Crossworld of Xai

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Crossworld of Xai Page 66

by Steven Savage

  “Hey, Zero.” Jade greeted the diviner at the door. “I … man, you wear that trenchcoat everywhere?”

  “Habit,” Zero smiled wanly and placed the garment on the otherwise empty coatrack by the door. “Hey, where’s HJ? Gotta ask him something.”

  Jade pointed at one of the two hallways brancing off of the living room. “Study, it’s on the right. It’s not business, right? If it is, I flush you down the toilet in tiny pieces. This is for fun.”

  Zero shook his head. “Nah, just want to see him. Hey, love the dress, green is your color.”

  “It goes with the name,” Jade remarked with false sourness.

  Zero worked his way through the crowd, after pausing to shake hands with Rake and Brownmiller, even though in Browmillers case it was like having his entire body shaken. A few quick maneuvers, and he found himself in HuanJen’s study, a rather odd room full of shelves and strange reagents that seemed larger than it should be.

  “Hey, HJ … oh, sorry.”

  HuanJen was present, but so were two others. Zero quickly recognized Slate and Lorne - they were easy to identify, you just looked for two large masses of muscle that made him feel inadequate. The gray-furred one was always Slate, and the blond guy that looked like a model and talked like an English major was Lorne.

  “Zero?” HuanJen asked. “What brings you in.”

  “Er … ” Zero closed the door. “Um, it’s sort of a private matter about the party … I wanted to, well, mention the marriage proposal.”

  Zero received three questioning looks.

  “It’s OK,” Dealer Zero said comfortingly, “I had an intuition something was up, and I read my cards. You and Jade have been talking marriage, haven’t you?”

  “Yes,” HuanJen drew out the word.

  “And, well, everything points to the city calming down, and I hear a plan for the Communicants being put under control will be done soon, so, what better time to propose?”

  Lorne blinked. “Zero, you’re scary. We we’re just talking about that. And before you ask, since everyone does, I’m fine. It’s sort of reassuring to see someone getting married.”

  The long-haired oracle shrugged. “Good. So, what’s happening?”

  HuanJen slid off of the desk. “Soon, but let me make one thing clear …”

  “Everyone, may I have your attention!” Rake’s voice boomed around the apartment like living thunder.

  The gathered crowd went silent. All eyes focused on HuanJen and Slate, who stood next to Rake, who was grinning like he’d tasted Heaven.

  “We have … something important. My friends, my fellows …” HuanJen began, “We have been through difficult times. Together, we have persevered. Tonight, we have an event that reminds us of our unity together.”

  Slate took a small box out of his pocket. “Garnet?”

  The crimson-pelted Vulpine looked up from her place on the couch.

  Slate knelt by his lover. “I have a confession. I kept some extra money from my last assignment. Enough that it will make the difference and let us get the house I promised you. So, with that …”

  The large man flipped open the box with a thumb. Something glittered inside.

  “Garnet, will you marry me?”


  “Slate …” Garnet begain.

  A ring glittered in the bottom of the box.

  “Dear?” Slate asked.


  “I … require a yes or no. It’s traditional.”

  Garnet blinked. Her mind restarted and focused. “I … hell, yes!”

  “There’s reomance for you,” Brownmiller whispered to Jade, who slapped the shaman in his considerable stomach - though playfully so.

  There was a round of applause and cheers. HuanJen sidled up to Jade and put an arm around his lover, who leaned against him affectionately.

  “You little shit,” Zero whispered to HuanJen.

  “Relax, you were close enough,” the Fang-Shih comforted, “give yourself a few years.”

  Zero nodded, and turned his attention to the happy couple of Slate and Garnet. His hand clutched the deck of cards in his shirt pocket.

  Whoever it was, it really didn’t matter. It was a reminder that things could be all right.


  Jade was beside herself, which was good, since she could keep herself from throttling anyone that annoyed her.

  What a day.

