Forgiving Pain, Omega Born Book 3

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Forgiving Pain, Omega Born Book 3 Page 9

by CR Guiliano

  Talus came running in right after Arrden, looking frazzled. “My son giving you a hard time, Talus?” Arri almost laughed at the disgruntled look on Talus’s face. The beta obviously wasn’t used to handling a young pup. But Arri knew who was, and his smile dropped. Ashwin had been withdrawn, and quiet since finding out his brother was in the territory. Not that Kasp was a threat, now that he was imprisoned in one of the east wing rooms, shackles holding him.

  Kasp’s, and Ashwin’s parents had left the pack, unwilling to be in the same one as their psychotic son. They’d had Dryden’s blessing, and references for several packs who would be happy to take them in. Ashwin had been asked if he wanted to go with them, but he declined, saying he needed to be here to take care of Truin’s younger brothers. Especially after Truin’s father had been shot, and killed for sleeping with a human’s wife, in a town a few hundred miles north of the compound. Dryden hadn’t retaliated, because he knew the male was in the wrong, and dealing with any injustice involving humans was risky at best. They’d only spoken with the local authorities, and Dryden had given permission for the male’s body to be cremated, and buried in the local Potter’s Field.

  Now, Ashwin lived in one of the larger rooms in the mansion, with several bedrooms, a seating area, and a small kitchenette to care for the pups. Arri had been worried for the teen pups’ state of mind, but when he searched their feelings, it was to find them relieved not to have to deal with their father anymore, and they seemed happy to be with Ashwin. Arri wondered what Truin would think, when he found out his father was dead.

  “He’s a cagy little pup, always getting away from me.”

  Arri was so immersed in his thoughts, he nearly dropped his coffee cup when Talus spoke, almost forgetting the beta was there. “You’ll not have to worry about that much longer.” Arri saw the puzzled look Talus gave him. “Dryden, and I have been talking, and we think the task would be better suited to Ashwin. He does well with younger pups, and has the time since he withdrew from beta training.”

  “Are you sure? He did withdraw, so he doesn’t have the skill to protect Arrden.”

  Arri nodded. “We want you, and Kirlane to continue his training, for defense purposes only, so he can protect Arrden, and any others who might come along.” Arri chuckled when Talus’s face grew red. The fact Arri was male, and could carry pups was not a conversation that happened very often, and others were always awkward when it was brought into conversations. But, Arri was a male omega, and it was a fact of his life. He would never apologize for it.

  Which brought his thoughts back to his father—to Etham. If the male wasn’t his biological father, than who was? And was his real father an omega? Because, obviously, his mother was Fae. Arri had done some research, and only an omega, or an alpha could produce another omega, which was way Ciltra was omega, because Vann was alpha. Mia was a non-ranking, if strong female. Vann’s alpha blood made it possible. Which then had Arri thinking, maybe his real father was an alpha. Arri sighed. He wasn’t ever going to find out, which meant he needed to let it go. But he still wanted to talk to Etham, more for closure, than answers.

  He glanced back at Talus, who was making some banana pancakes for Arrden. “I’ll talk with Ashwin later today, and let you know when to start his training. Dryden may decide to have Rovyn do it instead, if he feels you, and Kirlane would be better suited to some other task.” Talus nodded silently, and continued with his cooking.

  Arri stood up, rinsed his cup, kissed Arrden on his furry head, and then headed out of the kitchen. He made his way to the east wing, finding Dyne there, sitting in a chair at the head of the hall, and reading. The beta was a mystery to Arri. He knew nothing about the male’s background, except for what Dryden had told him. He was born in Woodlynn, his parents having died long ago. He was only a few years older than Dryden himself, and quite strong for a beta. Dryden had told him Dyne might end up lead beta, if Vann never returned, especially since Rovyn would soon have his hands full with twin pups.

  The male made Arri nervous, his large size, and coloring reminding him too much of Baston, along with his ice-cold blue eyes, and dark brown hair. Arri had never seen the male smile.

  “Can I help you, Alpha-mate?”

