as a lot of it had been about her in recent months. All she wanted to do was keep her head down, use whatever of her trust fund she was allowed to, go to college, and put all of her family’s mess behind her.

  Living with her aunt wasn’t what she wanted to do for the rest of her life. She knew Aunt Tay only put up with her because of the small amount of money she got paid to look after her. Her mother had known something bad was going to happen, so she’d put all of her money in a trust for Hope.

  “Can’t we go to the library or something?”

  “I won’t bite, Miller. Believe me. I won’t get anything done if I go there. You may as well cave. You know you want to. You’ll get to see my pad; it’s totally the shit.”

  “Great,” she said, trying to find the excitement but failing. “Call me excited.”

  He chuckled. “You’re a star. See you after school.”

  She watched him walk away, rolling her eyes as some of the girls nearly fainted as he winked at them. High school boys didn’t appeal to her. They were … disgusting.

  Grabbing her bag from out of her locker, she made her way to calculus and put the whole Carson drama out of her mind.

  All she wanted to do was focus on her work, getting the best grades that she could so that she didn’t have to stick around town anymore. She was done being “that girl.” The one that people pointed at and whispered about the crazy daddy who’d killed her mom, and also tried to kill her.

  Yep, that was her secret. Her father had developed a drug addiction which made him completely paranoid, crazy, and insane. He’d believed his wife was having an affair, and that Hope wasn’t even his daughter.

  He’d kept them chained up in the basement for two weeks. That’s how long it had taken for people to be alerted that something was amiss. During that time, she’d watched her father shoot her mother before he shot Hope in the stomach, and then he’d put a bullet in his brain. She’d screamed, begging for help.

  Rubbing at her temple, she tried to focus on her teacher as the memory danced across her vision. She was considered a bit of a freak because she’d not broken down. The fear, the memory of it, she was able to put it in a little box and seal it away.

  Her aunt sometimes stared at her like she was weird. Not the best feeling in the world, but not a lot Hope could do about that. She could sit and cry about it, or get on with her life, and her mother had told her what she needed to do while they’d been chained together. Even when death was certain, her mother had done everything she could to take care of her.

  Moving from calculus to PE, Hope drifted from one class to the other, ignoring some whispers and stares. At least they weren’t talking about her dad. Nope, these whispers were because of Dwayne, the hot guy who’d been caught talking to her.

  She wished they’d grow up.

  Hope didn’t bother to get changed out of her shorts and large shirt. Leaving the campus grounds, she found Dwayne sitting on the hood of his car, chatting with some of his friends. Squaring her shoulders, she made her way toward him, folding her arms as she did.

  “Babe, it’s about time.”

  “I’m not your babe. Do you want the classes?” she asked.

  “Sure.” He opened her door, and she thanked him for it, climbing inside. Pushing some of her hair out of the way, she leaned back in the leather seat and admired the comfort of the vehicle. It had to be expensive, but Dwayne belonged to a wealthy family, so she didn’t expect anything less.

  Tapping her fingers on her knees, she watched the scenery passing her by, wondering how tutoring him would be.

  “I’m really grateful you’re doing this for me. I saw your name on the tutor list thingy, and I figured you’re my best bet. I know you tutored Frank last year, and he said you’re all about the focus and not about the bullshit.”

  “Don’t you have your grades in the bag or something?” she asked.

  “My uncle demands that I earn every single grade. He doesn’t want me flunking out of school or getting someone else to write my essays. Believe me, I’d do it, but my uncle knows this shit, and I got to impress him if I want to join the family business.”

  She shrugged. “It’s fine. Do you have your grade sheets so I can take a look?” she asked.

  He reached behind him, pulling out a list. “The classes I’m flunking, I got them to point out what I needed to work on.”

  She opened it up, shocked the teachers would do that. Whenever she tutored before the teachers always told her the kids knew where they were going wrong or fucking up.

  Scanning through the list of places that were his weaknesses, she knew where to get started. The easiest subject would be history, but seeing as he was also failing math, she figured it would be best to start at his weakest point and work up to his strongest.

  Twenty minutes later they arrived at one of the largest houses she’d ever seen, especially when it came to security. Four men stood at the main gate, each wearing pristine suits without a mark on them. She was very aware of her surroundings, so she felt out of place. Her mother had a small fortune but nothing like this, and by the time Hope finished college, she wouldn’t have anything left. Her mother wanted her to be something, and she was determined to grant her wishes.

