Book Read Free


Page 13

by Joanne Wadsworth

  My heart ached at the truth in his words. “Are there other warriors like you who believe the same?”

  “A handful, but the number grows.”

  “Are you loyal to Wincrest?”

  “Yes, do not mistake my words. He is a wise ruler, and my allegiance is to him and Dralion.”

  “Okay, so tell me how I’m the key?” Because that would really be helpful.

  “My wife told me my son’s mate would hold the greatest of the battle skills, and yet you brought me food, your enemy. You have the heart of a nurturer, as she did. Never forget the fullness of the spell.” Again he jerked his head toward the ring. “Swap it to the third finger of your left hand. Within your heart, bind yourself to Guy.”

  “Guy is going to fight any such binding. We’ve already released each other.” Yet still, with shaky fingers, I swapped it to my other hand and pushed it over my knuckle and into place. My heart thundered within my chest as the truth blazed back at me. “I’m falling for him. I made this meal to give myself closure, but deep down, I did it to reconnect with him. To bring him back to me.”

  “A part of his soul lives within you, Silvie. Why wouldn’t you want to have him close? Embrace the bond. Allow the magic to flow.”

  “I want to be with him.” I traced the ring with my finger. Slowly it heated, as if the magic within bubbled to life. As if the ring were in its rightful place. “I will be with him.” I stated the words forcefully. “I will be with him.” The ring lit to a bright golden hue.

  “That’s perfect. That light proves the magic beats strong. The light will cool and disperse soon.” A smile lifted his lips. “Never let my son walk away from you again.”

  “I won’t.” The light slowly faded from the ring. Peacefulness settled over me. Even though I didn’t have Guy back, I wouldn’t give up. I never should have.

  The key jingled in the lock and the door was jarred open. Warrick walked in, observing all with his gaze. “You’ve been a while, and I thought I’d check. Are you done, Silvie?”


  I nodded at Gerritt and offered a small smile. “Until the next time we meet.”

  “Thank you for the meal. It’s the best I’ve had in a very long time.”

  I walked out. My mate’s father needed to be freed, only I could never be the one to do it. I could not lay down my loyalty to Carlisio Loveria or Davio, and freeing one of Dralion’s warriors who had raised arms in battle against one of my own would be seen as exactly that.

  What a tangled weave, yet I was another step closer to what I needed. I was the key. Faith, and now Guy’s mother had both decreed it so, one from this time, and one through a spell enchanted so many years ago. Which meant, I had some serious work ahead of me.

  In the darkened depths of the passageway, I eyed the long row of steel doors. So many captured warriors, and did any of them hold the beliefs that Guy’s father did? That we were losing the battle, and with ourselves and no other. We were one world, yet with two nations at war.

  “Guy.” I threw open our link now I was clear of the steel cell preventing it. “I need to see you.”

  “I’m waiting for an update. I’m already in your room.”

  The update. Oh, he was definitely going to get an update. My heart raced as I ’ported to my room. He leaned against the far wall. His jaw was rough with stubble, his eyes darkened with circles. “You don’t look so good.”

  “I’ve been helping with the station’s muster. Long nights and even longer days.” He slapped a black Stetson against his leg. His white shirttails hung crinkled and loose over his jeans, the buttons askew, done up with one out of order. “How is he?”

  “Ah, strong of mind. Determined. He loves you, Guy.”

  And I had to be as equally determined as his father if I wanted my mate back. Sneaky too. Yeah, and I had the perfect idea to set things in motion.

  I crossed to my dressing room and rummaged through the racks. Yes, the perfect dress. I pulled out a short, slinky red number and a pair of four-inch matching red heels.

  “Is that all you’re going to tell me?” His gaze drilled into me from the doorway. “What are you doing?”

  “There’s more, but it’s Saturday night, and I’d like to go out.” I circled my fingers in the air. “Turn around, please.”

  As I lifted the hem of my shirt, he spun about. “Wait, you can’t get changed in front of me.”