  Arri contained the shiver that threatened at the male’s low voice. He could feel complete devotion to Dryden, and knew he could trust the beta. He just couldn’t seem to pinpoint his unease. “Yes, I’d like to speak to Etham.”

  “Of course, Alpha-mate.”

  Dyne stood, and Arri instinctively took a step back. The beta was tall, though not as tall as Arri’s own mate. The only wolf close to Dryden’s height was Vann.

  “Follow me, please.”

  Dyne turned, and headed down the hall, stopping at a door on the right, but still several feet from the one that housed Kasp. Arri could just make out growls, and metal clanking from that room. He shuddered, knowing Kasp was as evil as any wolf could be, Arri sensing the malice, even without being in the room. He focused on Dyne, as the big male opened the door, and walked in first, before gesturing Arri to come in.

  Arri entered to find Etham laid out on the twin bed, and Saran there, adjusting an IV. “What’s going on?” Saran straightened, and turned to Arri.

  “Good morning, Alpha-mate. I was informed the male wasn’t doing well. I’ve examined him, and I’m afraid the news isn’t good.”

  Arri stared at the wolf he thought was his father for all his life. Etham was pale, his eyes closed, his breath labored. He was shivering, and there was a fine layer of perspiration on his skin. “What’s happened? Dryden was in here to see him just yesterday, and he seemed fine, if starved.”

  “The male’s organs are shutting down. Alpha Dryden explained the male’s mating bond was severed, and I suspect his body is giving out due to that development. From what I can tell, his wolf is already gone, and has been for some time. He won’t last more than a few days at best.”

  Arri didn’t know what to think. He was literally watching the male he thought was his father dying before his eyes. He examined his feelings, and—felt nothing. No remorse, sadness, confusion. Nothing. Even his anger at the wolf, and what he’d allowed Arri to endure was gone. He was completely numb.


  “I’m okay. Saran says Etham is dying.”

  “I’m so sorry, my mate. Do you need me to come home?”

  “No, no. I’m fine. I just, I’m not…there’s nothing...I don’t…” Arri couldn’t seem to articulate what he, essentially, wasn’t feeling, so he opened his mind, and let Dryden experience it. He didn’t know what his big mate would think, and if he would believe Arri an uncaring, cold male. But Etham, he’d abandoned Arri a long time ago, and Arri had suffered for it. He didn’t owe the wolf anything, including any anguish at his death.

  “Go back to our rooms, my mate. Cuddle Arrden. I’ll be home soon. You don’t need to waste another thought on Etham.”

  The low growling in Dryden’s words was comforting. Arri knew his mate didn’t blame him for not really caring that Etham was dying. Thank the fates! Arri wasn’t sure what he’d do, if Dryden had been disappointed in him.

  “I could never be disappointed in you, my sweet mate. I love you.”

  Arri felt that love wrap around him, even from hundreds of miles away, Dryden’s warm presence in his mind, and heart going a long way in soothing his confusion. He turned away from the dying male, and nodded at Dyne to let him leave. The beta unlocked the door, and Arri hurried out. He turned at the last minute, before Dyne shut the door, and looked at Saran. “Let me know when…when he’s gone.”

  “Yes, Alpha-mate.”

  The door closed then, and Arri made his way down the hall, ignoring Dyne following him. Until the male spoke, anyway.

  “Do you not feel an ounce of caring about the male dying in there?”

  There was a wealth of accusation in the beta’s voice, and it didn’t escape Arri, he hadn’t used Arri’s honorific this time. A rage filled Arri, nothing
he’d felt before. He swiveled around to face the beta, the look on the male’s face proof he didn’t believe Arri much of a threat. Arri smirked, then opened his mind on the memories of his pain, and loneliness, everything that happened to him before Vann brought him here. He shoved them at Dyne, and watched the male clutch his head, and slowly understanding crept into the beta’s light eyes.


