Ordering Olivia

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Ordering Olivia Page 5

by Allie Standifer

  Then they were kissing again, and he deepened the kiss with a low groan, lowering more of his weight against the delicious roundness of her perfect, plump breasts. He used one hand to hold her head still for his kiss. Oh how he loved fucking her mouth as much as her cunt. So soft and wet, with a flavour he could easily become addicted to.

  He praised whatever higher power was listening as she kissed him back. Her tongue met and twined with his. He’d never met a woman he hadn’t been able to take and leave. Much less a woman he couldn’t lose his hard-on for. Everything about Olivia felt different. She had her own life, her own friends. She didn’t need him or depend on him for anything. Self-confident and assured… Everything about her turned him on.

  To his delight and amazement, Olivia met him thrust for thrust, and he revelled in every motion. He’d never made love to a woman as soft as Olivia, and now, he knew just what he’d been missing. The perfection of her curves cushioned the hard planes of his body. Instead of feeling her bones, Ethan felt nothing but the lushness of her generous flesh. Everything about her was somehow more giving than anything he’d ever experienced before.

  Ethan had less than zero control, but he wanted to feel Olivia come around him again. To feel her slick inner muscles pull and squeeze as her orgasm tore through her.

  He wrapped one arm around her, sliding his hand up and down her silken side, through the soft fall of her jet black hair. Later, when his desire tampered down, he wanted to wind those dark locks around his cock.

  Maybe he should take time out to kiss and tongue her breasts, but that meant leaving her mouth.

  Nope, he couldn’t do it. Maybe in a couple of hours, he’d be able to give those ripe berry nipples the attention they deserved, to suck them in his mouth and nibble the sweet flesh with his teeth.

  Cripes, he was turning himself on while still thrusting inside her. What the hell was happening between his brain and his dick?

  He didn’t care. Ethan drew his hand free of her cloud long hair to cup her breast. It felt full and soft in his large hand. He lightly drew a circle around the nipple and wanted to smile at the moan that vibrated between their joined mouths.

  In a sudden movement, Ethan reversed their positions. He rolled them over with her in his arms until she lay pressed atop him. Her fragrant curtain of black hair surrounded them like a living wave.

  He’d thought with Olivia on top, he wouldn’t feel the need to get rough, but with her breasts pressed firmly against his chest, her breath warming his neck, rough fucking was about the only thing he was capable of.

  He could feel how warm and wet she was from her own juices. His latex-covered cock was making noises in her, but it didn’t bother him enough to pull out and grab a new one.

  His work roughened hands cupped the perfect globes of her ass, and he settled into a deep, pounding rhythm—hard, fast thrusts he generally used right before coming his brains out.

  Everything in the world faded except for the soul-driven need to keep fucking Olivia. He clung tightly to her, pulling her firmly down to his body, shaking as his own orgasm rose up as her sweet, tight muscles spasmed around him. He fucked her all the way through it, unable to stop, vicious short stabs up into her, his cock iron stiff, coming so much he almost passed out. By the time his body finally stopped shaking and thrusting, he couldn’t think, speak or even blink. And he was drop dead grateful she’d been on top so he wouldn’t even have to think about moving.

  “If I die now, would you please make sure they have my casket open at the viewing?” Olivia’s breathless voice broke through his satiated haze.

  She wanted to speak? To hold a conversation with him? Ethan didn’t think he would ever walk again, much less figure out how to use his vocal cords. The best he could manage turned out to be a “Huh?”

  His answer must have satisfied her because she continued to talk. “I just want to make sure everyone one of my bitch goddess friends sees the size of the smile I died with.” Then she dropped her head and nuzzled her nose against his panting and sweaty chest.

  “That good, huh?” Wow he could still talk. Amazing what a little compliment could do to a man’s body.

  “On a scale of one to ten,” Olivia paused to lick his nipple, “you broke the scale.”

  Feeling more pleased with himself by the second, Ethan managed to lift his arms. “Feeling’s mutual, honey.”

