Ladies Prefer Champagne Alpha Male Romance Mega Bundle

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Ladies Prefer Champagne Alpha Male Romance Mega Bundle Page 18

by Champagne Jackson

  He grunted when I gripped his cockhead, rubbing it, twisting it, and then grabbing his cock, his shaft, and holding it with both hands as I began to jack it off. I whimpered, hungry to feel him lose control.

  “Oh, damn it all…” Gaston muttered, grabbing me hard and pressing me into a nearby rock, pressing me over the rock, with my ass facing him.

  “Are you going to take me now?” I whispered hungrily, the passion and desire dripping from my words, my desperation to feel him inside of me mounting with each passing second, with each passing moment.

  “Does this answer your question?” he asked with a grunt, pressing his cock between my thighs and into my tightness. My pussy offered some resistance but that resistance immediately collapsed as my pussy wrapped itself around him, grabbing his cock tight and all but sucking him in.

  “Oh, gods…” I whimpered, hanging my head, closing my eyes as the pleasant ache of love-making returned. “Oh, gods, Gaston, it’s so bloody good…”

  He grabbed me hard by the hair, pulling me back, hungry growls reverberating deep in his throat.

  “You’ll take my cock, darling,” he whispered. “Tonight and every night… From now on…”

  “Yes, please!” I groaned, pressing my ass back into him, taking him deeper and deeper, gasping with each thrust as he fucked his cock into me.

  He gripped my hair hard, threading his fingers into my locks, digging his nails roughly into my scalp. The pain was all pleasure and I closed my eyes tight, whimpering and gasping with each thrust as his cock pulsed inside my tight hole, my pussy walls gripping his cock hard, gripping him achingly and hungrily, sucking him deep in with each thrust.

  Gaston dug his teeth hard into the back of my shoulder and I whimpered again, letting out a delighted gasp as he all but drew blood. I loved the way he mixed pleasure and pain, the way he drove into me, and the way it seemed that he made love to me with his entire body…

  Faster and faster, harder and harder, he pounded me, he slammed his body weight into me, pounding my tightness without remorse. I knew I would be aching in the morning but I didn’t care… I loved the way he made love to me, and I looked forward with all my heart to the future—a future with my bearman, with my werebear, making love to him every night and bearing his bear children…

  I found myself, unsurprisingly, on the verge of orgasm. I flung my head back, finding his lips on my neck now, my body wracked with ecstasy as my insides spasmed around Gaston’s cock.

  “Oh, gods! Oh, oh, oh…” I squealed, shaking and cumming, loving every moment of it. My orgasm alone—that electrified pleasure which lanced through every cell of my body—was too much for him and before I knew what was happening, I could feel his cum flowing into my hole, into my womb.

  He was seeding me again, plowing my field, driving himself and his essence into my fertile womb. Yes, I could feel his seed quickening inside of me, and a rumble in my stomach—was it just my imagination? God, I wanted it—wanted to bear his child, his bear-child…

  He grunted and growled the entire time he came, the entire time he planted his essence in me. He sounded more like a beast now than a man and I loved it, loved the way he smelled, the way he sounded, everything about him.

  Finally, he slid himself out of me, his cock sloppy and soft.

  Sleep came on fast. I was vaguely aware of Gaston, picking me up and carrying me out of the stream and into our lean-to, draping a fur over me.

  “I will bear your children…” I whispered to Gaston, drunk on his love and looking up at him, my insides sticky and aching.

  “Aye, that you probably will… And for that, I apologize,” he said gravely.

  “Why?” I asked, innocence echoing in my voice.

  “It’s no easy life, being the mother of bear children, nor the woman of a werebear.”

  “I lost any sort of easy life I could have had, now, didn’t I?” I asked, smugly.

  He smiled sadly at me and that was the last thing I remembered before drifting off to sleep.


  It has been five years since we reached the village Gaston spoke of. It’s not perfect but… But it’s home now.

  Our home. My home, with Gaston and our boys.

  I had twins eight months after we arrived in the village. Gaston waited outside the midwife’s tiny, tidy hut, pacing back in forth down the main road in the village while the midwife delivered our boys, bringing them into the world: all chubby cheeks and sharp teeth, abnormally hairy and fierce even as newborns. They did not howl and cry so much as groan and growl.

  They’ve grown into adorable little monsters, with tawny flesh and mischievous eyes. Both have thick shocks of curly dark hair and handsome, charming features, as if sculpted from marble. We named one Kuma and the other Urza, names for “bear” in the ancient languages of a far-off land that Gaston had once heard of.

  Flecks of grey have started to appear in Gaston’s hair and beard. He used some small savings that he had packed away to open a black smith’s shop—the first in the village. He’s already become successful—the local farmers love having a reliable smith in town, rather than having to travel an hour to the next village over to get their tools fixed or to pick up a new sickle.

