Her Beast

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Her Beast Page 8

by Sam Crescent

  She nodded without saying a word, and left.


  To say Beast was pissed, put it mildly. Caleb stood beside him as he held Micah by the throat. He’d known his nephew intended to have a party, and even thought it was funny that Hope kept Dwayne’s secret. What he didn’t intend was for it to go on for so long. He had business within the city, a deal that he had to be part of, and so he’d been home a few minutes later, and entering his home, he’d heard what this sick little shit was going to do. What he’d already done.

  Rapists, abusers of any kind, sickened him. Staring at Micah, he saw a coward, a piece of shit. Releasing him, he shoved him toward Caleb. “Keep him company, and call that little shit’s father, and our guy at the police department. I want to have a little chat with him.”

  Leaving his home, he stepped out into the fray of the party and came to a stop. What he saw … angered him.

  Kids were snorting up coke on one of his coffee tables, and he saw Dwayne fucking one girl as he licked and sucked at another.

  It was time to call it off.

  “Anyone who is not Dwayne fucking Carson, get the fuck off my property or I will have you all arrested, and I see a lot of evidence that your little daddies won’t be able to save you from.”

  Within minutes they were scrambling to get away. Dwayne had stood up, and even with a hard dick, he stared at him as if he had a right to.

  Beast’s rage … was not something to be trifled with right now. He was pissed. More than pissed, he was fucking ready to kill, and right now, he wanted to hurt his nephew. That little shit had brought a rapist into his home, and because Dwayne had been too busy getting his own dick wet, it had put Hope in danger.

  He’d heard the terrified scream. The fear. That scream would stay with him forever. Just another to add to his list of many crimes when it came to that girl.

  When they were alone together, he stared across the yard, and Dwayne didn’t say a word.

  “I was aware of this party ever since you began organizing it.”


  “Hope told me nothing.” He cut him off before any blaming could begin. “You’re not even aware of what I just had to stop, are you?”


  “Your good ‘friend’ Micah, Dwayne. You know anything about him? Know of his many secrets?”

  Dwayne shook his head.

  “So there’s never been a few tales of how he’s raped girls. Taken them without their permission. You know what rape means.”

  “Micah doesn’t have to force a girl.”

  Beast’s hands fisted at his sides, and for the first time, he wanted to hurt his nephew. Being soft on him hadn’t helped him in the least. It had made him foolish.

  “I just walked in on Micah trying to rape Hope.” He tilted his head to the side and let that piece of information sink in. “Believe me, Dwayne, she wasn’t begging for it. She was screaming for help.”

  Dwayne went pale, all blood draining from his face. “Is she … is … she okay?”

  “I’ll deal with her, just like I deal with everything else.” He glanced around the pool. The use of drugs and sex was obvious. “You know I saved you from my brother all those years ago because I found you with bruises. He wasn’t doing anything differently to how we were raised. A boy that can take a few slaps can also punch, and from there, you begin to grow a monster. My brother was using our father’s methods. We’d all agreed it wouldn’t be the same for our children, but seeing how you abuse my trust, I know I was wrong. I’m not going to start beating you, but the playtime you had, the complete freedom to do what you want, ends tonight. This was your last party. Putting my woman at risk is the final straw. If you even think to put the blame of this on her, you’ll deal with me. Do you understand?” he asked.


  “Good.” He turned on his heel, about to make his way inside.

  “Is Micah still alive?”

  “For now. He won’t be around for much longer, but not because I put a bullet in his brain. He’s going away, and last time I checked he was eighteen. Let’s see how he likes being someone’s bitch for a change.” He was going to make sure that little shit went to prison, and got a taste of what he did to others.

  When he got back inside the house, Micah was sitting in a chair with his father and a local police officer in the room.

  By the time he finished explaining the situation, Micah was being led in handcuffs and a deal was struck with his father. Plain and simple. Micah’s father was a businessman, and Beast knew how to make shit happen. He wanted Micah in prison, and he did a deal with the father to make sure that happened. If it was anyone else, he’d have killed the little shit, but he didn’t want Hope to feel any of that guilt.

  Moving into his office, he poured two glasses of scotch, handing one to Caleb, who took it without a word. They stood in the office watching as Dwayne cleaned away the mess. It was the least he could do.

  Beast had to go up to see Hope, but he couldn’t see her until he had a drink. Taking another large swig, he watched his nephew.

  “We could send him away until your temper is back in check.”

  “There’s nothing wrong with my temper, brother. He needs to learn to be responsible, and having parties where he can’t protect others, that’s something he’s going to learn.” He finished off his whiskey. “I want you to start tomorrow morning, training him. We’ll hone his skills, and teach him what he’s missing.”

  He walked toward the office door. “Hope, she’s different for you, isn’t she?”

  Glancing back toward Caleb, he stared at his younger brother, not saying anything.

  “You’re different around her. You’ve not gone to see Sarah, and I know there’s no other woman in your life.”

  Again, he just stared at Caleb, waiting for his brother to finish what was being said.

  “Do you love her?”

  “My feelings for Hope are not your concern.”