  “Well, you’re the one standing in my dressing room doorway. Your father enjoyed the meal by the way.”

  “What does he look like? And you’re going out where?”

  “Dancing, and he needs more food. I’ll make sure he gets some more on a regular basis.” I slipped the dress over my head. It fit snugly around my waist, skimmed my hips and clung to my thighs.

  “The dancing. You didn’t say where.”

  “Where most people dance. A nightclub. Have you ever been to one of those on Earth?” I flicked my hair over my shoulder as I sashayed past him. “Where’s my purse? Ah, there it is.”

  “No, there’s never been time.”

  “Do you have time now?” I pulled out my favorite lippy, dabbed it on then dropped it in my purse.

  “I have work.”

  “At this time of the night?”

  “I told you we’re mustering.” He plunked his hat on. “The station never sleeps.”

  “Come out with me instead. Let loose and have some fun.”

  “I can’t.”

  “Then I’ll just have to find someone else who I can have fun with.” I winked, and without a moment’s hesitation, flashed away.


  “Please follow. Please follow.” Fingers crossed, I arrived in a side alley on Tauranga’s waterfront strand. Above me the sky was a dark ribbon of black, twinkling with a heavenly array of stars. Music pulsed through the air from nearby clubs. The perfect night for seduction.

  That’s if he came. I needed him to come.

  The air swirled and he shimmered into view. Tingles raced across my skin.

  “Damn it, Silvie. You did that on purpose.”

  “That’s because I prefer your company over anyone else’s.” I ducked past him and out onto the sidewalk.

  Okay, so I’d gotten him here, now it was time to throw him completely out of his element. His father thought Guy was sneaky, but I had every intention of outdoing him.

  He clomped after me across the cobbles. “I shouldn’t be here.”

  Giving my hips an extra swing, I grinned at him over my shoulder. “With the way you’re dressed, you’ll fit right in at the Bulldog Saloon.”

  “What I’m going to do is take you home. It’s late, and you’ve only just recovered from your injuries. You shouldn’t be out dancing.”

  No sirreee. He was not taking me home. I picked up my pace and dashed through the entranceway of the western styled club. He wouldn’t be able to ’port me out of here. People simply couldn’t disappear before one’s eyes on this world.

  “Silvie, wait.”

  I scurried toward the bar.

  “What’ll it be, miss?” The shirtless bartender hooked one thumb into his dark jeans. His studded, black leather vest swung loose.

  “Nothing,” Guy answered as he came up on my rear.

  “I’ll take two Cokes, thanks.”

  “What’s a Coke?” Guy growled in my ear.

  “Something to wet your throat.” Sliding back, I rested against him.

  “Here you go, miss.”

  I paid the bartender and passed Guy a drink. “To the mated bond.”

  “Just one drink. Then we’re out of here.”

  “And a dance.”

  He tossed back his drink.

  Taking my time, I sipped and tapped my foot to the music. As the thumping beat finally mellowed to a softer number, I set my glass down. “Okay, this is the perfect song.”

  “I’m sure it is.” He did not look happy.

  “Dance with me? Please.” I twined my arms around his neck and nudg
ed him onto the floor. “It’ll give me a chance to tell you what else your father said.”

  “All right, but make it quick.” His scowl died away as he tucked me closer. “Very quick.”

  “He said you were as mischievous as ten children put together, that you were difficult to keep pinned down as a child. I don’t think you’ve changed.” I pushed onto my toes and pressed a kiss to his cheek. He was the one I wanted. Him, and only him.

  “Is there anything else?”

  “He said your mother’s ring is enchanted. Before she gave it to you, she had him cast a spell over it, one which would ensure it would find its way to the woman you would name as yours. The spell she had him create was strong. He said it was bound by the endless circle of love within it.”

  “Damn it.” He gripped my waist. “My mother seriously had him enchant her ring?”

  “Yes. He told me the spell.”

  “Speak it.” His pale blue eyes blazed.

