Crossworld of Xai

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Crossworld of Xai Page 38

by Steven Savage

  The Communicant carefully removes himself a few yards away. The Big Guy has that effect. When that Lorne’s on beat, I bet he never gets any trouble - it’s aura of “friendly-guy-who-can-kick-your-ass.”

  “I see. Well, I do have to get moving.” You can tell Lorne doesn’t want to talk about it; a lot of my friends are native, and they don’t understand what politics on Xai is like. He just holds out his hand, and I drop the keys onto his palm.

  “I appreciate it Brandon.” Lorne puts a hand my shoulder. “I really hope this is the last time for awhile …”

  “Ah, don’t worry. Hey, I got the truck, we got folks who need it, no problem, just keep her charged.”

  “Thanks. Well, do you need a ride?”

  Uh-oh, here it comes. Well …

  “I won’t. I’m gonna have a little talk with Clairice.” I don’t want to say it, but I am. I feel like a jerk actually, having an ulterior motive. He’ll know anyway, he’s not as introverted as people think, he’s a bit like Slate or HuanJen - he watches a lot.

  “Yes?” Lorne taps his foot.

  “Look, big guy …Randy’s wedding is coming up and you know she’s probably going to butt in, and I know you, and you won’t tell her to back off. I’m gonna … smooth things over. Don’t kill me.”

  Lorne sighs like thunder. “She means well, I’m … OK with Randy getting married. What brought this on?”

  “Fortune Cookie and I suspect Foxy Lady.”

  Fortunately he laughs instead of freaking out. He knows HuanJen and Jadepretty well. “Yeah. It’s part of the job. I remember last year when you were messed up over Valentines.”

  Ouch. I tried to forget that. I mean, really, I never made any commitments, and all three of them knew I was more for friends and fun. But getting told off three times in a week - I didn’t want to even touch a woman for a month.

  “Egh, don’t mention it. I’m glad Rake and Huan were there. I’m doing my part this year, I guess.”

  “Yeah, same here.” Lorne gives me a playful push. “Look, at least this year you’ve got your usual female flock this time. Go straighten Clairice out, I’ll be back this evening, and I’ll act all innocent.”

  I’m halfway down the sidewalk to Lorne and Clairice’s apartment when I wonder what the hell he meant by “Same here.”

  Never, ever get me curious. I don’t like mysteries.

  I just like solving them.

  February 8th, 2000 - Xaian Standard Calendar

  I can’t remember how long the gang’s gathered at the Nax - I think it’s been three or four years. It’s just one of those things we do; a lot of us are busy, a lot of us are in “service industries,” so its sort of a way to see each other guaranteed. You may not see everyone, but you see some of the gang each time.

  It has been awhile since we started going there. Hell, I remember the Nax before it went supernaturally critical and Richard redecorated in the oh-gods-please-I’m-sorry style of protective runes and so on. Some of the newbies don’t even know the place’s history, which sometimes I think may be a good thing. Richard Nax owned the only bar known for skating on the thin ice of the worlds of gods and spirits, and sometimes stuff should stay buried - before it kicks your ass.

  The usual Tuesday night drink-and-jabber was going pretty good. Lorne and Slate are here, which seems against the odds as of late, talking away about everything. HuanJen and Jade, the disorienting duo, made it as well - they’re sort of a package deal, you get both or none. Kinda slow for the usual get-together, but I can’t complain.

  Oh, and we’re not talking to Lorne about his ex-roomate’s wedding. Definitely not. Nor Valentines day, apparently. No one’s talking about it, and, hey, we Xaians are big on holidays. Even the immigrants who’ve settled in.

  ” … I’m surprised even Ahn didn’t … well, show an emotion,” Jade says sadly.

  I nod. “That’s a real sad fuckup, I mean … how the hell do you route part of the Guild Esoteric Hotline to one man’s phone? New installation or not …”

  “I heard it wasn’t the only one,” Slate drops into the convo. Next to him Lorne lets out a small laugh. I perk up my ears; there’s dirt to be heard, and I intend to hear it.

  “There were several.” HuanJen turns serious for a moment; he kinda looks like an animate statue when he goes into serious mode, sort of like those clay statues in China you hear about on various Earths. When he gets serious he’s, well, serious about it.