  “Its fine, Alpha. I’m fine. Just teaching your newest beta some humility, and respect.” Arri basked in the low chuckle coming from Dryden, knowing his mate approved of his—lesson. Arri slowly pulled back on his memories, pushing them into the back of his mind. “Don’t ever question me again, Dyne. Just because I’m omega, does not make me weak, and I owe nothing to the male dying in that room, including my feelings.” Arri swiveled back around, and strode away. He was agitated, and annoyed, and just wanted to relax. He hurried to his suite, dismissed Talus, and spent the afternoon playing with Arrden, and trying to ignore the escalating restlessness he was feeling.

  Chapter 13

  Truin leaned his forehead against the cool glass of the SUV, hoping it might help with the headache he was experiencing. He was hot, and sweaty. So much so, even his pants were damp, and it was very uncomfortable. Didn’t help his cock was at half-mast, and cutting into his zipper. That he understood. He’d been that way since they started out on this mission, with Vann so close. The headache, and sweatiness he attributed to them being only a half hour away from Zenith. He didn’t know what was going to happen, and it was worrying him.

  The night before, he’d managed some sleep, having a room to himself. But it hadn’t come easy. His body smelled like Vann’s dark scent, and he’d showered as soon as he’d locked the door behind him. Except, it hadn’t done much good. It was if the male’s scent had permeated his pores, and he couldn’t get away from it. It had him aching, and needy, and he’d jacked off, hoping to alleviate some of the pressure. It didn’t do anything, but make him feel even worse, his wolf whining in his head the whole time.

  He’d cleaned up, then tossed, and turned for what felt like hours, until exhaustion pulled him under, only to wake up covered in semen, and humping the bed, his dreams full of erotic images of Vann and him, in intimate embraces, the male buried deep within Truin’s body, his knot caught snuggly inside Truin as he filled Truin with his seed.

  Truin wiped the sweat from his face, as he watched the land start to become familiar. They were close, and Truin’s heartbeat picked up, his stomach rolling. He didn’t want to be here, and was regretting his hasty decision to accompany the betas, and Vann on this mission. Minutes later, then pulled into the long gravel road that led to the Zenith compound.

  When they pulled up, and Jusine turned off the vehicle, Truin stared out the window to see Alpha Hixon standing on the wide porch of the alpha house. In the doorway, behind the large alpha, was a female, heavily pregnant, holding a small female pup, and three little males hanging onto her skirts. It didn’t even take Truin a second to recognize her, and he almost gasped to see his mother like that.

  So, she had returned to their home pack, and apparently mated with the alpha. Truin grew angry, because how dare she abandon the three sons she already had? What kind of monster was she, to leave Truin, and his brothers to an irresponsible male, who didn’t care for them? Just so she could return here, and beget a bunch more pups? Though, despite his rage, as he stared, he could see his mother, and the pups around her were not healthy. She was gaunt, and pale, and too thin to be that pregnant. The pups were skinny, and dirty, with haunted eyes. What was going on here?

  “Stay in the SUV.”

  Vann’s growly command annoyed Truin, and he could, once again, feel the alpha power coming from huge male, but for once, Truin was agreeable in complying. He really didn’t want to get out of the vehicle, and face his former alpha, and certainly not his mother.

  The others all exited, and Truin could see Alpha Hixon scowling at them. He watched as a heated discussion ensued, and wondered what the alpha thought of their proposal. Didn’t look like he much cared for it. Not by the look on his face, and the way he was shaking his head, anyway. He’d caught the alpha looking his way a couple of times, and seen his mother’s mouth move, though he couldn’t hear what she was saying. Several minutes later, they all came back to the SUV, and Truin couldn’t help staring at Vann as he walked toward him.

  Truin’s cock plumped even further, and he groaned. His body flushed at the sexy image of his mate, and he had to close his eyes to get himself under control. What the fuck was wrong with him? He’d been around Vann for nearly a week, and his responses hadn’t been this intense. Maybe it was the full moon? It would rise tomorrow night, and Truin had always been especially susceptible to the pull.

  Once they were back in the car, Jusine started it, but didn’t put it in gear.

  “Alpha Hixon says we can stay tonight, but he expects us gone, and out of his territory by morning.”

