Chamberlain Affair Complete Love Story and Book Series

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Chamberlain Affair Complete Love Story and Book Series Page 12

by J. H. York

  “No thank you Rita.” Bethany said as she looked around and up the stairs. “I'm only here for a minute. I was scheduled to meet with Evan here, is he upstairs?”

  Bethany had to control herself as she asked the question. No smiles...stay focused. But her thoughts kept going to Evan and Lindsey at the bottom of the Charles River and she couldn't help but smile. She looked at Rita and noticed Rita's expression.

  Quickly composing herself Bethany frowned and demanded, “Well?!?!? Don't just stand there looking like some kind of ape! Is Evan upstairs in the office?”

  Rita shook her head silently. She was staring at Bethany with a look that Bethany didn't like. “No Ms. Bethany...Mr. Evan has not come yet. I wasn't aware he would be here today.”

  Bethany gave Rita a look down her nose and said, “Well we don't have to clear our schedules with we?” Turning around Bethany headed to the stairs. “Also...tell that bitch Lindsey to stay away from me whilst I'm here.” Stopping and turning at the foot of the stairs Bethany looked at Rita with a piercing stare. “Is that understood?”

  Rita was standing still and staring at Bethany. She nodded but said nothing. Bethany wanted to prod a little more, and the giddy feeling in her stomach kept trying to produce a smile on her lips. She allowed it this time, and in the mirror behind Rita her reflection stared back at her. The smile on her lips looked decidedly evil, and that made Bethany smile even bigger. “Well...” She began, “Have you seen Ms. Lindsey today?”

  Rita shook her head “no” but still remained silent. She doesn't want to tell me where that little bitch is, but guess what Rita? I ALREADY KNOW where she is. You stupid bat!! Composing herself Bethany tilted her head and stepped down from the foot of the stairs. Still staring at Rita with her piercing gaze she asked casually, “When was the last time you saw her, Rita?”

  Rita stiffened visibly and Bethany held her smile in check. Rita frowned and then looked down at the floor. “Last evening, Ms. Bethany.” Crossing her arms over her chest Bethany asked, “What are you trying to hide from me Rita?” I'm gonna make you tell me...because I can.

  Rita looked up at Bethany with a sad look on her face. “Nothing Ms. Bethany. I no hide anything from you.”

  Stepping forward Bethany uncrossed her arms. She walked over to Rita and put her arm gently around her shoulder and led her toward the kitchen. “Oh...I think you are Rita. But why don't we have a tea and you can tell me everything.”


  Lindsey awoke. Evan was next her as they held each other. The events of the evening had added a dimension to their relationship that would always bind them. Finally Evan broke the silence. “I think that we should both stay at the Estate for the foreseeable future. I can have Marcus add on an extra detail. I don't want you going anywhere alone. Okay?” His comment was earnest and concerned. His eyes found hers and stared deeply into them.

  Nodding reluctantly she returned his stare. “I can handle myself...but fine...I'll not go anywhere alone.” Laying her head back on his chest she ran her hand absently over his chest. After a moment she asked, “Do you think that there will be someone else? You know...” She sat up on her elbow and looked at him, “Wants to kill us?” The matter of fact way that she asked the question made Evan uneasy.

  He slid off the bed and started to walk to the bathroom. Looking back he nodded. “Yeah...yeah I do.” He started to close the bathroom door and looked at her in his bed. “I'll just be a moment, and then you can shower if you want.”

  She nodded as he closed the door.

  He began brewing some coffee as he heard the shower turn on. Putting four pieces of bread in the toaster he pressed the lever down. As the bread cooked he walked into the living room and turned on the T.V. The news was on commercial break, so he walked back into the kitchen. His pounding head urged him to take some Motrin, and he drank down a glass of water with the pills. He stood leaning on the counter, and thinking. If it was a paid attack, and if it was Beth... No...It can't be her. Maybe he was just a thug. Maybe he had two grand because he mugs people. Right? I mean that's a possibility. Right?

