The Devil’s Kiss

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The Devil’s Kiss Page 12

by Stacey Kennedy

  His smile was raw and scary. “This is what I ask of you. You want the wolf then you will do this tonight. I will set up another portal to send you to his home. I have already scheduled a meeting with him. Be ready in an hour.”

  Fucking fuck!

  Chapter Nine

  The journey back was as hard as the way in. My butt took a hard blow as I landed on the hard marble floors in the Council’s Foyer. As I walked back into the Council’s Hall, I rubbed the pain away with my hand. However, new pain of annoyance gripped me the moment I stepped into the room as Zia exclaimed, “He kissed you.”

  “Thanks a lot, Zia. Geesh! Not helping here,” I snapped.

  She smiled a very unforgiving grin. “It just took me by surprise is all.”

  Kyden stood against the wall, arms crossed, expression calm. Calm angry is much, much worse than raging mad.

  My gaze was drawn away from him when Haven rushed forward, and wrapped her arms around me. “I’ve been so worried about you.” She backed away. “He kissed you?”

  I sighed, my annoyance growing. It would have been nice to tell Kyden this myself, alone, when I could fully explain what happened. Hearing it the way he was now, wasn’t going to settle his mood any. “I stopped him and besides he was doing it just to goad me.”

  “What happened?” Zia asked.

  Quickly, I ran through the nights events, but stopped before I told them the job I had to do. “Did you know it looks like a gated community?” I asked Zia.

  Her eyes went wide, the blue seemed to grow lighter. “It what?”

  “You heard me right,” I retorted. “There were mansions spread out in a giant pentagram. Did you know it looked like that?”

  She shook her head, clearly shocked. “I have never been.”

  That surprised me. “Really?”

  “No one has. Magnus does not welcome others who don’t wish to live in his realm.”

  “So tell, tell, what is the job?” Haven asked, impatiently.

  I grit my teeth, this was the part I dreaded and attempted to put off for as long as I could. “There is a Warlock in the Underworld Magnus wants me to destroy.”

  Zia gasped, her hands coming up to her chest. “That is what he wants of you?”

  I nodded grimly. “Someone named Pye.”

  Fear swept across Zia’s face as she took a giant step forward to reach out me. “By the Gods, he can’t expect this of you.”

  Her attempt stopped when Valor grabbed me by the arms and placed me directly in front of him. “You are not to do this. Dante wouldn’t want you to do this. Pye is a powerful Warlock who could very well kill you.”

  “What Dante wants isn’t really up for discussion now is it?” I commented.

  “When does he want you to do this?” Talon asked.

  My gaze met his, and I took a giant step back. Anger seeped off him with a pure need to keep me safe. My heart clenched a little knowing just how tight my and Talon’s relationship had become. As much as hearing words was nice sometimes, his reaction spoke volumes, and that only made me feel loved.

  “In an hour,” I said quietly.

  Without any warning, Kyden growled possessively and lunged forward, tore me from Valor’s arms and slammed me up against the wall. “Get the fuck out. All of you,” he roared.

  Shock ruminated on every face, including mine. Kyden has always been possessive, but this enraged tone was one that even I had never heard before. He was always put together, rarely wavered from his calm demeanor.

  “Kyden,” Talon said softly.

  Kyden turned and glared at him. “Get the fuck out.”

  Talon gave his son a concerned look, but nodded and followed the rest of them out. I held my breath, waiting for the storm to hit. Sure, I understood that I’d be facing his wrath when I returned, but truth be told, I wasn’t quite expecting this.

  His gaze turned back to mine, and I actually shrunk a little. He looked scary—damn scary.

  “You are mine,” he growled. I chose to say nothing. “No one gets to kiss your lips. No one gets to drink your blood, and you do not get to fight others without me.”

  I waited, letting him get what he had to say out. If I said anything, I’d be a Nexi pancake.

  “You continue to not listen to me. You continue to act foolishly. Going off on your own, endangering yourself, and I am going to put an end to it.”

  I blinked. He leaned in. We were nose-to-nose. “You will not be going to do this.”


  “No,” he roared, pushing against my arms to keep me immobile. “I made a promise to Drake to keep you safe, and by the Gods, I will keep it.”

  “I have to,” I whispered.

  “No. You. Do. Not,” he said through gritted teeth.

  “It’s Dante…”

  He slammed my shoulders hard against the wall as if to knock some sense into me. “I said you will not be going.”

  I sighed deeply. This was pointless. We’d just be running in circles with this conversation. Instead, I just stared at him. He held me tight against the wall, making it quite clear that if he wanted to stop me, he could. I didn’t doubt that.

  Half an hour passed and nothing had changed. He had me pinned, the fierceness in his eyes never faded. How could I get him to see reason? Urgh, I was coming up blank.