  “Really?” I try not to smile. I shouldn’t be happy for what’s happening with the Communicants, but after being their bitch so many times, I’m going to indulge. I won’t say anything, but I’m gonna listen.

  “Ahn.” My mystic friend ticks off names on his fingers. “Targathai, a few others, and even M of the Guild Council got a reroute. It’s a bad idea, I feel, to allow phone service to be altered for a Guild Esoteric council … being.”

  “I’ll be glad when this is over.” Lorne shakes his head. “Or do you think they’re going to keep it after the vote?”

  Jade interrupts just as HuanJen prepares to deliver what is probably some sage wisdom. “I hope not. I mean … er, how can I put this without swearing?”

  “You won’t dear. It was supposed to be only for defined supernatural and related occurrences,” HuanJen slides into the conversation calmly. “It has, unfortunately, become for any emergency. A helpline as it were. I don’t think it’s going away in the near future.”

  Lorne and Slate both make some mutterings of agreement - they get it. Of course Guild Esoteric’s little project will become something else; it’s Xai. We’re technically a frontier and we have phone, cable, and an internet setup. We came from everywhere. We adapt, like it or not, and we’ll adapt to or with anything.

  “Think its going to get any busier, with the holiday?” Slate asks conversationally. Yep, I knew it was going to come up.

  … and yet, its the first time. Our group hasn’t talked about Valentine’s day much lately. It’s downright weird. I don’t exactly mind, but still, I mean come on! Slate and Garnet, Huan and Jade, really isn’t someone feeling romantic.

  “I hope not.” HuanJen says glumly. Can’t be easy on him, even with those years of experience as a Zone Cleric.

  “Speaking of holidays, you’ve got that party for Verrigent and his friends still, right, before Valentines Day?” I look around for reactions. Not many.

  “Oh, yeah” Jade nods. “We got them crashing with, get this, some friends of Dealer Zero’s. They certainly don’t want to be in Greenpole …”

  No mention at all. Like things are … scripted? Nah, not quite.

  But I’m getting an idea.

  February 9th, 2000 - Xaian Standard Calendar

  You know, I still don’t get golf. I’m supposed to I guess, with so many courses around Metris, but I just don’t get it. I’d like to blame all the courses on Guild Medical, but let’s face it, that’s’ an old joke.

  But, Lorne got Slate into it, and I’m apparently the next target for initiation. Golf is like some kind of virus, I suppose, and it reproduces by getting people to buy outrageously expensive sets of clubs (most are still imports). However, I said I’d walk the course with them, get some fresh air; though I will not handle a club or even a tee no matter the circumstances.

  “Isn’t this a bit cold?” I sound whiny, but really, we’re at the first tee and I’m not sure I want to face nine holes of this. The cold left then came back, but, the courses open up February first like they have for years, and the Shalesson/Thompson ball-blasting duo are out here as soon as they can make it.

  Well, its not like I get to see them a lot; before everything got busy I had all my contracts, and now that security’s such a concern, they’re logging the overtime. I figured I’d follow up the good fortune of seeing them at the Nax. I can’t figure why Slate never hung out with us earlier, he’s a pretty solid, nice guy.

  “Oh, it’s fine.” Slate is busy setting up his first shot. “Bracing, not bad. I was outside
half the day yesterday.”

  “You have fur.” I note, getting a laugh from Lorne. He and I are in coats, Slate in some kind of jacket with the Corona Security logo on the back. Sure, Vulpine fur isn’t very thick, but it obviously makes a damn difference.

  “Hush. I have my shot to make.” Slate’s brow furrows as he concentrates on what is, lets face it, a tiny white sphere he’s going to whack with a stick.

  Golf. This is the closest thing Xai has to a widespread sport, this and the occasional game of soccer. We could at least have something deliberately entertaining like wrestling, but no, this is apparently what’s popular.

  So, I watch them hit their balls around, curse, walk around, find their balls, hit them again, and land them in tiny holes. Then it starts again. At least we get to talk …

  “So what’s Garnet up to?” Lorne asks as we continue our epic journey of walking around and hitting things.

  “Busy.” I see a kind of … focused look come into Lorne’s eyes as Slate says the single word. A policeman’s eye.

  “You know,” My big Gendarme buddy adds, “Rake and I were talking, and I think, maybe you two need to have some time together …”

  A few pieces of my mental puzzle come into view.