  She was HuanJen’s frontperson until the publicity over the Historian wore off. If it wore off. It meant she got to do a lot of what he didn’t have to do, and he handled the big potion-brewing, the counseling, and the occult stuff. She got to do the nitpicky things.

  And the worst thing of all …

  “Damn it.” Jade tripped over a crack in the sidewalk. She focused on her surroundings; almost home, almost back to the apartment.

  … it had been her idea. Huan had asked for some help, and, of course, she’d jumped in. Then she’d kept jumping.

  This time, he’d warned her. He’d warned her she was taking on too much, that she needed to pull back. Of course she’d said things like ‘it’s for awhile,’ or ‘don’t you worry about me.”

  The black-pelted Vulpine gritted her teeth.

  So, now, after nine hours of research, dropping of potions, taking requests, and something she didn’t even want to discuss involving groceries, she was headed home.

  Oh, yes, the city was calm. The Communicants Guild was going to finally be put under control of the other Guilds. The Historian was gone. Politics had taken a holiday after the recent nastiness as people asked the important question “are we really this stupid?”

  Jade stepped into the elevator at the Crosspoint apartment complex.

  She knew how stupid she was.

  This wasn’t going to work out. There was only so much she was qualified to do, really. HuanJen, poor bastard, would have to face some of the public. She’d face it with him, she …

  Jade smiled wearily. They’d face it together.

  She felt strangely calm about the relationship with HuanJen. They’d been through everything and survived. Though, hopefully, he wasn’t home; she needed some privacy. HuanJen was a welcome presence in her life, as close as a heartbeat, but sometimes she didn’t need close.

  Jade stumbled out of the elevator, down the hall and to the door of the apartment.

  Privacy, she needed some time to herself, and HuanJen said he’d be busy. She’d been around people all day, and she needed some quiet and maybe some meditation, which she’d rarely had time for …

  … and she opened the door to find an apartment dimly lit, smelling of incense.

  “Hello Jade.”

  HuanJen sat on the couch in a robe she recognized from the back of the closet - some red thing with gold dragons on it, a gift he never used. His slender body was posed in what she’d figured was a sexy position if it had been done by someone else.

  “Huan …” Jade began.

  HuanJen flowed to his feed and moved forward a sheet of flame.. “I figured it was time to say thanks for your efforts, Jade, and … you don’t look too good.”

  “Thanks stud-lord. Man, now I’m just horny as all get out.”

  “Sarcasm is unnecessary,” HuanJen critiqued.

  “No, in this case, it’s very … oh, hell, look at you. Gods. This is for me?”

  She looked over her lover. Clean-shaven. Dressed in a modestly immodest way. His black hair and its signature white streak were carefully combed and moussed. Normally he was clean and proper, but this really spoke of extra effort.

  HuanJen hugged Jade, leaning her head against his shoulder. “Yes. Dear, we’ve been together over a year and you’ve been so helpful …”

  Jade sniffed. He smelled wonderful, but still …

  “I’m tired, I just want to lay back …”

  “Let me take care of you,” the voice held a sensual edge that slid between the cracks in Jade’s reluctance.

  Jade tried to say no, then …<
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  “Jade …”

  She could resist, of course, but there wasn’t anything to resist. She could say no, but she didn’t want to. There wasn’t any reason not to, and after all her trapsing around, she could figure out many reasons to say ‘yes.’

  Jade turned around and lay back in HuanJen’s arms. “Go for it, I deserve it.”

  “Oh, I’d say you do.” HuanJen’s breath tickled her ear. “Just relax.”

  “Already am …”

  HuanJen hoisted Jade into his arms, and carried her towards their bedroom. Jade sank into his warmth.

  Everyhing going on, and he still took care of her …

  “Thank you for everything,” the Fang-Shih husked.

  “You’re worth it.” Jade felt herself calming. With HuanJen you could let yourself go totally.

  Carefully, HuanJen set Jade down on the floor of the bedroom. With a quick kiss, he began undoing her dress …

  … Jade felt heat run through her, like hot sunlight slowly warming her body.

