Sweet Mercy

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Sweet Mercy Page 4

by Lynn Hagen

  Jason and Adam had been in cahoots with each other, plotting to kill Red to make Lincoln suffer. Mercy still had nightmares about that, although it had been a month since they’d met their fates.

  The sound of popping bacon pulled Mercy from his thoughts.

  “Do you think it’s possible that Ford is your mate?”

  Mercy’s hand faltered, and he nearly dropped the tongs he’d just grabbed. “Not every shifter interested in a person is that person’s mate.”

  “You should ask him. That might help you in your decision of what to do about him.” Red gave him a light tap on his back. “Let me know when the food is ready. I’ll be in Lincoln’s office if you need me.”

  Mercy was left with a pounding heart and spinning head. What if what Red said was true? What if Ford was giving him all this attention because they were mates?

  Why else would Ford offer to help Mercy open his bakery?


  Mercy needed to find out. He also wished Red had never opened his mouth. Now that was all he thought about as he finished breakfast, cooking on autopilot.

  Once breakfast was over and Mercy’s leg felt better, he went in search of Ford. Mercy needed to know the truth, though he wondered if he really wanted to know.

  Ford was a bear shifter. Mercy’s mind was blown.

  He’d also made a batch of cinnamon rolls, because he was downright pathetic. Mercy was scared shitless of the possibilities that he and Ford might be mates, yet he wanted to please the guy with what he’d promised him earlier.

  “Hey, Mercy.” Brett smiled at his approach. “Fuck, those cinnamon rolls smell divine. Tell me I can get one.”

  Mercy pulled back the cloth he’d draped over the plate. “Just one.”

  Brett grabbed one and shoved the whole damn thing into his mouth.

  “You better hope you don’t choke,” Mercy said. “I haven’t recertified my CPR training.”

  Brett grinned as he chewed. When he spoke, his mouth was still full. “You’d love to give me mouth to mouth.”

  “In your dreams.” Mercy looked around. “I was hoping to share these with the new workers.”

  Brett gave him a knowing look. “Ford is in the stables cleaning the saddles.”

  Mercy was busted, so he didn’t bother contradicting Brett.

  Brett winked. “I’m not an idiot, Mercy. I’m up bright and early and saw you two this morning.”

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Mercy walked away to Brett’s deep laughter. He was glad he could entertain the guy.

  Mercy squinted when he walked into the stables, adjusting his eyes to the dim interior. He stopped when he saw Ford at the other end, his back to Mercy.

  Ford really was a big, gorgeous guy, and hell, Mercy just might pass out watching Ford’s muscles flex as he worked the saddle soap in a circular motion. The scent invaded Mercy’s lungs. He might not want to work on the ranch, but Mercy did love that smell.

  Slowly, Ford’s arm stopped moving. He lifted his head, scented the air, and then turned. The smile on his face made Mercy’s heart skip a beat. The guy was genuinely glad to see him.

  “Cinnamon rolls.”

  “Baked you a batch, though Brett stole one.” Mercy walked toward Ford, his knees feeling weak and his palms growing sweaty. “He practically tackled me when he smelled them.”

  “Remind me to kill him,” Ford teased. “Never steal a man’s sweets.”

  “Or a bear’s.” Mercy handed over the plate. “You should have told me.”

  Caution entered Ford’s green eyes. “Would it have made a difference? You know shifters exist. I didn’t think it was a big deal. Did you announce you were human when we met?”

  “That’s not the same,” Mercy said. “I don’t know if someone isn’t human. You do.”

  Ford sat on the edge of the table he’d been working on and tossed one of the cinnamon rolls into his mouth. He watched Mercy carefully as he licked his fingers. “Are you mad at me?”

  “Well, no.” Mercy was trying to work up the courage to ask Ford if they were mates. What if Red was wrong? Mercy didn’t want to embarrass himself. For all he knew Ford was just being nice to him. Maybe he didn’t have any sexual interest in Mercy at all.

  And now Mercy was thinking about having sex with Ford. Just great. The last thing he needed was to pop a boner while standing there. He’d already embarrassed himself enough around the guy.

