Forgiving Pain, Omega Born Book 3

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Forgiving Pain, Omega Born Book 3 Page 17

by CR Guiliano

  Arri wiped up the mess on the table, refreshed his tea, and sat down again, regarding his mother. “So, Kayal is a shape shifter, which is the reason Arrden can shift as a pup?” Arri, and Dryden both had wondered about that, but it didn’t explain why Arri hadn’t shifted until the normal time. And if Kayal was his father, why hadn’t he been able to shift early?

  “Yes, shape shifters can shift from birth, and can shift into any warm blooded creature. When he’s older, your son will learn he can shift into other forms. Right now, he is mimicking you, and your mate.”

  “But, then why was I not able to shift from birth?” Arri really wanted to know, and was kind of surprised his mother was being so open. He hadn’t expected that, but then he hadn’t known what to expect when he’d seen her for the first time after so long.

  “You take more after me. You have more Fae blood in you, than shifter. You could probably shift into other forms, but growing up in a pack, your other half chose a wolf. I’m sure you have figured out, you have more powers than most omega wolves have.”

  Arri fidget when Allisia stared at him. “Yes, maybe. I’m not sure. With the exception of Anrean, there are no other male omegas that I know.”

  “Do you have visions? Can detect family ties? Can talk telepathically with anyone?”

  “Yes, all of those.”

  “Visions are a Fae trait only, and though you might think it’s by scent you can determine family connections, it’s not. It’s an instinct Fae have. And talking telepathically with your mate might be a shifter trait, being able to do so with an entire pack is not.”

  “I’m not sure I believe you. An old beta once told me omegas can communicate with the minds of all their pack, male omegas anyway.” Arri distinctly remembered Burnett saying he could do that, and he’d proven it so.

  “Maybe. As all creatures, we evolve over time. So maybe that ability has become something omegas can do now. I wouldn’t know. There are other things you will be able to do in time as well. Healing, helping plants grow, disguising yourself within nature, and hiding your scent.”

  Arri was surprised there was something his mother didn’t know. She seemed so knowledgeable about everything else. It made him wonder just how old she was, not that he’d ask. Even he knew it was impolite to ask a female her age. “I can already heal, though the other things either haven’t come to me, or it’s just I haven’t tried.” His mother just nodded, seeming unsurprised by his declaration. He looked up when Kayal came into the kitchen, the tiny pup in his arms.

  “He’s hungry.”

  Allisia took the small pup, and much to Arri’s embarrassment, dropped one side of her robe, revealing a breast, and cuddling the pup to her, until he latched on. Arri had never watched a female feed their pup, and turned away, his face hot. Dryden had once told him, watching Arri nurse Arrden had been very erotic to him, and whenever Arri was done, Dryden had taken him passionately, leaving him sated, and exhausted for several hours, until it was time to nurse his son again. Arri really didn’t want those thoughts marching through his brain while he sat with his mother, and with his father standing there.

  When he glanced at Kayal, it was to see a smirk on his face. Once again, annoyance shot through Arri. He hardly thought this male had a right to judge him, or even be amused by him. “You’re omega. How come you are not nursing the pup?” Arri’s voice was harsh, but he didn’t care. He didn’t know these people, and having them here was interfering with his life, making him uncomfortable in his own home. The smirk on the male’s face dropped immediately, and he gave a brief glance down at Allisia.

  “It’s okay, you can trust him.”

  Arri had no idea what that was about. What possible secrets could this shape shifter have that Arri would care about? Though he was somewhat pleased his mother said he could be trusted. But then again, he wasn’t the one who had abandoned his son, fled, and kept secrets.

  “Yes, I am omega, but shape shifter omegas cannot conceive pups without an alpha male. An alpha male of any species. Obviously, Allisia, my familiar, uh mate as you call them, is female, and not a shape shifter, so she carries the pups from my seed. We have only ever produced three pups.”

  Kayal’s face was carefully blank at his last sentence, and when Arri looked over at his mother, it was to see an infinitely sad expression on her face as she stared down at the suckling pup. He tried to expand his senses, but got nothing from either of them. “Where is the third?” Arri’s mother remained still, and silent, and when he looked up at the male who was his father, Kayal’s jaw was clenched, and his silver eyes were narrowed, staring into space. It was a long moment before he spoke again, and Arri thought maybe they weren’t going to answer his question.