  “Not to get all personal or anything, but if sex with you is this good, why the hell hasn’t some woman chained you to a bed in her basement and rode you ‘til you broke?”

  And Ethan did the one thing he’d never done with another woman in bed, he laughed. He laughed until tears trickled down his face.

  When he finally managed to catch his breath, Olivia’s head rested on her fist, and she stared at him strangely. “Something I said?”

  Giving into the urge, Ethan wrapped both arms around her and simply hugged her. “You’re not right in the head, are you?”

  She gave him a playful slap to the chest. “Remind me to get mad at you later when I have the energy.”

  “Yeah, I’ll be sure to do that,” he promised, sarcasm heavily lacing his voice.

  They lay quietly for several moments, at ease with each other and comfortable with the silence.

  His stomach growled. Olivia sat up while he rubbed a hand over his complaining tummy. “I’m hungry.”

  “Kitchen’s through that door.” She pointed a tanned arm in the vicinity of the door.

  “It’s your place. As a good hostess, you should be taking care of my needs.” He would go to hell for teasing this woman, but he couldn’t seem to stop himself.

  Bleary eyes focused on his face. “My house, my rules. You get your own damn food.” Olivia plopped her head back down then jerked it back up. “And I’ve already taken care of your most pressing need, jerk.” The last was said as more of a good-natured grumble than complaint.

  “Fine, I’ll go out into the cold, hard world and forage my own food.” he whined, without making a single movement to support his words.

  “Um huh, you do that. Bag us a mastodon, baby.” A few condescending, but sleepy pats were applied to his chest as she snuggled down to sleep.

  “Woman, I want some food.”

  His demands got no reaction. Thinking desperate times called for desperate measures, Ethan snuck his hands down along her ribs in a soothing motion. When he was satisfied she wasn’t paying him any attention, he attacked.

  Lightning quick, he tickled her ribs and felt a warm glow of pleasure at the peals of laughter that spilled out of her kiss swollen lips.

  “Are you going to feed me or do I have to get rough?”

  * * * *

  Livia must have fallen asleep at some point after the marathon of sex and their impromptu picnic in bed. Of course, once Ethan had satisfied his stomach’s craving, he’d kindly pointed out another area of his anatomy needing his attention.

  When she opened her eyes, the world was silent around them. No vague sounds of music drifted through the floor nor were there any of the telltale voices in the security room next to her office.

  Olivia winced as she gingerly slipped off Ethan’s cock and body. Well, wasn’t that a first, she thought. Falling asleep with a guy still hard inside me. She smiled and thought it would be a nice habit to develop.

  Olivia waited for the morning after regrets to start. After all, she’d had sex with a virtual stranger in her office before moving their activities into her bedroom.

  They didn’t.

  What had transpired between the two of them had rocked her world. Yeah, it had taken a bet and a threat to get her into Ethan’s bed, or rather Ethan onto her sofa then into hers, but the results were all that mattered.

  Maybe she should actually thank her friends?

  Nah, it would just make it all that much harder to live with them. Especially when they found out Ethan had spent the night.

  And oh, what a night it had been.

  She’d had glorious, thig
h-bruising, brain-melting sex with a hot stranger she’d fantasised about. There was no room for regrets in her post coital mind.

  Grabbing a fleece jogging suit, Olivia tried to be quiet as she slipped into the bathroom. Leaning against the solid oak door, she clutched the clothes to her chest and allowed herself to relive every pulse-pounding second of last night.

  When the appetite for food had been satisfied another came roaring back to life. After the second round, Ethan had managed to roll off the couch, toss the used condom, and grab more protection before coming back to the couch to show her exactly how good his stamina was.

  They taken a break around three in the morning to rehydrate and shower. The shower had led to more groping followed by a very intimate taste of his never failing penis.

  Never before had Olivia been eager to give head. She’d always considered it more of a payback or payment in advance for her own oral pleasure, but all bets were off with Ethan. His taste surprised and pleased her. She loved the dark look of lust and pleasure in his eyes as he’d held her head and carefully fucked her mouth.