  He was scared for my life. Hell, I was scared for my life. This wasn’t a vampire I was going up against. This was a very powerful Warlock in the Underworld. He would never allow me to go. He couldn’t. It wasn’t in his nature to let me go off on my own and fight a battle without him. We would never agree.

  Many more minutes passed before the others sauntered back into the room. “We need to discuss this,” Talon said firmly. “Kyden, she cannot go in there blind.”

  Kyden’s gaze never left mine. His fierceness only grew as he began to accept that it didn’t matter what he said, what he did. I’d be going.

  “You have to let go,” I whispered to him.

  “I can’t,” he said fiercely.

  Reaching up, I grabbed his hands and pried them off my shoulders. He was right. He couldn’t let go, couldn’t allow this, but what choice did he have? I wiggled out beneath him and made my way over to Talon, taking a quick glance back. Kyden had flopped back against the wall, definitely needing the support.

  Talon said, “What you need to know is that there will be many guards with Pye. As you said, Magnus got you a meeting alone with him. This will be an advantage for you. You will be able to kill Pye before the others will be aware.”

  “Yes,” Zia agreed. “Keep your Spirit strong with you. Protect yourself completely. He will have guards with him. These demons hold strong Black Magic, but your shield will guard you.”

  “Focus on Pye,” Talon added. “He will be your greatest target.”

  Zia took my hands, holding them securely in hers. “As much as I do not like this idea, you will need to use Black Magic in order to destroy him. Our White Magic will not compare to the force of Pye. This will be your only way. Draw on it instantly and use as much force as you can. He will come at you strong. Do you understand?”

  I nodded. Right about now, I was kissing the elements for gifting this to me. Without it, I’d be toast. “When will the other demons near him be notified?” I asked, curious just how much time I had to get out.

  “You will only have minutes before the others will come,” Zia continued. “So, you need to get out of there quickly. Keep your shield up strong and run back to the portal. The demons’ only defense will be to try to steal your soul. If your shield holds and blocks them then you will be able to make it out.”

  “So they cannot physically attack me?” I asked.

  Zia shook her head firmly. “No. They are demons. They have no physical strength. All their strength thrives from Black Magic. They will come at you hard. That is why you need to get out of there quickly. A few demons your shield can handle, but more than th
at, you will not be able to sustain your hold.”

  “Okay, so what about the guards he has with him?” I asked. “What do I do about them?”

  “Do not worry about them. Once you have destroyed Pye, just get back here. They cannot cross over the dimensions without Magnus’ consent and I doubt he will give it to them.”

  She may have been sure about that, I wasn’t. “What will it be like? I mean with the demons.” I had to ask.

  Zia squeezed my hands tighter. “They are stealers of souls. Imagine that. Imagine how bad you think it will be, and then multiple it tenfold. It will be something like that.”

  I gulped deeply. Wonderful!

  Valor suddenly approached me, took my hands from Zia’s and raised them to his heart. “You don’t need to do this.”

  I smiled, stepped into him. “Let’s just move past all this, okay. I’m going. I know what it feels to lose ones you love. I don’t want you to feel that, Valor. I can help you and I’m going to. That’s the end of it.”

  “No. You do not owe me this debt.”

  “Everything will be fine. I’ll be fine.” Deep within me, I believed it. I had become strong—I didn’t doubt in my abilities. The demons were a little worrisome, but I would just do what Zia said. Kill Pye and get out. Simple right?

  Valor backed away very slowly. He didn’t want to let me go. He looked about as wound up as Kyden. I definitely had to make it through this or Valor was going to carry a heavy burden. The guilt in his eyes said one thing…he believed he was sending me off to my death. Well, my answer to that—I hadn’t been given this gift to sit on it. I had to do whatever I could.

  “I would go with you,” Zia said. “But I cannot get through the portal. Magnus will set it up for you alone.”

  “I know you would, Zia.” I lifted my chin and squared my shoulders. “Would you all stop looking as if I am about to die? Have some confidence! Geesh.”

  No one’s expressions changed.

  Surprisingly, Finn was the one who took me in his arms and hugged me tightly. Haven sobbed loudly behind him.

  “Do it quickly. We will wait here for you,” he said.

  I smiled softly when he released me. “Get in and get out.”

  He nodded, encouragingly. “That’s right.”

  Haven abruptly lunged forward and yanked me into a fierce hug. “No, don’t go. I don’t want you to go. Don’t do this.”

  “Me neither,” Willow’s voice was sad at my feet.

  I hushed Haven, patted her back, then glanced down at Willow. “I will be fine. I have my shield to protect me. If Magnus thought this was going to kill me he wouldn’t have me do this.”

  Why I believed that beyond a doubt was a bizarre thing, but for some reason, I knew he wouldn’t endanger my life. “He thinks I can defeat Pye, so you all should too. I will be back before you know it.”

  Haven clenched me tighter. I sighed and reached up to pull her arms away. Putting them in this position, sucked—the next hour was going to be taxing for them. I reached down and gave Willow a little pat before I moved on.

