Mission Almost Impossible

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Mission Almost Impossible Page 2

by Loc Glin

  “Your what?” she stammered and then continued, “And no, a frying pan is not my weapon of choice. It was all I could find.”

  The timbre of her voice lured his attention back to her. She sounded more insolent than contrite. Something about her spirit made him forget the throbbing in his head. He stood and chuckled. “Then, what is your weapon of choice?”

  She sputtered.

  “I don’t have a weapon of choice! Do you think I’m a bloody bloodthirsty gang member or something?”

  “You tell me. I’m the one with the concussion.”

  “I don’t think you have a concussion. You look fine to me.”

  Her eyes roved over him. It felt as if she’d caressed his entire being. His body reacted as if she had. The crotch of his jeans became quite uncomfortable. His body had never reacted to a woman this way before. There was something about her that begged him to goad her into outlandish behavior.

  “I’ll take that as a compliment.”

  “I didn’t mean it as a compliment!” Those eyes raked over him again. “Although, it is true.” Her hand slapped over her mouth. She closed her eyelids in embarrassment as a tinge of pink flushed her face. “Tell me I didn’t just say that out loud.”

  Bringing attention to his presence, the police officer chuckled. “Can’t do that, Miss Sherwood.”

  “I was afraid of that,” she muttered.

  “Are either of you going to press charges? If not I’ll be on my way.”

  “I want to see those papers he was talking about,” she nearly snarled.

  The constable scratched his chin. “That seems like a right smart thing to do. I’d like to see those credentials, mister, mister…?”

  “Kell, Jerin Kell.” He extended his hand to the officer.

  “I’m Constable Chadwick. This is Kaley Sherwood. Her aunt and uncle own this place.”

  Constable Chadwick politely shook his hand and released it.

  “I was under the impression the place would be empty,” Jerin said.

  “It would have been, but I needed to get away. I remembered they wanted me to keep an eye on the place for them. They’d asked me months ago while they were planning their trip. I refused at the time. I suppose that’s why they hired you.”

  Jerin went to his luggage and pulled out the contract Becky had given him. “Here is the paperwork. It should clear everything up for you, Miss Sherwood, and you too, Constable,” he added as he surrendered the envelope.

  The constable opened the packet and looked over the documents before handing them to Kaley.

  “They seem to be in order. I’ll call the agency when I get back to the police station, just to be sure.”

  Kaley frowned. “It looks legit. Here.” She shoved the papers at Jerin and crossed her arms over her chest. “I guess we’re both staying.”

  The thought of spending time with her did odd things to his insides. His heart seemed to twist and blood pounded through his veins. A desire to protect her crept into his consciousness. Since she was a stranger, he was perplexed by the longing.

  “Is that what you want?” he asked.

  “No, but my aunt and uncle wanted the place cared for. I’m not going to countermand their wishes. I assume you are qualified to handle any emergency that should arise? If not then leave, because I can make phone calls to a repairman as easily as you.” She raised her eyebrows in question and confrontation. Those exciting orbs were challenging him to leave one moment and, if he read the emotion correctly, pleading with him to stay the next.

  He should be insulted at her innuendo that he was inept at his job, but he wasn’t. She was a feisty little thing. Not so little he corrected himself. He longed to hold her to find out how well she fit next to his body. The women of Earth made him uneasy. When he touched them, he had to be mindful of their fragility. He had no doubt that Kaley was strong, her ability to wield that cast iron frying pan proved that. The thought of touching her, without fear of breaking her as he caressed her and became lost in passion, was intoxicating. He almost stepped forward to act on the desire.

  He cleared his throat. “I am qualified,” he managed to say while in his mind’s eye he loosened her hair from its bonds.

  She blushed as if the heat of his thoughts had touched her.

  “In that case I will take my leave. Miss Sherwood, I trust you have our number? Don’t be afraid to use it should the need arise.”

  The police officer gave Jerin a glance filled with warning and then made his way out of the door closing it behind him.

  Chapter Three

  A moment of silence stretched into two and then three threatening to become an uncomfortable impasse as they stood locked in a visual duel that felt more like an embrace. What was she supposed to say? She’d hit the man over the head and knocked him out.

  “I’m sorry,” she finally managed to mumble lowering her eyes from his mesmerizing blue gaze.

  “I find that hard to believe. Everything about you reeks of tension and defiance.”

  “I thought you were a burglar. What would you have me do?” She placed her hands on her hips.

  “Oh, I don’t know… How about ask what I was doing here? After all, I had a key.”

  “I didn’t know that.”

  “You didn’t bother to find out either.”

  “I had to have the element of surprise on my side. Do you have any idea how big you are?”

  He smiled and inclined his head causing that errant curl to form in the middle of his forehead again. His cheeks dimpled, and she thought he was the sexiest man she’d ever met. Her stomach clenched and turned over, this time sending a wave of tingles throughout her body.

  “You could have killed me.”

  The distance between them disappeared. He towered over her, and for the first time in her life she felt truly feminine. The sheer size of him drew her to him. His body was the sturdy foundation she wanted to cling to in order to get through the turbulent emotions he seemed to set in motion around her. She trembled and fought the overpowering desire to wrap her arms around his neck and kiss him as she’d never kissed a man before.