  Dwayne climbed out, and she hated the way her stomach rolled. This was not a place for her. She wasn’t rich or important.

  “Come on,” Dwayne said, leading the way into the house. She followed behind him, feeling like everyone was staring at her, knowing she wasn’t meant to be here. This wasn’t where she belonged.

  Pushing those thoughts aside, she hiked her bag higher on her shoulder, releasing a breath as he made his way inside the house, which was far more beautiful on the inside than out. She spotted several men standing in various places, but Dwayne walked past them as if t
hey were ghosts, completely invisible.

  “I think here would be a good place to start,” he said, opening a large door, which led into a large library. She saw a couple of desks and computers set up.

  Placing her very scruffy bag onto the table top, she tried to be careful not to leave a single mark. She missed the library in town where names were carved into the desks along with lewd comments.

  As she took a seat, Dwayne dropped into another and pulled out his book. She hadn’t expected him to take this so seriously, and yet here he was, grabbing books, leaning forward, and waiting.

  “I wasn’t joking around or anything. I need to pass high school.”

  She smiled. “Why now? If you don’t mind me asking.”

  “I don’t. I never took shit seriously, and let’s just say that someone I know made me very aware of the fact people don’t follow a fuck-up. They don’t like someone who can’t lead for shit. So I’m getting my head down and trying to make up for lost time.”

  Nodding, she pulled out his book, finding where he was going wrong, and flipped to it. “Could you work out this algebra equation for me, please?”

  He already had some paper in front of him, and she waited for him to complete it. Once he was done, she glanced over it, and saw the problem. For the next half an hour, she got him to complete the first equation, but he still didn’t seem to understand how it worked, and as she was about to go through the second one, his cell phone started to ring.

  Each time she tried to show him, it would ring … and ring … and ring.

  “Why don’t you pick it up?” she asked.

  “It’s fine. Really. I want to learn.”

  “Yeah, but it could be important, and it’s starting to drive me crazy.”

  He grabbed his cell phone, turning it over. She didn’t see the name of the person flash across the screen, and he was gone, telling her he’d be back in a minute.

  Standing up, she stretched out her tight muscles, raising her hands above her head, and walking toward one of the large walls.

  Books were … heaven. No matter how many she read, she always found comfort in their scent, and how they were able to transport her away from her reality. The moment she entered a book, she wasn’t Hope, the daughter of a murderer. No, she wasn’t anyone.

  “Who are you?”

  She spun around, pressing a hand to her chest when she caught sight of a much older man. He had short, black hair with grey tips at each temple. He was tall, taller than Dwayne.

  Her mouth went dry, and she looked past him toward the door. Dwayne wasn’t anywhere in sight.

  “Dwayne brought me here?”

  “You’re not Dwayne’s type.”

  She frowned, shaking her head at the same time. “I’m not Dwayne’s girlfriend.” She tucked her hair behind her ear. “I’m here to tutor him.”

  Who was this man?


  Beast Carson didn’t like having strangers in his house. In fact, he was really fucking pissed that not one of his men told him Dwayne had a girl over, but also that she’d been left alone in his fucking library.

  He was … angry.

  Clenching his hands into fists, which she couldn’t see as he had them in his pockets, he stared at her.

  This woman … girl was not his nephew’s type. First, she was on the chubby side. She had a lot of curves, and even in the large-ass shirts there was no way she could hide that body. With her tits pressing against the front of her shirt and her hip cocked to the side with her hand on it, she was all woman in the right places. Again, his nephew didn’t appreciate curves, nor the luscious brown hair falling in waves down her body. It was long, and Beast liked long hair. Something to wrap around his hand as he took control.

  What he found even more interesting was the look in her eyes. There was pain there, and something else. Something he couldn’t quite put his finger on, which he didn’t like. At thirty-seven years old, no one had been able to hide from him. He discovered their secrets within seconds. It’s what he’d been doing for a long time, but when everyone turned to him as their leader, he didn’t have much of a choice. His father had once been the head of the family. They weren’t related to the mafia, but they had their own set of illegal dealings. Chaos and shit rolled through his life like it was natural. He made the decisions. In his world, he was the judge, jury, and executioner, which raised the question—why was she here?

  “You’re here to tutor?”

  She nodded, moving toward the desk and pointing it out.

  “You’re not here to screw my nephew?”

  “Ew, no. He came to me to help him. I’m just trying to help.” She shook her head folding her arms around her body as if she was protecting herself. He didn’t know what she was trying to protect herself from, but he didn’t like it.

