Beneath the Forsaken City

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Beneath the Forsaken City Page 33

by C. E. Laureano

  At Cwmmaen, the sidhe traps Conor and his companions within a glamour that makes everything appear to be normal, even desirable, but really just masks the corruption beneath. How is the illusion a metaphor for sin?

  In a number of places, Conor puts Aine before himself. He tells Haldor that he loves her, so he counts her life as more important than his. Later he says there is nothing he wouldn’t sacrifice for her. Is this good or bad? How does his sacrificial love—however imperfect—reflect God’s love for mankind (see Ephesians 5:25)?

  Conor believes he would not make a good king because he must be willing to sacrifice an individual for the good of the many. Is that position morally right or wrong? Is there a different standard of morality for a head of state versus an individual? Why do you think so?


  Aberffynnon (ah-ber-FIN-nuhn)—a port city on the southern coast of Gwydden

  Aenghus (AYN-gus)—Lady Macha’s husband

  Ailís (AY-leesh)—Aine’s mother, lady of Forrais and wife of Alsandair Mac Tamhais, now deceased

  Aine Nic Tamhais (ON-yuh nik TAV-ish)—the “lady healer of Lisdara,” married to Conor Mac Nir

  Alsandair Mac Tamhais—Aine’s father, lord of Forrais and chief of Clan Tamhais, now deceased

  Amanta (ah-MAN-ta)—the island upon which Aron and Gwydden are located

  Amantine Sea (ah-MAN-teen)—narrow sea separating Seare and Amanta

  Ard Dhaimhin (ard DAV-in)—former high city of Seare, home of the Fíréin brotherhood

  Arkiel (ar-KEEL)—Companion who instigated the rebellion against Comdiu

  Aron (ah-RUN)—Aine’s birthplace, across the Amantine Sea from Seare

  Askr (as-KER)—Norin warrior god

  Bain (bwen)—Forrais guard

  Balian (BAH-lee-an)—the faith of those who follow Balus; a follower of Balus

  Ballaghbán (bal-luh-BAHN)—port city in northern Faolán

  Balus (BAH-lus)—son of Comdiu, savior of mankind

  Beagan (BOG-awn)—Fíréin tracker

  Bearrach (BEAR-uhk)—healer at Lisdara; Aine’s instructor

  Breann (BREE-ahn)—novice of the Fíréin brotherhood

  Bress (bress)—King of Aron

  Briallu (bree-AHL-lu)—Talfryn’s daughter

  Brightwater—nickname for Ionbhar Dealrach

  brithem (BRITH-ev)—traveling judge in Aron who presides over serious crimes

  Caerfaddyn (care-FAD-duhn)—a Gwynn castle, seat of Prince Dewyn

  Calhoun Mac Cuillinn (cal-HOON mok CUL-in)—former King of Faolán, assumed deceased; Aine’s half brother

  carnyx (car-nix)—war horn

  Carraigmór (CAIR-ig-mor)—fortress of the High King and the Fíréin brotherhood

  Cass Mac Onaghan (kass mok ON-ah-han)—captain of the Beacon

  Cé (keh)—Forrais guard

  céad (ked)—a company of men; literally, one hundred

  Ceannaire (KAN-na-ahr)—leader of the Fíréin brotherhood

  Cill Rhí (kill ree)—Balian monastery

  Cira/Ciraen (seer-AH) (seer-AY-ahn)—largest empire in history, now reduced to a small portion of the continent

  Clogheen (cloh-EEN)—a market town in central Faolán

  Comdiu (COM-dyoo)—God

  Companions—the spirit warriors of Comdiu; angels

  Conclave—the ruling body of the Fíréin brotherhood

  Conor Mac Nir (CON-ner mok NEER)—Timhaigh warrior and musician, former Fíréin apprentice

