A Weekend Temptation

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A Weekend Temptation Page 7

by Caley, Krista

  Was that a…plus?

  She froze. Her mouth dropped open.

  No. No. It couldn’t be.

  She blinked hard.

  She had to have misread something. She had to be reading the control line, because there is no way she could be…

  She swallowed, trying to free the rock lodged in her throat. She placed a shaking hand against her flat stomach.

  Oh God.

  Her best laid plans had just imploded.

  She was pregnant with Joel Stanfield’s baby! And she’d thought the world tilted before, now she was captive on a tilt-a-whirl. What the hell was she going to do now?

  Ava needed time to process this major life change. Her skin iced over, and her heart pounded. No way was she ready to tell Alexander. Nor could she face an engagement lunch with his parents today.

  A wave of queasiness thrashed in her stomach. Better call Alexander while she could before he left to pick her up.

  An hour later, she’d made a decision. She was on her way to see the one man she’d promised she’d never see again.

  The one who didn’t want to see her either.

  Her brother had always said, “You can never plan your life because life takes over.” In the past she’d always been able to prove him wrong. Not today. The back of her eyes burned with unshed tears. She blinked them away. Now she knew exactly what Rob meant.

  That didn’t mean everything had to change. The baby would just be incorporated into her life-plan. Sure, it had taken her by surprise, but that didn’t mean she had to give up what she wanted. She could still marry Alexander and be with the man who loved her, she’d just add a baby to their happy lives. Alexander was an understanding man. Everything would work out.

  After she told Joel.


  Saturday morning, Joel’s housekeeper opened the door and took Ava’s coat as if she’d been expected. The woman didn’t ask her name or why she was here.

  “You’re a little late for the party, but brunch hasn’t been served yet.” The woman said, smiling.

  Oh, that explained it. Joel was having a people over. Not great timing, but maybe she could steal him away for just a moment.

  “Follow me,” the housekeeper said, leading Ava through an impressive marble foyer to the dinning room.

  A rambunctious, noisy group chatted and laughed. Candles flickered. Champagne flutes clinked. The whole scene.

  Even through the crowd, she knew where to look for Joel—at the head of the table. Even with her eyes closed, she’d have known where he was because she felt him. He still pulled her to him with his strong, male magnetism. Even sitting he was imposing, a man who belonged at the head of every dining table and every boardroom.

  Heads turned as she stepped closer to him. Even though she felt the weight of the group’s questioning eyes, she couldn’t pull her gaze from the powerhouse of the man. His shoulders were just as broad, his hair just as thick and midnight dark, his granite face gorgeous and expressionless.

  “Ava, what are you doing here? Joel, did you invite Ava to our engagement party?” asked a familiar female voice.

  The silken voice made Ava drag her attention from Joel. And when she did, Ava froze and gaped at the sparkling beauty—the one and only Claudia LeMure.

  The supermodel lifted her glass, flashing a dazzling rock. One that made Ava’s ring look like dull quartz.

  Time to do something.

  But Ava froze and stared and tried to remember how to breathe. Her skin flamed with embarrassment.

  “No. I didn’t invite her,” he said, flatly.

  It shouldn’t have been a surprise that Joel’s answer was void of emotion, but that didn’t stop his words from chewing through her. Then his dark eyes met hers in a cold, curious way, and he lifted his regal hand to summon her closer.

  Like any good royal subject, she started to move toward him. Then stopped. As her fuzzy brain added up the details. The party, the guests, Claudia and the glittering ring. Of course. This was an engagement party. His engagement party to Claudia!

  A nervous bubble of wild laughter rose in the back of her throat. Wicked. Joel was a wicked, wicked man. He’d done exactly what he’d set out to do. He’d had Ava sexually. Then he’d gone back to his perfect plan of marrying a woman more fitting of his exalted social stature. Probably the minute Joel’s private jet had landed and his limo had dropped Ava back at her condo, he’d gone to see Claudia.