  February 13th, 2000 - Xaian Standard Calendar

  No time-sucking contracts, so I’m at a party. Verrigent is back from trapsing around Earths, and we’re kinda making him feel welcome.

  The guy’s an Outrider, a professional explorer of Earths, specializing in the unusual or uninhabited. Then again, he’s from a level-three earth, a big thin blue guy with bat wings, so where he won’t stand out is sort of limited.

  I’m not sure how he stumbled into our group, I think he knew Lorne or something. I do know he’s ex-smuggler, but the gang doesn’t talk about it. Hey, they don’t call Xai the all-forgive for nothing.

  Everyone’s there too, except Slate and Garnet, who I suspect are off somewhere having quiet time as per Lorne’s advice on the golf course. I’m probably being paranoid, but I’m feeling a pattern.

  “Brandon, are you OK?”

  It’s Jade, Foxy Lady herself. I’m thinking and ignoring her. With everyone milling about, looking for food, Rake laughing, its easy to get distracted, but in this case the distraction’s all in my head.

  “Sorry, um, I’m just kind of thinking.”

  She smiles at me. Heckuva looker for a Vulpine, all black fur and green eyes and a gorgeous smile. Huan landed himself quite a lady; I’d probably have given it a shot myself, but … I dunno, I don’t think she’s the friendly-tumble-in-the-hay type.

  “Why are you looking at Clairice?” She gives a quick nod towards where our Guild Medical friend is talking to some Asian guy. Yeah, Fang Xianfu, one of Verrigent’s partners, the snappy dresser of the bunch - an easy title to get, since Verrigent doesn’t wear much, and that weird Donnovan guy wears the same thing constantly.

  “She’s … well she’s really chatting up Xianfu there.”

  “Don’t worry.” Jade leans forward and whispers conspiratorially, “If you’re planning on trying your moves on Clairice, Verrigent told me he’s gay.”

  “Yeah.” I nod. “I know, remember that time at the Nax? Nah, I just wonder why Clairice is leading him over to Lorne.”

  Jade scowls, brows arching. “Yeah. I’d think …”

  ” … she’d know not to interfere so much in peoples lives.”

  The Vulpine babe glares at me. I can’t help but wink at her angered-and-confused expression.

  Gotcha, Fortune Cookie. I got it figured out.

  February 14th, 2000, Xaian Standard Calendar

  I go to Temple street when I have to. Hey, I’m not part of anything dedicated - I know to take stuff as it comes and give the gods their due. But there’s a few spots I hit and a few spots I know.

  Like the Church of Christ the Worker, the little boxy block of a church that Rake owns - or inherited, or whatever.

  Now I don’t go for that necromantic living-dead savior stuff, but Rake’s a decent guy, good member of Guild Esoteric, handy holy man. I drop by occasionally, help out, get involved in some of the cross-temple charity work.

  Or, I swing by after a call to Jade, and unravel some plans.

  I knock on the door of the Church; it’s locked, something I expected. After a few moments, it swings open, and I see HuanJen, looking confused, or more than usual.

  “Brandon?” He sounds really surprised.

  “Hey, Huan, figured I’d see you and Rake. Mind if I come in?” I don’t bother to wait for an invitation, and I step into Rake’s blocky church and head towards the office in back. Huan is in tow, obviously wondering what the hell I’m up to.

  I find Rake in his office, at his desk, with an unbusinesslike glass of wine in front of him. There’s another on paper-strewn table, probably Fortune Cookie’s.

  “Brandon, ah, what brings you, ah, here?” Rake looks like I just told him Cardinal Byrd reinstated celibacy for the Catholic clergy.

  “I figured it out,” I can’t help but point at them.

  “What?” HuanJen appears behind me. I grin at him.

  “You guys have been fucking around. Huan, you talk to me about Clairice bugging Lorne. So I talk to her. And of course does she listen? Nah, she thinks a bit then goes right on trying to mess with Lorne’s lovelife - but after she thought a bit. And Lorne, our romantically incompetent friend, is talking to Slate about Garnet. Not the best advisor, but the only guy Slate’ll listen to. And what two people do I find involved always, you guys.”