  Then when he’d gotten his hands, mouth, teeth and tongue on her, she’d only been able to hold on to the showerheads and come.

  Wincing, she pushed off the hard door and slowly shuffled her way to the luxurious shower stall. Muscles screamed and pulled from all the unfamiliar acrobatics Ethan had put her through.

  When steam rose from the stall, Olivia dropped her clothes on the marble countertop and stepped into the almost scalding hot water.

  With the illusion of privacy, the hopes and doubts she’d been holding at bay by sheer will resurfaced.

  Did this night mean anything to him?

  Had he recognised her from their brief encounters?

  More importantly, would he still be out there when she left the bathroom?

  Her brain told her it was way too soon to be thinking about love, but her heart had different ideas. Surely all those chance meetings had to mean something. Maybe fate trying to give them a push?

  The very thought of risking her heart after only one night left an oily sick feeling in her stomach. She’d tried love once before and had fallen miserably on her face.

  Now, another turning point had arrived in her life. Should she take the path of least resistance and heartache by backing away from Ethan and everything they’d shared? Or risk her heart on one night that might mean everything to both of them?

  Decisions and options sped through her brain as she attended to her body in the shower. The questions continued through her bath ritual. With no great light bulb beaming over her head, Olivia gave a shrug and decided to wait for Ethan’s reaction before making any decisions of her own.

  But when she walked out of the steamy bathroom, her lover from the night before was nowhere to be found.

  In the dusky light of dawn, Olivia saw his clothes missing and the light on her answering machine blinking.

  With trembling fingers, she pushed the button.

  And Recee’s voice came through loud and cheerful. “Baby, M told us you hooked up last night with a hottie. You go, girl, and you win the bet. Call me later. I want all the details, and pictures if you have them. Smooches.”

  Olivia’s heart sank. He’d obviously heard her friend’s message and thought the worst. Ethan had walked out on her and what they shared because he thought he was nothing but the means to win a silly childish bet.

  Instead, he’d won her heart and left her the loser.

  Bowing her head, Olivia allowed the tears to escape as she crawled onto the bed and between the sheets that still held the scent of him and their lovemaking.

  Chapter Six

  “Man, you look like shit run over, twice.”

  Ethan didn’t bother glancing up at his brother. He knew how rough he looked, and he didn’t much give a damn. “Where the hell were you last night?” His voice sounded surly and petulant to his own ears.

  Noah Newton strolled into the room from his left, looking remarkably refreshed and awake. Meanwhile, Ethan’s head throbbed, his eyelids had sand bags weighing them down and the persistent pressure over his heart was beginning to annoy him.

  “I, brother mine, got a call at the last minute. The rigs we were waiting for went up for sale. It was either snag-and-grab or snooze-and-lose time.”

  The two off-shore oil rigs were sweet deals—less than ten years old and located fifty miles off the Galveston coast. Like they had with others, they’d pull the rigs out, refit them from top to bottom, then resell them to the highest bidder. Most times, they were able to triple their pay out.

  But the deal didn’t hold his interest. Yesterday, Ethan would have been there with his brother to make the deal. Then he would’ve hopped a helicopter to the Gulf and run the rig inspections himself. Now he could barely make room in his mind for their business.

  He’d been played. Used as a convenient way to win some bet with her friends.

  If Ethan hadn’t felt so angry and hurt, he might have found it funny. But his feelings and emotions had somehow become involved, and nothing about last night made him feel like laughing.

  “Eth, you with me?” Noah snapped his fingers in Ethan’s face.

  Ethan growled and shoved his sibling’s hand away. “Go play with the new rigs. There’s some stuff here I’ve got to work on.” Namely getting the awful pressure off his chest and Olivia and her lush, sexy body off his mind.

  It shouldn’t be this way. He’d followed her up the stairs like a trained puppy because he knew it meant getting laid. He was a male with a pulse, and fucking was offered. So why did he want to deny the strange female’s voice on the answering machine? To throw the offending recorder into the wall and render it to pieces?