  She breathed in trying to steady her emotions. His scent enveloped her, a manly combination of spices and male musk. She imagined she could smell his desire for her. His breathing became erratic. For long moments, they stood silently feeling an energy flow between them. The comprehension that she’d known him for an eternity possessed her. Emotions crackled and danced between them. An invisible bond was forming ensnaring her with its mystic beauty. Potent and alluring the force grew to almost painful proportions before he moved past her.

  She gasped for breath and noticed he’d stepped down into the living room. He was bent over with his hands on his knees. It appeared he was trying to get his breathing under control as well.

  “What the hell was that?”

  “Salvation,” he muttered.


  “Miss Sherwood, where will I be staying? I’m not feeling well at the moment. I’d like to lie down.”

  He seemed to sway slightly.

  She dashed down the stairs and tucked herself under his shoulder for support.

  “This way.”

  She led him to his room and settled him on the edge of the bed.

  “Maybe I should call the doctor after all? You don’t look very well.”

  “I’ll be fine. I just need some rest.” He took a deep steadying breath.

  “If you say so—”

  He looked up into her face. His eyes rolled into the back of his head. His unconscious body slumped backward onto the bed.

  “Bloody hell!” Panic gripped her heart as she ran to find her phone.

  Thank god for the redial button. She didn’t think her trembling fingers would be able to find the keys she needed.

  “Constable Chadwick, send the doctor. Mr. Kell just passed out. I don’t care if he says he doesn’t want a doctor. I need to know he is all right.”

  “I’ll fetch the doctor mysel
f. We will be on our way shortly.”

  Chapter Four

  Jerin was aware of Kaley leaving the room. He soon discovered that he was unable to speak or move any of his muscles. Maybe he did need that doctor after all. No, he wasn’t in pain. He remembered how he felt standing next to Kaley and he “just knew” that she was the one. She’d felt it too. There was no denying that something had happened between them, and she’d wanted to know what it was. Now, he just had to figure out how to tell her.

  After a few moments, he felt himself return to normal. His body began to respond to the demands of his conscious thought. Eyelids opened, fingers twitched and flexed. Toes moved within the confines of his boots. He took the actual sitting up process slowly, testing his ability to remain upright. After a few minutes, he was fully recovered. He stood. The shriek he heard from the doorway surprised him so thoroughly that it nearly knocked him off balance, but he recovered quickly.

  “Oh, no you don’t! Get back on that bed. The doctor will be here soon. I won’t have them find you on the floor.”

  She marched over to him, put her hands on his chest and shoved. Her expression registered surprise when he didn’t budge. The thought occurred to him that he could get to feel her body on his if he played his cards correctly. The next time she pushed, he grabbed her upper arms and fell backward onto the bed pulling her down with him.

  Her body stretched over his. Immediately she struggled to rise. The squirming movements provoked parts of his anatomy into immediate action. To protect that tender region as it rose responding to the stimulating treatment, he rolled to his side almost covering her and trapped her beneath his leg and thigh.

  Her breathing quickened, he felt her anger begin to escalate. Such a volatile creature she was. Her nipples hardened beneath the spandex. This was not anger, but passion wearing the guise of anger. He trapped her free arm and allowed his palm to follow the sensuous curves to her hand and fingertips where he entwined her fingers between his own. Palm to palm the chakras in their hands pulsed with tantalizing warmth. Her face turned toward his. Angry words seemed ready to spew from her lips. Their eyes met and the words seemed to fall away unspoken and forgotten.

  Her chest rose and fell in rapid succession, quick breaths that signaled her arousal. She pressed her fingers into the back of his hand. It was an invitation to move closer. Female curves pressed into him igniting a fire in his loins. He groaned in response to its heat. Her hips gravitated into him and she whimpered. Hunger filled her eyes and he wanted nothing more than to feed it.

  He let his gaze roam over her exquisite face from forehead to chin, perfect complexion, and flawless skin, save for the small sickle-shaped scar that made its home high on her left cheekbone. Long lashes surrounded two incredible emerald orbs. A nose that was entirely feminine, yet not what the fashion industry would consider chic, made its home in the center of classic zygomatic bones. Full lips with just the right touch of a dusty rose color were at that moment begging for his attention. They quivered with the inward sigh her breath had taken.

  He felt the slight tension the muscles in her neck produced as they hinted at moving toward him. As he lowered his head to hers, her lips parted in anticipation. The slight touch he offered asking for permission felt like the most passionate kiss he’d ever engaged in. Softer than anything he’d ever experienced, her lips captivated him. Her moan of delight was the permission he sought. Increasing the pressure, he experienced a sensation that filled him at his core. Desire, mixed with a need so great he didn’t think he could bear it, rose and spread outward until it filled his entire being.

  A loud knocking intruded on the sensual moment.

  “Miss Sherwood! Are you all right? I have the doctor with me.” The Constable’s voice rang through the air bringing the occupants of the house out of their sexual stupor.

  Jerin reluctantly broke off the kiss and rolled over freeing her.