  “I see you’re grossing out my tutor. Hope, I’d like you to meet my uncle, Beast.”

  “Your name is Beast?” she asked.

  “Let’s just say my mother thought it would be a joke to my father.” He shook her hand, feeling the strength within her grip. There was something alluring about her.

  “It’s nice to meet you,” she said.

  “Likewise. I appreciate my nephew taking an interest in his education.”

  “I’ll help where I can.”

  He held her hand a little longer than was appropriate, but she didn’t show any nerves at the action, which he found alarming. Anyone else would have been worried. Glancing at Dwayne, with one look he let the kid know that he was going to want a word with him. No one came to the house. It was his rule.

  Moving toward the back of the library, he glanced back over to see Hope lower herself into her chair and watched for a few seconds as she tutored his nephew. Dwayne’s father was six feet under, and had been for over ten years. Beast had gotten custody, dealing with the boy’s father the only way he dealt with traitors, killing them.

  It hadn’t cost him anything to put a bullet in the bastard that was beating his blood. Dwayne had sported black eyes, fractured ribs, and other pains. For that, Beast had made sure his brother was made an example of. Anyone who threatened or hurt what belonged to him, what he considered his, he’d kill. Simple as that.

  Dwayne was his nephew. Beast had gotten attached to the kid years ago, and he wouldn’t have anything happen to him.

  She didn’t flirt with Dwayne. Instead she kept a distance and simply tutored him. Hope. He’d never heard his nephew talk about her.

  Leaving them alone, he made his way into his office to deal with the legal side of his businesses.

  His father was long since dead, but all of the businesses fell to Beast, and he’d spent all of his life learning everything.

  He had to have strong sons, and Beast being the oldest of three, he’d had to learn the ropes. Rafe, Dwayne’s father, was dead, which left him and Caleb. His youngest brother entered the office and took a seat.

  “Since when do you have guests around?” asked Caleb.

  “I don’t have guests. He has a tutor. You’ve seen them?”

  “Yep. Do you know who she is?”

  “Haven’t got a clue.”

  “She looks older than high school age.”

  The warning was clear. It wouldn’t be the first time a cop has tried to pose as something to get into his home, and he wasn’t going to allow it, not today or any other day. He’d find out everything he needed.

  “I take it you’ll deal with it, and with Dwayne, if she turns out to be a cop.”

  “I don’t think she’s a cop.”

  “Can you be sure?”

  He just knew she wasn’t a cop.

  “Are you here to question me or to conduct business?”

  Caleb threw the keys down on the desk from one of their brothels. “I had to get rid of Howie. He was abusing the women. I won’t have that.”

  Picking up the keys, Beast turned them over in his hands. The brothels were one part of the business his father owned that he really wished he cou
ld get rid of. He didn’t like it.

  They brought in a shit ton of cash, but he didn’t like making his money from women who lay on their backs, spreading their legs.

  “This is your problem. You deal with it. I don’t want to hear about it again until you’ve found a suitable replacement.”

  Caleb left, and Beast got to work. He’d returned from one of his warehouses where his men had found a rat trying to escape the city. No one ratted on a Carson and got away with it. No one.

  Time passed, and as it grew dark, he turned the lamp on over his desk, working through his files, making phone calls, and doing everything he needed to do.

  “She’s gone,” Dwayne said. “I took her to where she works.”

  He stared up at his nephew, leaning back in his chair. He nodded at Dwayne to put the light on.

  “Before you start freaking out and doing that shouting thing you like to do, I’d like to say she’s not a cop, or anything dodgy, okay? She’s just a girl at high school.”

  Beast locked his fingers together, staring at him.

  “I know you weren’t around last year, but did you hear the story of the guy who killed his wife and shot his daughter?”

  Beast was more than aware of it. He’d been the one to supply the lunatic with a gun. Information he kept to himself.

  “I’m aware of it.”

  “She’s the daughter that got shot.”

  “Excuse me?” He didn’t like that. He’d made sure his men covered all traces of where the gun was purchased. Mr. Miller hadn’t had a license, but he’d had the money to pay for what he could provide.

  “She wasn’t in school for a month. For two weeks her dad kept her locked up with her mother in the basement. The story is everywhere. He’d gotten paranoid or something, and had decided to take it out on mother and daughter. He killed her mother and shot her. That’s the story around high school anyway. People are a little freaked out by her though.”



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