  “Kalarri was taken from us a long time ago. He was conceived right before we were captured, once again, by Noth. The clan leader has Kalarri under his influence, making Kalarri believe his lies. We once tried to free our son, but he wanted nothing to do with us, and he would have betrayed us, if we hadn’t fled.”

  Even without sensing it, Arri could see the memories of Kalarri were painful to them both. His mother had silent tears tracking down her cheeks, and Kayal was grinding his teeth so hard, Arri could actually hear it. Wanting to change the subject, Arri nodded his head at the pup. “And what’s his name?”

  Allisia quickly dried her tears, and looked up to give Arri a weak, yet grateful smile.

  “His name is Liyel.”

  Arri was about to comment on the name, when he gasped. Truin! And…holy shit, Vann! He could feel them, and close too. “I’m sorry, I have to go.” Arri was already standing, headed for Dryden. He rushed from the kitchen, leaving his mother, and father with puzzled looks on their faces. It didn’t matter. He needed to get to his mate as fast as possible. “Dryden!”

  Arri came to an abrupt halt when Dryden appeared in the hall outside his study, the male in full protection mode.

  “What is it? What’s wrong?”

  Dryden’s voice was low, and growly, his canines descended as he glanced around after grabbing Arri, and pulling him against his chest. Arri pushed, trying to free himself from Dryden’s grip, so he could look up at his mate. “It’s Truin, I can feel him. Dryden, Vann’s with him, and they are not alone.” Dryden’s fangs slowly drew back, and his face went blank at Arri’s words. “My mate.” Dryden’s emotions suddenly swamped those coming from Truin, and Vann, his mate conflicted. There was joy there, Dryden anxious, and anticipating seeing Vann again, but there was anger too, and disappointment.

  It seemed Arri’s big, lethal alpha didn’t know how to handle the return of Vann. “Dryden, remember what we talked about. Forgiveness. We cannot understand his pain, what he went through. You promised you would not hate him, nor blame him for what happened.”

  “I don’t. He saved you, and our son. That alone warrants my forgiveness. But he ran, cut himself off from us. That is hard to forgive. I would have welcomed him back. You know that. I would have…”

  “I do, so welcome him back now. He’s chosen to return, and bring Truin with him. And from what I’m feeling, he has others with him as well.” Arri didn’t know what to make of the excitement he could feel from the strangers with their pack members. And the fear. He could feel the trepidation from Vann as well, the male unsure of his welcome. “He’s worried, my mate. But more about my reaction, than yours.” Arri was surprised at that. He thought for sure Vann would realize Arri was grateful to him for what he’d done, even if both of them didn’t want it in the first place. It was an unavoidable necessity. And something in the past to forgive, and forget. Dryden stared down at Arri, his green eyes intense.

  “He’s my lead beta, my alpha guardian, and most importantly, my friend. I am almost as close to him as I am you. There is a connection I cannot explain. It’s been there for years. There is no way I would turn him away.”

  Arri relaxed in Dryden’s hold. Dryden might be at odds about Vann’s return, but he would not reject the male. Not that Arri had e
xpected Dryden to do so, but it was good to hear his thoughts confirmed.


  Arri nearly lost his footing, and if not for Dryden holding him up, he would have collapsed to the floor, to hear Vann’s voice in his head once again. The hesitation bothered him though. “Vann. You’ve come home.” Tears swam in Arri’s eyes knowing the male who had saved his life, and that of his son’s, was so close.

  “Yes, Truin is very ill. We need Breccan, or if you don’t wish the alpha healer to help us, than Saran.”


  Arri looked up at Dryden. “Truin is sick. They are here to see Breccan.” Arri hoped that wasn’t the only reason they had returned. Dryden would be devastated if they had Breccan heal Truin, and then left again.