  From the T.V. he could just hear the news commentators were back from commercial break. “And we continue to follow a breaking story out of Canton where Police have found the body of a man, shot to death in his vehicle outside of “Sully's Tavern.”

  As the newscaster continued Evan stood staring at the T.V. in shock. Shot to death? A man at Sully's? Was it Shea? “The Chief actually is going to make a statement, so we'll go live to Canton.” The news continued.

  As the scene changed from an in-studio broadcast, to an impromptu statement by the police chief, Evan heard the shower turn off. He debated turning the news off, but he wanted to know if it was Shea or not.

  “At this time we have very few clues, and no witnesses.” The Chief began. “What we do know is that a white male was shot in the head as he sat in his silver Toyota Camry, parked across from Sully's Tavern. The time of the shooting is not known at this point. Officers found the vehicle at approximately 0630 this morning. A random patrol car noticed the vehicle as it sat, and upon nearing the vehicle, officers saw blood on the windshield.”

  Evan caught a movement out of the corner of his eye and saw Lindsey standing in the doorway, watching the T.V. She was wrapped in a towel, and her hair was still wet. She cast a quick glance at Evan and then back to the T.V. as the Chief continued.

  “The victim did not have any identification on his person, but we did run the tags and registration. We are awaiting confirmation, but we feel we have a positive identification. While we don't want to jump to any conclusions but the way the shooting seems to have taken place would cause us to think that this was an execution style killing. As such we are asking for anyone that may have knowledge to assist us. The victim had also been stabbed four times, although those wounds were not life threatening. There is a possibility that the victim got into an altercation....” The Chief continued.

  Evan didn't hear the rest as he stood with his mouth open in shock. Looking over at Lindsey he saw she shared a similar look on her pretty face.


  Bethany drove out of the Estate with a smile on her face. As she had suspected Evan and Lindsey were spending time together. She had been able to get that information from Rita, and the fact that Lindsey hadn't come home would look like they were intimate. Oh but that's not it my dear Maybe they are in each other's arms, but they are at the bottom of the Charles. Feeling rather giddy, Bethany decided to drive by Evan's house. It was only a short bit from the Estate after all, and wouldn't it be hers soon? Well he probably left it to Trevor, but that's as good as mine then. Because HE is mine. I should call him back sometime... As she passed Evan's house she saw that his car was still in the drive.

  No surprise there because they had walked to Sully's... As she continued down the road she realized that there was a bit of commotion up at Sully's. Police cars and yellow tape were everywhere it seemed. The road was reduced to one lane and the Officer held up his hand to direct traffic. When she was finally able to traverse the road she realized the silver Camry to the left was taped off. As she drove her smile disappeared. What kind of car did Shea have again? It was a sliver one...I know that...

  Feeling a pit in her stomach Bethany reached over and turned on the radio. Quickly toggling to 1030 am, the news channel she waited to see if there would be any information forthcoming. I could just call THE OTHER...he would confirm. If that was his work, HOW COULD HE BE SO CARELESS!!!

  The news came back on and snapped her out of her thoughts. “Once again no new updates on the murder in Canton, across from Sully's Tavern. If you are just joining us, a man has been found stabbed and shot to death apparently sitting in his vehicle. There are no witnesses or suspects at the moment. Police think they have a positive I.D. for the victim, but are awaiting notification of next of kin.” Bethany snapped off the radio and felt her palms get sweaty.

  One man...not a man and a wom
an. If that was Shea...maybe he had dumped them in the river, then got shot... As she tried to keep her calm, she knew that wasn't right. Why would he have still been at Sully's if he had taken care of them? Maybe he followed them to Evan's and did them there...Trying her best to come up with an answer she drove to her condo. There wasn't anything she could determine until she talked to The Other, and it was beginning to look like she was not going to be happy about what he had to say.