  Criofan (CRIH-fahn)– former Fíréin brother

  Cwmmaen (coom-MINE)—a former Ciraen fortress in Gwydden, seat of Prince Talfryn

  Daigh (dy)—senior member of the Fíréin brotherhood

  Daimhin (DAV-in)– the first High King of Seare

  Dal (DAHL)—senior member of the Fíréin brotherhood

  Dewyn (DEW-ayn)—prince of Gwydden, Talfryn’s brother

  Diarmuid (DEER-muhd)—druid; formerly Ceannaire Niall

  Diocail (dyuh-KEL)—master of Forrais’s house guard

  Dún Caomaugh (doon KOW-mah)—southern Aronan port city

  Dyllan (DIL-lahn)—Gwynn prisoner in the Sofarende settlement

  Eilean Buidhe (AY-luhn BOO-yah)—a southern island located between Aron and Seare

  Eluf (ell-LOOF)—Norin warrior

  Eoghan (OH-in)—Fíréin apprentice; Conor’s best friend

  Faolán/Faolanaigh (FEY-lahn) (FEY-lahn-aye)—northeastern kingdom in Seare, formerly ruled by Clan Cuillinn/their language and people

  Fechin (feh-KEEN)—senior member of the Fíréin brotherhood

  Fergus Mac Nir (FAYR-gus mok NEER)—former king of Tigh; Conor’s uncle

  Fermaigh (fuhr-MY)—southern Aronan port city

  Fionnuala (fin-NOO-la)—Eoghan’s mother; clan Fearghail (husband’s clan unknown)

  Fíréin (FEER-een) brotherhood—ancient brotherhood dedicated to the reinstatement of the High King

  Forrais (FOR-rahs)—Aine’s birthplace in the Aronan Highlands

  Gabhran (GAH-ruhn)—Lord Riagain’s enforcer

  Gainor Mac Cuillinn (GAY-nor mok CUL-in)—tanist to King Calhoun; Calhoun’s brother, assumed deceased

  Galbraith Mac Nir (GOL-breth mok NEER)—king of Tigh; Conor’s stepfather, now deceased

  Gillian (JILL-yuhn)—elderly Fíréin brother

  Glenmallaig (glen-MAL-ag)—seat of the king of Tigh; Conor’s birthplace

  Glyn (glin)—bard

  Gradaigh (GRAH-duh)—senior member of the Fíréin brotherhood

  Guaire (GUHR-yeh)—Forrais’s steward

  Gwingardd (GWIN-gard)—a Gwynn castle, seat of Prince Neryn

  Gwydden/Gwynn (GWIH-duhn) (gwin)—a country across the Amantine Sea/their people

  Haldor (HAL-dohr)—captain of the Sofarende settlement near Cwmmaen; also known as Haldor the Brave

  Hall of Prophecies—magically concealed chamber in Carraigmór that contains the Fíréin brotherhood’s ancient writings

  Hyledd (HY-led)—Talfryn’s wife

  Ial (yahl)—captain of Cwmmaen’s guard

  Iomhar (EE-ver)—young Fíréin brother

  Ionbhar Dealrach (ee-ON-var DAL-rok)—one of the largest clan holdings in Aron; controlled by Lord Riagain

  Keondric Mac Eirhinin (KEN-drick mok AYR-nin)—Lord of Rathmor; battle captain

  Klasjvic (KLAH-yah-vik)—Norin capitol

  Lachaidh (LAH-chee)—Forrais guardsman

  Lelle (LEL-leh)—Norin god known as the “dying god”

  Lia (LEE-uh)—Aine’s lady’s maid

  Liam Mac Cuillinn (LEE-um mok CUL-in)—Ceannaire, leader of the Fíréin brotherhood; Aine’s half brother

  Lisdara (lis-DAR-ah)—seat of the king of Faolán

  Llantawe (hlan-TAW)—a Gwynn castle, seat of King Llewellyn

  Llewellyn (HLEW-ell-en)—King of Gwydden

  Loch Ceo (lok kyo)—lake within Ard Dhaimhin

  Lorcan (LUR-cawn)—leader of Aine’s guard, presumed deceased

  Macha (mah-HUH)—chieftain of Clan Tamhais, lady of Forrais

  Manog (mah-NOGH)—senior member of the Fíréin brotherhood

  Meallachán (MOL-luck-on)—bard

  Merov/Merovian (mehr-AHV) (mehr-OHV-ee-an)—country within the Ciraen empire/their language and people