  Kyden stood off to the side. His glare burned the back of my head. He was holding on by a very thin thread. I glanced toward him. His fierce expression remained intact. I slowly walked toward him.

  When I reached his side, he was stiff as a board. Every muscle clenched, every vein in his body bulged, and his knuckles were stone white. I raised my hands to his chest and just rested them there. He trembled beneath me.

  There was only one thing to do. Words could not properly explain why I needed to do this for Valor. I opened my connection with Spirit and let through every single memory I had of what it felt like when I lost my family. Every emotion I suffered¯the loss, depression, the deep heartbreak.

  When the visions stopped, I opened my eyes. Kyden’s head was bowed. He quickly pulled me into him, hugged me with every ounce of strength and love he had.

  “That’s why,” I whispered.

  He leaned back and looked down to me. No words needed to be said. He finally understood why I couldn’t let that happen to Valor, why I needed to do this. He also saw that I wanted him to trust me and support me. He simply had to be there for me.

  It softened him a smidgen. His eyes bore into mine as he shared my soul. Saw my world as it once was, saw my pain exposed and raw. He saw exactly what I desperately needed from him.

  “Come back to me, Álainn,” he whispered, then his lips met mine.

  Then, I left, walked toward the darkest place I’d ever gone.


  * * * *

  When I connected with hard ground, I gasped in pain then raised my head to see one of Hugh Hefner’s playboy bunnies. At least, that’s what she looked like, but I knew better. She was a demon.

  “Pye will see you now,” she said, and began walking toward a large mansion.

  I got to my feet and ran a little to catch up with her. We were approaching a gate that led into a large, ranch-style mansion. Neatly trimmed bushes that were more art than plants decorated the grounds as a huge stone fountain flowed water over a beautiful woman.

  She opened the front door, we stepped through and my breath was immediately lost as evil surrounded me. Oh yeah, he had guards¯apparently lots of them. I could only hope they were on another floor to give me time for my escape. The demon led me down the hall, turned into a large sitting room and motioned for me to sit on a chair. “Wait here.”

  Too nervous to sit, I glanced around. It was a normal rich person’s sitting room—expensive with all the trimmings. I quickly drew on Spirit, held my shield firm around me for the added security and to settle my nerves just as the little playboy bunny stepped back into the room. “Pye requests your presence. Come with me,” she ordered.

  Following behind her, she headed toward the back of the house where a door sat. The closer we got the more evil crept through. I sucked in a deep breath, trying to keep the nerves at bay. I got the sinking suspicion that there were far more demons in this house than expected and far more than I first thought. Once at the door, she stopped, then opened it and we stepped through.


  Magnus didn’t know what he was talking about, or maybe he did. Why I believed what he told me was just plain stupid on my part. I wasn’t going to have a private meeting with Pye—the twenty demons surrounding him made that pretty obvious.

  “Come forward,” Pye demanded.

  I pushed back my fear, knowing the demons in this room could feel it. Obviously, the plan had changed. I couldn’t help but wonder how the hell I was going to get out of this. Zia said I wouldn’t be able to handle too many demons for long. But what could I do? If I didn’t destroy Pye, Dante would be gone forever.

  It was too late to turn back now anyway. I had no other reason for coming here. What could I say, that I just wanted to stop by for a tea? Just because the situation changed didn’t mean I had a choice in this. My only hope was that I could kill Pye fast enough to get the hell out.

  Just as I was about to draw on my magic a woman suddenly stepped away from the crowd. “What the fuck?” I growled.

  “Nexi, my darling,” Tyrianna hummed.

  “Is this some sick joke?” I managed. I met her gaze and knew instantly that it was. Her eyes were shadowed, dark—nothing of the wonderful witch lived in there. This wasn’t her. Another thing Magnus wasn’t truthful about, Pye knew enough about me to know the look of my mother.

  “We thought it would comfort you,” Tyrianna the demon said.

  “Well it doesn’t. So, fucking stop it,” I spat.

  The demon shimmered and returned to her normal form. I exhaled with a clenched heart. Seeing my mother, no matter how she was depicted, still affected me.

  “Just trying to make you more comfortable,” Pye said. “Now then, tell me what business someone of the Otherworld has with me.”

  He was sitting in a throne chair and resembled a Greek God. Short blond curly hair, p
erfect cream-colored skin—all he needed was the toga.

  After that little escapade, this was going to be easier than I thought. Now, I was mad, and that anger pointed to only one place—Pye. “I would just like to say that this isn’t personal,” I said, and prepared myself.

  Pye’s brows rose. “What isn’t personal?”

  “This gift from Magnus,” I growled, and with as much power I had in me, I blasted him with fire.

  It flew toward him, but before it hit, one of Pye’s demons jumped in front of him and it burned the demon into black smoke. Dammit!


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