  The chief’s men have never found us here. Every once in a while, Gaston mentions to me that he’s heard rumors of strange men, several villages over, asking about a bearman and a young, black runaway slave… But our village is so small, so obscure, that it doesn’t even have a name and never manages to attract outsiders.

  I do fear the day they arrive, but I knew Gaston will be ready.

  He’s been forging a sword: a huge blade as tall as I am, razor sharp, with an intricately woven handle and guard to protect the users hands during combat…

  But I know that Gaston won’t even make use of it. I know he would transform, simply turning into a bear, a huge mass of flesh and fur and claws… And that’s the way he would destroy those who come to hurt us.

  But now my story must end, for Gaston is home from working and the boys are playing with the neighbors, so I know he will want to love me. I’ll strip off my dress and wait in our warm, cozy hut, ready to wrap my legs around him and let him take me to his heart’s delight until we hear the shouts of our sons running home…

  The Wolf's Gaze

  Table of Contents


  Full Moon




  An Old Flame

  Finding Him


  What was there to say about Liberty? I could tell you about the first time he walked into my parents’ little roadside convenience store, covered in filth and asking to break a five. Or how about when he chased me through the woods, hunting me, just like I wanted to be hunted? Or what happened after that?

  I guess I should introduce myself first. My name is Tashandra. I’m nineteen. I live with my parents in a little town in Mississippi you’ve never heard of. I’ve worked at the convenience store my parents run ever since I was thirteen and I’ll probably work there until the day I die. At least, that’s what I always thought—until Liberty came along.

  I’m what you might call a bigger girl. I’m not fat, mind you. At least I don’t think so—there are definitely some assholes in high school who called me that. But I think I’m pretty good looking. I’ve got nice curves and a nice butt and nice boobs—it catches the attention of all the boys, I’ve noticed.

  I see there looks when I’m working behind the counter, trying to sneak a look down the front of my shirt. I blush and pretend I don’t see them but I see them.

  Oh, I see them all right.

  I’ve got curly dark hair and bright hazel eyes and dark, dusky freckles barely visible against my black skin. Which I guess is a good thing? At least, I hope it is.

  That’s how I met Liberty. It was late one night and I could see the lights of a car pulling up outside. We’d be closing in about five minutes so I wasn’t
looking forward to telling whoever this was that I wouldn’t be able to do much for him, besides make a milk shake or get him a cup of coffee.

  The doors to the convenience store flung open and in strode the man I’d come to know as… Liberty. He was tall and well-built, a miniature mountain of muscle encased in leather and chains. He was your classic bad boy. I’ve always liked bad boys. I’ve always wanted a bad boy. Never got one.

  In fact, I’d never gotten… Anyone. I was a virgin. And ashamed about it. My friends had all lost their virginities (some of them in multiple places, if you know what I mean…) and the ones who went off to college would come home with stories of sexy young college men, who were as smart as they were attractive and strong.

  It was enough to make a country girl like me swoon. The closest I’d ever gotten to that was my best friend’s older brother, Keith—he always used to tease me growing up and oh, god, how I fantasized about losing my virginity to him.

  I always hoped he would make a move and though we came close—he would sometimes drive me to work and pick me up on the way home and there would be definite sexual tension between the two of us as we sat there in the car, the tension threatening to boil over into a passionate eruption—we never crossed that final line.

  I even remembered one time when we hugged after he dropped me off—I forget where or why—and he let his hands fall to my full bottom. I had gasped, melting into his arms and we were moments away from a kiss when someone—I have no idea who, though whoever it was, I considered them my mortal enemy afterwards—called Keith’s name and he dropped his hands away, letting me fall away from him.

  We never slept together and I still regretted not taking the initiative there. He had gone off to college on a scholarship while I hung around, bored as all get out in Greencliff, Mississippi.

  And wouldn’t you know it… This young man looked exactly like Keith. He was white like Keith, but somehow… Even sexier. Dangerous. Just a little bit. Oh dear.

  “Hi there, stranger,” I said, trying to be as sweet as possible since I’d be telling the poor boy to get out in a minute. “Just so you know, we’re closing in five minutes.”

  The young man eyed me warily. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a wrinkled five-dollar bill.

  “Then just give me change for a five.” He looked as if he hadn’t shaved in about a week and his hair was artfully tossled. Damn, but it was a good look on this stranger.

  I breathed a sigh of relief. Change for a fiver was something I could do.

  “No problem,” I said, taking the bill out of his hand. Our fingers touched for a second and lingered for the most delicious of moments before breaking apart again.

  “I just need to get off the highway. Need it for the tolls,” the stranger explained as I counted out the cash.