  Because, aside and beyond the magic of their bodies coming together in a heated rush, Ethan and Olivia had talked to and with each other. At the time, Ethan had just needed something to do between volleys of hard-ons, but the more they’d talked, the more he’d found himself fascinated by the woman in his arms.

  She’d charmed him with her laugh and smile, her sarcastic wit had him laughing and her gentle compassion made him want to cling to the light he could imagine surrounding her.

  Olivia had been one in a million to him.

  Ethan had been one of many to Olivia.

  And the truth rubbed him raw, because while he’d fallen head over ass for her, he’d been nothing but a walking cock to her.

  “Bro, snap back to my reality for a second here.”

  “What?” he snarled, feeling the overwhelming urge to hit something, and Noah’s handsome face looked like the perfect target.

  “You need to snap the hell out of whatever funk you’ve sunk in. What the fuck happened at Club B last night that’s got you crankier than an IRS agent with the clap?” Noah demanded and threw himself into a dark brown leather recliner.

  “I got fucked.”

  “Hey. Hey.” One of Noah’s blond brows rose in appreciation then dropped in confusion. “If you got laid, then why are you in such a bad mood? Me? I’m always smiling the morning after.”

  Might as well tell the truth, Ethan told himself.

  “I got played even more.” He then proceeded to fill his younger brother in, leaving out the more pleasurable and personal details.

  By the end of his pathetic tale, Ethan was pacing and Noah had drained his bottle of water and looked sufficiently insulted on his big brother’s behalf.

  “So what did she say when you confronted her?”

  Ethan stopped his useless pacing and stared at the drab beige carpet under his feet. “Confronted her?”

  “Yeah.” Noah gestured with his empty bottle. “When you told her you knew the truth, that you’d heard her friend leave the message, she said…”


  A short bark of dark laughter escaped Noah. “Shit, man, you’re telling me you sideswiped her with the truth and she couldn’t even come up with the words to defend herself?”

  Ethan sat
uncomfortably on his solid oak coffee table and wondered when his little brother had become smarter than him. “I didn’t confront her.”

  “Dumbass.” His brother huffed out a breath and looked disgusted with him. “Let me get this straight. You’ve seen this woman all over town for a couple of weeks now. She’s hot with a wicked body, a working brain, and she wanted to fuck you.”

  “Yeah,” Ethan hedged before abandoning the table for a more comfortable position on his sofa. The leather felt comforting to his weary body and fucked up mind.

  His brother leant forward, the empty water bottle clasped between his joined hands. “You have marathon sex all night, do some deep mental bonding or some shit between orgasms, and then blow out of there without talking to the woman?”

  Feeling like a land mind might go off beneath his feet at any moment, Ethan thought about his brother’s words.

  And Noah used the palm of his hand to reach over and smack the back of Ethan’s head. “Mom’s right, she didn’t breastfeed you long enough. ‘Cause, son, there’s something not quite right in that head of yours.”

  Inwardly, Ethan grimaced at the thought of his mother’s breasts. A man never accepted that his mother was a female with all the entailing body parts. To think otherwise would require years of therapy and drugs.

  Outwardly, he rubbed the back of his head and scowled at his younger brother. “Hit me again and I’ll smash that pretty face of yours.”

  Not bothering to look cowed or impressed, Noah leant back in the recliner, brown eyes hooded. “Right now, dickwad, this Olivia thinks you’re shit on her shoe and she’s busy wiping you off. Maybe there was more behind that bet than you know. Hell, I’m positive there is because you didn’t have the balls to stay around and find out.” Noah heaved out a disappointed sigh. “If she’s smart, and it sounds like she is, this Olivia lady is done with you, bro.”

  That’s what he wanted, wasn’t it? Maybe? Hell, he wasn’t sure anymore. The initial pain and hurt had diminished during the past few hours. What if she really was the woman he’d fallen so hard and fast for last night? Could he take that chance and risk losing her forever? What did he have to lose by going back over there and asking a few questions? That was, if Olivia was still speaking to him.


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