  Evan and Lindsey pulled up to the Estate and parked off to the left. Evan didn't bother with a valet this time. He knew they would be here for a few days at least. He went to the trunk and pulled out his suitcase. Lindsey gingerly got out of the car, bright white bandage showing for all the world to see. They had cut off the legs of her jeans, so she wouldn't have to wear Evan's boxers.

  They walked to the house and entered quietly. Evan went first and looked around. There was a stack of sheets on the hall chair, but there wasn't anyone around. He motioned Lindsey to go upstairs and they started toward the steps. At the end of the hall the kitchen door opened and out came Rita. Her face was pale and her eyes were red. She stopped short when she saw Lindsey and Evan at the staircase.

  “Oh!” She exclaimed and quickly wiped her eyes.

  Evan stopped from going up the stairs, and Lindsey did as well.

  “Are you okay Rita?” Evan asked with a look of concern.

  “Oh yes...just some...powerful onions.” She said as she hurried forward to gather up the sheets.

  Looking downward as she did so, Evan could tell that she was lying. “I see...” He said as he looked at her. “Well if you need us we are going to be upstairs.” He said as he began to ascend the stairs.

  “Yes sir...You were able to reschedule your meeting with Ms. Bethany then?” Rita asked as she scooped up the sheets.

  Evan stopped short and Lindsey almost bumped into him. “What meeting with Bethany?” He asked as he looked down over the railing.

  Rita looked up with surprise. “She was here just moments ago...she had said that you were meeting her today. But then you didn't show she left.”

  Frowning Evan turned and looked at Lindsey. She shrugged her shoulders and shook her head. “I didn't hear of that. But then again she and I don't talk.” She said.

  “OH! Ms. Lindsey!! What did you do to your leg?!?!” Rita cried from below. “Do you need me to do anything for that! What happened?” She continued as she put the sheets back down on the chair and made for the steps.

  “I'm fine Rita...” Lindsey said gently. “Had to much to drink watching the game and I took a tumble...but Evan doctored me up...” She said and gave Evan a quick smile.

  Rita looked on a little doubtfully but nodded. “Okay...well if you want a fresh bandage let me know. I wouldn't trust Evan's nursing.” She smiled and went back to the sheets. Picking them up she started toward the kitchen. “I'll make up some nice lunch for you two.” She said as she went down the hall.

  Evan picked up his suitcase and went up the stairs. He placed his stuff in the guestroom across from Lindsey's room and came back out. She had closed her door, and he could hear her opening and closing the drawers on her dresser. Changing out of those clothes no doubt...He started toward his father's office with his mind racing. What had Beth wanted? There was no meeting today...In fact she rarely came to the Estate unless it was absolutely necessary. He got to the office door and entered. Looking around it appeared the same as when he had left it a few weeks ago. There were no signs of disturbance. He sat down in the chair behind the desk and flicked on the T.V. in the corner. Using the remote he changed the channel to local Channel 4 and waited for the noon news to start.

  Lindsey walked in and smiled at him. She had put on a pair of sweat-shorts, and changed her shirt to a cute pink T. Her hair was up in a pony, and she had on a pair of flip-flops. They smacked as she walked over to the desk and sat on the corner to watch the news with Evan. Unable to help it Evan looked down at her behind as she sat on the edge of the desk. He noticed that she wasn't carrying the knife.


  Bethany opened her door and walked inside. She was feeling rather on edge all of a sudden, and wanted a drink to calm herself down. Walking to the liquor cabinet she felt an uneasiness set on her. A movement from the corner chair made her heart skip a beat, and when the man rose out of the chair she stopped still. He stepped out of the shadow and looked at her without expression.

  Bethany started toward the liquor cabinet and asked, “What are you doing in my house?” Standing in front of the bar, she turned to him, “Want a drink?”

  The Other nodded and looked around. “Yeah, whiskey, straight.”

