Don't Lie to Me

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Don't Lie to Me Page 26

by Stacey Lynn

  I didn’t know if it was a promise he could keep, but I knew Jack’s love for me was real. Any type of relationship with Jack would feel like a rollercoaster. I would always feel the absolute thrill of being at the top where you think you could conquer anything, and we would have our heart splattering plummets at the very bottom. But he loved me, and he loved me fiercely. He also loved Logan

  That alone would make the ride completely worth it.

  It took me about a half second to agree and he knew the moment I did because he smiled and his eyes dropped again to my hideous robe.

  His smile increased and I laughed softly, knowing what he was thinking.

  Slowly, he reached out and rubbed the edge of my robe, just above my breasts. My breath caught in my throat as he touched me for the first time in too damn long.

  He brought his eyes to mine, one eyebrow raised. “Haven’t we talked about this ugly thing?”

  I pursed my lips, biting back my smile. “I’m not sure it’s yours to critique anymore.”

  Jack licked his lips and rubbed his tongue across the front of his teeth. “You’ve been mine since our first kiss and you always will be.”

  “Always?” My breath hitched in my throat.

  He nodded and I smiled. In an instant, I was in Jack’s arms, being carried down the hall.

  He tossed me on the bed and all I could do was stare at him wide eyed as he began unbuttoning his shirt, a feral and wild look in his eyes as he watched me remove my robe.

  “Always.” His eyes darkened as I took off my robe and he climb slowly, predatorily over me. He lowered his mouth to one of my breasts and sucked it until it hardened into a pink nub. Soon we were a mess of hands, furiously roaming each other’s bodies. We stroked, pulled, grasped at each other, our moans and the sound of skin slapping together the only things I could hear.

  “I need you,” I cried out as his fingers teased my clit. “All of you.”

  He leaned forward, panting just inches from my mouth and smiled wickedly. “I’m one fucking lucky man to have you. I won’t ever forget this chance.”

  His mouth descended onto mine as his hand left my body. His hips pulled back until I felt the tip of his cock sitting at my entrance. My hands gripped him, pulling him into me. I arched into him, wiggling my hips against him, getting used to the feel of him inside me again.

  It was perfect. The feel of him on top of me, his body surrounding me, the way he moved inside of me, his scent permeated everything in the room. Jack owned every inch of me.

  I was in heaven as he slowly began moving again. His eyes stayed on mine, peering down on me with nothing but love in them.

  “Jack?” I whispered, almost against his mouth when he was so close to me.

  His raised eyebrows asked the question ‘what?’

  “I love you.”

  “I love you, too. Always.”



  Almost four months later

  My cheeks felt like they were plastered into a permanent smile. I had been standing at the front of the church for almost two hours, smiling and posing for the camera. The heat wasn’t working properly and my body felt frozen.

  I was sure that when Macy got her pictures back from her overly excited photographer, my lips would show a slight tinge of blue, and my bare shoulders would be bright pink from frostbite.

  “Say cheese!” Her photographer cheered and clicked away at least a half dozen times. I looked down at Logan, dressed immaculately in his little tuxedo that matched the groomsmen and groom and cringed.

  “Logan,” I hissed quietly so as not to interrupt the photographer; again. “Look at the camera.”

  His eyes moved to mine. He was standing in front of the group while I was in the back next to Macy. “My feet hurt,” he whined and all the guys laughed.

  “I understand your pain, man,” Tate said and patted him on the shoulder. “Just hang on a little bit longer, okay?”

  Logan frowned but nodded.

  Twenty minutes later, the pictures were finally done and I was in a back bridal room, with Macy, her younger sister and two of her cousins, waiting for the time when she would walk down the aisle.

  We were drinking mimosas, and wearing plastic bibs to ensure we didn’t spill on our dresses. We looked absolutely ridiculous, but I had to hand it to Macy’s mom for the idea.

  “You ready for this?” I asked Macy, completely joking. Her and Tate were completely in love and if any couple could stand the test of time it was them.