  “Where love and destiny meet, where two hearts beat, so shall the giver adore. Where sacrifice is made, where fire and magic are laid, only one shall be restored. Her name shall be Moyer, with golden fingers and a heart so pure. Her man will bow down, and shall never go hungry before her.”

  “Hell.” His chest rattled as he sucked in a long breath. “That’s one potent spell.”

  “Your mother also said I was the key, and we both know who else we’ve heard that from.”

  “My mother wanted us together?”

  “Yes, and so do I, but do you?”

  “I never wanted to leave you.” He steered me toward a darkened, secluded corner, pressed me against the wall. Trapped. Not that I minded.

  “You still look angry.”

  Hands planted on the wall each side of my head, he leaned in. “I’ve hated our parting. I can’t sleep, and the only food I’ve managed to eat these past three days is the roast you made me. All I see are your blue eyes when I close mine at night. I want you, but I still don’t see how this can work.”

  “Neither do I, but I can’t watch you walk away again. When I was with your father, he helped me to see things clearer. He told me to wear the ring on my left hand, to accept my destiny and to bind myself to you.”

  He seized my hand. “That’s what you did?”

  “With my heart and soul.”

  “Damn it.” His gaze was agonized. “I can’t keep denying what’s between us. I don’t want to live without you either.” The silver flared to life in his eyes. “For the girl whose heart is aligned with mine, may it always keep in perfect time. May her fighting spirit never fail, and from now and until the end of our days…may she be the woman I forever praise.”

  “Oh.” What a beautiful spell. “Did you truly mean—”

  “Go out with me and agree to a date. I promise right now, I’ll never be late.”


  “Once I start rhyming, it’s hard to stop. Once my muse is lit, it’s one that shines bright. If you ever wish me to slow or even to—”

  I kissed him, and he grinned against my lips and kissed me back.

  “I take back my words of release, Silvie. You’re mine and no one else’s.”

  “And if you ever touch another woman, I’ll singe her.”

  Hands cupping my face, he murmured, “We stick together, now and forever.”

  “Deal, and I’m very good at brokering those.”

  “Then I’m brokering another.” He tucked one of my curls behind my ear. “You’ve only just recovered from your injuries, and I’m exhausted. It’s time for bed.”

  “Well, since you asked so nicely. My bed. Let’s go.” I had no problem with this request.

  We snuck out and into the closest darkened alley. In a flash, we returned. Yay. Home.

  I kicked off my heels and slung my purse onto my nightstand. “My room is your room.”

  “Great.” Rolling into bed, he tipped me in with him. “My mate is my mate.”

  I stroked his stubbly jaw, looking deep into his stunning eyes. “Are we really together?”

  “You need more confirmation?”

  “It would help.” This was real, but our words of release had been too. “Could you— I mean, could we un-release each other properly?”

  “Yes. I should have suggested it. I’ll start.” His voice turned husky, as if he fought his emotions. “Silvie, you hold the other half of my soul and I, yours. I wish to be bound to you, to keep you safe and to cherish you, to give you all you desire, and…to never let you go again. It’s been a living hell without you.” He kissed me, deep and slowly.

  Wow. I was strong, but I needed him. My enchanter. No wonder Faith and Hope had worked so hard to make their relationships work. It made total sense now, no matter the future difficulties we faced. We’d deal with it all, together.

  “My turn.” I couldn’t wait to speak my words. “Guy, my heart and soul are bound to yours. I wish to give you all you desire, for us to work together side by side. I wish to cherish you, to keep you close, and to pester you for all time to come.”

  “Pester?” He nipped my butt. “Yep, you already have that well under control.”

  Happiness swelled in my heart and bubbled over. “Trust me, I can pester with the best of them. You haven’t seen the half of it yet.”

  Eyes twinkling, he rolled over top of me. “Then show me the other half.”

  “Oh, you’ve got it. Pestering coming up.” Heat flared through my body. Fire flickered on my fingertips, although with one thought I snuffed it out. “Okay, just don’t get me too hot.”