  Jade let herself be stripped, Huan_Jen removing her clothes gently, then her underthings. He took his time, pausing to run his hands over her body, praising her appearance, each word as real as his touch.

  Her lover gently lay her face down on the bed, straddled her exposed buttocks, and began massaging her shoulders.

  Jade let out a sigh, her white-tipped tail swaying lazily. “This is …”

  “For you.”

  “Hmmm, yes. Thank you, thank you so …”

  “Hush, just enjoy.” HuanJen chided gently, beginning to work Jade’s back muscles with his long-fingered hands.

  Jade settled into the sensations. HuanJen’s touch worked out any tensions, any resistance.

  Her Back. Hands kneading and stroking along her shoulders and neck.

  Small of the back. Fingers moving along her ribs.

  Her backside, gently kneaded. A few suggestive strokes and caresses.

  Down her left leg to her foot, pausing for one of his famous footrubs, and a gentle kiss of her instep …

  … she felt her breath quickening.

  HuanJen’s hand’s moved along her right leg, and again to her foot. Another kiss. Her blood was becoming fire. The touches added up in a strange equation.

  “Relaxed, dear?” HuanJen’s voice was loving quiet thunder.

  “Somewhat …”


  “Very,” Jade murred.

  HuanJen gently ran two fingers along Jade’s backside, caressing alongside her womanhood, then between her buttocks. Jade exhaled forcefully.

  “You’re teasing me,” Jade accused playfully.


  “Just noting.”

  “Am I a tease …” HuanJen kissed the base of Jade’s tail, running his hands along its fluffy length. “A tease doesn’t promise anything. I promise quite a bit.”

  “I know. I …”

  “In time, dear.”

  HuanJen rolled his over and kissed her, tongue slowly probing deep into her mouth. Jade responded passionately, though she felt like a pool of boiling water, hot but immobile. She didn’t feel she had to do anything.

  Her lover nipped at her ears and then her neck, affectionate, light bites, leaving a trail of sharp fire on her body. The vulpine let out tiny yelps.

  HuanJen swirled his tongue around her right nipple, drawing it into his mouth with agonizingly enjoyable slowness. Caressing it gently with his teeth and tongue, he toyed with her before turning his attention to her left breast.

  “Huan …”

  “I love you.”

  The mystic’s hands caressed her belly, then he paused for a moment, his tongue darting into her navel. His mouth and hands moved lower, weaving kisses and bites and touches together seamlessly.

  HuanJen shifted himself around, lying between Jade’s legs, hands cupping her thighs. He gently lowered his mouth between her legs.

  Jade gasped as her lover’s tongue ran over her sex, caressing her most sensitive areas. Slow licks and gentle thrusts …

  “Huan …”

  HuanJen’s tongue worked its way deeper into her femmininity, Jade finding herself yielding effortlessly. He was inside her, caressing her carefully, tenderly.

  Her hips bucked slowly, in time with his activities.

  Jade groaned as HuanJen focused on her jewel and the sensitive underside, carefully timed licks. She could feel her climax building up, bit by bit, like a fuse burning down.

  … total intensity focused on her, his love like a physical force running along her nerves …

  Jade screamed as her climax came, quickly clamping her mouth shut, little moans skill escaping. Her body was overwhelmed with ripples of feeling, roaring through her, emanating from HuanJen’s loving touches. Her body wasn’t hers, but it didn’t matter, because it was as if . .

  … she …

  … wasn’t there.

  Everything became white gold and spun around.


  A voice echoing out of …


  “Right here.”

  She felt her lover lay down next to her, wrapping his arms around her, drawing her to him. His smell was beautiful to her.

  “Thank you.” Jade opened her eyes, and found her lover looking at her. HuanJen’s eyes were obsidian warmth, dark suns of mysterious heat.

  “To another year?” HuanJen asked.

  “Another, and …” Jade breathed, “when I’m capable of movement, it’s your turn.”

  “You don’t have to.” The answer was achingly sincere.

  “No, I want to … I …”

  Jade began to snore.