  She brushed an invisible piece of lint off her dress and smiled. Her brown eyes got all fuzzy looking, like they always did when she thought of – or looked at – Tate. You could feel her peace and excitement from a mile away.

  “I’ve never been more ready. How about you? Are you ready for school next week?”

  “You’re about to get married and you’re asking me about school?”

  She rolled her eyes. “I’m starting to freak out. Quit being a bitch and take my mind off of it.”

  Who could blame her? Even if we all knew her and Tate were perfect together, I’d be nervous too if I was getting ready to confess something like that in front of hundreds of people. “I feel nervous, but that’s probably because I’m going to be older than most law students, but Jack’s been really supportive.”

  He was actually my biggest supporter next to Macy and my parents. They were thrilled when I told them I was re-admitted to DePaul School of Law when they came to visit for Christmas, and stayed with Jack, Logan and me in Jack’s condo where we were now living together. Jack didn’t waste any time in taking advantage of the second chance I gave him months ago. We were spending every night together anyway, so it only made sense, and now that there were no longer any secrets between us, we only continued to grow closer. We had moved in right after Thanksgiving at Jack’s insistence the only thing he wanted for Christmas was me, in his bed, every day. How could I say no?

  Macy grinned. “Just think, next year this could be you.” She laughed when I made a face. Moving in with Jack and going back to law school were big enough adjustments to handle for a new year. Not that I didn’t see myself with Jack forever, I did. I just wasn’t in any big hurry to rush things now that we were finally feeling stable in our relationship.

  “We’ll see,” I said noncommittally and heard a knock on the door.

  Dean poked his head in when Macy’s sister, Peyton gave him the all clear. “You ready to get this show on the road? It’s time.”

  Macy heaved a large sigh, exhaling loudly and slowly, calming her nerves. “More than anything.”

  “Then let’s roll, woman. If you keep Tate waiting any longer he might throw up.”

  I smacked Dean on the shoulder as we filed out of the room and down the hallway to the entrance of the sanctuary.

  I watched the first three bridesmaids walk down the aisle, and when her sister hit the halfway mark, I turned to Macy and kissed her cheek.

  “I’m so happy for you,” I whispered and watched her fight back the tears.

  It took me about a half second to find Jack in the church once I started walking down the aisle to the sound of Pachelbel Cannon in D. He stood near the front on the bride’s side, right next to the aisle. His smile grew larger as I walked closer. I knew I should have been focused on the front of church and making my way towards the altar and taking my space with the other women, but just like always whenever Jack was around, my eyes could only focus on him.

  He blew me a kiss as I passed him, and reached out, lightly brushing my hands with his. My body tingled instantly and I had to force myself to keep moving. If it wouldn’t have been Macy’s wedding, I might have dropped my flowers and jumped into his arms. He always had that effect on me and I hoped it wouldn’t change.

  Once I was standing at the altar, I winked over at Tate and Dean and then turned to the front, and watched Logan make his way down the aisle, carrying a white silk pillow with two fake rings. The real ones were hope
fully safe in Dean’s pockets. As much as Macy and Tate wanted Logan to participate in their ceremony, none of us trusted my five year old to keep their wedding bands safe. Logan paused when he reached Jack, and I smiled. Both of us were drawn to the enigmatic man and it made my heart feel full that Logan had so many grown men in his life to look up to.

  At Jack’s prodding, Logan finished the walk and plunked down on the bottom step with an exaggerated sigh. Many in the church laughed while my cheeks warmed with a heated blush. Before I could reach down and admonish him, Jack was right there, wiggling his fingers toward him. Logan happily went to him and sat down on Jack’s lap.

  That’s why Jack was seated so close to the front, we had a feeling this would happen. Just before the music changed, I heard two soft “clunks” and turned to Jack. He nodded at Logan who I assumed was perfectly happy, now being able to final rid himself of the uncomfortable shoes he’d been forced to wear for hours.