  Chapter 22

  Vann was anxious as he drove past the border to Woodlynn. Fuck that, he was scared shitless. He was about to come face, to face with his alpha. But one glance at Truin’s slumped form, and Vann would weather anything to help his mate. They’d had to stop several times to allow Truin to vomit, the male unable to keep anything down now. Vann was beside himself with worry. He could feel Truin growing weaker by the moment. Every time he thought of losing Truin, his foot would press on the accelerator, and he’d have to force himself to slow down, or risk getting pulled over my human police. He couldn’t afford the delay, not with Truin’s life at stake.

  When he’d finally contacted Arri, he heard relief, and no animosity in the male’s mind voice, but Arri was omega, and could probably hide his emotions. And Fae, so there was no telling what he could do. He’d healed Dryden right before Vann’s eyes, so hiding his hatred of Vann would probably be an easy thing to do.

  Right before they hit the highway to Woodlynn, Dryden’s emotions had spiked, giving Vann at least an inkling of his alpha’s state of mind at Vann’s return, no doubt Arri having told the male Vann was close. Dryden was happy, but angry too. Vann could only speculate on why. Angry at what Vann had done to Arri in that basement? But no, it wasn’t that, Vann had felt Dryden’s forgiveness, had agonized for months over that forgiveness. Vann suspected Dryden was angry he’d run, and hadn’t bothered to contact the pack since he’d disappeared. He’d felt that same anger during the time he’d been gone, along with a longing so intense, Vann had had to shut his mind down to keep from running back to his alpha on instinct alone.

  Vann had already decided it was time to tell Dryden about the link between them. He could no longer keep it a secret. Too much had happened to keep Dryden in the dark anymore. There was a lot they needed to talk about, but it would all have to wait until Truin was taken care of first. Vann’s thoughts derailed when he hit the gravel road to the pack compound, and turned the corner to see the mansion in front of him. On the top of the steps there was one, lone figure.


  Vann slowly pulled up in front of the stairs, stopped, and then shut the van off, never taking his eyes off the alpha. “Everyone, stay in the van. Wait until I tell you it’s okay to come out.” Vann had no idea how Dryden was going to react to the shifters he’d brought, and wouldn’t risk their lives if the alpha lost his control. He opened the door, and stepped out, his heart racing a mile, a minute.

  Slowly, he made his way to the steps, before taking them one at a time, to finally stand in front of the one male in the world who meant more to him, with the exception of Truin, than any other. They stared at each other, Vann going mute at the overwhelming emotions cascading through Dryden’s mind. There was anger, of course, and the ever present forgiveness, but it all battled with frustration, disappointment, relief, curiosity, and, surprisingly…love. To Vann’s astonishment, there were tears swimming in Dryden’s pale green eyes, but that was tempered by his wolf, who was close to the surface.

  Vann took one step closer, until he was less than a foot away from his alpha, and tilted his head, bearing his neck to Dryden. He wasn’t prepared for the loud growl, or Dryden lunging at him, taking him down, both of them tumbling down the steps, until Vann was flat on his back, on the ground, and Dryden was straddling him. Dryden’s fangs were fully extended, his eyes glowing. He leaned down, just inches from Vann’s face, and he wondered if the male was about to tear his throat out.

  “Don’t you ever leave me like that again!”

  Vann barely heard the guttural words, before Dryden was hauling him up into a hug that felt as if it was going to break his ribs, the bigger male rubbing his face all over Vann’s face and neck, scent marking him as a Woodlynn pack member once more. Vann gasped when he felt Dryden’s canines sink into the flesh of his neck. To be marked in such a way by your alpha was the highest honor a shifter could have. Vann’s wolf howled in his mind, the beast ecstatic. An alpha claiming bite was as important as a mating bite, and bound them together for life. Vann’s heart was thundering in his chest at Dryden’s actions. He slumped when Dryden finally released him, before wrapping his arms around his friend, and hugging him back.


  Truin’s cry had Vann quickly struggling to be released, ashamed he’d been caught up with Dryden, and nearly forgotten his mate. Dryden finally let go, only for Vann to see Truin slumped on the ground next to the van, the rest of the adult wolves staring out the window. “Shit!” Vann pushed, and wiggled until Dryden finally moved off of him, and he scrambled to get to Truin. Carefully, he picked Truin up, cradling him in his arms, his mate clinging weakly to him. When he looked up, it was to see both Arri, and Breccan hurrying to get to him. When they approached, Vann growled until Truin patted his chest.