  “Then it’s settled.” Ford grinned. “You’re a human, and I’m a bear shifter. I’m glad we got that out of the way.”

  “There’s just one more thing.” Mercy blew out a breath, praying he wasn’t making a mistake. “Are we mates?”

  Chapter Four

  Ford nearly choked on the roll he’d been chewing on. He slapped the side of his fist against his chest until he could finally breathe again.

  “Don’t you dare choke!” Mercy looked frantic until Ford swallowed his bite and took a deep breath.

  That had been the last thing he’d expected Mercy to ask. Shit. Now what? Ford wasn’t sure he wanted to tell Mercy about them because he wasn’t sure if he wanted to stick around.

  He had too many enemies, and someone watching him only proved that he might be putting the people on the ranch in danger. He’d left Mercy this morning and gone on the hunt for whoever it was, but he’d come up empty.

  “Why would you think that?”

  There was more to Ford’s hesitation. His last assignment had nearly gotten a family killed. Ford had been filled with too much confidence, a mistake he never planned on making again.

  He should have taken time off after that, but Ford had damn near begged the Ultionem to give him another job, anything to get the cries of those children out of his head, that look of horror in the father’s eyes when he thought his family wouldn’t survive.


  Ford blinked several times, wishing he could take a jog to clear his mind. Running had always helped him, but he wasn’t sure if it was the act itself that helped or if he was actually trying to outrun those memories.

  He gave Mercy an easy smile even though he felt cold on the inside. “These sweets are delicious. Thanks for making them.”

  Mercy eyed him curiously as he nodded, as if he didn’t possess the confidence to push Ford for an answer. “You’re welcome.”

  Now Ford felt like shit for dodging the most important question of their lives. But he still wasn’t sure what he wanted to do and had felt cornered.

  As if he could read Ford’s unease, Mercy pressed his hands to his hips. “Well, I better get back to the house. I have a ton of chores to do.”

  With regret heavy in his heart, Ford watched his mate walk away. He hadn’t flat-out lied to his mate, but wasn’t an omission a lie?

  After eating a few more cinnamon rolls, Ford left the stables and headed for the bunkhouse. He changed into shorts and running shoes, then took off, uncaring that he hadn’t told Brett he was leaving.

  The pressure in his head eased as he pushed himself under the hot sun. Instead of jogging his usual mile, Ford went farther, letting his thoughts flow.

  His feet hit the blacktop. His arms swung at chest level. Sweat slid down from his scalp and from every pore in his body. The memory of the Rankle family faded as images of Mercy popped into his head.

  The way he bit his lip. The excitement in his baby blues when he saw Ford. That fucking blush that would be Ford’s undoing and the way his hand fluttered to his throat when he was nervous.

  As soon as he could, Ford was going into town to lease that building just in case someone else decided to. Mercy could take his time in deciding, but he seemed set on the shop across from Cresting Moon, and Ford wanted him to have it.

  He slowed then stopped, placing his hands on his hips and breathing heavy as he looked around. He’d passed the cow pasture from the morning before and had no clue how far he’d gone.

  All Ford knew was that he felt better, and that was all that mattered to hi
m. The memories purged, sliding back to the dark corners of his mind, he turned, ready to head back to the ranch when he spotted a Jeep heading down the road.


  The Jeep came to a sudden stop, and Mercy stared slack-jawed at him. “I thought you were in the stables.”

  Ford used the hem of his shirt to wipe his face, stalling as he tried to think of an excuse. He couldn’t tell Mercy why he’d taken off. Ford wasn’t ready to speak those memories out loud.

  “I see your leg is feeling a lot better.” Ford walked to the Jeep, exhausted from how far he’d pushed himself in the grueling heat. He realized he should have asked about Mercy’s leg when his mate had entered the stables, but Ford had been too busy ogling him then dodging the man’s question to notice.

  “The heat did the trick.” Mercy’s eyes slid over Ford’s body in a suggestive manner. “Do you need a ride?”