  The music began a new song, the doors opened again, and I smiled broadly, as Macy entered the back of the church, her arm firmly linked in her dad’s. I watched her, awed, at the joy and love firmly planted all over her. Tate’s expression mirrored hers as he took a few steps down the stairs to meet Macy and her dad at the end of the aisle. The only sign of any nervousness was the slight way Tate rocked on his heels, but they disappeared as soon as the pastor began and Tate was able to take Macy from her dad. The men hugged firmly, patting each other once on the back, and Tate led his bride to the front where the pastor continued the ceremony.

  The words were the same as any other wedding I had ever attended, but my eyes still filled with my own happy tears when Macy began reciting her vows with tears in her eyes. Tate gave her a soft and encouraging smile, wiped away her tears with the pad of his thumb, and whispered how much he loved her. My mind wandered to the statement Macy made just before the ceremony. Would I be ready for this in a year? Jack and I had a great relationship and I loved him more than anything.

  While Tate recited his vows, I couldn’t avoid the feel of two dark brown eyes on me anymore. I slid my eyes to Jack, who was sitting in the church pew looking as commanding and sexy as ever. It helped that Logan was curled up in his lap, resting his head against Jack’s chest and looking like he belonged there. I expected Jack’s eyes to be filled with lust, like they usually were, but I was wrong. Instead, his eyes flickered to Tate and then back to me, his eyebrows raised just slightly. His gaze was soft, full of a love for me that went beyond what I normally saw, as if he was asking me the same question Macy had. Seeing the affection written all over Jack’s face, I knew my answer.

  I was most definitely ready for anything Jack brought my way.

  “I’m ready to get you home and devour you,” Jack whispered against my neck, his tongue trailing along the nerves in my neck and instantly igniting fireworks inside me. We had been at Macy and Tate’s wedding reception for two hours now. We had eaten dinner, cut the cake, and spent the last hour dancing every single song in each other’s arms. To my surprise, Marcus had come and picked up Logan after the wedding so we could enjoy the reception together. It was thoughtful of him, and when he had offered to take him home, I was once again reminded of how lucky I was. Logan had an incredible dad in his life, and we were all figuring out how to be friends and parent him together.

  I shivered under Jack’s touch, something that was all too familiar to both of us, and he laughed softly against my skin. He pulled me to him tightly, and I felt his erection press against my stomach. He wasn’t kidding about wanting me. It made me want to unzip my dress and let him have his way with me in the middle of the dance floor.

  I pulled back from him slightly and looked up, our noses briefly brushing against the other, and licked my lips. “What are you waiting for?”

  His eyes filled with want and his desire. “Do you have anything else you need to do?”

  “Just say good-bye to Macy and Tate.”

  Jack’s hand was in mine, pulling me off the dance floor before I finished the sentence. I bit back a laugh as I watched him, suddenly hurrying to get out of here, when just moments before he was in complete control. Secretly, and sometimes not so secretly, I loved it when he acted like this. He went from running a corporation and being calm and collected all day long, but a simple touch from me and his eyes went wild with hunger. I loved that I could make him feel just as unraveled as he made me feel.

  Macy and Tate were talking to some co-workers of Tate’s when we interrupted them. Jack didn’t even bother apologizing to anyone in the group as they watched him make an appearance. The men instantly looked at him with an awed respect and the women’s eyes immediately fell to his chest, and then the erection in his tuxedo pants that was only slightly hidden by his coat. I didn’t fault them for looking one single bit. He was magnificent. And all mine.

  “Have a great time on your honeymoon,” I said into Macy’s ear as we giggled like school girls. We would never stop being immature enough to giggle over sex.

  I hugged Tate and Dean as well, and offered a good-bye wave to Dean’s date, Harper. We had met a few times before and I liked her. She was quiet, a little bit shy, but she was slowly opening up to our loud group. They had been dating for just over two months now and it made me happy to see Dean dating someone. It also helped Jack’s jealousy where Dean was concerned to finally see Dean have his hands on someone else, and away from me.

  After our good-bye’s, Jack whisked me into the waiting limo. The door was barely shut by the driver before Jack had me pulled onto his lap, straddling him once again. It instantly brought back memories of how far we had come since our first limo ride. I leaned in and kissed him. It was pure heated passion as our lips pressed together, his hands flying to my hair, yanking out all the pins that had been holding it up off my neck. My blonde curls fell in waves down my back as I rocked against him, eliciting a groan from both of us.