  Jusine was staring over at Truin, and he just nodded. What was he to say? He’d be glad to get away from here.

  “We’re all to be gone tomorrow, except you, Truin.”

  Truin’s heart skipped a beat. Him? Alpha Hixon was demanding Truin stay here? “Why?” Truin had an idea, but he wasn’t going to voice it. He couldn’t.

  “Because, he says you belong to this pack, and ran away. He’s mated to your mother, and you are expected to stay here, and find a mate.”

  “The fuck I will! I already have a mate, and we were banished from here when I was just a pup. There was no “running away”. Alpha Hixon threw us out of his pack. I won’t stay here!”

  Truin’s canine’s had descended, and he could feel someone’s hand on his shoulder. The fingers squeezed, and he realized it was Vann touching him. He just barely held in the groan.

  “You have a mate? Who?”

  Ah, fuck. Truin hadn’t meant for that to come out, and he couldn’t lie to the betas. He was in a real predicament, and was really wishing he hadn’t come. Of course, there was no guarantee Vann would have returned to Rainier Pack, but maybe that would have given Truin the incentive to return home. Find someone to break the mating pull, and settle down with his brothers, and a mate who could actually love him.

  “It doesn’t matter who his mate is. He can’t stay here.”

  Vann’s voice was so low, he nearly snarled the words. He also noticed all three of them were fidgeting uncomfortably, like…like they had hard-ons they couldn’t quite adjust. Truin was conflicted. It hurt that Vann said it didn’t matter who his mate was. It mattered to Truin. But, he was thrilled the big male knew he couldn’t, and didn’t want to stay here. He just wasn’t sure how to accomplish that.

  “I need to get out of this car. What is up with his scent?”

  Micky was talking to Jusine, but they all heard him. There was a rumble in the car, and Truin realized it was Vann. When he looked back, it was to see Vann’s eyes shining in the late day sun, his wolf close to the surface. He wasn’t looking at Truin, but out the window, and was chewing on his bottom lip. And, wasn’t that sexy. Truin turned back around quickly. “Can we…can we just leave now?” He wanted off this territory. He wanted to go home, and was seriously thinking, once they reached Rainier, he’d pack up, and head back to Woodlynn. He couldn’t torture himself anymore. It was just too painful.

  “We can’t leave without insulting Alpha Hixon. We’ve been invited to a gathering tonight, and were asked, forcefully, to bring you.”

  Truin dropped his head in his hands. He didn’t want to spend time with his former pack, and certainly didn’t want to be around Alpha Hixon, and his mother. “There’s no way to get out of it?”

  “No. You should have told us you were from here. We could have spoken to my Alphas, and had you stay in Rainier’s territory.”

  The accusation was justified, and Truin didn’t have any excuse, none he could tell the betas anyway. He remained silent, wondering what was going to happen. He was still soaked
in sweat, and needed a shower badly. He just…he just wanted to go home. Home to Woodlynn, and his brothers.

  “I just wish your mate had claimed you. Then we wouldn’t be having this problem. Nothing we can do now, though.”

  Obviously, Jusine had no idea Vann was Truin’s mate, as he threw the SUV into gear, and drove away from the alpha house. They followed a narrow road, more of trail than anything, until they came to a small cabin.

  “We’ve been assigned here for the night.”

  Truin didn’t acknowledge Jusine, just jumped out of the SUV, went around to pop the trunk lid, and grabbed his bag. He didn’t wait for the others, but hurried up the short steps to the cabin, shoving the door open, before looking around. It was small, and one level. He could see the kitchen off to his right, and several doors to his left. He moved in that direction, and found a bedroom. He slammed the door behind him, and was grateful to see the bedroom had a bathroom attached. Stripping quickly, he turned on the water, and waited for it to heat. He glanced at himself in the mirror, and wished he hadn’t. He was flushed, his face, and neck red with arousal, and his hair damp, and sticking to his forehead. He was breathing heavily, and was hornier than he’d ever been in his life. His erection was so full, it was throbbing, and leaning out, too heavy to stay upright, his balls tight against him, and shifting, as if they were ready to explode.


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