  That was a loaded question. What Ford really needed was some sexual release, and he wouldn’t mind Mercy riding him. But the guy had a past he didn’t want to talk about.

  A past that Ford was dead certain contained that waiter from the diner. Ford wanted to know what had happened, but if he was unwilling to talk about his past, who was he to push Mercy for information?

  “A ride would be appreciated.” Ford rounded the Jeep. “Where were you headed?” he asked when he climbed inside.

  “To drop off some mail at the post office and to pick a few things up from the grocery store.”

  Ford grinned. “You do an awful lot of grocery shopping.”

  Mercy drove toward town. Ford had thought his mate would drop him at the ranch first, but Ford didn’t mind tagging along.

  “You would, too, if you had nothing to do most of the day. Boredom can be your worst enemy if you don’t fill your time with needless errands. You can only cook and clean so much, and as you can see, the house is spotless. Sometimes I want to mess it up just so I have something to do.”

  There was more to it. Ford just had that feeling. As if being in town fed some kind of need Mercy had.

  “Those cinnamon rolls were thanks for helping me out with my tire.” Mercy turned and continued down the road. Up ahead Ford saw the first houses that indicated they were close to the town.

  “No thanks needed, but I appreciate you giving them to me.” Ford shifted in his seat to try and hide the growing erection in his shorts. “If those rolls are anything to go by, your bakery is going to be a success.”

  “You think so?” Mercy sounded uncertain. “I mean it’s one thing to dream about having your own business, but it’s another to actually run one.”

  “Have you thought about my offer?” Ford leaned forward, letting the cold air from the air conditioner cool off his face. He thought of when Mercy had done that the day before when he’d gotten into Ford’s truck.

  “I haven’t thought about anything else,” Mercy confessed. “There are a few things I think we should discuss, like me paying you back instead of you hiding in the shadows as my silent partner.”

  Ford grinned. “You afraid I’ll eat all the profits?”

  “Well, you are a big guy.”

  There went that blush that had Ford growing even harder.

  “While we’re in town, I think it would be best to secure that property you were looking at just in case someone else has an eye on it.”

  “I didn’t think about that,” Mercy said. “I guess you’re right.” His brows shot up. “Look at me talking as if this is possible, as if I’m really, really gonna go through with this.”

  Ford sat back, his grin still in place. He loved seeing the excitement bubbling inside his mate. All earlier shadows were gone, Mercy brightening Ford’s day.

  “I think you’ll be a great business owner.” And that would give Ford the excuse he needed to be in town. He’d rather exert his labors with Mercy’s bakery than work on a ranch.

  Mercy bounced in his seat as a grin split his face. “Okay, let’s do this!”

  * * * *

  While they’d been out, Ford had checked out the apartment over the property Mercy had just leased. It was a nice size and already furnished. It would be sweet to have a place over the shop. His commute would be nonexistent, and he could keep an eye on things.

  Mercy stood in the middle of the living room staring at the papers in his hand. “Did I really just sign this lease? Did I actually do that?”

  Some might think that Ford was moving too fast, but in his line of work, tomorrow wasn’t promised. That was a grisly way of looking at things, but it was the truth. He’d dodged death on many occasions, but one day he wouldn’t be so lucky.

  Besides, Mercy looked as though he would burst with happiness and crumple with fear. He spun in a circle, his gaze bouncing everywhere. “Pinch me.”

  Ford couldn’t help but grin. He’d never done anything like this before, making someone else’s dream come true. Ford was usually someone’s nightmare, and he had to admit it felt damn good to put a smile on Mercy’s face.

  He crossed the room and gave Mercy a teasing pinch that wasn’t really a pinch. “It’s real, hon.”

  Mercy’s blue eyes lit up. “We have to celebrate. Drinks are on me.” He pressed a hand to his chest. “I have to break the news to Lincoln. I know he’ll be proud of me, but…” Mercy took a few deep breaths. “My heart is racing.”

  With a chuckle Ford pulled Mercy into his arms. He wasn’t sure why he’d done it. Having Mercy curled to his chest felt natural, as if that was exactly where he belonged.