  Miach (ME-ahk)—first mate of the Beacon

  Neryn (NEHR-ehn)—prince of Gwydden, Talfryn’s brother

  Niall (NEE-ahl)—former Ceannaire of the Fíréin brotherhood, now Keondric

  Niamh Nic Cuillinn (NEE-uv nik CUL-in)—King Calhoun’s sister, assumed deceased; Aine’s half sister

  Norin (NOR-in)—the common name of the Northern Isles; origin of the Sofarende

  Odran (OH-rawn)—Fíréin tracker

  Oisean (oh-SHEEN)—Forrais guard

  Pepin (pep-EEN)—Merovian mercenary

  Rathmór (RATH-mohr)—seat of Clan Eirhinin, a minor royal line of Faolán

  Riagain Mac Comain (REE-gan mok KO-myn)—lord of Ionbhar Dealrach (Brightwater), Aine’s
distant cousin

  Riordan Mac Nir (REER-uh-dawn mok NEER)—Conor’s father, senior member of the Fíréin brotherhood

  Roidh (roy)—Forrais guard

  Róscomain (ros-COM-muhn)—old forest bordering Tigh and Sliebhan

  Ruarc (ROO-ark)—Aine’s bodyguard, now deceased

  Seanrós (SHAWN-ross)—old forest bordering Faolán

  Seare/Seareann (SHAR-uh)(SHAR-uhn)—island housing the four kingdoms/its language and people

  Semias (SHAY-mus)—former King of Siomar

  sidhe (shee)—the evil spirits of the underworld; demons

  Sigurd (SEE-gyurd)– Norin mercenary

  Siomar/Siomaigh (SHO-mar) (SHO-my)—Southeastern kingdom in Seare/their language and people

  Sliebhan/Sliebhanaigh (SLEEV-ahn) (SLEEV-ahn-eye)—Southwestern kingdom in Seare/their language and people

  Sofarende (soeh-FUR-end-uh)—seafarers from the Northern Isles (Norin)

  Talfryn (TAL-frin)—prince of Gwydden, lord of Cwmmaen

  tanist—chosen successor of a Seareann king, elected by the kingdom’s council of lords

  Taran Mac Maolain (TAH-ruhn mok MAL-lin)—mercenary, once a Midland lord

  Tigh/Timhaigh (ty) (TIH-vy)—northwestern kingdom in Seare, ruled by Clan Nir/their language and people

  Uallas (WAL-luhs)—lord of Eilean Buidhe

  Ulaf (OO-lahf)—Sofarende warrior


  It’s a humbling thought that for so many people, “going to work” has involved sending this book into the world. My heartfelt gratitude goes to:

  Meg Wallin, Rebekah Guzman, Brian Thomasson, Caitlyn Carlson, Don Pape, Reagen Reed, Jeff Rustemeyer, Debbie Johnson, Kirk DouPounce, and the rest of the combined NavPress/Tyndale teams. Even if we’ve never corresponded or met face-to-face, your fingerprints are seen in all the details involved in getting this book to print. Your hard work means more than you know.

  And to everyone else who makes it possible to do this crazy thing called writing, both personally and professionally—I couldn’t do it without you:

  Rey, N and P, Mom and Dad, Steve Laube, Jeane Wynn, Serena Chase, Brandy Vallance, Evangeline Denmark, Amy Matayo, Nicole Deese, Ronie Kendig, Laurie Tomlinson, Beth Vogt, and my friendly Aurora/Parker Starbucks baristas. You keep me sane, focused, inspired, entertained, and/or caffeine-fueled. You’re the best.

  About the Author

  C. E. Laureano’s love of fantasy began with a trip through a magical wardrobe, and she has never looked back. She’s happiest when her day involves martial arts, swords, and a well-choreographed fight scene, though when pressed, she’ll admit to a love of theater and travel as well. Appropriately, she’s the wife to a martial arts master and mom to two boys who spend most of their time jumping off things and finding objects to turn into lightsabers. They live in Denver, Colorado, with a menagerie of small pets. Visit her on the web at, or e-mail her at [email protected].




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