  “I like hot.”

  So did I. I caught his face and dragged his mouth to mine. I got bossy, until the air surely pulsed with my heat. Perfect. I had my mate back and my soul at peace. Nothing more could surpass this moment.

  * * * *

  I wriggled and rubbed my feet against Guy’s jean clad legs. He still slept like the dead even though it was mid-afternoon. Lucky for him, I didn’t care to get up either, no matter I was wide awake.

  “I’m tired,” he mumbled under his breath as he stirred.

  “Go back to sleep. I’m not going anywhere.” I brought fire to my fingertips and bounced the tiny flames in short spurts.

  “Mmm, closer.” Throwing one leg over mine, he all but smothered me. “Why can I smell—” He cranked one eye open. “Ahh, didn’t your parents teach you not to play with fire?”

  “Nope.” I blew on the tips and the flames flickered brighter. Oooh, so pretty.

  He wet his thumb and finger then pinched one of the tips and extinguished it.

  “There’re nine more still to go.”

  “Put them all out before you burn something.”

  I relit the one he’d snuffed. “I’ve got this under control.”

  “So do I.” He wrapped his hands around mine.

  “Hey.” With no choice, I doused the flames in one go. “You are no fun right now.”

  “We should talk some more, since we’re awake. Faith and Hope’s problem bugged me the entire time we were apart.”

  “That’s because all roads still lead to Dralion, and you know I’m going back there.”

  “I’ve already said no to Dralion.”

  “Yeah, but that’s where their issue exists. I can’t fix it from here.”

  “I’m not taking you to Dralion.”

  “You don’t have a choice. Wincrest wants you to continue the Moyer line, and eventually he’s going to meet me.”

  He frowned. “Damn, in my happiness, that slipped my mind. Still, you’re not going to Dralion. You have culinary school next year, and your education is important.”

  “Peacio is my home, but so is being with you. Your fellow warriors will surely begin to notice your longer periods of time away.”

  “I’m in the outback half the time. I’ll just explain it that way.” With the back of his fingers, he stroked my cheek. “Your safety remains imperative.”

  “I’m safe when I’m with you, and I can handle spendi
ng a little time in Dralion as needed.”

  “It’s not needed.”

  “Yes, it is. I’m going.”

  “No, you’re not.”

  “You’re being difficult.”

  “I’m being reasonable.”

  “We have to work together on sorting the girls’ problem, and we need to get it fixed now. Give me a second to get ready.” I eased out of his hold and bounded into my dressing room. Fishing around, I found dark leather pants and a fitted black t-shirt, the closest I had to warrior attire.

  After changing, I marched back to the bedroom. Guy hadn’t moved other than to cross his arms behind his head.

  “Will you take me?” I ran my thumb over his forehead, smoothing out the deep worry lines.


  “I can’t let Faith or Hope down, because if either is forced to marry another, I can assure you, Davio and Silas won’t rest until they get their mates back. You think we’re at war now, but it will be far greater if those men lose their soul-bound ones to slayers.”

  “They won’t lose them.”

  “No, that’s right. They won’t.” With the image of the dome room at the forefront of my mind, I ’ported.

  The floor stones were slick under my feet, and I made the jump straight on to Faith’s bedroom. Hopefully, she’d “see” my arrival, because right now, I needed her support. Drat. Her bed was made and her room tidied. She wasn’t here.

  Guy shimmered into view, his growl fierce as he stormed toward me. “You looked when I last ’ported you.”

  “I’ll never tell, not a single soul. I may despise Wincrest, but I’d never use that hate against you. I’m bound by our bond to keep you safe, just as you are with me. I’d never encourage a war.”

  “This is too dangerous.” He crushed me against him.

  “Not if those from Dralion still believe me a warrior. We’ll simply tell them I’m your mate as we did with the healer Nicolas. Allow me to have a presence here when needed. Think about it. It’ll solve your problem with Wincrest making demands on you, if he believes we’re together.”


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