  Air stuck in the back of Ava’s throat and refused to make its journey down to her lungs. She swayed on her feet, and her ears buzzed. She covered her clogged throat with a trembling hand.

  “Are you okay? You’re whiter than death,” Joel said to Ava, his normally hard, commanding voice softening with surprising concern.

  “I…I shouldn’t have come without calling first. I…I’ll just leave now.” Ava stumbled away through the dining room, grabbed her coat, then dove into the safety of the building’s elevator.

  As the elevator sank, Ava leaned against the back wall for support, so she wouldn’t collapse. Joel was engaged! To Claudia.

  He’d said he didn’t want Claudia anymore. He’d made it seem like he’d wanted Ava. She banged her head on the mirrored wall behind her. It should have hurt, but she wasn’t focused on her body. She was too busy replaying the engagement scene in her head.

  Anger and embarrassment heated her skin.

  So much for the fantasy that after being with her he couldn’t marry another. He didn’t miss her or even think about her. Oh no, the minute he’d dropped her back in the city was the minute she’d left his mind.

  He’d wanted Ava’s body. He’d had it. He wanted her no more.

  She shook her head. What would Joel do when he learned she was pregnant with his child? Would it change a damn thing?

  Her pregnancy certainly had rocked everything in Ava’s planned-out world. But would it change anything in his? Would Joel continue to marry his stunning, perfect life-partner? Would he change his plans?

  No, he wouldn’t. Sure, he would support her and the baby. He’d support them in style. But that was it, because he didn’t love Ava. He’d moved on with a shrug of his broad shoulders.

  As the elevator dinged and opened, a high-pitched hysterical laugh escaped her lips. Joel was going to love her news. And he’d thought Ava would disappear from his life forever.

  Surprise. The man who didn’t want children was going to have a baby with the woman he wanted gone.

  Ava’s cell rang as she’d shuffled through the deserted, marble lobby, and her stupid heart fluttered as she read the caller ID. It was Joel.

  “Why did you come? I thought I made it clear I didn’t want to see you again.”

  Talk about making a girl feel wanted and welcome. “God, you’re such an arrogant ass. I didn’t come because I wanted you back.” Or to ruin your perfect life, the way you might have ruined mine.

  “Then why did you come?” His tone was drenched in disbelief. It made her wish she’d dropped the pregnancy bomb right there, at his fancy party, in front of everyone. But no matter how angry the man made her, that wouldn’t have been right. This news was meant for his ears and his ears alone.

  “I have to tell you something,” she croaked out.


  “Trust me, you’ll want to hear this news in person. Give me five minutes, then you can go back to Claudia.”

  “My car will be in front of the building by the time the lobby doors open. Sit in back and wait. I’ll be there in five minutes, max.”

  “But you have guests. This is your engage—”

  “Five minutes,” he said then hung up.

  The man was actually going to ask a dining room of guests to wait for him? So he could talk to her? On the morning of his engagement brunch? She shivered and rubbed her arms. That was cold even for him.

  Or maybe she did mean more to him than he admitted? Her heart flickered worthlessly. She was being optimistic.

  He didn’t want her. He was
just curious or worried about her news. He’d told her she was as pale as death. He probably sensed her news was world-changing, and he didn’t want to wait a moment longer to hear it.

  Don’t delude yourself into thinking Joel Stanfield cares. That was asking for a heart slashing.

  Exactly three minutes after she’d made herself comfortable in the back of Joel’s limo, she watched his guests file out of the building and drive away.

  Then five and a half minutes later, Joel slid into the back of the limo and instructed his chauffer to drive around the city. The driver didn’t question where to go; he didn’t have time because the privacy glass was already up.

  Joel leaned forward, hands on his knees, fingers tapping. “All right, let’s have it.”

  “I’m pregnant.”

  A muscle pounded in his jaw, and his eyes darkened. They were the only indications that he’d understood what she’d told him, that her words affected him. Then he grabbed his cell, called Claudia, and ordered his fiancée to meet him for lunch, today.