  No response. I stick my hands in my pocket and try to stop smiling. I fail. Man, this is like figuring out a mystery novel before you get to the end.

  “And let me guess you’re kind of smoothing things over after I was a basket case last Valentines? After the Brandon Thylar Triple Play?”

  “No.” HuanJen answers. “We’ve been doing this for a few years, Brandon.”

  “Oh.” Well I was wrong there. “Um. Ok. Er, and which of you two came up with the idea of annually playing anti-cupids?”

  “My, ah, wife.” Rake says simple.

  I feel my heart drop into my boots. Ah, shit, you know, just when you think you won’t mention painful memories anymore, you do.

  “Sorry, I …”

  “Ah, it’s OK, ah, Brandon.” Rake brings a bottle out from behind his computer, fills a glass with what looks to be some nice Cinnabar Red, and hands it to me. “We just ,ah, make sure things run smooth when there’s, ah, the holiday.”

  “Yeah. Never thought some decapitated guy’d get a holiday like this. Especially here.” I try some clerical humor.

  “Just doing our jobs.” HuanJen takes a seat at the table, and raises his glass. “To another year, Rake.”

  “Another year.” The minister raises his glass. I follow suit and drink. It’s good stuff, definitely from Cinnabar, it’s got that fruitier flavor and the buzz that sneaks up on you.

  “Another year.” I put the glass down. “So, what are we going to do next year?”

  “We?” HuanJen asks with a smile.

  “Well, hey, I know your secret, and tell me, am I not the love master in our little family?”

  “You’re, ah, perhaps overstating, ah, yourself, but … HuanJen?”

  “Let’s see what next year is like, this one was most unusual.” The magic man says carefully.

  I can’t help but add “Yeah, you got a girlfriend. How’d you keep this little conspiracy from her?”

  “Poorly. Maybe if there’s any … holiday concerns we’ll turn this over to you and Jade.” HuanJen sounds serious, though you can never tell with him.

  “Wow, amateur hour.” I sip more of my wine. “Hopefully we’ll be unfucked up last year and we can all sit here and drink. And speaking of Jade …”

  HuanJen nods. “We have plans, I … how did you know?”

  “Think you’re the only one that can find things out, HuanJen? Go, on, get out of here.”

  HuanJen r
ose from his seat. “And your plans?”

  “Enjoy a Valentines day where all my friends are a little happier. I think you can relate.”

  He smiles at me. “Yes, yes I can …”


  Fire over wood: The image of THE CAULDRON.

  Thus the superior man consolidates his fate

  By making his position correct.

  - Regarding Hexagram 50, “The I Ching or Book of Changes”, Wilhelm/Baynes, Princeton University Press, 1990 (1st. ed. 1950)

  (Level 1 Nexial Earth publication)

  Febuary 14, 2000 - Xaian Standard Calendar

  HuanJen opened the door to his apartment, and looked around carefully. It was, as was often said in bad films, quiet, yet too quiet. After a moment of looking around the living room, he walked in, closed the door, and stood stock still, as if waiting.

  He didn’t have long to wait.


  The coat closet flew open and a black-furred bolt of energy leapt out and seized him. In moments, Jade was wrapped around the cleric’s body, kissing him playfully.

  “I … you knew I was hiding?” The Vulpine asked, obviously disappointed.

  “This is me dear,” HuanJen replied nonchalantly. “It’s hard to surprise me. But, did I stop you?”

  “Not really. So …”

  ” … well …”


  “Happy Valentines day!” The pair said simultaneously, quickly followed by Jade noting. “We’re still a bit disgusting, aren’t we?”

  “We have our moments.” HuanJen swung Jade around, holding her close. “I’ve never had a Valentines day with someone, you know. We didn’t even celebrate it at Sanctum.”

  “Same at Colony.” Jade lay her head against her lover’s neck. “You sound tired, lover.”

  “I … got ambushed by a few people in the Zone on the way home, the usual worries. You sound tired yourself.”

  “Did the usual checkup, same crap. Some new girl in the Zone, Rikki, or whatever, was in a weird mood today when I ran into her.” Jade let out a lengthy sigh. “Hey, look, maybe …”

  “No.” HuanJen. disentangled himself from his companion, holding her chin in his hand gently. “It’s Valentines day. Our first. You’re going to suggest we wait or something, aren’t you?”


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