  “There’s still a lot to do,” Ford said. “Signing the lease was the easy part. The hard part is still ahead of us.”

  “It’s all I’ve thought about for years,” Mercy admitted. He hadn’t pulled from Ford’s arms. “I have catalogues stashed away, pages earmarked, and a list I’ve been compiling since the thought entered my head.”

  As if he’d just realized he was coiled in Ford’s arms, Mercy pulled back, his blush heating up his face. Ford had to suppress a growl as his mate walked toward the door.

  Well, that had lasted all of five seconds.

  “I have so much to do,” Mercy said, refusing to look Ford’s way. He spun, and his smile lit up his face. “Thank you so much for giving me that loan. I probably could have gotten it from Lincoln, but he’s done so much for me already. I didn’t want to seem like a mooch. I’d wanted to do this on my own.” His blush deepened. “Well, almost on my own.”

  Ford knew Mercy felt the pull. It was an undeniable feeling in the center of your chest. Ford felt it too, which was why it was hard not to want to be around him, hard not to give in to anything Mercy wanted.

  Even harder to think about walking away from him.

  His gut clenched at the thought of leaving Mercy to his life. Ford wasn’t sure he had it in him. But how could he make his mate happy when any one of Ford’s enemies could surface and come after him? He was on an assignment even now, and this was the only life he knew.

  Mercy deserved better than someone who was nothing more than a paid thug.

  His mate walked down the steps that led to the back of the building. He looked around, excitement still evident in his eyes when he glanced over his shoulder at Ford.

  “First, we need to head back to the ranch so I can tell Brett I quit.”

  Mercy’s brows shot up. “Why’re you quitting?”

  “I’ll be the one overseeing the renovations,” Ford answered. “I can’t do that from the ranch. Besides, I just got the gig to have something to do. Working there isn’t really my thing.”

  Mercy clutched the lease papers to his chest. “What is your thing?”

  Ford was on a slippery slope. He’d already dodged the question about them being mates. He didn’t want to keep lying to Mercy, but telling him why he was really in town wasn’t an option.

  “Renovations.” He gave Mercy a tight smile. “We’ll sit down and plan out how you want the bakery to look, and I’ll make that vision come true.”

’m a lot of things, Mr. Bowers, but stupid isn’t one of them.” Mercy narrowed his eyes. “You want me to trust you with my life’s dream, yet you can’t even tell me what you really do for a living. You can’t seriously want me to believe that you travel around renovating things.”

  “That’s a noble profession,” Ford argued. “A lot of people do that.”

  “But not you. My gut tells me there’s more to your story. If we’re in this together, I think I deserve the truth. That’s not asking for much.”

  “Why are you suddenly suspicious of me?”

  “I know when someone is hiding something. I knew Red wasn’t really a ranch worker. I figured that out in a week. I knew my ex-boyfriend was cheating on me from the guilty look in his eyes whenever he came home.”

  Mercy’s brows shot up as if he hadn’t meant to say the last part. Ford’s jaw clenched at the revealed information. Who in their right mind would cheat on him? They’d have to be insane. Mercy was sweet, a great cook, witty, charming, and gorgeous as fuck.

  But now he knew the backstory about the waiter. That had to be Mercy’s ex from the way his mate had acted.

  And now Ford stood there trying to pull the wool over Mercy’s eyes. Telling him lies and dodging legit questions. That was not how Ford wanted things to be between them. That was no way to start a relationship, though Ford kept telling himself that he wasn’t starting one.

  God, he was getting a headache at the way his emotions were flip-flopping around. Ford wanted to stay, to share in this new chapter in Mercy’s life, but he also feared that settling down would make him an easy target.

  For the first time in his life, Ford had no damn idea what to do.

  * * * *

  The ride back to the ranch was quiet. Mercy knew he was right. He had a sixth sense about these things. Ford was definitely hiding something, and now Mercy felt like an idiot for trusting him so easily.

  What had he been thinking? He’d known the guy for a few days and had agreed to take a loan from him. What sane person did that? This was Mercy’s dream he was trusting Ford with, and now he feared it might slip through his hands.


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