  “They can’t help, if you don’t let them near.”

  Vann took a deep breath, controlling his wolf’s need to protect Truin. Arri came close anyway, apparently unconcerned with Vann’s wolf, while Breccan hung back, the male obviously intimidated. The moment Arri touched Truin, a smug grin traveled across his lips. Vann scowled, not knowing why Arri would be amused at Truin’s illness.

  “There’s that scowl I’ve missed so much. Don’t worry, Vann. Truin will be okay.”

  Vann wasn’t sure how Arri knew that, but he was willing to trust the omega.

  “Let Breccan have him. We’ll get him feeling better, and he can rest. You, and Dryden have a lot to talk about.”

  Arri’s glance at the van was enough to tell Vann the petite omega was right. He would much rather have a little alone time with Dryden, if only to know where he stood, especially when he believed the alpha bite that currently stung on his neck, was a knee jerk reaction to Dryden seeing him after so many months. But he couldn’t let the wolves in the van stay where they were, and the sooner he ask Dryden if they could become part of Woodlynn pack, the sooner he could get them settled. That was, if Dryden allowed them to stay. He glanced over at his alpha, the male looking a bit lost now Vann was away from him, and not focused on him.

  It took a great deal of strength to push his wolf back, and curb his protective instincts, but he stepped forward, and gently allowed Breccan to take Truin. He leaned down, and gave his mate a kiss on the forehead. “I’ll see you soon.” Truin smiled at him, before Breccan turned, with Arri following, and heading into the house. When he turned back, Dryden was standing next to him, and staring at the strangers in the van.


  Vann almost sighed in relief to hear Dryden’s authoritative voice once again. He hadn’t liked the lost look on his alpha. Vann waved at Taron, and had the male exit the van. “Alpha Dryden, this is Taron. He, and the shifters in the van are what is left of Zenith Pack. They have nowhere to go.” Vann could feel surprise, and reluctance from Dryden, and was worried his alpha was going to tell them they couldn’t be a part of Woodlynn pack. That was until one of the pups began to cry.

  Dryden pushed Taron out of the way, and leaned into the van, his eyes round at what he saw.


  “Yes. All, but one, are related to Truin.”

  Dryden turned back to Vann, staring in shock at him. Vann could understand. There w
ere seven small pups in the van, which meant six of them were Truin’s siblings.

  “How the hell did that happen?”

  Vann sighed. “It’s a long story.” Dryden stared for a minute longer, before he huffed, and turned to Taron.

  “You, are you in charge of the rest?”

  Taron hesitated, looking at Vann for guidance. Vann could feel his face getting hot with embarrassment. “No, I am.” Dryden turned to him.


  Vann refrained from rolling his eyes, but before he could answer Taron piped up.

  “He’s our Alpha. He killed Alpha Hixon.”

  “Wait? You killed the alpha of Zenith pack? Why?”

  Vann wasn’t sure what to think. Dryden hadn’t acknowledged the fact Vann was an alpha, not a beta. But the anger he felt at what the bastard alpha had wanted to do to Vann’s mate still boiled his blood, and he’d never regret he ended the miserable wolf’s life. “That’s also a long story.” Dryden snorted.

  “Seems everything that has happened since you left is a long story.”

  Vann couldn’t deny that. He dropped his head, wondering of Dryden was going to have a problem with the Zenith pack, because of Vann.

  “Alright, well, let’s get them settled. I’ll have a few of the she-wolves freshen some rooms for them. We’ll get Tressa to help, and the pups related to Truin can be housed with Aybur, and Jeshin.”

  The pup crying had been joined by two more, and it was obvious they were hungry, and probably wet. Vann also wanted to get back to Truin, but he doubted Dryden would allow it, for now anyway. His alpha wanted answers, and Vann had no reason, or desire, to keep anything from Dryden. He was here to come clean, and, hopefully, begin a new life.


  Truin sighed when Breccan laid him on Vann’s big, soft bed. He’d been surprised they brought him here, and doubly so when he realized they hadn’t changed anything. At least it appeared so, since Truin had never been in Vann’s room before. But his personal items were still here, and Truin could scent Vann, if vaguely in the air, and on the sheets.


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