  “They are, Beast. You and I both know they are because I’m part of this family, just like you. I know what you want, and I know what you’re capable of. I’ll protect her at all costs, you know that. You’re my brother.”

  “You tried to warn her away.”

  “For her own good. Do you really think that anything good could come from her being with you, being here?”

  He gritted his teeth. His mother had lived a life that he wouldn’t allow a dog to have. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t give Hope up. Every night that he watched her sleep he was convinced that it would be the last. Only, the morning would come, and she’d smile at him, and he’d find himself lost once more.

  “I’m going to go see her.”

  This time he did leave, and made his way toward his room. There was no sign of her in his room or his bathroom, so he went to hers where he found her in the bath. Bubbles covered most of her body, and she looked tired. The moment he entered the room, she looked up at him.

  “I wasn’t asking for it. I didn’t beg or anything.”

  “I know you didn’t.” He removed his clothes and joined her in the bath, pulling her into his arms. At first, she tensed up and wouldn’t allow him to hold her. Beast didn’t give up. He pulled her into his arms, kissing the top of her head. “You don’t have to think about him anymore.”

  She began to cry, and her arms moved around him, holding him close. It was a good thing Micah was now in police custody, as otherwise he’d kill the little shit with his bare hands.

  “How many girls do you think he’s done that to? He was so confident. He knew nothing and no one was going to harm him. How? Why? He shouldn’t … he can’t get away with that.”

  “I’ve already got it handled. He’s not going to get away with anything, baby. I promise you. I’ve got things in place to make sure he won’t ever touch or hurt another woman again.”

  She nodded and clung to him.

  Closing his eyes, he kissed her head. “Next time, tell me that Dwayne’s
going to have a party.”

  “I’m so sorry. He begged me not to, and this is his home.”

  “It’s yours as well.”

  “I didn’t think that would happen. I thought I’d be safe.”

  “I don’t want you to be afraid inside your own home.” He pushed some hair off her face and smiled down at her. “I won’t let anything happen to you.”

  “I know you won’t.” She pressed her lips to his. “I trust you.”

  Just like that, guilt once again gripped him.

  He saw the love shining in her eyes, but he didn’t say anything. He just held her close.

  Chapter Nine

  Time passed. Days turned to weeks, and weeks turned into months, and it was Christmas before Hope knew what was happening. Her time spent with the Carsons was the happiest of her life. After the party, her friendship with Dwayne was rather … awkward. She felt guilty, and after a few weeks, Dwayne apologized to her for not being there.

  She didn’t say anything, just gave him a hug, and put it behind them. Beast had somehow made it so that Micah was sentenced for multiple counts of rape. A lot of girls had come forward, not just in their town, but in several others. Each of them had a story, and quite a few of them with similar claims as Hope’s, where he’d told them he’d get away with it.

  Just thinking about it made her sick.

  “I don’t do trees,” Beast said, from where he was lying on the bed. He was still completely naked after his latest lesson. They weren’t lessons, and they never had been. He didn’t teach her anything, but her body certainly felt good after their time together.

  She gasped, placing a hand against her chest. “How can you say such a thing?”

  “I told you I don’t do Christmas.”

  “That cannot happen.” She rushed toward the bed, dropping down beside him. Even though she was naked, she felt comfortable in her own skin around Beast. Maybe that had something to do with fact he’d seen her completely naked, and had even kissed every square inch of her body. She smiled up at him, recalling how he’d trailed his tongue down her back, lifting her up so that she was on her knees as he’d stroked her pussy and ass.

  “You know,” he said, resting his hand on her ass. “You’ve been talking about Christmas a lot. Tell me why?”

  “My mom always loved it.” She stared down at her hands, closing her eyes as he began to stroke up her spine, then sliding his fingers down. He grazed over the cheeks of her ass. “Aunt Tay didn’t celebrate it, and I guess I just wanted to have one Christmas before I went away to college. You know. It’s fine though. I don’t mind if you don’t want to.” She smiled as he tsked and slapped her ass.

  “You know how to get whatever you want out of me, and you don’t even try.”

  She giggled. “When was the last time you had a Christmas?” she asked.

  He thought about it. “After Dwayne’s father was born. That was the last time she put up a tree.”

  Hope saw the darkness swirling in his gaze, and she hated that it was there. “Talk to me.”

  “There’s nothing to talk about, babe. My dad, he hated Christmas, but he made her do a big thing of it because he knew she loved it, but he’d spend so much time shouting at her, and tearing it down. I think he only allowed her to put it up so that he could ruin it.”

  She placed a hand on his chest and moved so that she straddled him. His cock already pressing against her core. “We don’t have to celebrate it.” She didn’t like the bad memories she saw in his gaze.

  He smiled. “You know if you want something you’re not supposed to agree to not have it.”

  “I don’t want you to be sad. Just as a point to mention, your dad sounds like an asshole.”

  “He was.”

  She didn’t touch on the past tense. He skimmed his fingers down her body, gripping her ass and rolling her over. “I’d love to know what you’ve done to me.”

  “I have no idea what you mean.”

  She opened her thighs as he slid between them. His cock bumped her clit as he rubbed between the lips of her pussy.