  HuanJen smiled, curled himself around her, and held her close.


  Everything has its compliment. Day and night, high and low, far and near. Everything rests on its opposite.

  Many have one. Going-away has a coming-to.

  The many Earths of the many possible universes have their crossing-points, and one of them is Xai. The Crossworld. Where-we-all-go. Frontier of the between.

  There are millions of stories, millions of tales there. Everyone has some yarn to tell.

  If it’s particularly dignified is another question. There may be a million stories in the naked city, but sometimes the city ought to just put its clothes on and go about it’s business.

  July 18, 2000 AD, Xaian Standard Calendar

  Portal Beth. Second most active portal on Xai - at least of those known to the general public.

  It hadn’t been named after a woman, but the second letter of the Hebrew Alphabet, an old classification system of the early Traveler’s Guild. Xaians found they had to explain that a bit too often to visitors, and wished people moving there would at least read the literature. If you were going to cross between Earths, you could at least be informed.

  The portal wasn’t a physical portal, as devotees of some science-fiction television shows and books would expect. It was a place where the worlds converged, a place where those of certain inclinations may see into other Earths when the time was right. A place where you could cross over under the right conditions.

  Or, if you were like the people that had colonized the Portal-rich world of Xai, it was a place you hooked up a lot of electromagnetic generators, found some people with the Navigational talent, and got down to business. Sometimes you had to make the right conditions and pry open the gates of the worlds.

  Portal Beth was busy.

  Commerce and travel was the lifeblood of Xai - or, Travel, with a capital T, the reference to crossing between Earths. The powerful Guilds like the Mercantile Alliance or the Traveler’s had arisen to exploit the voyages between alternate Earths. Though many people talked of activities at Portal Aleph, oldest Portal, near to great Metris, the capital of Xai, Portal Beth was nearly its equal in sheer happenings.

  Wheeled transports moved cargo in and out of warehouses, or from the nearby Trade Zone. Rancelmen, the dark-armored inspect
ors and guardians of the Travellers Guild kept watch for suspicious activities. Immigrants, merchants, guides, and more formed a kind of crazy-quit of accidental order, presided over by the humming pillars of the generators that weakened the walls between worlds when needed.

  Motion and travel and trade. As it had been on and off for centuries, and as part of a growing civilization for decades.

  Xai. The Earth known as the Where-We-All-Go.

  The routine at the Portal, despite the business, was predictable. Products and people would move into range of the generator pillars, accompanied by a Navigator of The Traveler’s Guild. In a moment, there would be a twist of not-light, and they’d be gone. Other times, the reverse would happen, and people would enter the Crossworld.

  Same as all days, but the individual elements of the sameness varied …

  One man strode away from the various generators and people and crowds. He wasn’t tall, more of a medium height, well muscled, wearing a protective outfit of a dull gray color. The odd bits of equipment he carried seemed a mix of weapons and scientific gear. His face was stubbly, handsome, broad oriental features set in a determined manner.

  Most experienced workers at the Portal could tell he was an Outrider. One of the charters and studied of other Earths, bodyguard to researchers of the University and the Guild of Academics. Tough, independent …

  “Xianfu! Babe!”

  There was a blur of muscle and Gendarme’s-uniform blue. The Outrider was shortly being held off the ground, in the loving embrace of a large man with short, curly blond hair and a pony tail. While he dangled, the embracer planted a few kisses on his face.

  A few onlookers regarded the couple bemusedly.

  “Lorne.” Xianfu smiled. “Put me down, Tall Guy.”

  “Sorry.” Lorne ruffled Xianfu’s short hair affectionately, then ripped off a smart salute. “Lorne Thompson, Gendarme, acting to promote good relations with our citizens.”

  “I hope you don’t kiss people like that on your beat.” Xianfu resumed his pace towards the various inspectors that monitored the edge of the Portal complex. Was uncomfortably aware of the array of walls, cameras, monitors, and armed guards that guarded the periphery of the Portal. There was always some red tape to deal with whenever he returned to Xai.


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