  After he’d ended the call, Joel pierced her with his hard, expressionless eyes. She fought the urge to squirm in her seat. It took every ounce of her withering strength to tilt her chin up and hold his gaze even though it made her skin burn.

  “We used a condom,” he said.

  She frowned and gave him her best glare. “It must have failed. You’re the only man I’ve been with.”

  He nodded. “I know that.”

  Again he was so arrogant. But now wasn’t the time to argue. She’d given him the shock of a lifetime; she should let him absorb the news and decide what to do.

  “This doesn’t have to change anything. Claudia will understand,” she said.

  “I don’t care if she understands.”

  Ava flinched at the ice in Joel’s tone. “She’ll still marry you—”

  “No, she won’t, because I’m marrying you.”

  For the second time in one day, Ava froze in shock, her mouth gaping.

  Chapter Ten

  Ava shook her head so fast her neck bones cracked. “No. I’m already engaged to a wonderful man.” She held up her hand, showcasing her new, diamond solitaire.

  Joel’s eyes narrowed as he took it in. “Get unengaged. Today.”

  “No. Alexander is the perfect man for me—”

  “Does he know you’re pregnant with my child?”

  “Not exactly. Not yet.” She hated the way her voice squeaked at the end of her sentence. Joel made her feel weak when she was usually a strong woman. With a strengthening breath, she lifted her chin. She would not let Joel make her into a mouse.

  “The minute you tell him is the minute he’ll break your engagement. If he doesn’t end it, you will.”

  “You may be able to order everyone else around, but you can’t boss me. I am going to marry Alexander, and you are not going to stop me, Mr. CEO-commander.”

  He shrugged an I-don’t-believe-you shrug, and her face steamed. She wanted to elbow him in the ribs, where it hurt. Instead she drank in another deep breath and started counting. She got to ten before she lost count, and her temper flared.

  How dare he tell her what to do as if he owned her. How dare he assume her fiancé would ditch her.

  Joel was such an arrogant ass. He was used to always being right, but today Joel would be wrong. Alexander loved her. Which meant even if she was pregnant with Joel’s baby, Alexander would still marry her. Sure, it would complicate things, but love was love. She and Alexander were perfect for each other.

  “You’re marrying me.” Another order from command central.

  “No.” She squeezed her arms over her sore chest and winced.

  “Are you okay?”

  She wasn’t about to tell him her breasts were tender from pregnancy. “I’m fine. Completely fine, just as you are completely wrong,” she said, congratulating herself. She’d found some strength in her tone. Joel wouldn’t see her crumble.

  She’d done what she needed to do, and now it was time to tell Alexander. Tonight she’d eat dinner with her fiancé, and he’d keep his commitment to her. Because Alexander loved her.


  “Your appetizer.” The waitress laid the calamari on the table in front of Ava and Alexander. Neither of them reached for the normally delicious dish.

  “I thought I could do this, but I can’t.” Alexander smiled, but it was one of those strained smiles.

  “Can’t do what?” she asked.

  “Joel Stanfield called this afternoon. He offered me money to break up with you.”

  For a moment she couldn’t react. Because what Joel had done was just too outrageous, too despicable to be true.

  “I know about the baby,” Alexander continued.

  “He told you about the baby?” Her blood started to warm. “That was my news to tell.”

  “He wants what’s best for you and for the baby.”

  “He wants what’s best for him. Only him.”

  “I don’t want to do anything to rob a child of his father.”

  “The baby can still see his father. Nothing has to change between us.”

  Alexander leaned back in his chair as if he wanted more distance between them. “Everything has changed now that you’re pregnant.”

  “What are you saying?”

  “I think it would be best if we didn’t see each other anymore. This is just too complicated for me.” Then Alexander stood.

  Too complicated? He didn’t think she was worth the fight. Or maybe he didn’t want to raise another man’s baby.

  “I know you want to be married, have kids. Maybe you should give Joel a chance. He obviously cares about you.” Then he left Ava and her untouched appetizer, alone.