  He pulled back, holding her hips, and he stared down at where their bodies lay together. Every touch against her nub had her gasping, desperate, begging for more.

  “You make me ache, baby. I want you so fucking much.” He placed his cock at her entrance, and she cried out as with one hard thrust, he slammed to the hilt within her. Arching up, she felt his lips on her tits, and watched as he took one nipple into his mouth, followed by the next.

  His cock pulsed inside her, and he didn’t move for the longest time. “I’ll never grow tired of your pussy wrapped around my cock, baby.” He groaned as she tightened herself, feeling him pulse. “Damn, Hope, you want my cum, don’t you?”


  Gripping her hips, he pulled her off his cock until only the tip was inside her, and then he fucked her hard, slamming all the way within her. She cried out his name, feeling him fill every single part of her, touching places deep inside her that made her ache for more.

  She was addicted to him, desperate for his cock.

  Beast had a power over her, and she loved every second that he used it.

  “You’re all mine, baby. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you. I want you so fucking badly.”

  She cried out as he bit her tits, knowing he’d leave a mark.

  He moved over her completely, wrapping his arms around her waist and fucking her so hard that the headboard slammed against the wall, matching their cries.

  Beast brought her to orgasm first before he joined her, flooding inside her with his cum. She felt every single spurt as he filled her. He’d not worn a condom for some time, and she kept forgetting to get an appointment with the doctor. She quickly made a note of it to get it done. The last thing she wanted to do was trap him with a child he didn’t want.

  “What are you thinking?” he asked.

  She smiled. “I can’t move right now.”

  “Good, because I’m nowhere near done with you yet.”


  “Are you okay?” Caleb asked.

  Beast glanced up at his brother, sitting back in his seat. He spent a great deal more time at home now than he ever did outside of it. Hope was the reason. Whenever she was near, he found it next to impossible to leave her. He didn’t want to leave her.

  “Why wouldn’t I be?”

  “Your woman is hunting for colleges, and I didn’t know if the age difference bothered you?”

  “Age difference?”

  “She’s young, Beast.”

  He smiled as Caleb took a seat. “The age difference? You know when I’m with her, there doesn’t feel any difference at all. She’s not a child, and she doesn’t giggle, unless I tickle her.”

  Caleb burst out laughing. “You tickle your woman?”

  “On occasion. I like to catch her off guard, and I’m not talking about this with you.” He sat back. “Why are you asking me this?”

  “Just curious. You never struck me as the kind of guy who liked them young is all.”

  “I don’t ‘like them young.’”

  Hope was the first woman that had ever made him cross that line. She’d been of legal age, and he didn’t doubt for a second that if she hadn’t been, he’d have left her alone. He would have.

  There were a lot of things he would do, but even he had morals and lines he wouldn’t cross. Those lines his father had once told him were what made him weak.

  No, his lines, his morals, were what made him strong.

  “What made Hope so different for you?” Caleb asked.

  “Why the sudden questions about the woman in my life?” He pressed his fingers together, watching his brother.

  “You’re not going to tell me anything until I tell you, are you?”

  “That’s the way this works.”

  “Fine. I may have seen or met someone. Not going to go into the details. I’m sure you’re aware of everything already.”

  Beast smiled. He
was aware his brother had met someone, and that she was indeed young. Not illegal, but still out of Caleb’s comfort zone.

  “Her eyes,” Beast said.

  “Her eyes? They’re just brown.”

  He chuckled. “You’ve got to look a little deeper when you stare at a woman. Don’t just see tits and ass.” Beast stared past him. “I saw her ass first. She was standing at the bookcase in the library, her hands trailing across the spines of the books. That was the first time I saw her. She turned to face me, and I saw her eyes. They’re deep brown, and so torn. She’s seen pain and come out fighting. She’s a fighter, my woman.” He smiled, just thinking about it. “I know I’m the one responsible for putting that look in her eyes, but … I couldn’t look away. I was caught, enslaved by that one gaze. She left, and I found myself thinking about her.”

  “I know you got every single little bit of information on her.”

  “I watched her at the diner. She walked everywhere.” He smiled, thinking about that small jacket wrapped around her.

  “Dude, you sound like you’re in love.”

  Beast stared at his brother. “It’s when the little things, like age, don’t matter. When you’re together, and you crave her smile, or find yourself charmed by something that really annoys you in everyone else, you know that it doesn’t matter.”

  “What does she do?” he asked.

  “When she giggles … everyone else annoys me, but with Hope, I find myself constantly making her giggle. Trying to give her a reason to hear that one blissful sound. Her giggles don’t make me want to kill her. I just want to take care of her.”

  Silence fell between them.

  “You’re not going to let her go to college,” Caleb said.

  He didn’t say a word, staring at his brother, who ran fingers through his hair.

  “She’s not a toy.”

  “I never said she was, and I don’t intend to keep her on a shelf so that I can bring her out to play.”

  Caleb stared at him. “I thought you and I agreed that no woman would ever make us bring them part of this world. Our lives … it’s not for them.”

  “I run a tight ship, Caleb. It’s never been safer than it is right now.”


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