  His voice was gruff and it went well with the stubble on his face and the dark circles under his eyes. He was about 6 feet tall, and carried his weight well. He was wearing a “Heating and Air” technicians uniform, but Bethany knew that was just a cover.

  She fixed the drinks and walked over to him. Handing his to him she demanded, “You didn't answer my question. What are you doing in my house?”

  Taking a sip he held the liquid in his mouth, savoring it. He swallowed and nodded. Strolling over to the couch he sat down. “I came to get my payment.” He shrugged.

  Tightlipped Bethany strode to the chair across from him and sat down, crossing her toned legs. She noticed him glance down briefly to stare at her legs, and it brought a small smile to her lips. “ are never supposed to come to my residence. What would possessed you to do such a thing today?”

  “Dunno...maybe the way things are kinda goin' down didn't give me a warm and fuzzy. I sit.” He smiled slightly and cocked his head to the side, looking directly at her. She nodded and took a sip. “I see...speaking of which, is there something you want to tell me? Is the news out of Canton our situation?”

  He drank down his whiskey and nodded. Standing up he walked over to the bar. “Yup...want another?” He asked as he poured his own.

  Turning she looked long at him. “Well THAT was not how this was supposed to happen!” She hissed.

  Walking past her with his drink he nodded. “Know that...not how I wanted things to happen. Sometimes ya gotta react on the fly.” Shrugging he sat down again. “So I did...and now you gotta pay me.”

  “Yes fine...what about his side? Do you know if he took care of it?” She asked as she took a sip.

  Smiling widely he shook his head. “ his clock cleaned by the girl. I never saw nothing like that. She's quick like a cat. Shea beaned him on the head, as he pushed her to the side. Real hero, that one. Anyway, took a beatin' for his troubles. She pulls out a blade and gets the better of Shea. Poked him four times and knocked him senseless with a knee shot.” Taking a sip of his drink, he grinned.

  Bethany stood up and strode to the bookcase where her safe was. “Go did he end up dead in the car then? You were supposed to make it look like an accident, or have him disappear.”

  Nodding he looked at his glass. “Yep...well I let him come around. Took a few minutes. He was a mess. I wasn't sure if he was gonna be found by one of the guys in the bar or something, 'cause she had brained him right out in the open and all. But nobody come out. So he comes to, and wobbles on over to his car.”

  As she listened she opened her safe. With her back turned she quietly grabbed her gun from the safe, along with a stack of money.

  He continued as he stood up with his empty glass. “So I figures if I just take him out it'd look like a scrap gone wrong...which is what it'll probably be. See?”

  He started forward toward the bar. Bethany turned around, holding the pistol behind her in her right hand. The stack of money was in her left.

  “Perhaps you could take care of his deal then?” She asked quietly.


  The news didn't have any new information, so Evan turned off the T.V. They went down to the kitchen and ate the lunch that Rita had assembled. Evan noticed the lack of any onion smel
l, and wondered why Rita had lied to them about her red eyes. During lunch Evan would steal a glance at Lindsey as she ate, and talked to Rita. They conversed mostly in Spanish and Evan marveled at this woman who looked like a princess, but drank beer, could fight, and also speak fluent Spanish. What other secrets do you have, there princess?

  “Oh!! Mr. Evan! You're bleeding!” Rita exclaimed breaking Evan out of his thoughts.

  She quickly came around the kitchen island and put a wet towel to the side of his head.

  “She has a bandaged leg, and now you're bleeding! What on earth?!”

  Evan gently took the towel from her and smiled. “Well Rita...when Lindsey and I go out and watch baseball and drink beer...sometimes blood gets shed.” He shot Lindsey a mischievous glance and put the towel back up to his head. “But I don't need stitches or anything...okay?”

  Rita looked at him with a skeptical look then shook her head and walked off muttering in Spanish. Lindsey burst out laughing as she heard Rita, and then responded in Spanish. Both ladies looked at Evan and laughed, and he felt his face get red.


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