  She seemed loath to move.

  “You’d better go, or he will break the door down.”

  She nodded, rose and walked toward the door.

  “I’m coming, Constable Chadwick. Just a moment.”

  Pausing for a moment she looked back over her shoulder before she moved through the doorway. Confusion filled her expression, and he was sure his face mirrored the emotion. Whatever had just happened between them, he wanted more of it. Lot’s more of it! The heat he saw in her eyes told him that she felt the same.

  Chapter Five

  Two hours later Kaley prowled the kitchen. Jerin sat at the table and watched her every movement.

  “The doctor said you should stay awake for a few hours.”

  “I know I was there.”

  She turned and glared at him. “So you’re going to be a smart ass now, huh?”

  “Kaley, why don’t we just talk about the pink elephant in the room?”

  “What pink elephant?”

  She moved to the sink, showed him her back, and turned on the tap.

  “All right, have it your way, but as for myself, I’d like to experience it again. I’ve never felt anything like it.”

  “It was pretty awesome, wasn’t it?” She twisted to face him. “I’ve been kissed before, but that was surreal.” The corners of her mouth turned up in appreciation.

  He grinned.

  “Now, don’t go getting a big head. I’m not saying it was the best kiss I’ve ever had, although it was.” Her hand flew to her mouth. “I said that out loud, didn’t I?”

  He nodded.

  Her face turned three shades of dark pink. “Why can’t I hold my tongue around you? I seem to say the most humiliating things.”

  “Always say what’s on your mind to me, never sugar-coat the truth. I’ll do the same for you. Honesty and the truth are always the best answers for any situation. It has to be the basis of our relationship. Even if it’s embarrassing or if it hurts. Lies will eventually make matters worse.”

  “Apparently I won’t have a problem doing that. Things seem to just pop out when I’m around you.” She made a point of engaging his eyes. “You make it sound as if we are going to become friends, or possibly more.”

  She sucked in a breath and seemed anxious.

  “Sit for a minute and let’s clear the air.”

  Kaley slid into the chair across from him and began to fidget. She seemed nervous so he decided some small talk might be in order.

  “What made you decide to come here?”


  “Who is David?”

  “David was my boyfriend.”

  Red hot jealousy racked his body. She has a boyfriend. He curled his fingers into a fist and squeezed until his knuckles turned white before he realized she’d said ‘was.’


  “Yeah, I caught the asshole with another woman. The thing is, I was on my way to have a talk with him anyway, so I suppose it was a blessing in disguise. If he’d been honest about our relationship in the first place, it would never have happened. I would have been dating other people too.” She paused for a brief moment. “Now, if he kissed like you, I’m not sure what I would have done.”

  Elation, or possibly his ego filled him.

  “He wasn’t a good kisser then?”

  “Quite the contrary, he kissed really well. David was one of the best. I’m going to miss that.”

  “I’ll be more than happy to pick up the slack where kissing is concerned.”

  She smiled. “And I’m tempted to let you. That kiss earlier was really something. Do you kiss like that all the time?”

  “That was the first time I’ve ever felt anything like that in a kiss. I think it’s you. You’re quite special.”

  “I doubt that very much. I used to dream of being special to someone.” She quirked the side of her mouth sadly. “I used to imagine having super powers and saving the world too. None of it is going to happen,” she scoffed.

  “Don’t be so sure about that.” He had to get everything out in the open because he was sure the
next time he kissed her, or maybe when they made love, they would be transported back to Setera. He had to know if she was willing. “If you could save a world, even if it wasn’t your own, would you?”

  “I never gave it any thought.”

  “Give it some now.”


  “Remember, only the truth between us. What would you do if another world needed you to survive? And I mean really needed you, as in the species would cease to exist without you.”

  Kaley put her elbows on the table, leaned forward and cradled her chin in her palms. A few moments later her expression turned dreamy. It appeared that she was a million miles away, lost in thought.

  Not daring to move, he waited for what seemed an eternity. He wanted to rile at her ‘What’s taking you so long to decide? We need you. This is a no-brainer.’ He refrained, and tried not to look at the clock.

  Her palms met the surface of the table, and the slightest hint of pink dusted her cheekbones.

  “I’m sorry. I guess I started daydreaming.”

  “About what?”

  “About saving an entire species.”


  “You really want me to tell you about my daydream?” She flushed.

  “Desperately.” He smiled and squeezed her hand.

  “You’re sweet, but—”

  “Kaley, I’m serious. It’s very important to me, to us.”

  “It’s embarrassing.”

  “Only the truth between us, remember?” He moved his thumb over the back of her hand. “I’m hoping that I was in that daydream.”

  An expression of relief and then a smile, a smile that he wanted to spend the rest of his life trying to recreate, adorned her face.

  “You were. I told you it’s embarrassing.” Once again she blushed.

  “It’s music to my ears. Please, go on.”

  “Okay, but remember it’s just a daydream. We’ve just met, so there is no way I really want this to happen.” She bit her bottom lip and her eyes moved to the ceiling.

  Jerin thought the action was an effort to stop the words, “but I do” from escaping. He smiled and squeezed her hand encouraging her to continue.


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