  She followed in Alexander’s footsteps on a cloud of white-hot steam. Too angry to eat or sit there one more minute.

  She could imagine what Joel would say. Her skin sparked and her feet slammed into the pavement. At this rate, she was going to break the heel of her new Dolce & Gabbana red pumps.

  She groaned. Just her luck. There he was. The commanding bastard.

  It didn’t surprise her to find Joel’s black limo lurking outside the restaurant or the devil himself leaning against it as if he owned her. As if he even had a right to be there.

  She was not in the mood to talk to Joel Stanfield or to hear his I told you so.

  “Why are you here? Come to offer another kiss-off ransom?” She snarled, stopping in front of the opulent vehicle, more irate than she’d been in her entire life. If she was in the mood to examine herself, she’d have to admit she was more angry about Joel offering Alexander the money, than she was by Alexander breaking their engagement.

  “You’re mine, and I’ll do anything to keep it that way,” he said.

  Her arms clamped around her middle. “I am no one’s now, thanks to you.”

  “Alexander didn’t leave you because I offered him money. In fact, he didn’t take the check, so if he left you, it’s not my fault.”

  She puffed out a hot breath. “It damn well is your fault. It’s your sperm’s fault for being so determined and goal oriented!” Her finger sliced through the air and jabbed him in the chest.

  Joel captured it and brought it to his lips for a zinging kiss. She yanked free and held herself again. Hands safely tucked against her ribs and away from him, she continued her rant. “How could you? You think you can buy everyone, control everyone. Well, you can’t control me. I’m never marrying you, Joel Stanfield. Never.”

  She started to spin from him, but he grabbed her arm, making her face him.

  “I won’t lose you and the baby. I’ll do anything to make sure I don’t.”

  “Clearly you would. You already have.” She snorted. “For a man who doesn’t want children—”

  “Just because I didn’t want to have children doesn’t mean I don’t want our baby.”

  She shook her head and wiggled against his jailing fingers, without success. The man was strong and determined to
win. “That makes no sense. Why don’t you want kids and love?”

  “It doesn’t matter. What matters is that you marry me. That you let me take care of you and our child.”

  “No,” she said through clenched teeth.

  “You’ll say yes. But you’re tired tonight. A lot has changed for you. In the course of a few months, you quit your job, you became pregnant, and now you lost your worthless fiancé.”

  “He’s not worthless. Alexander’s perfect.”

  “If he was so perfect, you’d still be wearing his ring. He wouldn’t be put off by you having another man’s baby.”

  Her brows lifted. “Wouldn’t you be?”

  “Not if I loved you. Alexander told me he loved you too much to take the money. I say if he loved you, he would have fought for you.”

  Another jab straight into her pounding heart. Did Joel really have to be right? Now of all times! Now when her female pride had been destroyed?

  She’d been sure Alexander loved her. But he didn’t. Love conquered every obstacle, didn’t it? Even the hard ones, like unplanned pregnancies. Or at least, she’d always thought so. But Joel was right, Alexander wasn’t in love with her, or he’d never have been able to cut away from her.

  “I hate you, Joel,” she said, sighing.

  “I know. Get in the car. I’ll drive you home. And for tonight I won’t pester you to marry me.”

  “Good.” She dragged in steadying breath. “But tomorrow’s another story?”

  “Tomorrow we plan our wedding.”

  “No way.”

  Ava accepted his offered ride home only for convenience sake, so she didn’t have to hail a cab and make meaningless conversation with a stranger when her life plans had been ripped to pieces by the rotten Joel Stanfield.

  As soon as the limo pulled from the curb and the privacy glass had risen, Joel poured her an orange juice and laid a sandwich in her lap.

  She stared down at the food and then up at him.

  “You weren’t in there long enough to have eaten. You need to eat for the baby’s sake,” he said in a low, deep voice.

  There was a theme here. Everything Joel suggested was for the baby, not because he cared for her. If Joel had cared about her, he wouldn’t have been about to marry Claudia, the perfect woman.


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