  “Totally understand. Not a problem,” I replied. I was just glad that this guy wasn’t going to get belligerent with me, as the folks who come in late sometimes do. I hated that. And my parents had already gone home, so it was just me, alone in the convenience store with this stranger…

  “Do you live around here?” he asked suddenly. I could feel his hungry eyes looking me over and it took me a second to realize what that hunger meant. Did he want me? It sent a thrill up my spine to realize that, to see the way he licked his lips as he looked down the front of my shirt like so many other men did.

  “I do,” I said, but I didn’t offer any more details. I thrust the money towards him, hoping he would just go ahead and leave now…

  “Do you live by yourself?” he asked suddenly. Sharp, cold fear shot through my body. I stopped being attracted to this man and I started being afraid of him. Well, to be honest, I was still pretty attracted to him. Maybe even more so now that I knew what he was thinking…

  “No, with my parents,” I said carefully. He didn’t take the money. His eyes searched mine. That’s when I realized there was something… Something strange about them.

  Something unnatural. Unearthly, even.

  One eye was a deep, cobalt blue while the other… The other was an orange-hazel, almost like fire. It burned me and I was afraid and entranced at the same time.

  “I need a place to stay,” he said simply. “I can’t pay but I could offer you something else.”

  “Well, I don’t have anywhere for you to stay.”

  “Let me stay here.”

  “I can’t do that. This is a convenience store, not a hotel. You can get back on the highway and you’ll find a place in a couple miles.”

  “Can’t,” he said simply. “I can’t be on the highway. Can’t be outside.”

  He glanced nervously over his shoulder, through the window at the cloudy night sky.

  “This will sound crazy but… I’ve got to avoid the moon. At all costs.”


  “Full moon tonight. It… does things to me.”

  Full Moon

  So the guy was a nut case. He was a complete, verifiable nut case. I let out a long, slow sigh. How the hell was I going to get out of this?

  He took the money and pocketed. Then, he vaulted himself over the counter, with the greatest of ease, ending up on the other side with me. I gasped, my eyes wide.

  “What’re you doing? Get away from me!” I shrieked, but of course there was no one to hear me.

  “I won’t hurt you,” he said softly and for some reason, I believed him. I relaxed and let him wrap his arms around my waist, pulling me close.

  “I bet you’ve never known a man before. What’s your name?”

  “Tashandra,” I whispered, taking in his scent: he smelled like leather and tobacco. It was a good smell, a strong smell.

  “My name is Liberty. I bet you’ve never known a man before, Tashandra.”

  “I know plenty of men.”

  “But none like me. I promise you that.”

  “What makes you so special?” I whispered, becoming intrigued by this game in spite of myself.

  “I am a beast,” Liberty said, leaning closer to me. In spite of my apprehension, I let him do it. I even leaned into him, inhaling his intoxicating scent, delighting in the way it washed over me.

  I could feel his strength underneath his clothing and when his lips touched my neck, it drove me wild. His lips were like electricity, biting into my soft flesh and sending little waves of passion throughout my whole body. He kissed up my neck, over my soft cheeks, and finally captured my lips with his.

  I’d always been such a careful girl. I couldn’t believe what I was doing now… Here I was, kissing a man I’d just met!

  And I was loving it—I was loving every second of it. I wanted more; I wanted more of this man. That was all I could think about as I tugged at his lips with my own, my tongue dueling his for dominance.

  Suddenly, his hands were under my apron. They were undoing my pants. My eyes widened as he slid them down, along with my panties, leaving me butt naked right there in the convenience store.

  “Liberty, wait,” I said, breathlessly. His fingers ran over my thighs and I sighed, shuddering with delight.

  “I want to taste you,” Liberty whispered. “I’ve wanted to taste you ever since I walked in.”

  “T-taste me?”

  “Of course… You’ve never had a man lick you, have you?” As if to emphasize what he was about to do, he licked his lips, lasciviously, and the anticipation sent a chill up my spine. Now, naturally, I’d heard my girlfriends talk about being eaten out but I’d never experienced it for myself…

  I stepped out of my clothes and Liberty lifted me up onto the counter as if I weighed nothing. I blushed and put my palms over my crotch, covering my sex, hiding it from him. I met his eyes and his steady, determined gaze won me over. Ever so slowly, I removed my heads and thrust my hips forward, my pussy on display, covered with a light dusting of auburn hair.

  Liberty knelt between my legs and began to kiss up my thighs, kissing over my tender skin.

  I sighed in delight at his mouth, his tongue on
my soft, sensitive skin. I yelped when he nipped me and whimpered as he would get close to my aching core and then, teasing me, kiss away, back down my thighs.

  “Please, Liberty, I want it,” I whined. “I want you to… To taste me.”

  “In due time, Tashandra,” he whispered huskily. I could feel his scratchy, unshaved face running along my thighs and it tickled deliciously.

  “But I want it now!” I said, playfully pushing his head down, running my fingers through his messy hair. “Lick me, beast boy.”


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