  “I love it when you’re so turned on for me,” Jack growled against my lips. My hands moved from his neck and began working to rid him of his coat, vest and shirt. I needed to feel his skin against mine. I wanted to feel the prickly hairs on his chest brush against my chest and tickle my breasts.

  “I need you,” I moaned into him and then squealed when Jack threw me off his lap and onto the bench. He wasted no time in hiking my dress above my hips, kneeling on the floor of the limo in front of me. His index finger trailed slowly, and painfully, up the back of leg. “Do you remember the last time we were alone in a limo?”

  His brown eyes turned dark, thinking of exactly the same thing I had done only minutes before. I nodded, not trusting myself to speak as his finger trailed higher. A wicked grin erupted on his face, showing off his dimple when his finger brushed lightly against my pussy.

  He slowly pressed his finger into me and I rocked toward him, hungry for more. My eyes rolled back and my head flopped onto the back of the seat.

  “It was the first time I told you I loved you.” Jack’s tongue flicked out on my clit and I gasped. I hadn’t felt him move closer to me and the warmth against my skin was shocking. “I will tell you that every day for the rest of your life, and I hope you never forget it.”

  I opened my eyes, looking at him under half-hooded lashes and moaned when his tongue licked my clit again. He inserted another finger and pressed into me, pushing and twisting his fingers as he rocked against me. My hands flew to his hair as I held him in place, unashamedly.

  “Jack,” I moaned breathlessly.

  “Hmmm?” He had a smirk on his lips that I wanted to smack and then kiss the hell out of.

  “I need you.”

  His fingers continued working in me but Jack knelt closer to me, his lips – tasting like me – brushing against my mouth. “I need you, Emma.”

  I rocked against him as my orgasm began building and moaned against his mouth. The walls of my pussy began to spasm on Jack’s fingers.

  “I will always need you. Tell me how much you love me.”

  I cried
out as my orgasm hit and Jack silenced my cries with my mouth, his tongue devouring every inch of the inside of my mouth. He pulled back slowly as I came down, and smiled.

  “Tell me you love me,” he repeated, much more softly.

  “I love you. And I’ll always need you.” I mewled as his fingers left mine and I pressed a gentle kiss to his lips, my fingers interlocking behind his neck, holding him close. He nodded once, and fixed my dress as the limo pulled up in front of his – our – building; our home.

  “Hey mom……..MOM!”

  I jumped awake at the sound of Logan’s shout. With eyes wide open, I brushed the hair out of my face and then frowned. Was I still dreaming?

  Logan was smiling happily at me, standing next to my side of the bed, dressed in his tuxedo. I didn’t need to roll over to know that Jack was still lying in bed next to me, his arm wrapped around my waist and preventing the sheet from falling down and giving Logan a glance of my naked breasts.

  I turned to him anyway. He looked perfect; too perfect for the first thing in the morning, and I still hadn’t processed why Logan was in his tux. Jack was dressed in cotton pajama pants and a long sleeve gray Henley shirt. His eyes laughed at me.

  “What am I missing?” I asked, groggily.

  His head nodded towards Logan. I turned back to my son, still standing next to our bed, and my eyes widened.

  He was holding his ring bearer pillow proudly in front of my face and when I frowned again, he shoved it up closer to my eyes so I could see exactly what was sitting on it, and why he and Jack looked so excited.

  “Daddy Jack has a present for you and he wanted me to give it to you.” A tear escaped my eyes, like it usually did at Logan’s new name for Jack. Marcus was dad, and Jack was daddy Jack. It was perfect.

  Shock filled my eyes and I turned back to Jack slowly. He moved me, sitting me up against the headboard on our bed, making sure I stayed covered. My arms wrapped around the sheet on my chest as Jack moved and straddled my hips. His eyes turned serious as he reached over to the pillow, extracting the gift and holding it up to me. My eyes followed his every movement and my heart stopped.


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